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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 295 KB, 725x428, roundup.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4336888 No.4336888 [Reply] [Original]

Whole Foods is going to be carrying non GMO foods pretty soon. How does this make you feel, /ck/?

>> No.4336894

What do you mean - they are going to start carrying some non-GMO foods or are not going to carry any GMO foods at all? I assume they already have non-GMO foods.

Nice disinformation picture, I lol'd.

>> No.4336902

Anti-GMO is code for anti-progress.

>> No.4336906

Oh, it is going to be one of these threads.

>> No.4336922

the green revolution is the sole reason for the massive population boom, if you dont think it has saved billions of lives you are an idiot

>> No.4336928

indifferent, their produce is ludicrously overpriced and I only buy it there if I'm in a hurry and it's the most convenient store to hit up on the way home

>> No.4336934

Take a look at the people who buy from whole foods.

>> No.4336941

its the truth, people who are mad at gmos are like people who ban buckets because hitler used buckets.

>> No.4336943

>being a hipster hippy douche that shops at whole foods
not even once

>> No.4336944


White, urban, upper middle class shoppers? Not really sure what that has to do with the global population boom considering that they're a tiny minority even compared to the population of the US. You sound bitter about something.

>> No.4336950

Why would I pay top dollar for sub par food?

>> No.4336951

Aww, looks like someone can't afford it.

>> No.4336952

Are they still doing business with Monsanto? Then I'm still not doing business with them.

>> No.4336962

We are trying to fight the world's human carrying capacity.
Soon we will hit it.

>> No.4336968

I oppose GMO's because I don't care if poor people starve. Seriously. Fuck them.

>> No.4336970

there's a board for news and politics that i think you should probably head over to, you will stir shit up easier there

>> No.4337036


i bought a block on non gmo soy bean tofu at publix yesterday.

i literally cried tears of joy on the way home.

>> No.4337038


How do you know it was non GMO?

>> No.4337049

>block on non gmo soy bean tofu
I don't know you but I know I hate you.
Have a shitty day.

>> No.4337063

Starvation's primary cause isn't a lack of food but rather a lack of infrastructure. There's more than enough to feed the world already; transportation and then electricity and refrigeration are the real problems.

Oh. Wait. I mean rabble rabble rabble. Monsanto good. Or evil. Or something. Either way they're just out for profit and have largely fabricated a reason why their product needs to exist because people wouldn't like if they just came out and said "Because we like money."

>> No.4337064


big shiny label on the front says "made from non GMO soy"


i really stopped caring about people that were willfully ignorant of nutition and the food supply chain... about 6 months ago. so... I really don't care and haven't for 6 months or more. Have a good day to you too.

>> No.4337081
File: 365 KB, 881x1024, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.4337085

>ITT: If you don't support Monstanto, you don't support the 'Green Revolution' and you're a luddite piece of shit who's holding back humanity!!
It's almost like the joke in the image is flying lightyears above their heads.

>> No.4337095
File: 283 KB, 900x1312, inarizushi.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What did you/will you make of it?

I've been craving mapo tofu again lately. Or inarizushi. Those wacky testicle-like little baggies of joy.

>> No.4337097


Perhaps you haven't thought seriously about the fact that monsanto GMO crops aren't just covered in pesticide, they are literally producing pesticide on a genetic level.

For those of us that wash the pesticides off our vegetables, it's a disturbing thought that we have moved to pesticides that can't be washed off, and also remain in the stems of the plants and end up back in the soil and will sit in that soil for 5 to 10 years.

Old skool pesticides used to just dust crops and break down fairly quickly in the environment.

We're first worlders, and we're acting like it. We don't have to eat pesticides if we don't want to.

Also, if Monsanto wants to GMO some bulked up products that just yeild more, thats fine. But that isn't what they are doing.

It's funny... the people that think the OP is a joke, its as if the fact that they are eating pesticides is flying 100,000 feet over their heads at the speed of light.

>> No.4337098

Why don't we take the extra humans, and push them somewhere else!!

>> No.4337099


I usually cook it into something with a lot of flavor, like a curry or something.

If you aren't going to do that it's a lot more work.. you have to press the water out and then marinate it and then fry it in some oil and make a sauce to really get it to a point where it is delicious.

Now if Boca or Morning Star Farms were to do this with their soy burgers.... I would literally SHIT TEARS OF JOY. Boca is owned by Kraft though.. so.. there is pretty much no chance of this happening.

