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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 91 KB, 570x586, okonomiyaki-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4334578 No.4334578 [Reply] [Original]

Sup ma bros
I'm going to be travelling to Japan in June for a few weeks, and my biggest worry is the food. I'm a REALLY picky eater; I don't like fish or seafood in general, and beef isn't something I always order either
Can anyone list some good dishes that don't really involve fish or seafood so I know what to avoid? I generally like pork and chicken, and beef dishes that have small pieces of beef e.g. no steaks.

>> No.4334580

This isn't a cartoon, they have KFC and McDonalds and everything there

Also you came to the wrong board for picky eating faggots

>> No.4334583

Yeah, but I don't want to be eating big macs for 3 weeks
I'd just like to try some authentic Japanese food without getting a mouthful of octopus asshole or whatever

>> No.4334588


>mfw I'm not a picky faggot and would actually enjoy this trip to Japan, unlike you

Must be nice being a trust fund kid.

>> No.4334590

Ramen, shabushabu, they have plenty of meat dishes, also dont be a faggot. Sorry but your post is really faggoty.

>> No.4334592

Ton Katsu.
Also man the fuck up and stop acting like a 9 year old you pussy bitch.

>> No.4334593

I think chicken is a pretty much universal constant OP. As long as you like noodles and fermented shit I'm guessing you'd do fine there.

Also yeah, good opportunity to try out their infinitely superior fast food

>> No.4334599

>says sorry
>stills calls him a faggot twice

>> No.4334606

>Can anyone list some good dishes that don't really involve fish or seafood
from the videos ive seen, bodily excretions seem to be a japanese mainstay

>> No.4334608

>implying he actually meant the apology

>> No.4334603

Maybe you should actually branch out and just fucking TRY the food instead of being a faggot. You're not going to get many chances in life to experience this type of thing. Just stop being a goddamn child and at the very least give the food a try.

>> No.4334609

>authentic japanese food
>without seafood

loool, why don't you go to india and only want to eat beef while you're at it?

>> No.4334610
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>> No.4334612
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picky eater going to the East
you're pretty much fucked
stay home

>> No.4334626

You were warned, OP.

>> No.4334628
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GOD DAMN it's been too long since I've made myself some okonomiyaki with dat tasty brown sauce.

>also kill yourself picky fag

>> No.4334654
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>> No.4334657

It is only considered, "East" if you are looking at the globe in a certain orientation

>> No.4334660

This is now a picky eater hate thread.

>bring girl over
>make stir fry
>"what is this anon?" mushroom
>"what is this anon?" bok choy
>"sorry i dont like vegetables"
Suffice it to say, I didnt seal the deal

>> No.4334674

stop that.

>> No.4334683
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if you live in a cloud spaceship you would say "Down and to the East."

>> No.4334687

Did you slice her nips and toss it into the fry?

>> No.4334693
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God fucking damnit, what a massive dumbass.

I'd love for a guy to cook like this for me.

>> No.4334709

yup, stop being a faggot and worry more about how prejudice the population will be towards you

>> No.4334714
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>> No.4334724

should have said, you're right."
Order pizza the way she likes it.
Spend night having glorious sex with female human.
Return to cloud spaceship and share exploits and left over stir fry with friends.

>> No.4334735



It is so paradoxical that when you don't have a girlfriend, you want one, but then when you have one, there are times you wish you didn't (unless you can find that happy medium).

>be me, single 19-year-old American college student working as a line cook on the side
>go to my friend's apartment, it ends up being a drinking party
>at around midnight everyone has the munchies, so I offer to cook
>examine the fridge, pantry
>decide to make amatriciana, a wonderful pasta of bacon, onion, and tomato
>all of a sudden the girlfriends in the room start shouting "I'M HUNGRYYYY, what are we eeeattting?"
>the reply from my friend was, "Chris is going to make us some pasta."
>"I don't wanttt pasta!!! I want peeeeetzaaaah!" "Ya I want mac and cheese!!!" "Pizzaaaaa!" "Easy mac!!"
>I say, "don't worry, I can make some easy mac too."
>easy mac box calls for a stick of butter to the box along with a packet of radioactive orange powder
>this is why we get called amerifats
>cook it as per recipe, even get the mushy "macaroni" to have some semblance of a texture
>friend brings the small saucepot of mac and cheese over to his girlfriend along with a spoon
>"I CAN'T EAT IT FROM THIS! get me a bowl!!!"
>he gets her a bowl
>"I CAN'T EAT IT WITH A SPOON! get me a fork!!!"
>he gets her a fork
>"I WANT A CLEAN FORK! get me a clean fork!"
>he rinses the fork off with hot water and soap
>"well baby we didn't do the dishes before you came over"
>"oh come on boo just eat the mac and cheese"
>I shrug, pffchff silently, continue cooking this awesome pasta
>bacon slices are rendered, sliced onion is caramelized, added a bit of sriracha, deglazed the pan with balsamic, tomatoes in, having a blast
>pasta is cooked, strained, added to the sauce, an egg is fried for each person's plate of pasta
>alright folks, here we are!
>everyone but the girlfriends are eating this fine pasta

