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[ERROR] No.43214[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Lets Add female writers to Rick and Morty as a publicity stunt

Suddenly Morty's parents divorce

Rick is now pure 100% evil

Morty is now going to be abused even further by his evil grandfather

Beth and Summer are both Rick's biggest fans, meaning we'll probably get episodes where they don't do a thing to help Morty escape Rick's abusive ways

Two major plot points get wiped out because fuck you, that's why....

Toss in the fact that production got derailed, I have to wonder if the women pushed to turn Rick and Morty into a Lifetime Movie of the Week about abusive patriarchy with Rick now utterly and completely 100% pure evil and Morty suffering at his hands, with his female family members not caring due to them wanting to be Rick's sidekicks instead.

That the delays we have are all due to the fact that the male writers realized that the female writers fucked everything up, resulting in fighting in the writers room over the male writers wanting to bring Jerry back and dial back Rick's abusiveness while the women want to push it further and further, ala how Alan Grant and John Wagner fell out because Grant wanted Judge Dredd to be pure evil and Wagner wanting him to still be likeable and not utterly compromised as a fascist thug....

>> No.43325

>Rick is now pure 100% evil

Have you not watched the show?

>> No.43392

>"let's fuck our own show!"
the post.

>> No.43428

Rick is 100% evil or abusive, what show were you watching?

>> No.43462

>getting rid of Jerry is bad


>> No.43526

>They killed the "married couple bickering" subplot
>They established they don't care that much about character growth (which they clearly weren't invested in anyway)

Sounds good to me.
Those were my least favorite parts of the show.
The ending of Auto erotic assimilation made me cringe so hard.

>> No.43531

And you know this because of what sources?
How do you even come up with this convoluted conclusion?

>> No.43682


His source is: he hates women.

I mean hashtag activism is shitty bullshit, but being a cranky asswipe about the number of vagina havers writing a show that's a small step above a well written fart joke seems much sadder

>> No.43695

Jerry is hilarious. The show just treats him like a Meg and, because the fans will parrot any thing from the show, they treat Jerry's character with the same contempt that Rick does, even if Rick is worse than Jerry in every way.

Jerry is a fictional character meant to be pathetic and the source of most of the show's Kafkaesque comedy. If the show treats him as an antagonist and you dislike this, that means the writers did their job. Would you really want a show where Rick has no antagonists to face?

>> No.43718

How can we watch the first episode from the beginigng? If I go on to the stream I have no idea if I'm in the middle or end of the episode. Is there an upload?

>> No.43817


It's about to restart. 5 minutes.

>> No.43824

Jerry is only hilarious because he's pathetic and his patheticness is gettig old.
Shows need to change and evolve to stay fresh. Sorry if your waifu got written out.
As for rick, he's a mad scientist.
He can find a better antagonist than an unemployed wanker.

>> No.43983

>Doesn't watch the show

>> No.43992


Spoilers warning because COCK has no spoilers

Coming soon

>Jerry spiral arc similar to Ceril in Archer
>Morty acts like nothing has changed about their adventures after this episode and continues to put up with Rick despite trying to kill him because of his abuse
>Summer forgets everything Morty tried to tell her about Rick being a scumbag
>Everyone is all over Ricks dick the entire season and he gets 0 pushback or its dismissed with a catchphrase
>Beth starts dating a black guy

>> No.44183

I believe that last one

>> No.44395
File: 441 KB, 556x526, Screen Shot 2017-04-01 at 9.15.59 PM.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beth starts dating a black guy

Jerry will be a cuck just like his father.

>> No.44476



>> No.44491


4chanx lied to me

>> No.44502

somebody is streaming the first episode of season 3 on loop


>> No.44548

They're playing it on a loop lol

>> No.44676

Was it really necessary to have the screen so small? Jesus, I'm gonna wait for the download.

>> No.44710

Rick and Morty already had Female writers, asshat.

>> No.45016

>watching it on youtube when Adult Swim has been streaming it for hours

>> No.45122

A black guy or that guy from work.

>> No.45403

>Beth starts dating a black guy
I hate that this is practically guaranteed

>> No.45404


The likely scenario is that Beth is going to get a new, cooky boyfriend every episode.

>> No.45470


He'll probably sacrifice himself at season end and Beth will regretfully accept Jerry back into her life.

>> No.45595
File: 13 KB, 200x220, IMG_0844.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I watched the episode before seeing this thread, but regardless don't be a jerk and put spoilers in the OP.

>> No.45675

You're a fucking idiot, OP. You add nothing to this board.

>> No.45785

Jerry was amazing in season 1. They Flanderized the shit out of him in season 2.

>> No.47056

Actually they didn't. But this guy's still a delusional autist.