>> No.4337102


In the US we are doing that, it's called Florida.

>> No.4337106

No they're not

Food has been genetically modified since humans started growing it.

Hate Monsanto because they try to patent genes and sell sterile products. Not because they make GMOs. Fucking fags.

>> No.4337119

this by a billion.
just because hitler used ovens does not mean we should just stop having pizza parlors.

>> No.4337122

I tend to like "traditional" tofu recipes. As in, Chinese and Japanese cuisine. The latter especially emphasizes a lot of meticulous, dedicated work, but that's part of the appeal for me.

>> No.4337128


the genetic modification that monsanto is engaged in has nothing to do with the selective breeding process that humans have employed for centuries.

Monsanto is tweaking the genetics to introcude pesticide production into the plants biology that was never there beforce, and without the cross breeding that would have been employed before.

read a book.

>> No.4337136

i do hate Monsanto because of that. i also hate them because they're putting pesticides in the plant at a genetic level.

there's a world of fucking difference from crossbreeding and genetically putting pesticides in it.

>> No.4337142

It's good, obviously. Even if you don't care about the whole GMO issue, it's more choice for the public which is inherently a plus imo. I don't have anything against genetic modification at all, but I do have issues with the way Monsanto and other corporations are handling it. Patenting genes, selling sterile products, suing farmers... a lot of their business practices are pretty unpleasant. Plus a lot of the modification they're doing is only beneficial to their bottom line and not to anything or anyone else.

>> No.4337144


I see.. I am just using it as a protein source replacement because I can no longer support the meat production industry. I'm not against eating animals, but the rate at which we consume them and the factory farming techniques used today are not sustainable for our planet or our species. I, literally, cannot figure out where I could buy grass fed cattle, and I have no idea where to find chickens that were fed the bugs that would be their natural diet. I can find beef and chicken that was, suposedly, treated humanely and perhaps might have even been anti biotic and growth hormone free, but i can't find that - and also find it that comes from a farm that uses pastures. cage free just means the cage is the size of several foot ball fields in most cases. There are no whole foods by my house. In the "green" section at publix, there are literally no pork products and the beef and chicken are not green from a sustainability stand point.

Can you give any specific recipes I could try?

>> No.4337178

What? I'm opposed to scientific progress done at the behest of corporate interests, a la Monsanto. You know why? Because their shortcuts usually end up fucking over everyone, except themselves and their prockets.

>> No.4337187

Well, I'll apologize for the inauthenticity of not writing them out for you, but... to be honest, I used these myself. This is the very channel that roped me into trying to cook asian cuisine at home, and eventually love it.


There's also a lot of other stuff you would probably enjoy on the channel. Mind you, these aren't strictly vegetarian recipes either, but a little imagination will work around those parts.

>> No.4337219


before anyone comes in spouting "vitamin b12" crap... I am still eating lots of animals when I am at some upscale restaurants where they ship in their meats direct from specific farms they can name.

I buy fresh atlantic farmed salmon from costco, and sometimes i get the frozen, individually wrapped wild caught ones from the costco frozen section.


thanks for the recipes. I've bookmarked them and will maybe try one out. i watched the first one.. where would i buy fried tofu like that?!?!?

>> No.4337222


>before anyone comes in spouting "vitamin b12" crap

Don't worry, anyone with above a middleschool education knows the body synthesizes its own B12

>> No.4337226


That mapo tofu looks DELICIOUS.

>> No.4337233

oh, hey durianrider

>> No.4337234


Even durianrider supplements B12 but that's because he's a top-level athlete and every athlete takes B12. When he showed his last blood test, he showed his B12 levels with and without supplementation, and without supps he still had a healthy B12 level for an average person

>> No.4337245


Any idea where to get doubanjian or tian mian jiang in the US? ...Or what they might be called in the US? looks like bean curd or oyster sauce or something...

>> No.4337251

>its the truth
Yeah, famine in arid climates is a result of not having glyphosate-resistant crops.


>> No.4337258


Monsanto owns the majority of US agriculture. Unless you buy from local small farmers or homegrow absolutely everything you eat, ever, you've probably eaten Monsanto.

But I agree that they're dicks.

>> No.4337261


tofu numono video made me jelly of the parts of the world that can buy fresh lotus root easily...

>> No.4337285

Are you worried that your chitinous shell will begin to fall apart from GMOs?

