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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4331619 No.4331619 [Reply] [Original]

Rare/Medium/Well done thread

Medium rare
Well done

Everything other answer is pretty much wrong.

>> No.4331620

inb4 retards demand that chicken must be served medium well

>> No.4331623

you will get sick from duck that is not cooked well done.

>> No.4331625

you are retarded

>> No.4331626

Are you fucking serious? What kind of villain would overcook a duck?

>> No.4331628

>red meat

>> No.4331630

Pork, chicken and duck aren't red meats. Well...duck maybe. Pretty sure it isn't considered a red meat like most game.

>> No.4331639

mid rare duck breast can be excellent
I do prefer chicken at mid well, but only if it's some awesome chx
beef rare and also raw is best at times

>> No.4331643


I don't see why anyone would risk chicken mid well. If cooked correctly it's juicy as fuck when served well done and there's no chance of food poisoning.

>> No.4331682

Rare. Medium rare if I haven't been to the place before or don't trust them to do rare properly.



>implying anything other than "well done" is viable for poultry


>> No.4331686

>chicken mid well

Enjoy your salmonella

>> No.4332063
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>> No.4332105

All of these fucking rare fags. Cook the steak until it's down and deglaze the pan and serve that with the stick.. You get all of the flavor of whatever the fuck you like about raw meat with the benefit of eating food like a properly civilized human being.

>> No.4332118
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>> No.4332585

>goes on 4chan

>> No.4332628

>Well done
Do you enjoy chewing on leather as well?

>> No.4332636

Lamb chops should be medium (since they're already tender), any other cut should be medium rare.

I used to think I hated lamb because I only ever had it at my friend's house, and he cooked all meats well done. If you've never had well-done lamb, count yourself lucky.

>> No.4332678
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Duck is safe to eat medium.

>> No.4332701

>tfw you've never tasted duck
It looks so fucking good. All the time.

>> No.4332717

It's super easy to cook, and you don't have to add anything aside from salt because it's so flavourful. Get some duck breasts. Your world will never be the same.

>> No.4332718

Blue Rare/Rare

Medium/Medium Well



Medium Rare/Medium

Well done (and not just because salmonella, I once accidently cooked it a medium well and without thinking I took a bite, it is really gross that way)

>> No.4332748

I tasted duck for the first time recently, it's really good but completely different from what I was expecting. The fattiest part of it has a flavor that's almost reminiscent of pork, but combined with poultry. It's weird but delicious.

>> No.4332762

Medium Rare
Medium Rare
Medium Well
I've never had goose, actually.
Well Done (why the fuck would you eat anything else)

>> No.4332789


enjoy your tapeworm

>> No.4332791

It isn't the 1800's bro.

>> No.4332799

Goose is really soft meat when prepared in the right way, if you overcook it tastes like leather though. What I really like to do is cut a goose breast into little strips and season it with the spices you would use for shawarma. Then put it inside a wrap with some bell pepper.

>> No.4332814

Medium Well
Medium Rare
Well Done

>> No.4332851

>thinking that all cuts of beef are best at the same doneness
>thinking doneness refers to color, not internal temperature

Really, /ck/?

>> No.4333377
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>> No.4333386

>lamb medium

yeah no

>> No.4333408


get out

>> No.4333443

Breasts, you're right. Legs, nope. Duck confit?

I know, right? That applies to pork and duck as well.

>> No.4333501
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>the year of our lord 20 and 13
>overcooking duck and pork

>> No.4333532

Wait...are there people who are unironically defending well done steak? I guess that one picture is true.

>> No.4333582

>Medium rare
>medium rare
>Well done

>> No.4333583

thank you

>> No.4333584

Depends on the cut
Depends on the cut
Medium, but depends on the cut
Well done

>> No.4333589

Medium rare asshats are as bad as people who order well done. A lot of cuts, sure, m-r is a good call, but something like a nice fat ribeye needs to reach medium for the fat to start dissolving, infusing the rest of the steak with its deliciousness and making it so you don't bite into a half-cooked hunk of fat mid-way through.

Ordering a nice ribeye rare or medium rare is the sign of a poseur faggot who doesn't have a clue about the cut.

>> No.4333637

Ok give us the cuts and done ness for each and every cut of steak bitch

>> No.4333639

You seem rustled. Go order a medium rare steak and put some ketchup on it.

>> No.4333655



Next time I go to a legit stakehouse I'll do that. None of that Outback or Carabbas bullshit either.

>> No.4333662

It just comes down to marbling. Sirloin is best rare if you're at a place that can be trusted to meet minimum hygiene standards. Something like a NY that is lightly and evenly marbled is ideal for m-r. Something like the aforementioned ribeye that has dense pockets of fat in its marbling needs medium or that fat won't have started to break down, and the whole point of getting a cut like that is for the fat to break down and infuse the surrounding meat otherwise you might as well not get it.

>> No.4333666


I made this mistake yesterday at a high-end steakhouse. Mind you, I was three caesars in and wasn't thinking clearly. But when I got my rib steak I immediately realized my mistake. I felt dumb about sending it back for more, though. It was still delicious, if not ideal.

>> No.4333697

Eh, a good ribeye will be tasty any way you cook it just about. That's part of its appeal, even if it's suited to slightly longer cooking times than most good steak cuts.

>> No.4333741
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>> No.4333996

Pork, chicken and lamb should always be well done or medium well if you do not want to catch something bad that will someday crawl out of your ass and strangle your in your sleep.

>> No.4333998

Beef in the other hand, can be eaten almost raw.

>> No.4334139
File: 66 KB, 600x408, lambsteak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

agree with OP with the only exception being a lamb rump steak, which is at it's culinary pinnacle when done medium rare.

>> No.4334158

looks dry

>> No.4334159


>> No.4334160

that is why it needs to not be over done

>> No.4334162

I get steak medium unless it's a very good cut or like the other poster said - lamb - then I like medium rare. This made me hungry OP. Thanks a lot!