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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 25 KB, 389x419, okay.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4342152 No.4342152 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: meals that ruined your day

>making my "special" boxed mac&cheese (guilty pleasure of mine)
>boil water, add dave's insanity sauce, cut smoked sausage into coins, add to water with pasta
>pour correct amount of WHOLE milk (fuck that 2% bullshit)
>go to grab butter
>fuck it, find backup margarine in the freezer
>complete meal as directed

>mfw it tastes like plastic
>mfw i pick out the sausage and dump the rest


>> No.4342167
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Keep backup butter instead of backup margarine.
Problems solved forever.

>> No.4342180
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my mom was dropping off some leftovers like 6 months ago and gave me 4 sticks so i just kept them in the freezer figuring one day i'd accidentally run out of butter (which i did) and it would be a reasonable substitute

>> No.4342181
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>> No.4342183

That sounds awful. This is why I laugh when my gf says we don't need 2 lbs of butter in the fridge. Fuck that. Between baking and regular cooking I run through way too much to ever want to be in the position of going to the store for more in the middle of a recipe.

>backup margarine
Why not back up olive oil?

>> No.4342320

>making grilled cheese
>make tomato soup
>prep sandwiches (cheddar, salami, diced onion)
>1 pat of butter left in fridge
>take soup off heat
>paper towel over sandwiches
>change out of pjs and into street clothes
>brush teeth
>put on deodorant
>lace up boots
>get hoodie out of closet
>put on hoodie
>put on flannel
>spend 5min looking for gloves
>drive 10min to store
>undesirables everywhere
>get butter and a few odds and ends
>wait in line for 10min while gorilla argues about sale prices
>drive 10min home
>cat has dismantled one sandwich
>bread on other sandwich is all crusty and dry
>skin on muh soup

never again

>> No.4342574

>back up olive oil


>> No.4342595

One night for dinner when I was about 8 years old, my mom made her homemade spaghetti. I was so excited that I gobbled down 3 plates, shortly before throwing it all up.
I didn't eat spaghetti again for 6 years.

>> No.4342604
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> homemade spaghetti
> pic related

>> No.4342608
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>grandma makes her own cheese popcorn
>only get to see her once every 6 months
>makes a batch every time just for me
>10hr drive home
>lid came off tupperware in the trunk
>stale ass cheese popcorn when i get home

>> No.4342611

I can't believe someone fucked her.

>> No.4342619

>obsessed with prawn mayo sandwiches as a child
>get a really fancy one from marks and sparks
>bite into the middle
>unshelled prawn
>with spine attached
>shiver runs from mouth all down spine
>cold prickles across skin
>throw sandwich away and scream

i have serious food issues but thats the only one thats sticking out in my mind right now
i mean my dad routinely involves pork in his "cooking", which i am heavily allergic to, because he thinks i just have 'a weak stomach'

>> No.4342629

>wake up one saturday morning
>roommate out of town, place all to myself
>got a nice long night's sleep, it's around 11am
>want to make pancakes
>fuck up the pancakes
>taste like shit
>throw away half
>it starts to rain
>tree falls over and lose power in my apartment
>day turned to shit within an hour of me getting up

>> No.4342635

>first time making tomato sauce completely from scratch
>no canned anything, only using tomatoes from my grandmother's garden
>roast some of them, leave some raw
>puree all of them together, set the burner on medium low and start seasoning
>decide to add some spices, mainly cumin and coriander
>toast the seeds, grind them, and add to the sauce
>taste it a little while later
>"hmm, needs more cumin, but I don't feel like toasting and grinding some more"
>use pre ground cumin
>gingerly shake some in
>cap falls off
>all the cumin goes in my sauce

>> No.4342644

why didn't you just ladle it out before it mixed?