>> No.4334740


>hey, you should really try Chris's pasta, it's delicious

>> No.4334742
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>do this next time

>> No.4334745

maybe you should stop letting people walk all over you

>> No.4334751

i would be so chill with people cooking at a party. i love seeing people cook

>> No.4334757
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>> No.4334763


there's a difference between being a doormat and being stoic, bruce. you don't cook for yourself, you cook to bring the pleasures of the table to others. plus if some chick is craving mac and cheese, I see no problem with cooking it up as well.

>> No.4334782
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>is a really picky eater
>eats pork
lol u wut?

>> No.4334788

i wasn't suggesting that by offering to cook you were being a doormat.

it was more how later in the story, after you'd gone out of your way to prepare something special for people that wasn't even what you were already working on. then they had the audacity to demand that you fetch them their desired eating utensils, etc.

at some point you can just say "the food i cooked you is in the kitchen, you can handle it from there"

>> No.4334797


ah, bruce, I was being unclear in my telling. it was my friend who was being walked all over by his girlfriend. I was standing in front of the range overhearing all of that.

>> No.4334811

You...didn't read that thoroughly did you? It was her BOYFRIEND that tried to please the girl's various demands for a bowl and cutlery (>he gets her a bowl >he gets her a fork)

>> No.4334815


Your story was fine, tripfriend just fails at reading apparently.

>> No.4334825

i take it back then, disregard, carry-on and as always, blast it with piss

>> No.4334831


chicken teriyaki
chicken or pork curry
chicken or pork okanamiyaki
chicken or pork yakiniku
chicken or pork yakiudon
chicken and pork yakisoba
chicken donburi

enjoy eating nothing but fast food...

>> No.4334836

You know if your a grown ass man, you can enjoy as long as it compliments your taste buds, I know for a fact a lot of people don't like veggies but there are ways you can eat it without the taste you don't like, now stop being a picky a faggot grow a taste bud, if it tastes good it taste good

>> No.4335233


Chicken dishes

Pork dishes

Beef dishes (sukiyaki, shabu shabu)

>> No.4335264

You should probably avoid the fish anyway, the tsunamis paired with the nuclear fallout has ravaged their waters.

>> No.4335305

Japan, Part 1: Osaka

Japan, Part 2: Kyoto

Japan, Part 3: Tokyo

>> No.4335307

Oh, racist again.

>> No.4335309

loool xDDDD

>> No.4335311

How is that racist you fucking idiot.

>> No.4335312

If you dont like seafood or beef, you're not going eat anything you can't get back in the states. The only Japanese dishes off hand that you see most places without either are yakitori, ramen, and okonomiyaki. I just hope you're going by yourself and aren't ruining someone elses trip by acting like a baby

>> No.4335318

He made a perfectly valid point. I see no racism. Go back to redit you idiot.

>> No.4335323

Facts are racist now, apparently.

>> No.4335341

>Having personal tastes in food
>Acting like a baby
Pick one.

What's babyish is /ck/fags who throw a tantrum if people don't eat any shit that's thrown at them. If you can't handle dealing with other people's tastes, then you're not a cook--you're a food Nazi. Restaurants have menus for a reason: PEOPLE LIKE DIFFERENT THINGS.

Deal with it.

>> No.4335361

>I'm going to be travelling to Japan
>I don't like fish or seafood in general
>1/10 out of entire world catch is eaten in Japan, a single country
What the sodden fuck?

>> No.4335362

He hands her a dirty fork? Fuckin' gross...

>> No.4335373

asshole canadian?

>> No.4335381


Agree with this, mostly. Been to Japan three times, and I've always had picky eaters with me, and it's never been good news. I've seen the most success with getting them to eat soba, but other than that, it was pretty dicey.

On the plus side, there are plenty of western food places around these days, so you'll still be able to find stuff you can eat. Just not the Japanese food.

