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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4349346 No.4349346 [Reply] [Original]

How does /ck/ season their cast iron?

And if you're not using flaxseed oil, why are you using an inferior seasoning oil?

>> No.4349351

because, I'm not going to go out and buy some hippster, organic oil with only one job, just to season my cast iron when seasoning with any oil will do just fine.

>> No.4349357

You're retarded.

And yeah, flax seed oil is my go-to. I keep one of those bottles for all seasoning needs, and also a spoonful as medicine.

Lard would be the only other good choice, but considering pigs aren't bred for fat anymore (at least not commercially really) the lard your grandparents were seasoning their cast iron cookwear with was different from what it is today.

>> No.4349362
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The 'organic' bullshit is just marketing garbage. You can use any flaxseed oil you want. And it's not hipster, flaxseed oil has been used for centuries. And it's not 'one use only', the shit is actually good for you. And "any oil" will NOT do just fine. Most are shit, don't polymerize properly, and take a ton of time and effort to get a mediocre seasoning layer.

You use lard, don't you. MFW

>> No.4349374
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Lard actually isn't that great. It will work, eventually, but it takes a hell of a lot of time and the finish is pretty fragile.

Vegetable oils are actually the best, because they'll actually form polymer chains on their own-- the heat just makes that happen faster and more efficiently. And flaxseed oil polymerizes like a motherfucker.

That's why it's also used to finish wood... except they tend to call it linseed oil for that purpose. Same shit though.

pic related, polymerized flaxseed oil (sold as linseed oil) on a walnut rifle stock.

>> No.4349376

yeah i read that article saying flaxseed oil is the best. i tried seasoning with it, building up like 6 layers heating it to 450 on my oven (highest it goes to). first, eggs stuck to it like adhesive. second, i was still able to scratch the coating. i then went to my vastly superior t-fal nonstick pan. dont care if it kills birds, i'm not a bird. i'm not a dog either so i can still eat chocolate.

>> No.4349389
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>eggs stuck to it like adhesive
Cast-iron seasoning-- you're doing it wrong.

Also, nonstick is fine for eggs, sauteeing and other basic grunt-work cooking tasks, but for anything that requires any kind of heat retention and even heat (which is basically everything else), cast iron is vastly superior.

tl;dr - you're basic

>> No.4349423
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mm.. purty.

But now that makes me want to finish my nugget with lard. Doing a mad minute sounds mouthwatering.

>> No.4349427

Yeah, I noticed that happened to me too. I hear it takes a while to actually get your cast iron to be non-stick, and that the initial seasoning is just a base.

As an offshoot, what's the easiest way to clean a cast iron pan?

>> No.4349429

Don't do it! Use BLO like I did on that Remington 550-1. Lard won't work. At all.

>> No.4349434

Honestly, I use soap and hot water and a non-scratch scrubber just like I would use on a teflon pan.

If you have a good, hard layer of seasoning, you won't damage it. Just put a very thin layer of oil on it before you put it away, and you're good.

>> No.4349435

mfw i have no face because you
refer to things and objects as "hipster"
kill yourself

>> No.4349441
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>> No.4349446

after every use I just remove the left overs and spray it with pam cooking spray

>> No.4349450

lel at ur attempt

>> No.4349473
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Ok, even though flaxseed oil and linseed oil are the same thing, YOU CANNOT SEASON YOUR PAN WITH BOILED LINSEED OIL, DUMBASS. Boiled linseed oil has additives that make it polymerize faster. These additives are all poisonous. Some even contain lead.

Use food-grade flaxseed oil ONLY for your cookware.

>> No.4350144
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But the only reason it was used in the past was because flax seed oil was in every household because it had a lot of uses in the old days. It was basically the duct tape of the bronze through stone age in northern Europe.

Other oils are fine, in fact you don't even need to season most cast iron unless you've stripped it bare with dangerous chemicals (inb4 water is a chemical durr dur).

If you don't happen to have a bunch of flax oil lying around, going out to a health food store and buying it for the sole purpose of rubbing it all over your lodge preseasoned pan just because fixie riding pencil dick moustache boy told you to do so in his tumblr is hilarious and you deserve all the mockery the internet can throw at you.

>> No.4351422
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>if I can't afford it, it's for DOUCHEBAGS

Why do people have this mentality?

>> No.4351424

Good lord, please tell me people aren't dumb enough to actually do that?!?

>> No.4351425


>i then went to my vastly superior t-fal nonstick pan. dont care if it kills birds, i'm not a bird.

I don't think you understand the significance. It doesn't have some specifically bird-killing property, it releases poison. Enough poison to kill a bird. That shit's not good to breathe in

>> No.4351478

first day on the internet?

>> No.4351502

I like to pretend that humans aren't shit-flinging apes, but then....I get a huge disappointment.

>> No.4351509

we've traded shitflinging for shitposting


>> No.4351527


>thinks organic is stupid



>> No.4351529


>use flax oil just for seasoning cast iron pans
>don't even into eating it for health benefits, or because its for tasty cooking


>> No.4351531


thank you

>> No.4351636

I use lard.

>> No.4351640

>can't afford it

bitch please. I don't need to sperg out over a $6 bottle of retro hip oil because I have a pan for every task. enjoy trying to boil spaghetti in your cast iron pan.