>> No.4342682


>> No.4342691

>craving a delicious greasy cheeseburger for weeks
>decide I'll finally treat myself and get one for dinner
>invite mom out to eat with me because I haven't seen her in a while
>says she wants to go to Dairy Queen
>not what I had in mind but settle because It's what she wants
>wait a good 20 minutes in the store for our food to be done
>finally get it and invite my mom back home to eat and hang out for a while
>finally time to eat, unwrap burger and dig in
>not as bad as I was expecting and definitely satiating my craving
>bacon is kind of chewy, have to pull my head back a bit for the strand to snap off
>take another bite and realize the bacon isn't that chewy, and what I was eating before was a similar texture to hair
>oh fuck
>trying not to feel grossed out so I put my burger down and think about what happened
>few minutes after, decide I need to look despite feeling disgusted
>take burger apart, see long, thick, black hair wrapped AROUND the patty
>throw it all out not mentioning it to my mother because I didn't want to spoil her meal

God dammit, I really wanted a decent burger for the longest time and it just kept getting worse and worse. I get that a hair in food isn't the worst thing, but there was no way in hell one of the employees didn't do that on purpose.

>> No.4342799
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>craving a delicious runny yolk motherfucking fried egg sandwich
>make toast
>hit that bitch with miracle whip an hot sauce
>grab egg carton
>one egg left
>flip said egg
>yolk explodes upon reentry
>mfw no runny yolk for dippin

>> No.4342822
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Made a batch of puttanesca sauce last weekend, but I didn't have red pepper. It ended up pretty damn good and well-balanced. At the last minute I thought: 'Maybe I could just put it in a bit of hot sauce instead of peppers'.

At first there was barely a drop coming out after tipping the bottle. I started shaking it over the pot and ended up with nearly the whole bottle splashing in. I tasted it with pasta but couldn't stomach more than 2 bites. Had to throw away that batch, and I was really looking forward to it. No capers, anchovies, tomatoes, parsley and olives left.

>> No.4342830

God, that's depressing. Ruins your whole day.

>> No.4342838

>lace up boots
>get hoodie out of closet
>put on hoodie
>put on flannel


>> No.4342842

What's wrong with unshelled shrimp? I like chewing on those. Is the spine the black thing? Because I suck those off the shrimp.

>> No.4342846

problem with boots and flannels?

>> No.4342856

that's the vein, shrimps are invertebrates with an exo-skeleton

>> No.4342857

>throw sandwich away and scream

My sides have to know; Was it in that order?

>> No.4342859

This always happened when I was a little kid, it never happens now that I'm older.

>eat tuna sandwiches often
>always fuck something up
>burn my hand on toaster, toasting my bread
>drop half the sandwich on the floor while I was spreading the tuna on the bread
>tuna somehow falls off bread onto the floor
>apply too much force spreading the tuna and crumple the bread
>mess up tuna:mayo ratio
>would always know I would get pissed off making tuna sandwiches but they're so good

After one or more of these things happened I would fly into an uncontrollable rage and punch, squish, and throw on ground my sandwich. Then I would sit there with a mangled sandwich and eat in silence.

>> No.4342860

Hoodies and flannels, yeah

>> No.4342863

So were you stating the vein was a spine? Or am I missing the big picture here

>> No.4342861
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>> No.4342866

I've always been told that "black thing" is shrimp poop.

>> No.4342869

i'm a different guy is all

>> No.4342877

Fat fuck.
Kill yourself.

>> No.4342885

>eating a bowl of delicious Dinty Moore soup/stew
>fly is buzzing around wanting some
>swat the air, fuck off
>fly suddenly disappears
>spidey senses are tingling
>look under my spoon
>mushed fly in my soup/stew

>> No.4342891

the spine is just shrimp poop
it's edible, just like lobster poop

>> No.4342897

>>bite into the middle
also, meat allergies are very uncommon. why -only- pork?

>> No.4342898


>undesirables everywhere

My fucking sides.

>> No.4342913

Any time I want a fried egg over easy and I break the god damned yolk.

>> No.4342924

ya, also called the "mudvein" it's the colon of the shrimp/prawn/lobster

>> No.4342969

And yet, I eat it

>> No.4342977

and people eat tripe...

but it's considered poor form to not clean the mudvein prior to cooking such critters

>> No.4343017

I read this earlier and this legit just happened to me as well. I know dat feel.

mfw is yfw

>> No.4343049
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>8 years old
>be poor kid (we were pretty well off until dad died)
>try to find food for dinner with sister
>only food that doesn't require prep is frosted mini wheats
>pour two bowls of cereal
>eat some
>cereal has lots of meal worms in it
>be sad

And no one ate dinner that night.