>> No.4335406

It's not about people liking different things, fucktard. It's about certain people NOT liking specific things, and believing it's other people's responsibilities to coddle them and their stupid notions.

>> No.4335442

Naw. Fuck you.
There is a difference between liking different things and being a fussy sumbitch who will only eat Big Macs hold the onions.
Let me give you an example. I don't particularly like beans, of any variety. I will not order a bean centric dish, or cook beans for myself. If someone cooks some food with beans in I am going to fucking eat that shit.
Do you know why I'm going to eat it? Because I am not a massive fucking cunt, I am appreciative of the person who cooked it for me, and at the end of the day all food is fucking food. (and also, sometimes it's fucking delicious, and I am grateful to be exposed to something I would not normally choose.)
If you prefer vegetarian food over omnivore, or don't like cheese, that's your fucking prerogative. If you complain, whine and snivel because there is some fucking spinach in a pasta dish then you are a baby and I don't want to eat anywhere near you.

>> No.4335470

>picky eater
dont you fucking retard

>> No.4335479

Japan hater again.
I like Japanese food, Yakiniku.

>> No.4335492

This. He's just going to complain that the food sucks and he couldn't find anything to eat.

>> No.4335499

Yeah its fucking stupid.
just save your money and look at pictures of distant lands instead

>> No.4335530

and chances are there are stunning vistas and beautiful landscapes in your very own country.

>> No.4335546

Because food is the ONLY reason to visit another country amirite?

>> No.4335555

No but considering youll be using a couple hours each day for eating out of each day you are there, how you enjoyed that eating time is going to affect how much you liked the place.
By being a picky cunt you are not only damaging your own experience you are ruining the experience of the people you are with who have to deal with your shit.

>Not the only reason but does have a large effect on overall enjoyment

>> No.4335563

I agree that op is a whiny faggot cunt for not wanting to try the food, but it's Japan, not Africa. He could just stick to KFC or whatever and have a decent vacation.

>> No.4335564

Eating the local food is one of the biggest experiences of traveling. Scenery is nice and all but people have to eat. Having to eat something you don't all the time like tends to ruin your vacation.

>> No.4335573

>hey everyone lets go eat!
>where do you want to go
I guess he could stick with it but if he is going to be with ANYONE hell be ruining their trip because instead of getting to try local cuisine its fast food. again.

>> No.4335579

That's quite true too. Nobody wants to be around a picky eater. Makes me remember that /ck/er's story about his brother's picky Chinese girlfriend.

>> No.4335582

>no steaks.
kill yourself

>> No.4335584

I'm not a big seafood lover either but when I went to Japan my perceptions changed- it was so fresh and so delicious!!! Tuna and kingfish sashimi urghhhhnnnhhhh. Even things like whole grilled miso prawns and eel were nice!

Give things a go over there and do try the local specialities as you won't go wrong...in Osaka try takoyaki and go to dotonburi for crab, in Hiroshima try okonomiyaki and in Tokyo go to the tsukiji fish market for the tuna auctions then get fresh tuna sashimi afterwards. If you decide to not take advantage of the wonderful food over there because you might not like it, it would be like painting a rainbow with only blue and yellow.

>> No.4335599

Thinks it's fine to coast through life not attempting to expand his/her palate to appreciate the most abundant food source on the planet. Decides to travel to an island utterly dependent on that food source. Eating such food will ruin their vacation.

How you managed to figure out how to use a computer is beyond me.

>> No.4335611
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Stop being picky and start enjoying food.

>> No.4335612

>eating things you don't like is fun

>> No.4335623

>eating things you think you don't like
There are thousands of ways to prepare seafood

>> No.4335627

It's like your read the opposite of the intended message.

>> No.4335632

Having decided you don't like something that composes the largest component of food supply on the planet. Thinking that is a normal, reasonable thing. Did you always like beer? Coffee? Hard alcohol? Asking other people to go along with your ridiculous conclusion and help you deal with it. Grow up or get out.

>> No.4335638

unless it was OP, still trying to defend their picky habits.

>> No.4335649

Nope, I'm not OP.

>> No.4335651

>being this emotionally invested in OP's eating habits

Who really gives a shit if someone doesn't eat seafood or doesn't eat local food when they travel.

>> No.4335657

Jesus christ. read the rest of the thread. it's not about being picky. it's about picky people expecting others to coddle their habits.

>> No.4335660


Actually it was straight from the drawer, I have failed again to write good greentext.