>> No.47143

pretty sure Jerry will still be in the show. In fact if I remember right, chris parnell said in an interview that Jerry and Rick will have a major episode together this season

>> No.47227

Curious where is the Rick is evil meme coming from? If anything he's still the chaotic neutral he has always been

>> No.47443

Basically Rick at the end revealing that Beth's intense dependence on Rick was actually Rick's plan the entire time to give him the ultimate insurance with his science plans.

>> No.47675

Holy shit you're a dumbass. I really hope Justin Roiland doesn't listen to edgelords like you who self identify as Rick. Identifying as Rick is cringier than identifying as the Joker, or even Shadow.

I wouldn't get this mad if it weren't for the fact that shitty fans like you pollute the internet with your terrible ideas and the writers might start to consider them.
>You should do an episode where someone tries to outsmart Rick but he totally owns them and then he says a funny one liner

>> No.47728

>is too autistic to just watch the show from wherever it starts and then catch whatever you missed literally the second the episode finishes
I really can't stand this generation raised on "the perfect viewing experience." One of my younger brother's friends used to sperg out and and derail whatever was going on if his shoes got dirty or if his shirt got too wrinkled. It had to be "perfect."

>> No.47743




>> No.47832

I think Rick is crazy
If he's so smart, couldn't he have just discovered a way to find the recipe for the szechuan sauce
Use his memories of the taste to synthesize something, in a similar way to how Beth and Jerry's viewpoints of each other were synthesized into actual living creatures

>> No.48006

He is not evil.He is simply insane.
You just mad about endless faking in the episode and want to be the divorce one of them.

>> No.48213

He is not evil.
He is just a fucking psycho, selfish son of a bitch, but not evil.

>> No.48251

I did get the feeling that maybe jumping bodies so many times might have fucked him up a bit. He was a little TOO off his rocker tonight.

>Rick has been intentionally manipulating Beth
See...I think that's where OP's supposed "typical feminist" complaint is coming from. They're re-contextualizing Rick from someone who "doesn't give a fuck" to someone who is intentionally malicious and manipulative of the family. That and the use of "the patriarch" felt a little too much like a tumblr post.

The thing that makes me pause though, is that I could have seen the same thing happening last season, but since they've made SUCH a public show of adding women to the show it feels like "this is their fault" regardless of whether or not it is.
>Episode ends with the oldest male character going full "all men are Hitler"

Well, they did spend A LOT of time on the particularities of alternate universes...and specifically in regard to Rick's family.

>> No.48336

>Suddenly Morty's parents divorce

you say this like it's a bad thing. Fuck Jerry.

>> No.48505

>suddenly jerry and beth divorce
>suddenly rick is evil

nigga you slower than shit

>> No.48522

Jerry ain't shit in any degree. He's on Family Guy levels of fucked up.

>> No.48533

fucking this. I was getting sick and fucking tired of them going between loving and annoyingly aggressive to each other every episode because they couldn't figure out how to write them.

Either Jerry is going full millhouses dad so they can tell some funny stories, or Jerry is gonna be super successful, but if we're stunningly lucky maybe he'll man the fuck up and become competent before he comes back and takes out rick or some shit.

>inb4 Jerry S3 endboss.

>> No.48556

Only women and fags cook.
Rick doesn't do women and fag work.

>> No.48624

>they've made SUCH a public show of adding women

Really? When did they do that?

>> No.48629

Did season 3 actually start? Is there a torrent? Probably not, right? There'd be way more threads

>> No.48703

Only the first episode. The rest in the summer


>> No.48738

April Fool's Day special preview. The rest of the seaon starts this summer.

>> No.48857

it may still be streaming on adultswim. if not there's probably a torrent by this point.

don't play dumb and act like just because they didn't take out a fifteen second spot in front of the The Voice that "they didn't make a big deal" or whatever other hairsplitting you're going for. No one ever makes a point of talking about how many new writers they're hiring unless they're making a point about WHAT KINDS of writers they're hiring. They made a show of it.

i'd rather start in beth and finish in summer.

>> No.48865

"Evil" morty is still around I think the new maniac rick is gonna play a part on what he's planning

>> No.48915

>reminants of the galactic federation locate jerry
>technically he was the one who got rick arrested
>they want jerry to help them find and kill rick
>jerry doesnt know what the fuck

Shit would be gold.

>> No.49020
File: 162 KB, 1152x827, Farscape_Fap_Time.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only if it's Claudia Black and Virginia Hey's characters from the Gazorpazorp episode.

>> No.49127

Did anybody else get kind of sick of how unendingly pathetic Jerry was in Season 2? What happened to the guy who drove through a crowd of mutants to catch Beth just before she could commit adultery?

>> No.49193

alternate universe, idnit?

