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4348149 No.4348149 [Reply] [Original]

The farm just delivered a massive pile of sweet potatoes. I have lots of vegetables and I was planning to make sweet potato has browns for breakfasts because I have onions and very little talent in /ck but learning.

I also always have eggs, cheese, and multi-grain bread and some pasta on hand. Other than that it's just a bunch of other vegetables from various farms/markets.

tl;dr - sweet potato recip?

>> No.4348179

Go simple and make sweet potato fries/chips

>> No.4348189


They freeze really well when cooked. Use them later for mashes, pies, etc. Maybe even pieces.

The frozen sweet potatoes I had were already mashed and prepared, to be served as a side. So you might want to test a smaller portion before going all out.

>> No.4348199

Fries, mashed podurdur

I guess there is nothing exotic to me concocted with these little treasures...

>> No.4348200

bake some, use it in place of potato in a potato bread recipe. fucking awesome with honey and butter

>> No.4348198

>Bake Sweet Potato until the begin to soften
>Let them cool to room temp
>Peel and slice into rounds
>Fry in butter until crispy on each side
>Sprinkle with sugar while still hot
Only way I eat Sweet Potatoes.

>> No.4348224


I think you could also par-fry (blanch) some of them to freeze, to later make fries.

They keep for a while, though, but I don't know how massive your pile is. At any rate ...

>> No.4348226

These are amazingly delicious, and they also freeze really well. If you want to make them ahead of time and freeze them, just lay the cooked pancakes on a lightly greased baking sheet and place in the freezer. Once they're frozen, just put them in a ziplock bag and keep in the freezer. When you're ready to eat some, just take them out and place them (singly, not stacked) on a plate and nuke them for about 2 minutes or until hot.

Sweet Potato Pancakes:

3/4 pound sweet potatoes
1 1/2 cups all-purpose flour
3 1/2 teaspoons baking powder
1 teaspoon salt
1/2 teaspoon ground nutmeg
2 eggs, beaten
1 1/2 cups milk
1/4 cup butter, melted

Place sweet potatoes in a medium saucepan of boiling water, and cook until tender but firm, about 15 minutes. Drain, let cool enough to handle, and remove skins, chop, and mash. In a medium bowl, sift together flour, baking powder, salt, and nutmeg. Mix mashed sweet potatoes, eggs, milk and butter in a separate medium bowl. Blend sweet potato mixture into the flour mixture to form a batter. Preheat a lightly greased griddle over medium-high heat. Drop batter mixture onto the prepared griddle by heaping spoonfuls, and cook until golden brown, turning once with a spatula when the surface begins to bubble.

>> No.4348466

Sweet potato pie,
Sweet potato pies, everywhere.

One thing ive done with them that was good was cut them up, cut up some carrots, put together in a bowl tossed with a little(like a tsp or 2) brown sugar and cinnamon and baked for about 45-55 minutes at 350f. makes a good side dish and is pretty cheap.

>> No.4348470

baked sweet potato
fries with a honesy mustard dipping sauce
my favorite: large dice, mix in bowl with garlic salt, salt, pepper & a few dashes of lime juice. then roast

>> No.4348472

Make green juice
rub with oil, bake
muffins and quick breads
pancakes and waffles
the possibilities are endless!

>> No.4348573
File: 356 KB, 700x467, thanksgivingday-sweet-potato-pockets.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Made these for Thanksgiving and blew friends and family away.


>> No.4348864
File: 78 KB, 500x374, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not sure what other veggies/root fruits you hvae but: SOUP. Too lazy to G-translate myself but in swedish: Jordärtskockor
that and sweet potatoes, asparragus, leek and carrots. chicken stock, a lil bit of white wine and some whole cream

Captcha: because scrupok

Why else?

>> No.4348891

Fried duck with honeyginger sauce.
Lightly grilled sweet potato slices
arugala on the side

>> No.4348938

Somebody misspelled 'like' and uploaded it without catching the error?

>> No.4349055

Mash with coconutmilk, cinnamon and nutmeg.

>> No.4349080


>> No.4351230

Sweet potato puree made by boiling/roasting sweet potato and blending the piss out of it, add cream, season, and maybye some roasted garlic.

>> No.4351237

I usually hate sweet potatoes, but my sister made some for me a while ago that I loved.

You just sliced them into little circles, put them on a pan with some canola oil spray, stick them in the oven, and sprinkle on some Tony's creole seasoning.

Then if you want, you can dip them in ketchup. So good.

>> No.4351238


found this in a thanksgiving magazine one year. it converted my parents, who didn't like the candied/marshmallow/whatever presentation of sweet potatoes but had never seen them done any other way.

goddamn delicious

>> No.4351256

Fries and pepper jelly for dip.
Twice baked
Hash browns
Matzo balls
Funnel Cake

>> No.4351261

>sweet potato

Give them to people you dislike or throw them in the bin.

>> No.4351268

>throw them in the bin
So wasteful I cringed.
Grow up, faggot.

>> No.4351271

Put them in your compost bin then. Not so wasteful.

>> No.4351273

Those are actually yams in OP's pic

Sweet potatoes are white, but longer and more root shaped than normal potatoes.

sweet potato mash is good, also dice up very small for hash, or to put on tacos.