>> No.4335661

Have you even been to Japan? You can get around without eating seafood if you really want.

You are just a false-raging homosexual who needs to worry about his own life and not the eating habits of a stranger he will never meet.

>> No.4335664

>authentic Japanese food
>dishes that don't really involve fish or seafood
>on an island

>> No.4335668

I have, and I know. And you're just another idiot who can't get a point, and decides try to argue something that was never said. Go away.

>> No.4335680

>hurrrrr you have to eat everything that is edible or you are picky and spoiled

>> No.4335728

I remember when /ck/ was actually helpful and would have legit answers instead of butthurt pretentious raging like this entire thread has become.

>> No.4335758

I'm plenty helpful when people don't ask me to go along with their stupidity.

>> No.4335759

No one is forcing you to post.

>> No.4335764

True that.

>> No.4335785

>go on /tv/
>"I dont like action flicks, or dramas, can anyone reccomend me some great horror movies
>sure thing
>go on /v/
>"I dont like first person shooters or puzzle games, can anyone reccomend me some adventure games?
>sure thing
>go on /ck/
>"I dont like seafood or fish, what are some japanese dishes without those"

>> No.4335795

making bad analogies that really have nothing to do with what you're asking isn't helping your case

>> No.4335807

I wasnt asking anything I was just pointing out /ck/ hostility. I dont see how this analogy is bad

>> No.4335819

Read the rest of the thread. It's been made very obvious from the start that picky eaters are very frowned upon on the board. I think some strong points about learning to appreciate food instead of expecting others to bend to your desires were made. Expecting any other reaction then arguing about it reinforces the negative feedback. And arguing by leaving out parts of those strong points does not help.

>> No.4335841
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>> No.4335845

Those are some rare threads you found, because that hardly happens. You'll be lucky to get out one of those without being called a faggot.

>> No.4335849

You are such an obnoxious cunt who lacks any sort of reading comprehension. OP doesn't like seafood. He's not expecting restaurants to change their menu for him, he's just asking what dishes don't have seafood so he knows what he can fucking eat.

>> No.4335850
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>> No.4335852

>Read the rest of the thread. It's been made very obvious from the start that picky eaters are very frowned upon on the board.

yes, that is the point I was trying to make.

how could I try and make that point if I didnt read that thread?

>> No.4335857
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Potato croquette.

>> No.4335862
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Soba noodles.

>> No.4335866

Tempura battered vegetables, chicken and shrimp.

>> No.4335882

ITT people being even more baby-like as the responses build. Fucking google it if you don't like the responses and stop being such a needy faggot.

>> No.4335883

OP where are you flying into? Staying? Traveling?

Believe it or not there are posters on this board that have been to Japan or in fact live there.

So... Where are you looking to find restaurants?

>> No.4335887


You'd drunk radioactive man. I can tell.

>> No.4335895

You are an ignorant person.

>> No.4335900

Busted. It's 10:30. Whaddya expect. I'm watching this 20/20 episode about teen rape. Kids gonna kid. But anyways... I might b able to help OP with some more specific info.

>> No.4335904

Sounds like you need to don some big boy pants or go vegetarian for three weeks.
Good beef dishes usually aren't cheap.

>> No.4336035

>/v/ discussing video games in any way

>> No.4336039

Just eat at fucking yoshinoya for every meal. You can get a nice cheap beef bowl and don't have to worry your pretty little head over accidentally eating a piece of yucky fish.

>> No.4336060
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>go to your local 7-11 konbini
>buy rice balls, pastries, wasabi potato chips, every flavored kitkat and many of the wonderful icecreams they have, especially the pictured suikabaa.

>> No.4336133

Your analogies were bad because you make it seem like /ck/ is the only hostile board.
>go to /a/
>I like anime can you recommend me some good anime
>get told to fuck off
>go to g
>I dont like linux or windows but I want to build my own computer with an os like a mac can you guys recommend me some parts
>get a newegg order list with poptarts and breast milkers
>go to fa
>I want a new wardrobe but I dont like goffninja or dadcore can you recommend me some stores
>get told to read the sticky

>> No.4336270 [DELETED] 

dat icecream

>> No.4336288

>doesn't like seafood
>going to japan
>comes back
>posts "nip food 0/10", fucking weaboos.

>> No.4336359

There's nothing wrong with not liking certain foods.

>> No.4336371


This, a thousand times this. Tell me where you live OP so I can kill, skin and wear you into Japan.