>> No.4343122

I was going to make a crack about meal worms being safe and nutritious, but then I felt really bad for you and remembered back when my dad was an alcoholic and there were bugs all over our rented home.

>> No.4343124

>lose half of your eggs because they stick to the pan
fuck you cast iron

>> No.4343192


My mother has an allergy associated with pork, she's not actually allergic to the meat, but an antibiotic regularly used in pig farming.

>> No.4343207

>In college
>Want some Trix
>Check the fridge and out of milk
>Hey have OJ, it's a breakfast drink, should work
>Most acidic and sour thing ever.

>> No.4343222

Hhahaha. I have a similar issue. My cast iron is flawlessly non-stick, but it peels off down to the raw iron all the fucking time.

Between you and me, I think the cast-iron fags are people who don't actually cook but once a week and on low heat because they don't know how to sauté.

>> No.4343261

How did you even get into college?

>> No.4343272

>had this amazing potato, pepperoni and sausage soup at a nearby bistro
>found a very similar recipe online
>followed recipe exactly
>spend an awfully long time soaking the grease out of the sausage and pepperoni
>soup still ended up so full of grease it was like a pan after baking really great bacon

Fuck it, I just go eat at the bistro when they have that soup.

>> No.4343280

A few hours ago.

>Decide to try some kind of "French Chicken Dumpling Soup"
>The chicken is ground up into the dumpling dough/crumbs
>Recipe calls for cream
>Recipe calls for nutmeg
>Follow recipe instructions & soup looks good
>ladle up & sit down to eat
>Take a big bite

In short: dumplings tasted weird & sweet & would have been way better with a more savory taste. The ground chicken in them gave them a slightly strange texture.

I'm not really sure if I even want to try to make it again or not. At the very least the broth is good...but man this just ruined muh day.

>> No.4343287

I've experienced this too.

>> No.4343297

My sides

>> No.4343374

>in college
>thinking like a 7 year old

>> No.4343389

>flawlessly nonstick
>peels down to raw iron all the fucking time

>seasoning flakes off

i think you missed something.

>> No.4343441

my dad is lactose intolerant and he eats corn flakes with oj on it. i've done it a few times and its not bad.

>> No.4343460
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This one happened today, actually.

>have evening class, got out a little early but still get home at 9pm
>haven't eaten dinner
>not a lot of food in the house, need to go food shopping
>tired and not in the mood for a lot of cooking anyway
>well at least i have some pasta and some jarred sauce
>cook up pasta, add sauce, put on plate
>open fridge
>roommate ate the last of the parmesan cheese
>mfw having to eat pasta with no cheese

>> No.4343462

>be a kid and want some cheerios
>no milk
>use apple juice instead

It wasn't terrible

>> No.4343473

>be 8 and think peanut butter is ball out awesome
>eat it often whenever I can
>mom leaves me alone figuring I'm old enough to just stay with my grandma
>eat like 5 peanut butter sandwiches and just kinda eat peanut butter by itself
>next day mom makes me peanut butter and banana pancakes as a treat for me
>eat one pancake
>just vomit peanut butter everywhere
>can't not vomit for a while
>feel like shit all day
>never enjoy peanut butter again

I remember just crying and confessing everything to my mom, sure she did some voodoo magic on something as punishment for eating so much peanut butter, until she was also freaking out and calling her doctor brother and rushing me to the hospital for them to do nothing but let me suffer. Life ruined.

>> No.4343489

I don't have to open it to know it's Henry's Kitchen.

>> No.4343506

some people take it out because of this. I don't ever notice a flavor so I skip the extra effort if I'm cooking alone.

>> No.4343508

that isnt the worst thing in the world dude

>> No.4343509

trips can't be wrong. Keep a teflon pan in the house only for eggs

>> No.4343628

did the same thing with fruity pebbles and kool aid

>> No.4344239

nutmeg is one of those things that can really fuck up a dish.
i find more often than not that if its in a recipe it ends up tasting like taste

>> No.4344303

>go to shitty chinese buffet.
>first plate, load up some general tso'schicken and rice.
>second bit of chicken.
>suddent pain in the roof of my mouth.
>reach in.
>find a huge fucking shard of crab shell embedded in the roof of my mouth.
My mouth tasted like blood for 2 days. Never went back.

