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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4330733 No.4330733 [Reply] [Original]

Non-picky eater food dislikes. Don't know if that got the message across, but I am lookig for people who, despite enjoying nearly all the ingredients nature has to offer, to share that one food that does not do it for you. AKA, don't tell me that you don't like anchovies if you also don't eat onions or tomatoes or mushrooms because you think they are icky.

For me, it has got to be cumin. Forgive me for being nasty, but it smells exactly like vagina. It is pungent in the worst way. I mean, if it's somewhere deep in a braised Moroccan lamb shank, a sort of subtle layer to the flavor, it's cool, but I find the stuff itself utterly repulsive. That is truly the only ingredient I can think of that I don't like.

One more thing: note that this thread is not to talk about prepared foods or recipes or cuisines you don't enjoy, like kimchi or sriracha or whatever.

Sorry to sound demanding, but I would like for this to be a food dislike thread that is narrower than "/ck/ unpopular opinions thread" with posts like "eggs are gross, deal with it B^D"

>> No.4330749

can't we ever just have things you really like threads

>> No.4330759


Cannot stand the stuff

>> No.4330763

Mushrooms, pretty much. I can eat 'em if prepared in certain ways and/or used in certain things, but otherwise can't stand those things.

Used to hate most sorts of cheese, but then I grew taste buds, so to speak.

>> No.4330770

Fuck, I WISH pussy smelled like cumin. Although to be fair it does ride the fine line between "smokey goodness" and "armpit stench"

Anyway, I'll eat just about anything, but I can't stand mayo.

>> No.4331531

Cilantro, I hate cilantro.

Also, raw tomato.

>> No.4331552

My own clone! Now neither of us will be virgins!

>> No.4331558

No real item in particular, but textures man, textures. The slimier/more gel like...oh god no.

>> No.4331565
File: 90 KB, 600x541, celery-is-useless.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Celery. Especially raw uncooked.

I find the flavor really objectionable in soups and stuffings. It's very powerful, and since a single stalk of the stuff can yield high quantities when chopped it's EVERYWHERE in the dish. Discretely picking it out is also tedious.

Raw celery literally hurts my guts. When I used to eat a few pieces when I was dieting as a snack my insides would be cramping and writhing in agony trying to digest the stuff. The texture is also stringy. The little heartstrings get stuck in my teeth. And the flavor just doesn't do anything for me. I've never heard of anyone's top favorite food being celery and I think there's a reason for that.

Nothing can describe my hate for this abomination. I wish I could go back in time and take a leaping shit on the guy who thought this would be a good idea to introduce into cuisine.

>> No.4331567

I don't like sea cucumber, or silk worms.


Liking cilantro is actually genetic, and many who dislike it are also supertasters. I love it though.


>> No.4331573

Do you like cajun/creole style cooking? As in do you mind the celery when it is mixed in with onions and garlic?

>> No.4331579

Yes because instead of tasting the glorious garlic and onion flavors I taste celery and have to worry about avoiding the bits stuck in the dish.
Happens a lot with gumbo which is my favorite.

>> No.4331582

I can't fathom how anyone can like silk worms.

>> No.4331589
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Milk. I don't care if it's icecold, it has the possibility of becoming lukewarm. Tepid milk is one of the most repulsive things ever, somehow it's even more repulsive than warm milk. It makes coffee with milk undrinkable for me, I don't like 'milky' chocolate milk. I love buttermlik though. Maybe I was raped by tepid milk in my youth :(

>> No.4331591

I never liked Avocado.
Tastes kinda like rubber. And has that mushy texture.

It's the only thing I can think of that everyone seems to LOVE that I really don't enjoy.

>> No.4331595

I know the sea cucumber I've eaten was fresh, so I'm pretty sure that dislike is genuine. I ate the silkworms as a soup in a Korean restaurant, but I've seen canned silkworms in a few of the Asian markets around here, so I suspect the ones in the soup may have been canned. I've heard they're good fresh and deep fried, but I've never had the opportunity to try them that way.

>> No.4331601

You should really into avocado, there is no reason not to like it. It's basically mostly fat.

>> No.4331609

I don't particularly like celery(tried the peanut butter and celery thing, do not like).

I can stand it in minestrone though.

>> No.4331611

Sundried tomatoes, coriander. Will not eat it if it has either of these ingredients in any measure.

>> No.4331624

olives... they just taste wrong and make me gag. But the oil they make.. gimmie that shit.

