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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4338783 No.4338783 [Reply] [Original]

Do you ever give your pets fresh food? Do you ever prepare a special meal for them?

>> No.4338800
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Fuck yeah, bunnies.

>> No.4338805

My dog won't eat raw vegetables. She'll eat damn near any cooked veggie though. Green beans in particular are one of her favorites.

I've never prepared a special meal for her, but when I make big meals for special occasions (holidays mainly) I usually end up giving her a little bit of everything in her bowl as long as she doesn't beg and be a nuisance while people are eating.

>> No.4338808


Yes and yes, on occasion. If I've been busy my dog likes to follow me around and he'll often do his own thing in a corner of the kitchen while I'm cooking. He gets little scraps of food while I'm working (like a stub of carrot).

Fresh food is typically leftovers or a bit of what I'm eating. I'll reserve a small portion of certain foods, like fish, for him (some of them because they're good for him, some because he particularly likes them).

Special meals he gets on his birthday and after difficult days. Like when his masculinity was taken from him.

>> No.4338807
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I have a garden where I grow veggies that i often feed to my dog. He loves carrots and green beans. Not too fond of the romain though...

pic related, it's the cutest dog in the world.

>> No.4338824
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My dog likes basil

>> No.4338825
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Mine likes tamales.

>> No.4338838

I used to give pizza to one of my cats, he loved it. He'd eat a whole slice at once and was very happy with it.

>> No.4338842

My dog cries and drools for broccoli, cabbage, apples, beer, wine, etc.

>> No.4338843

My dog doesn't do to well with spicy food
My dad gave her steak house bacon once and she was up all night with an upset tummy, ending in her upchucking

>> No.4338844

Is that a kind of spaniel? if so what kind?

>> No.4338852

Springer Spaniel maybe?

>> No.4338863

My cat is the ultimate mooch. She's always trying to steal my food. Her favorites are my cherry almond butter cookies, ice cream, eggs, peanut butter, cashews, triscuits or any other cracker (probably), any meat, cheese, donuts, pumpkin, and cheetos. She'll eat anything. She went pretty nuts over some spinach the other day.

I limit it though. I only let her take a bite and then fight her off the rest of the time

>> No.4338865
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This is the little mooch, for reference

>> No.4338868
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Tamales aren't always spicy.

And honestly, I don't feed my dogs anything from the table. It creates bad habits. I have researched homemade dog food though, and from what I gathered, you need to feed them homemade stuff from puppyhood, you can't just switch it up. My grandparents have always fed their dogs bits of leftovers from the table (mixed into their chow, not from the table) and most have done fine health wise. I personally just think it's a bad deal. The dog should know what's yours and what is his. Of course though, if you need to hide a pill in some cheese, or throw 'em some steak for picking up a chick at the park every once in a while, so be it.

>> No.4338875

I have a lab that is fat as fuck and will eat ANYTHING. We ate about 2 lbs of grapes tonight and for lunch he ate a hamburger and onion rings from A&W. I know I shouldn't feed him so much but he whines and likes it :)

They say chocolate is bad for dogs but I give him a bit now and then and it don't do anything

>> No.4338880
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>> No.4338883

I gave my rat a bottlecap with a bit of egg and a tiny shard of bacon

>> No.4338895
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>grapes and chocolate

>> No.4339901

On Thanksgiving, I give my rabbits a small turkey made out of vegetables.

>> No.4339924
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i feed my piggie two carrots for breakfast, green peppers for lunch, and then some red romaine for dinner. ever couple days ill give him an apple slice or a peice of banana :)

>> No.4339948

I've made homemade dog food for my pup before. She does a lot better on either high quality or homemade dog food than regular store bought food (dat corn products make her act like a kid with ADHD). Anyway, the butcher here sells either chicken of beef for dog food, so I got some of their chicken, then mixed it with cooked brown rice, carrots and peas, and some leftover beef fat and scraps that I had from a big roast. Then I just kept it in a plastic container in the fridge and dished out about 2 cups at a time for her. She looooooved it.

>> No.4339951
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Feed these two raw (pray model) every day. :)

So, raw poultry, game (mainly rabbit), lamb, beef (although just organs + meat, don't feed any beef bones due to the teeth wrecking potential), swine, goat - heck, anything I can get my hands on.