>> No.4344689
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>prepare all the ingredients for a bad ass sub sandwich for work lunch
>fuckload of ham and swiss in a bag
>8" roll
>individual packets of mustard and mayo
>tomatoes and pickles in one sandwich baggie (dried on paper towel)
>onion and lettuce in another
>fat ass sandwich bag of cheetos
>orange flavored amp energy drink
>toss everything into the empty bread bag (why waste a brown bag)
>toss it in lunchroom fridge
>open fridge
>orange liquid everywhere
>bag is full of orange liquid and all my shit's floating in it
>sub roll and cheetos are saturated
>mfw tap water and a danish from the vending machine for lunch

when i went in the bag to see if there was anything salvageable i could see the dent on the can where someone obviously dropped it and just stuck the bag back in the fridge. i knew the bread was lost cuz i didn't wrap it individually cuz it was in the bag it came in, but i was hoping maybe teh cheetos were ok, but no. at that point i just tossed the whole lot, cleaned up the amp in the fridge and went to the vending machine.

>> No.4344735


Dude, what?

>> No.4344749

You should have used oil.
Why do you even have margarine at all?

>> No.4344758

"tastes like taste" was a /ck/ meme for a short while. Started by some guy complaining about sandwich wrap or something.

>> No.4344763


>> No.4344773


> drinking energy drinks

You got what you deserved.

>> No.4344774

anytime i make a burger and realize I don't have ketchup or buns
fuck bread i'd rather use hotdog buns

>> No.4344821

i like caffeine but not coffee. i can get more caffeine out of an energy drink with less overall sugar than if i was to drink pop.

>> No.4344846


and you can get zero sugar and save a shitload of money buy buying generic vivarin instead. at just a few cents for 200 mg caffeine they are far cheaper than any soda or energy drink. If you don't want the whole 200mg then simply split the pills in half.

>> No.4344859

but what will i drink with my lunch?

>> No.4344873


whatever you want? I suggest water.

>> No.4344892

I have changed over to using real butter. It is just better for everything. Also margarine is a bit of rip off since it is just whipped vegetable oil with butter flavor.

>> No.4344902

> make chicken spaghetti
> use california salt on the chicken, mix pesto in with the noodles, add bolognese sauce
> eat
> tasted good
> but...
> tfw no pepitas or pumpkin seeds to top it for a glorious crunch


>> No.4345075

>first world problems

>> No.4345473

Wow great you got me there! Ahahaha! Posting in a thread about incidental things how incidental they are! Hahaha! How funny! Wow man you're really clever I can't stop laughing

> first world problems

I really like how you took something that was obviously sarcastic and not supposed to be serious and acted like it was serious and tried to point out how lame we were for thinking something so incidental was a serious problem even though that's not what was going on at all. Hahahahaahaha your power with joking is very strong I bet you get all the ladies this way! Wow!

>> No.4345528

i have no idea, it just makes me violently ill every time
i'm fine with all other food but i'm mega allergic to pet dander and dust? so it might just be my immune system thats fucked

>> No.4345548
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>spend two hours making golden curry
>go to smoke a joint while it stews
>get distracted and play a video game for a while
>stagger back into kitchen mostly on other plane of existence
>remember food is happening
>measure out rice and boiling water into pan
>leave for ten minutes
>come back to stir and check its nearly done
>congrats assface youve just burnt half a pan of pudding rice
>hardened into thick, starchy mass and burnt
i ate my curry on its own because i was so disenheartened

>> No.4345560
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>flatmate says she'll make guacamole
>get excited and buy doritos on way home from work
>she serves her guacamole
>shes used lemon juice instead of lime
>and confused the fresh coriander with parsley

>> No.4345601

Lemon is perfectly cromulent in guacamole. Parsley, on the other hand, is kinda fail.

>> No.4345649

the coriander is the wrong ingredient, you fucking idiot

>> No.4345755

lemon juice in guacamole will make it taste different than you want of course, but hardly bad. It works.

