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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 20 KB, 480x335, Hard-cooked-egg-hero-480x335.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4345413 No.4345413 [Reply] [Original]

>keep hardboiled egg refridgerated for several weeks
>peel it when I notice it's there
>doesn't look too bad
>doesn't taste bad either
>later I search how long before they go bad
>1 week

Uh-oh. Ok, before anyone calls me out on being retarded, how long do I have before I die/vomit everywhere? No fucking way am I going through food poisoning again, not after last time.

>> No.4345423
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The dark is coming.

>> No.4345425

>doesn't look too bad
>doesn't taste bad either

You'll be fine, OP.

>> No.4345438

I dunno. The last time I got food poisoning, it was from a sandwich that looked and tasted fine.

>> No.4345476

If you're that worried OP why haven't you induced puking yet? Too long ago?

>> No.4345484

No, it was like half an hour ago at this point. And I'm not worried enough to make myself puke. There were no discolorations, though I didn't smell it, so I thought it was fine. But now I'm not so sure.

>> No.4345488

4-5 hours before you can be sure.

>> No.4345499

Well half an hour ago is still plenty able to puke it up. Anyway, if it tasted and looked okay it was probably okay.

>> No.4345503

If it helps, the egg was still in the shell. It wasn't peeled beforehand.

>> No.4345506

doesn't matter
you're going to die a slow and horrible dry-heave diarrhea filled death.

>> No.4345516

op save yourself some shittertime and take some Imodium now

>> No.4345556

The egg and refrigeration will have kept it mostly fresh, your probably fine. You won't know for a day though

>> No.4345572

Why would you eat cooked food after 3+ weeks?

>> No.4345981

It has been about 3.5 hours since possibly bad egg ingestion, all signs appear normal, however for the last hour I've had an uneasy feeling in my gut. Not sure if it's a placebo or actually darkness looming.

>> No.4345990

Food poisoning often doesn't show symptoms for 12+ hours after ingestion of the contaminated food. You're not out of the woods yet by a longshot.

>> No.4346034

He's right, you won't know until very early in the morning.
Have fun sleeping OP

>> No.4346052
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I knew it. It was like that last time too.

Goddamnit, please don't make me go through that again. I was vomiting every 5 minutes, and felt like I was about to die. I can't go through that again.

>> No.4346065

If it's any consolodation, I ate bad sausage and had food poisoning within 3 hours, so it varies tbh.
Good luck OP

>> No.4346069

The problem is that pathogenic bacteria do not affect the eating quality of food, while spoilage bacteria do not cause illness. Therefore, something which is obviously spoiled may be perfectly safe to eat, and something which looks and tastes fine may put you in the hospital.

>> No.4346073

if it looked, tasted and smelt ok, then there shouldnt a be a problem

>> No.4346590

Is OP still with us?

>> No.4346606

I got food poisoning from a grilled cheese sandwich
Not sure how it happened, but I haven't been able to eat ham since

>> No.4346631

What they said.

>later I search how long before they go bad
>1 week
OP, those are only safety guidelines. Many of them are MAJORLY conservative, in fact most are. Like they tell you you can't store food safely in the freezer past 3 months or whatever. I've kept stuff way past twice as long and it's been fine. Everything depends on local conditions.

Some hard-boiled eggs wouldn't be safe to eat after refrigeration this long, some would. Depends on the eggs and depends on the fridge.

>> No.4346634

I hate to gross you out here but it's likely that it was from improperly washes hands... i.e. that you got poisoned by faecal bacteria.

>> No.4346756

It has now been 13 hours since possibly bad egg ingestion, all signs still appear normal. The shitty feeling in my stomach has gone down, but I'm afraid shit's going to go down once I actually eat something.

>> No.4346772


By FAR the most common foodborne illness is Norovirus, and following that is coliform (fecal) bacteria--both of which have nothing to do with the nature of the food involved. It is spread between humans due to poor hygiene--like not washing your hands properly, coughing or sneezing around food, using dirty utensils, etc.

Basic hygiene such as washing your hands properly, covering coughs, using clean utensils, etc, is far more important in preventing foodborne illness than worrying about undercooked meat, expiration dates, and so on.

>> No.4346817

Stop angsting over it FFS. That alone could make you ill don't you realise?

Unless angsty is your go-to emotional state in which case I apologise, there's nothing you can do about it.

If you're really worried that the next time you eat you're going to have a reaction, then don't eat. It's not like you'll starve if you don't eat for half a day or 24 hours. If you're craving something savoury then have some broth or consommé

>> No.4346821
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RIP in peace OP