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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4347326 No.4347326 [Reply] [Original]

sup /ck/
can you post some easy to make, low-fat chicken breast recipes ?

>> No.4347343

Boil in water, eat with swim fins on

>> No.4347354

>chop into 1" chunks
>coat in fat-free yogurt, minced garlic, lemon juice, curry powder, salt
>marinade overnight
>spray or brush a pan with refined olive oil (negligible amount)
>pan fry until golden brown
>eat in a pita with lettuce, tomato, and tzatziki
>or omit the pita and make a shawarma salad with the above-listed ingredients

>> No.4347359

chicken tartar

>> No.4347378

You must be either retarded or a troll

>> No.4347382

Back when I was losing weight, I'd steam bone-in chicken breasts coated with lemon pepper seasoning, along with some carrots and maybe a couple of red potatoes.
Steamed chicken may not sound super-appealing, but it tastes fantastic, because steaming keeps the meat juicy (as we all know, chicken breast gets dry fairly easily) while adding zero fat. And the lemon-pepper seasoning adds tons of flavor.

>> No.4347385

>fat in foods makes you fat

i didn't know /ck/ had broscience.

>> No.4347386

I had to squint to figure out what he meant.

It's spelled tartare, you idiot. Tartar is the sauce.

>> No.4347393

Throw some lemon pepper and whatever else you have in your spice rack. Then bake it.

You should just cook the whole chicken with carrots and potatoes and have a meal for a week.

>> No.4347397

>whole chicken
>dinner for a week
Are you a fucking Ethiopian?

>> No.4347415

>Are you a fucking Ethiopian?

What are you implying? That a whole chicken couldn't feed one person dinner for a week?

I suppose it wouldn't if you're a fatass and don't know what portion sizes are.

>> No.4347421

It's 2 meals, you cheap 40 pound weakling.

>> No.4347427

i dont agree with that guy that a whole chicken is ridiculous, but a whole chicken has 8 pieces, including wings. that's 7 "servings" according to you (assuming 2 wings to a serving), which is pathetic. 1 piece of chicken (especially a leg or wing) does not a serving size make.

>> No.4347426
File: 16 KB, 240x240, tard_babby_girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>2 wings, breasts, thighs, drumsticks
>enough for 21 meals

>> No.4347425

Marinade in whatever sauce you like ovrernight and bake at 375 for 25ish min.

>> No.4347437

>one dinner per week = 21 meals


>> No.4347434

It's not about fat making you fat, moron. It's about keeping calories down, so you can better your calorie deficit.
>implying foods have to be cooked in fats to be good

>> No.4347443

>there are 21 dinners in a week

lol were you posting your picture or what?

>> No.4347446

>removing or reducing the potatoes wouldnt be a more effective way to reduce calories

you're not very good at managing your calories, are you? no wonder you let yourself get fat in the first place.

>> No.4347452

What part of "maybe" don't you understand, shitdick?

>> No.4347460

well in that case,

>only sometimes getting any reasonable amount of carbs

man besides posting one of the least flavorful meals i've ever seen, you can't even into macros.

>> No.4347477
File: 113 KB, 466x500, fail cat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're a poorly turned out autist troll.
Your attempt to elicit anger has failed, as you are obviously just a flamer. Enjoy your day vainly attempting to make others angry to deflate your own personal lack of fulfillment and happiness.

>> No.4347483


>oh no i have no valid response
>better call him a troll

continue eating your shitty steamed chicken.

>chicken breast gets dry fairly easily

no, you just can't cook as shown by this statement and your shitty example meal.

>> No.4347494
File: 48 KB, 320x286, tard_babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you said meals, not dinners, faggot.

but, i'll redo it just for you, you special little yuropoor snowflake

>2 wings, thighs, breasts, drumsticks
>enough for 7 dinners

>> No.4347503
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Keep it up, junior, no one gives a shit about your opinions. You can rage and insult people all you like, but you're the dumbass here. Steaming meats has been a reliable and much used cooking technique for centuries. Which you'd know if you actually had any culinary knowledge.

>> No.4347501


I was assuming that we could be creative with a whole chicken. Maybe chicken and the vegetables one night, then a chicken salad the next, or a chicken wrap/sandwich, or a chicken pasta dish. I didn't mean that just the chicken alone would be a great (and healthy) meal by itself for 7 days, but merely that you could use it in many different ways that would give you seven meals.