>> No.4336384

OP how much seafood things can you tolerate? I'm asking because if you don't want any seafood tastes you're almost SOL but if you can deal with just a small hint of tastes you might be able to get buy.

Soups/stocks/ramens and such use primarily a mix of bonito flakes and kombu kelp. These two things together make the flavor umami which is a desired trait in Japanese cooking. This includes pork and chicken variations of dishes have these combination in them. If you're ok with that, go ahead and try any traditional Japanese dish made out of pork or chicken. If not ok...

The best idea is to eat fusion foods. Just like the USA, Japan has developed its own variant of Chinese food that tastes different included are ebi chili, karaage and a few other noted dishes. Also there are some "American classic" foods that are changed to fit an Japanese taste like their style of neopolitan spaghetti, hamburg steak, and such other things. You can just hop into an Anna Millers or any other sort of diner like place and try the fusion food.

There are also shabu-shabu places that let you pay for about an hour of time at a hotpot and you can cook your own food though depending on the place meat selections may change and there is also various other side dishes. Also you can go to Yakiniku (Japanese style Korean barbeque) and buy various cuts of meat including tanisho (cow tongue).

If you really like meat you can go to a steak house and get a cut of kobe beef. When I had steak with my family the last time we visited it was about $700 USD for the three of us including a plate of sashimi as an appetizer.

There are lots of options available for you to try, but in the end, you only get restricted by how much of a "seafood" taste you're willing to digest.

>> No.4336395

Im of the opinion that people can acquire a taste for nearly all foods. They just have to eat it often enough in dishes where its prepared properly. Ive overcome nearly all the foods I thought were gross when I was a kid.

>> No.4336399

You'll still have your terrible tattoos, gut and receding hairline... it won't help, you'll always be... you. *cringes*

>> No.4336400


>implying all the local fish there are within range to be severely affected by nuclear fallout

>implying the fishing in the area for bottom dwelling species, the ones most likely to be contaminated isn't banned

>> No.4336412
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>I'm going to be travelling to Japan
>I'm a REALLY picky eater
>I don't like fish or seafood in general

Fuck you OP. You don't deserve to set foot in the land of the rising sun. Seriously, I hope you get ridiculed hard

I went on a school trip once to Japan for a few weeks, and there was this fat white kid with his family that brought boxes of granola bars so they wouldn't have to eat the domestic cuisine. A couple other faggot kids were like that too, but my friends and I were particularly ashamed to be seen around that kid and his white bread family.

To make up for this embarrassment, my friends and I made a pact where we ate EVERYTHING served to us, no matter what. This was amazing, as most Japanese food is great. I even ate whole bowls of Nato beans, lots of Uni, and a lot of those little garnish flowers which were gross

I knew they "watered" down the food they served the group, to appease those fat fucks. We ate lots of bland curry when we could have been eating real, fine japanese cuisine.
I hope you starve OP

pic related it's a randomly selected pic of a meal i had in Japan

>> No.4336713
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Denny's Japan



>> No.4336734
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Long Lines at McDonalds Japan.


>> No.4336736
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>Fuck you OP. You don't deserve to set foot in the land of the rising sun

Ken, is it really you? We thought you died in the tsunami (or as the Japanese call it, 津波)

>> No.4336769

There's nothing wrong with having a strong preference for western cuisine.
Japanese/Chines/Asian in general food is overrated, anyways.

>> No.4336784

i live in japan and haven't eaten any seafood (other than maybe some dashi, and tempura shrimp) in like 2 weeks. not even on purpose.

oh i guess i ate a takosen on the way home because i couldn't wait for dinner, but you can't even discern the octopus in osakan takoyaki

>> No.4336788


>> No.4336789

I remember eating at Denny's in Japan at some ridiculously late hour, nothing else was open.
Think it was south of Akihabara.
I had some spaghetti and unlike American Denny's it didn't make me vomit, it was actually really tasty.

>> No.4336792



>> No.4336822


Weaboo so jelly of the picky rich kid... Glad this board isn't like that all the time.

>> No.4336829

I was in Japan for 3 weeks a couple years ago. I like fish and crab but don't eat any other seafood.

I won't eat raw fish either, so I never had sushi/sashimi when I was there.

I regret nothing.

>> No.4336939


>> No.4336963

Sometimes I feel incredibly lucky not to be a picky eater. I can't think of a single thing I actively dislike.

>> No.4339130
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>> No.4339131
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>> No.4339136

Japanese food at the lower end of the scale is awful. Just stick to Western fast food.