Parsley is strange, but hey, I'm sure it was still pretty tasty.

>> No.4345774
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>mfw cromulent

>> No.4345776

>is expecting hommade guac
>buys doritos with their nasty ass industrial lab chemical flavor powder

you suck

>> No.4345778

My first thought too.

>> No.4346851

you need to embiggen your horizons, anon

>> No.4346906

Not that anon, but the wording wasn't exactly very clear.

>confused the fresh coriander with parsley

should've been

>confused the fresh parsley with coriander

That puts more emphasis on "parsley" as the correct ingredient.

>> No.4346913

>get excited and buy doritos on way home from work

If you bought doritos for guacamole then your flatmate probably had her day ruined as well.

>> No.4347128
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>sunday night
>wife is out of town
>go to butcher and get inch thick strip steak
>fuckhuge russet
>a gazillion brussels sprouts
>12pk of stone IPA
2hrs later
>a new hope on the flat screen
>3 shots of jack in me and a couple beers
>potato and sprouts are done
>room temp steak goes in and out of pan
>seared perfectly and mid rare
8min later
>steak rested
>potato overflowing with butter, sour cream and some chives and pepper on top
>sprouts are garlicy and buttery and delicious
>head to livingroom to watch the end of movie
>sidestep cat
>plate catches edge of door
>dump everything on the carpet
>mfw there's cat hair on everything
>mfw i spend 20min cleaning sour cream and steak juice out of the carpet
>mfw i had frozen pizza for dinner

>> No.4347153

and that cat had a lovely funeral...

>> No.4347156
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>> No.4347177

10 hours is not long enough to stale popcorn, you twit.
Your grandmother just makes shitty popcorn.

>> No.4347186

Are you le serious?

>> No.4347222
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>> No.4347241
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>> No.4347290

you've never had leftover movie popcorn that sat out for a couple of hours?
shit happens fast

>> No.4347594

That is the saddest story I've ever heard.

I am so sorry.

>> No.4347632
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I feel your pain.

>> No.4347647

Next time just punt the fucker back the way it came from.

>> No.4347660

what's with the obsession about cast iron anyway?

a friend of mine who barely cooks bought one because "it's the best for steaks" and then proceeded to burn the outsides of everything he cooked whilst keeping the insides raw

>> No.4347705

That's your friends fault, not the pan.

>> No.4347706

Honestly I kinda want to take a ride, just to see what it's like

>waterbed with a wet hole
>that grunts like a dying pig

>> No.4347720

Alton Brown recommends it, and there's a cult of morons who listen to everything he says like it's the gospel.

That said, I use cast iron for a lot of things, and it is especially nice for steak. The advantage to it is that it's think and dense, so it retains its temperature after you've added the food. It's really nice for searing and high temp cooking, but it's not some miracle metal.

>> No.4347733

you deserve it scum

>> No.4347739

>everytime I cook something past '3' on the stove dial

>> No.4347779

alton brown recommends several pans of different types tho


>> No.4348056

screw alton.

tbsp of oil in pan, heat til almost smoking, drop egg in for like 10 seconds, flip, 10 seconds again, perfect fried egg.

>> No.4348069

>tbsp of oil in pan, heat til almost smoking, drop egg in for like 10 seconds, flip, 10 seconds again, perfect fried egg.

And advice like this is exactly why I will always recommend Alton to anons who are so new to cooking that they can't even fry an egg.

>> No.4348085

screw you too. it works every time.

>> No.4348427

>no cheese
this makes me sad.
It makes it 10x worse expecting cheese then remembering you used it all yesterday

fucking fuck.

>> No.4348435

chicken holiday
had a craving for friend chicken the other day but weather was shit & i had just come home from work so they're the only ones around that deliver
fuck it, order a bucket of 16 pieces
devour 8 of them along with mashed taters & mac salad
fucking delicious
fucking greasy
wake up next day & shit 6 times in the span of 3 hours
intestines hurt, ass hurts, stomach hurts
fuck you chicken holiday
fuck you

>> No.4348468
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>making cheesesteak
>cook onions, meat toast bread
>about to plate it up, search for cheese
>no cheese ;______;
>at theres ketchup
>no ketchup

>> No.4348494

Hobos cook and eat better than you people.