>> No.4331632

Celery always turns up in these threads. I don't like it either, especially not raw.

Ginger is the other popular thing I can't into.

>> No.4331653

I miss the smell of my ex's vagina.

Thanks for reminding me of my loneliness OP! You slimy cunt.

>> No.4331658

Pickles. No clue why. Probably from when I grew up, eating cheeseburgers from McDonald's constantly and taking out the pickles because they're 'icky'.

Hell, when I go there on occasion I still take them out of my burger.

>> No.4331659

Even though my ex was a fat, mean bitch, she had the best fucking pussy.

Man I miss shoving my face in that.

>> No.4331677

mussels. any other seafood i'm fine with.

>> No.4331700

Cooked tomatoes. Ketchup, marinara (pasta and dipping varieties), pizza sauce, jarred salsa, tomato soup, stewed tomatoes, etc.

I love raw tomatoes on a sandwich, in a salad, pico de gallo, etc.

Ketchup has no place on a burger. That's what the tomato is for. I don't even like ketchup on fries. I'd rather have garlic aioli or tartar sauce. Pizza? Anything with olive oil, alfredo or pesto will do just fine, thank you. Pasta? Macaroni and cheese, please. (But honestly I think pasta sucks as a starch. I'd rather have rice, bread or potatoes.)

That's not to say I'm above being hungry. None of my friends and family are aware that I dislike cooked tomatoes. And they never will. Stating your dislikes unless asked is fucking rude and shallow. Be a god damn man and eat what's given to you and be thankful for it.

>> No.4331704

if you're into bdsm or whatever, carve a buttplug out of ginger, and shove it into your ass, or your significant other's ass. Orgasms can be had aplenty. It's INTENSE the first time, but it gets easier afterwards.

>> No.4331713

Asparagus and celery and vinegar and olives.

I really can't stand most bitter foods, actually. I'd actually rather vomit.

>> No.4331716

No offense, but you sound like a picky eater.

>> No.4331722
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onions and peppers. Mosty bell peppers
It seems damn near everything has onions and/or peppers in it.
It's simple enough to just pick them out or ask without. But goddamn

Though I am content with battered onions

>> No.4331724

Yeah, the thread is about being picky about one kind of food.

>> No.4331728
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I see someone here is fond of figging.

>> No.4331759

I can't stand eggs and I have no idea why. Scrambled, poached, fried, omelettes, just anything with an eggy taste/smell makes me feel ill.

>> No.4331767


cooked onions are so important in cooking, I dont even understand how people can hate the flavor of cooked onions, raw I get, sure, but cooked? Its like every sauce you will ever taste has a 90% chance of having an onion somewhere in there.

>> No.4331784

The thread was for non picky eaters. I pity the mediocre life you have set for yourself with your "special snowflake" tastes. I think you'll be more at home in r9k, among your people.

>> No.4331798

Alright that's what I forgot to mention. I'm just fine with the flavor but can't stand eating them unless, as I've mentioned, there's a batter to cover it.
Peppers are still an absolute no go.

>share food that does not do it for you
>wrong thread

Yeah okay buddy

>> No.4331803

>sea-urchin tastes like burning rubber
>ketchup on scrambled eggs makes me wanna puke

>> No.4331806

How do you keep missing THE VERY FIRST WORD OF OPs POST?

>> No.4331805

I have a hard time eating artichoke, I guess because it is not native to where I live so I only first tasted it last year.

Also, I don't lie eating stomach. It smells exactly like shit to me. Other offal is good. Never had the most exotic ones, like brain or testicles or whatever, but would try if it smelt good.

>> No.4331809

And you keep missing peppers

Why are you getting so frustrated at the fact that somebody doesn't like a certain food.

>> No.4331811

I hate rice man, fucking tasteless.
And it doesn't matter what you put in it, it manages to steal the taste and keep tasteless

>> No.4331817

I could give a damn less what you like or don't like, it is the sheer ignorance and arrogance in yiu proclaiming this is a thread for picky waters that has me miffed.

Self important shit.

>> No.4331819

Doncha just love the snowflake generation? Thanks again, self esteem movement!

>> No.4331821

Have you considered...BUYING BETTER RICE?
[Dun dun DUUUUUUN]

>> No.4331822

My guess is a very serious case of entitlement and a mild autism spectrum disorder.