>> No.4337301


fuck Monsanto, and fuck anyone that thinks they're OK.

oh and BTW ... fuck Monsanto.

>> No.4337303

>where would i buy fried tofu like that
Asian markets in bigger towns, but rather than buying it, you could just make it.


>> No.4337309

What's GMO?

>> No.4337319

Genetically Modified Organism

>> No.4337317

Genetically modified organism.

>> No.4337325

I see
So what's the big deal?
Can't we just live and let live?

>> No.4337330

the big problem is that some of the GMO techniques ruin small farms. I don't care about eating GMO products because I think it's stupid to do so, but things like suicide seeds are fucked up.

>> No.4337335

I see
Is what crops farms grow up to the farmer? Or are they contracted by someone else who tells them what to grow?

>> No.4337339

GMO seeds are intellectual property so you can only get seeds of what they are willing to sell.
so lots and lots of corn...

>> No.4337347

Monsanto doesn't and couldn't force farmers to use their products. The farmers do it because it's more efficient and lowers their costs. It also reduces the need for pesticides and their collateral effects on the environment.

>> No.4337353

>It also reduces the need for pesticides and their collateral effects on the environment.
Roundup Ready soybean and corn have increased pesticide usage. That is the whole point of them.

Bt transgenic crops may have decreased pesticide use, but the crops themselves are lethal to all Lepidoptera, some of which are pests, most of which are important pollinators. The pollen of Bt crops is also toxic.

Imagine if the Bt genes were passed on to wildtype plants and they began producing tissue and pollen that was lethal to virtually all Lepidoptera (butterflies and moths). This is a possibility.

>> No.4337357

They've overpopulated the Earth. They did more good than bad.

>> No.4337362

England, and Europe in general, are pretty good with GMO labelling. All the soy products I've eaten my whole life have been non-GMO.

I feel bad for my Amerifriends

>> No.4337361

>Roundup Ready soybean and corn have increased pesticide usage. That is the whole point of them.
Bullshit. The impact on the environment is limited to the crops themselves which is exactly where the farmer needs it. Any other approach to pest remediation will have collateral effects throughout the ecosystem.

>> No.4337363

Especially since it is resulting in an increase in population in regions that do not have the climate or ecosystem to support them.

Rapid population increase is not exactly progress when it comes to humans in the 21st century.

>> No.4337365


How? Before glyphosate resistant plants people were applying less pesticide and very, very carefully, because it would harm the crop plant along with the weed if misapplied.

Roundup Ready crops have led to an increase in glyphosate application because farmers can basically haphazardly spray their crops with glyphosate without worry.

And have you heard of pesticide drift and the water table? Pesticides don't stay in the field and they don't just impact weeds.

>> No.4337368

I support GMO
I hope every employee of Monsanto dies horribly.

>> No.4337369

edgy as fuck

ur liek a scholar m8 XD

>> No.4337371

Civil discourse seems to offend you.

>> No.4337372


>hears definition of word
>immediately forms opinion about issue

People can't be that stupid, can they?

>> No.4337374

So I seem to be the only one noticing that Roundup Ready=Nazis.

>> No.4337378

Seems legit.

>> No.4337385

sooooo edgy m8 XD

le upvoted

>> No.4337384


>> No.4337390

Notice the kid in the Hitler Youth uniform. Also blond Aryans.

>> No.4337539

I have no problem with GMOs, but terminator genes suck balls. Plant DRM is just plain retarded.

>> No.4338318


There are no terminator genes. They were never commercialized. Stop repeating FUD.

>> No.4338344

The terminator gene technology most definitely exists. They will probably be commercialized in the future when people become even more brainwashed by the respective corporate-lobbyist-political triad.

>> No.4338541

I have no particular hate on trying to experiment with GMO and see where it takes us but what wrestles my johnsons is that they could sue neighboring non-GMO farms because they detected GMO varieties being grown on their land due to cross pollination from neighboring GMO-growing farms.

>> No.4338568

Not even close unless your area has local Non-GMO farms.
I'll stick to driving to the nearest produce stand since it's equally distant from whole foods.

>> No.4338630

Do you honestly think that crops COULDN'T be engineered to thrive in arid climates? If you think that, you don't know much about genetic engineering.

>> No.4338636

I was replying to OP's picture, retard.

>> No.4339243

>corporations r bad mmkay
>posted from my Apple iBook