>> No.4348504
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>doritos for guac
what the fuck am i reading?

>> No.4348553
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>tries to do this
>out of ingredients but hungry as fuck
>only have brown sugar eggs and flour
>mfw i made a masterpiece
>mfw it didnt ruined my day

>> No.4348602

>Eat Panda Express
>Food poisoning
You could say that ruined 3-4 days.

>> No.4348643

>didn't read this because it wasn't green-texted

I literally can't read stories on this website anymore if its not green. The fuck.

>> No.4348646

Legitimately the saddest thing I've read on the internet, ever.

>> No.4348653
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This is pretty much my worst fear.

>> No.4348659

What did you get?

>> No.4348662
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>This is why I laugh when my gf says we don't need 2 lbs of butter in the fridge

This is something I'd only ever read on /ck/.

>> No.4348671

>"alton brown recommends"
Just stop right there.

>> No.4348795

>spend serious $$$ on ingredients for galaxy nachos
>going to make a huge tray for all of my friends at a party
>make my own pico de gallo and shredded beef
>knead and roll out chips to fry out of masa
>huge tray of oven nachos with so many delicious toppings
>find out they've all dropped acid and can't fathom eating
>eat as much as i can before they turn into a soggy lump

over half of it hit the trash

i have never been so disappointed in my friends

i didn't let them have the satisfaction of eating the remainder of the unused chips and pico. That shit is for responsible gourmands (i.e. myself)

>> No.4349064

>freshman year of college in a dorm
>mom sends package with betty crocker cookie mix things
>aw yea i haven't had cookies in a long time
>kitchen is on top floor, prepare everything in my room
>add needed ingredients to powder
>realize i have no mixer
>attempt to knead everything with my hands for 15 minutes
>looks weird but doughy enough
>assemble dough balls on sheet
>bring up to kitchen to bake
>they melt together into a solid brown, chocolately mass
>looks disgusting- kind of like diarrhea
>walk of shame back to room, attempt to cover with towel
>maybe it will still taste good?
>brown, chunky gooey mess, add some into a cup and stir
>looks like actual poop now
>eat spoonful of poop
>throw everything away

it's been almost three years since that and I haven't tried baking anything since

>> No.4349122

>Responsible adult wearing big-boy pants
>calling people who may spontaneously do hard drugs like acid your "friends"

>pick ONE

>> No.4349167

You know, part of it might have to do with the fact that you had 8 pieces of fried chicken rather than the quality of the chicken itself.

>> No.4349201

>hard drugs

Ok so it can impact your ability to comprehend things as much as "hard drugs", but that usually refers to the side affects. Of which LSD has very few (providing you are responsible with your use).

>> No.4349255


>> No.4349257

i never had a problem eating when i was on acid...or cocaine for that matter

>> No.4349282

I agree with you 100%

>> No.4349439

I was being facetious with that responsible jibe. I was just angry at them for not waiting until after we had eaten the food I had taken so long to prepare. Doing drugs is their prerogative, just like cooking shit is mine. I will only judge them when our hobbies intersect roughly.

>> No.4349457
File: 147 KB, 400x400, 102635572.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In that case, you are addicted to food.
I have NEVER been able to eat on any drug like this. Acid, I tried to eat sushi once on it, there was no fucking way. Coke? Never.
Once, my mom made me curry, and I had to eat it while I was on rolls. That was the worst experience of my life thus far.

>> No.4349520

oh god I always keep a finger on the cap after dumping paprika into a carrot soup i'd spent an hour or so on.

>> No.4349965

>burn the outsides of everything he cooked whilst keeping the insides raw
That's the correct way to cook steak.

>> No.4350114
File: 32 KB, 175x287, photo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Congratulations, this is the saddest story in /ck/

Couldn't you like, wash off the steak or something?

>> No.4350156

Oh god I really like alton brown, but this video was horrible. This episode seemed weird as it looked like it was marketed towards men. But cooking bacon on a waffle iron? What the fuck.

>> No.4350324