>> No.4331824

ITT: Wannabe Autism

You faggots do realize that asperger's is no longer recognized as a disorder, so you're either gonna have to find a new crutch to lean on or stop being such colossal faggots.

>> No.4331829


Take a chill pill Jesus

also, cabbage

>> No.4331836

Anything Amerifat. I will not eat anything amerifat.

>> No.4331841
File: 107 KB, 500x500, sad pidgeon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This guy knows what's up.

But as much as I dislike olives, they're probably not qualified to be that one food. There's a small number of foods I dislike and avoid, but none of them inspire the same level of revulsion as cottage cheese. Everything about it, the smell, the texture, the taste, even the look of it is vile.
Sometimes my job carries cottage cheese and fruit cups. No one fucking buys them, so when I need to throw them out at the end of the day I have to fight off nausea. Absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4331864

-2/10, troll harder self-hating weeaboo and/or europhile

>> No.4332441

OP here, glad to see this thread gained legs. On the obligatory "ITT: Autism." in pretty much every thread ever posted these days-- nobody is saying "stop liking what I don't like". Picky eaters are despicable because they are unadventurous-- they eat one bad steak as a kid and declare that steak is icky for the rest of their life. Rather, this is the thread for "I enjoy all foods, but this one thing just really doesn't do it for me no matter how hard I try."

>> No.4332464


Oh man me too. I actually don't mind the taste of onions but if they're not battered I can't eat them. They make me gag. I think it may be the texture yet I enjoy other similar textured food.

I like peppers though.

>> No.4332467

For me it's Asparagus. I eat pretty much everything--sushi, wild game, organ meats, lima beans, soft runny cheeses that smell like a dead man's feet, all manner of seafood, shellfish, I suck the heads of shrimp/crawfish, vegemite/marmite, liver, black pudding (blood sausage), fish sauce, and the vast majority of veggies...but for some reason, I just cannot stomach asparagus.

>> No.4332468


although I will say that you shouldn't give up on onions, man. Like >>4331767 said, there are hundreds of savory recipes where sweated or caramelized onions are key... All stock, so many braises, sauces, pastas, sautés, etc. may I suggest Amatriciana, which is a quick pasta of pancetta or bacon (Anglicized version), onion, crushed San Marzano tomatoes, and chili P. Slice and render the bacon in the pan, add diced onion, caramelize it altogether. Add some crushed garlic at the end. Deglace the pan with balsamic, add quality canned crushed tomatoes. Boil the pasta, when it is just al dente, strain it and add it to the sauce, which you can hold on low heat. Toss in some greens or blanched veg like asparagus tips with a chiffonade of oregano or basil along with chili powder and cracked pepper... Also salt to taste, but not too aggressively since the Parmesan is salty. Plate and snow the Parmesan atop. This is such a delicious pasta and it will definitely get you past your dislike of onions.

>> No.4332473 [DELETED] 

Pink Himalayan salt

>> No.4332492

Raw onion is extremely overpowering and just gross. Cooked onion is great. Cilantro is bothersome in a similar way, but it's less overpowering and doesn't bother me in smaller quantities, so I'm not sure that I'm one of those people it tastes "soapy" to.

>> No.4332496

I cannot stand the smell, texture and taste of butter. Margarine is fine though IMO without that hideous fake butter flavoring.

>> No.4332503


>> No.4332504

I fucking hate truffles. It smells like rotten wood, rotten garlic with a touch of dirt and rubber. I can't stand it.

>> No.4332505

Nothing. I am blessed.

>> No.4332513

I'm a girl. I hate chocolate. I've always hated chocolate as a kid. That texture weird thick texture that melted chocolate has is repulsive. The smell of chocolate is repulsive. I can eat some things with small amounts of cocoa powder in it (red velvet cake). But chocolate is one of those things that just dont do it for me. It makes my throat dry, and scratchy.

I'm not allergic to chocolate... I just don't like it.

>> No.4332517


I don't hate truffles but they are so overpowering. Just a touch of truffle oil can often take away from all the aromas of a dish.

>> No.4332521
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>not dousing your pom frites in glorious truffle oil

>> No.4332524

Truffle oil isn't actually truffle. It is like cheese analogue is to actual cheese.

>> No.4332527


So you must really take exception to the claim that all women love chocolate, have chocolate stashes in their bedrooms, etc...

>> No.4332541

Last spring my gf and I were fooling around and she was going through this (unfortunately brief) anal phase.