>> No.4351278

>Those are actually yams in OP's pic
>Sweet potatoes are white


>> No.4351281

>Sweet potatoes (Ipomoea batatas) come in two main varieties here in the States. One has a golden skin with creamy white flesh and a crumbly texture.
>The other has a copper skin with an orange flesh that is sweet and soft. All sweet potato varieties generally have the same shape and size -- they are tapered at the ends and much smaller than the aforementioned yams.

Yams (family Dioscoreaceae) are native to Africa and Asia and other tropical regions. Yams are starchy tubers that have an almost black bark-like skin and white, purple or reddish flesh and come in many varieties. The tubers can be as small as regular potatoes or grow upwards of five feet long.

>> No.4351285
File: 27 KB, 256x257, who_could_it_be.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

sweet potato and sardines, it's good for you goyim

1 medium sweet potato per goy
1/2 tin of sardines in olive oil per goy
squeeze of lemon juice
freshly ground black pepper

create a cross in the sweet potato, wrap in tin foil and bake at a high temperature until soft
heat the sardines under the grill, transfer to a bowl and mash with the lemon juice and black pepper
stuff the sardine mixture into the slit sweet potato and serve with a large green salad, dressing and toasted seeds

>> No.4351335

Spread some mashed baked sweet potato on buttered toast. Tastes good.
Bake sweet potato bread (tastes similar to pumpkin bread).
Experiment: Try making a sweet potato-based pasta sauce

>> No.4351347 [DELETED] 

To everyone arguing about the picture, I googled "yam" and this exact picture came as nr. 5.

>> No.4351351


>> No.4352057

Veggie tacos!! You could add chunks of chicken to it too probably..

taco shells or tortillas
1 sweet potato, diced 1/2" pieces
1 bell pepper, sliced
1 zuccini, sliced
1/2 onion, diced
1 can black beans, drained
1 tbsp cumin
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/4 tsp coriander
1/4 tsp cinnamon
2 cloves garlic, minced
shredded cheese
salt && black pepper to taste
diced avocado && Salsa for topping

add olive oil to a large frying pan. add spices/seasonings. med high heat. add sweet potatoes, brown on all sides. add other veggies and 1/2 cup water. simmer, covered on med, stirring occasionally until potatoes are tender, around ten minutes.
put shredded cheese on taco shell or tortilla && park them bad boys under a hot broiler until the cheese is melted. load em up

>> No.4352075

Are you making the reference to G-ds chosen simply because of the tin foil cooking it with the food at a high temperature?

>> No.4352091

sweet potato mash. Half sweet, half normal, with milk, salt and pepper and grated nutmeg.

goes nicely with loads of things (beef, chicken, lamb etc.)

>> No.4352114

Oven for 1 hour
cut it in half
put butter on it
eat it

>> No.4352144

> Although the soft, orange sweet potato is often called a "yam" in parts of North America, the sweet potato is botanically very distinct from a genuine yam (Dioscorea), which is native to Africa and Asia and belongs to the monocot family Dioscoreaceae. To prevent confusion, the United States Department of Agriculture requires sweet potatoes labeled as "yams" to also be labeled as "sweet potatoes".

Blah blah blah, I can quote things I found in five seconds on Google too.

>> No.4354519

simple mashed sweet potatos.
Dice and Boil until tender.
Mash, and mix w/melted butter and apple cider.
Salt and pepper to taste

>> No.4354521


You just hate her because she is a sassy strong womyn who will break the rules.

>> No.4354524

if you want even sweeter, sprinkle w/brown sugar, cinnamon, or nutmeg.

>> No.4354541
File: 363 KB, 500x500, 1362877094652.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted this in another thread, but here is how to make god tier sweet potatoes. Its easy, requires no special ingredients (other than horseradish i guess? but if you dont have that in your fridge you should kill yourself), and is cheap.

Molasses Horseradish Sweet Potato Spears

Serves 8-10

3 lb medium sweet potatoes, peeled and each cut lengthwise into 8 spears
¼ cup vegetable oil
1 ¼ teaspoon salt
5 tablespoons unsalted butter
1/3 cup molasses (not robust or blackstrap)
1/3 cup bottled horseradish (including juice, 3 oz)

Preheat oven to 450 F. Toss potatoes with oil and ¾ teaspoon salt. Spread in one layer on large shallow baking pan (1 inch deep). Roast, turning once or twice until tender, 18-22 minutes. Leave oven on.

While potatoes roast bring butter, molasses, horseradish (including juice) and ½ teaspoon salt to a boil in a small heavy saucepan. Reduce heat and simmer, stirring occasionally, until slightly thickened and reduced to about ¾ cup, about 5 minutes. Transfer to a blender and puree 30 seconds. Pour glaze through a fine mesh strainer into a bowl, pressing on and discarding solids.

Drizzle glaze over cooked sweet potatoes and gently toss until coated. Just before serving, bake glazed sweet potatoes in hot oven for 3-5 minutes.

>> No.4354558

sweet potato gnocchi
I just ripped this right off google if you need a recipe 2 1-pound red-skinned sweet potatoes (yams), rinsed, patted dry, pierced all over with fork

1 cup finely grated Parmesan cheese (about 3 ounces)
2 tablespoons (packed) golden brown sugar
2 teaspoons plus 2 tablespoons salt
1/2 teaspoon freshly ground nutmeg
2 3/4 cups (about) all purpose flour
1 cup (2 sticks) unsalted butter