Hell, I'd even use the bones and fat left in the dish to make some soup.

>> No.4347499

He (not I) said, "one meal per day for a week".

Apparently you think 7 * 1 = 21.

Have fun.

>> No.4347507


Are you trying to tell me that you really think that those are the only places there is meat on a chicken?

I'm just going to assume that your mother makes all your meals.

>> No.4347508

what i was getting at is 1 piece (2 wings) is not a sufficient serving of protein (for most people). you'd have to supplement that with something else, unless you want to load up on carbs. but we're not in the 50s anymore, so we know that 6-11 servings of carbs and only 3-5 of protein is not ideal. people should only do that if they're destitute.

>> No.4347516

>calls me a moron
>tells me I'M insulting people

yeah i'm definitely the troll here. just because people have done something for a long time doesn't make it the ideal method. go out to a nice restaurant and find me steamed meat, go ahead.

>> No.4347534

You ARE insulting people, you fucking idiot.
And yes, you can get steamed meats in restaurants. God, you're dumb.

>> No.4347537

telling the truth (that you can't cook because you dry out fucking chicken breast) is not an insult. you're a fucking moron. that's an insult.

nice example you have there.

>> No.4347547

HAHAHAHA you fucking dumb cunt.
I could cook circles around you, both at home and professionally. Just because you drench your food in fats and call it great doesn't mean you can cook. There's myriad techniques for cooking meats, and few are factually, empirically superior to others. All can be done extremely well. You are ignorant. Nothing worse than a loud, obnoxious idiot.

>> No.4347550
File: 218 KB, 618x458, a team fortress 2 movie where a blue pyro played by colin mochrie unboxes an unusual connoiseurs cap.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>chop into quarter inch slices
>stir fry in a wok
>add veggies eventually
>add sesame oil and soy sauce while cooking
>boil noodles and toss those in there towards the end

mmmmmmmmmmm nigga das som gud food

>> No.4347555


When did /ck/ become youtube

>> No.4347556

>can't cook chicken breast without steaming it
>i could cook circles around you

you are making this way too easy.

if you knew anything about professional cooking, you'd know that almost all professionals use a shitload of fats in their cooking.

>> No.4347659

Not at home, dickface, or we'd all weigh 300 lbs. Just for suckers like you, so you'll keep coming back for more, fatty.

>> No.4347662

>using fat makes everyone fat

i dont even know where to begin with that one. so i'll just say you're a moron.

also, not fat. and no, i don't care if you believe me.

>> No.4347714
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>> No.4347757

>chicken breast
>2 tablespoons balsamic vinegar
>1 tablespoon honey
>1 1/2 tablespoons olive oil
>1 teaspoon garlic powder
>1 teaspoon of paprika
>1/2 teaspoon chili powder
>salt & pepper for taste
season chicken with garlic powder, paprika, chili powder, salt and pepper. add chicken to pan and sear on both sides three minutes, reduce heat to medium low, cover with lid cooking another 6-7 minutes or until chicken is fully cooked. remove chicken, turn off heat and add mixed sauce to hot pan stirring until thickens. add chicken back into pan to coat sauce. sauce: mix balsamic, honey, salt and pepper.

>> No.4347789


chicken recipes, not all of them are "lowfat"

>> No.4347809

>has no reasonable case
>I'll just them a name instead

Good job, retard

>> No.4347834

>doing the exact same thing i did earlier in the thread

clever, 2/10 i responded.

in case you're more stupid than troll, dietary fat doesn't make people fat, excess calories do. you retard.

>> No.4347932

No shit, Sherlock. You don't read very well, do you.

>> No.4347944

>Not at home, dickface, or we'd all weigh 300 lbs

in response to

>you'd know that almost all professionals use a shitload of fats in their cooking.

you're not very good at backpeddaling. keep thinking eating fat makes you fat, and i'll stay healthy.

>> No.4347951

>implying I want to save cooked chicken for that many days

>> No.4347962
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>eating the same dinner 7 nights a week

>> No.4348028

Fat has more calories than steam, idiot. You're so dense, it's fucking painful.

>> No.4348035

>implying food cant be low calorie and still have fat in it.

you might as well go vegetarian. your knowledge of food is narrow enough.