>> No.4340040

I have troll cats. They love mushy canned wet food and will SOMETIMES eat fresh food when I offer it. But that's only to make me think that they will, since 60% of the time they look at me, expecting a treat, and I'll give it to them, then they run away.

>> No.4340079
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My dog had liver failure, and was given about a month to live by the doctors, but they suggested a special diet anyways. Alongside his liver medication, he got each day (divided up into 4 meals):
3 cups of White Rice
3 cups of boiled chicken
1 cup of cooked green beans
1/2 cup of Roast, Ground Soy Beans,
2 Boiled Eggs
1 bottle of Vanilla Ensure (it's technically a human dietary supplement)

And that was all he was allowed, but he loved it. He also lived about a year and a half past the "1 month" estimate, and was in good spirits the whole time, and considerably better health than the doctors expected. (He died from a stroke in the end.) The hardest part of the diet was getting my father to quit giving him potato chips all the time. (He'd throw up every time too...)

>> No.4340191

I run a dog sitting business, and I've seen a lot of people who've trained their dogs to like carrots or green beans. There's also one guy who changes his phone number every few months, always pays in cash, and never tells me where he's going. I'm pretty sure he's in the mob, or a drug dealer or something, but he takes good care of his dog, so I don't give a fuck. Seriously, he cooks it individual bagged meals or chicken, veggies, and a bit of kibble. Also one guy gave me a can of artichoke hearts. He was in a hurry, so I just assumed he grabbed them by accident instead of dog food.

>> No.4340200

Goldfish really appreciate peas, baby spinach, and lettuce.

>> No.4340208

I used to keep piranha until I was hospitalised for a while and forgot to get someone to care for them for me, came home and found that three of them had cannibalised the fourth one and had started to eat at one another.
Anyway, I used to feed them leaves of lettuce and spinach, slices of zucchini/courgettes/summer squash and carrot scraps as well as the occasional cube of frozen blood worm and their regular fish flake.

>> No.4340210

Is that an aussie on the left?
I regularly give mine a little bit of salmon trimmings with his food. After hikes and such I give him a frozen section of beef thigh bone. He loves that shit.

>> No.4340223
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Nah, she's a rough collie. Smaller ones a sheltie.

Might want to stop on the beef thigh: I wouldn't touch beef bones with a barge pole due to being teeth wreckers, let alone thigh bones. Stick to turkey/lamb ribs if you want to feed him bones: far safer, and you won't end up with a few thousand pounds worth of vet bills with a broken tooth.

>> No.4342029
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>> No.4342055
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Cat likes pizza!

>> No.4342064

Because pizza is made of warm.

>> No.4342117

Only on her birthday I make lightly sweetened frosting since she loves sweets other than that mostly fresh butcher bones but lately an occasional raw egg since she had puppies

>> No.4342120
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Pets? That's just a protein snack.

>> No.4342146

My pug eats almost anything except mayo. He also loves beer, anytime it's accidentally spilled he charges over and gets lapping.

>> No.4342162

>Do you ever prepare a special meal for them?
i give fido a knuckle sandwich made just for him every time he looks at me funny

>> No.4342213

Two Hershey bars and a bowl of anti-freeze. They think it's to die for.A least my neighbors yapping little mutts did.

>> No.4342226

I poisoned my roommate's monster dog with warfarin 4 years ago. I felt pretty bad about it for a long time.

>> No.4342230


>Like when his masculinity was taken from him

you are truly evil

>> No.4342235

There's an assholes a few houses down from me who leaves his barking mutt out 24/7. I've come close to just tossing chocolate chips into its yard every time I pass and it's only reminding myself it's the owner who's really to blame that's stopped me so far.

>> No.4342238

>it's only reminding myself it's the owner who's really to blame that's stopped me so far
This is true. The dog wasn't given any boundaries and is just doing what is in its nature.

You should call the city on him repeatedly.

>> No.4342253

Kill the owner, not the dog. Dogs are better than people.

>> No.4342326

I give my guinea pigs fresh lettuce from my garden and cut up fruit almost every day.