Long story short, we were doing some butt play and there was some insertion involving the long ears of one of those generic chocolate rabbits. DP with a chocolate rabbit, what a great Easter that was.

>> No.4332542

Not all women love chocolate.

>> No.4332566
File: 158 KB, 737x709, 1336518586707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

calling bullshit
chocolate would melt
also, why in gods name would you shove something with the same color and melted consistency as feces up someones ass?

>> No.4332567

How can you fucking live without butter? HOW? Are you allergic to everything that tastes good?

>> No.4332583

Shrimp. It's not the taste that I don't like because when it's good, it's downright delicious. Unfortunately I'm allergic and every time I eat even a little I end up puking for days.

The worst was when I thought I got some sweet and sour chicken from a chinese restaurant and ate the whole container. They gave me shrimp by accident.

>> No.4332595


Obviously, we have our living counterexample in the thread. But you hear it often that women love chocolate... Hence the Valentina's day chocolates, the dove advertisements to women, chocolate covered strawberries as romantic food, and so on.

>> No.4332616
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Ginger. Motherfucking ginger.

I don't have a problem with subtle use of ginger in baked goods like gingerbread or gingersnaps, but I hate the flavor of actual ginger in things like stirfry. It's way too overpowering.

>> No.4332655

>chocolate would melt
So? Also, not as much as you would expect. The cheap "chocolate" bunnies are basically palm oil, waxes, sugar, and some cocoa. The one we used did not melt that much at body temperature.

I was hoping it would melt more to be honest.

>> No.4332672


Hahaha, never change, 4chan...

>> No.4332700

I just cant eat brussel sprouts.

Every time I try I feel as if I'm getting sick. Last few that I ate I had to hold my nose and not chew so much.

>> No.4332728

They taste better when you reach the age of 9.

>> No.4332740

Cucumbers and pickles
Both taste foul

>> No.4332746

I detest pineapple. I don't know why, it just tastes awful to me.

>> No.4332766

My stomach gets really upset when i attempt to eat Saurkraut and Brussel Sprouts. I also really really hate the taste of ginger.

>> No.4332774
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Generally, if I don't like the taste of something, I assume that whoever prepared it fucked up. I feel like every ingredient has its place and can be delicious.
Except this shit.
No matter what, tastes like my mouth is being raped by 9-volt batteries.

>> No.4332793

For me it would have to be liver. I have tried to like it but I just can't stand the taste of it. Does Foie Gras have that liver taste to it?

>> No.4332806

it is more buttery than livery but it does have a liver flavor to it. Many people that dislike cow,chicken,and pork liver will enjoy foie gras

>> No.4332821

Mayo and ranch dressing.
Just no.

>> No.4332826

Have you tried eating actual chocolate bars, like those in the 80 or 90% range? A lot of chocolate is straight up garbage and some of it isn't even really chocolate anymore. It's hard to find a really good milk chocolate bar.

>> No.4332835

Bell pepper. I'll eat it, but I won't be happy about it. The taste is distinctive, but not in a good way.

>> No.4332837

bitter melon
i cant go for that

>> No.4332852

Seafood in general wonks me out. I guess that makes me a more picky eater than the topic specified though. I wish I could get over it. It's not like I think fish and stuff even tastes bad (tried some eel when I was in Tokyo a few years ago and it was delicious, but it still grossed me out after a few bites) it's just a totally irrational psychological thing.

>> No.4332864

Parsnips..just can't do it. Hated them as a child, hate them now

>> No.4332865

Fennel. I suspect it has to do with one of my first experiences with alcohol being with absinthe, six shots, and the rest of the night and the day after puking. I can stand a few seeds of it here and there but if you grill the plant I will fucking cut you. The smell alone can be enough to ruin my appetite. Shit sucks because I know it should be tasty, I just... can't.

>> No.4332879
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Collard Greens. They're too bitter and awful for me. I'm sure if they were mixed with something else, or even used to compliment another dish, I wouldn't mind so much. But collard greens by themself? No thank you.

>> No.4332948

Large chunks of ginger, something I can't stand. Natto is another. Lets see... I think that's about it really.

>> No.4332985

You know you can just ask for "no pickles" and they won't put pickles in there? If they're retarded and still put them in there you can simply go and complain to receive a new burger. Repeat until you have one with no pickles.

>> No.4333096


>> No.4333130

I eat literally everything...

... except... parsnips.

fuck. parsnips.

>> No.4333156

Anything with that anise flavor and ketchup.