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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 64 KB, 525x350, 1688_Provolone-Cheese-Burgers-Americana.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4324327 No.4324327 [Reply] [Original]

So hamburger meat is plentiful in this country. Hamburger buns are hard to come by.

Anyone have any good Hamburger bun recipes? If potato buns are easy to make I would love those even more

>> No.4324389
File: 158 KB, 737x709, 1336518586707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>hamburger meat
it's called ground beef
>plentiful in this country
welcome to the 21st century
>Hamburger buns are hard to come by.
it's called bread, you wild faggot

>> No.4324426

>Eating a hamburger on white bread

>> No.4324450
File: 57 KB, 477x650, 1360349326586.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw i went to a diner and they ran out of burger buns so they served it to be on white toast without even asking me

the only time ive ever walked out on a check

>> No.4324453
File: 48 KB, 320x286, tard_babby.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

because i said white bread, right?

>> No.4324502

You implied that the word bread is a substitute for the word hamburger bun

>> No.4324511
File: 3 KB, 212x134, hurrrrrr.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i implied that a hamburger bun IS bread

>> No.4324533

>Hamburger buns are hard to come by.

You're not in the U.S., are you?

>> No.4324535

you cheap ass nigger

>> No.4324536

>Hamburger buns are hard to come by.
Ever gone to a grocery in your life?

>> No.4324610

you stated that you didnt imply it
the implied part is that which you didnt type

>> No.4324630


Buns are just sliced rolls. This recipe should help http://www.tasteofhome.com/recipes/40-minute-hamburger-buns.. If you want sesame covered tops just add them before you bake.

>> No.4324637

This board needs flags so the amerifats can be shamed out.

>> No.4324681
File: 76 KB, 239x239, laughing dogs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure, because THAT's going to happen.
>Americans shamed out of 4chan
>it's nice living in a dream bubble

>> No.4324685

Not out of 4chan. Out of /ck/.

We know it's you filling /ck/ with garbage.

>> No.4324691

And /ck/ is where? On 4chan. You have as much likelyhood of driving Americans out as you have of say....having monkeys fly out of your butt. Good luck with that.

>> No.4324693

Thanks I will.

>> No.4324692

>4chan hosted in America
>4chan screens itself out of itself

yurodumb logic

>> No.4324737


>doesn't have a colony of assmonkeys yet

Wow, get a load of this faggot

>> No.4324799

Why are there so many fucking hamburger threads?

>> No.4324812

>yuros need to be shielded from superior countries so they don't feel bad


I love it!

>> No.4324825

90% of the people who posted in this thread just need to fucking leave or lurk more.

Not even a year ago, /ck/ was a nice and helpful place where we celebrated food and cooking. Now it's a bunch of faggot kids who wandered over from /v/, /b/, and other retarded boards with their shitposting.


Just fucking stop. OP asks a simple question for a recipe, and is responded to by blatant shitposting. We could use a nazi mod, if just temporarily, to revert this immature shit show that /ck/ is devolving into.

>> No.4324914

You really should grind your own meat. Every other fucking e coli scare comes from store-bought ground-beef.

>> No.4324945

You could also have your local butcher do it for you. Less mess to clean up afterwards.

>> No.4324955

>hamburger meat

acculee das horsemeet

>> No.4324976

Yes, that's true. However, if the ground meat is not to be cooked on the same day, it may be wiser to leave it as is until you plan to cook.

>> No.4324985

Where do you live OP?

>> No.4325007

get a load of this faggot

>> No.4325059

How disappointing. I came here to possibly find some interesting hamburger bun recipes, only to find the thread was derailed by a massive faggot on the first post.

And all of you other niggers just fed him until the thread was nothing but a huge pile of shit.

Fuck all of you.

>> No.4326147


>> No.4326199

Sadly this board is fucked. I come back every week or so, see a thread like this one, then close the tab, shaking my head in disappointment and lamentation at how much better /ck/ used to be.

>> No.4326254

Shitposting is more common on weekends. Anyway, you also saw few on topic responses because it's very uncommon to bake your own hamburger buns in the US, so those of us that saw your thread and weren't shitposting simply had nothing to say.

>> No.4326349