>> No.49235

Isn't that the point of Jerry? That he's totally hopeless?

>> No.49303

No way, man. Jerry's the third best character, behind only Rick and Morty.

>> No.49479

>No one ever makes a point of talking about how many new writers they're hiring

Um, like I said, I don't remember that happening at all. When did they do that? I don't remember seeing any /co/ threads about it.

>> No.49496


What is with you people and this persecution complex? You're no better than the tumblrinas you claim to fight.

>> No.49513

>inb4 this wasn't a canon episode

>> No.49657

The opening scene is at Shoney's. If you click on it and it's not that, wait.

>> No.49784

The start of the episode is in a diner. If you open the stream and don't see a restaurant, you've missed the start of the episode. It tends to loop at the start of every half hour.
Alternatively, torrents are already up on rarbg.to

>> No.49834


well, the mary sue started off by regurgitating the typical "How can you be SO SURE they're not misogynists if there are no women writing the show???!?" inuendo, and it snowballed until


They hired some women and made sure to start telling us all about it. There are some more tweets and shit about it but I'm not digging up any more

>> No.49924


nobody gives a shit about the writers genders except triggered /polrades/

>> No.53785

>>Beth and Summer are both Rick's biggest fans
What's wrong with this? I mean, in the eyes of you /pol/tards what's wrong with this? This is the system you guys want isn't it? Rick is the patriach lording over his female relatives. Beth and Summer do whatever the Patriach tells them to. Rick, the only boy, is the only one sane enough to question Rick's choices and see how fucked up his system is. Which basically makes Morty the SJW femenist cunt of the group as you guys catalogue anyone that doesn't wanna go along with patriarchal society.

>> No.53965

Beth is going to fuck Rick, or some version of Rick. It has. They've been playing her fucking daddy issues for a while now and it's leading up to something. Beth is so fucking obssesed with Rick she would leave her husband and probably her children if Rick asked her to.

>> No.54425
File: 79 KB, 520x390, IMG_1523-520x390.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Beth starts dating a black guy
>Rick actually respects the black guy unlike Jerry
>Black guy is better than Jerry in every way
>Black guy sacrifices himself for Rick, while Jerry comes back at the end of the season and this is treated as everyone trading down for something shitty.
>Summer and Beth go on more adventures and being more competent than Rick or Morty in certain situations.
>It's revealed that Summer can match Ricks potential because she knew about the flies
>Morty is revealed to be useless and will never amount to anything and he will never get Jessica
>A version of Morty does get with Jessica but its a cuckold relationship like his dad.While a version of Summer is basically a Rick 2.0 that is better than Rick

These are my predictions screencap tjhis
>mfw this is all true

>> No.54465

Also it's funny how I have seen a lot of people thinking Rick and Beth's relationship is "cute" despite how obviously manipulative, possesive and just fucked up Rick is with her. And then Tumblr says it doesn't have daddy issues, jeez.

>> No.54544

Does anyone have a download for the episode?

>> No.54618

Did you even pay any attention to this episode? Do you even know how real women act or think, how they write? And i'm not talking those cunts that write for the HuffPost or FemFrequency or whatever it is you think is a good indicator of the female mind, /pol/tard. Just skim the Rick and Morty tag a bit on Tumblr and read some Rick and Morty fanfics on AO3 and you'll see how women really think about this show.

>> No.54657

>Suddenly Morty's parents divorce

I mean to be fair the guy is a useless, lazy piece of shit.

>> No.54676

I'm kind of a little bummed. Felt rushed towards the end. There was a huge amount of emotional buildup from the last finale, and honestly it feels kind of like they just squandered it.

Could have been better honestly hope this isn't going to be the direction it takes

>> No.54690


>That and the use of "the patriarch" felt a little too much like a tumblr post.

Pretty sure you're overanaylzing it. It's very likely that Rick's end rant was just ad-libbed. He started ranting about the mcnugget dipping sauce, there is no way that wasn't just roiland yelling nonsense into a microphone.

>> No.54692

>its not actually episode 1
>April fools

>> No.54713

>skim the rick and morty tag a bit on tumblr
maybe you should go back, whore

>> No.54737

How is Rick manipulative?
You're just a fucking Sjw faggot who thinks a man trying to better his daughter is "problematic".

>> No.54756
File: 62 KB, 610x396, saucetest.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't be retarded anon

>> No.54792

>Summer and Beth go on more adventures and being more competent than Rick or Morty in certain situations.
>Despite the fact Beth literally can't operate properly without her father around and has clear mental trauma and dependency issues with him
Beth leaving behind her dependency of her father would actually be a good thing for her character arc moron. Beth isn't fucking 16, she's an grown ass woman that went to collegue. She SHOULD be independent of her father.

>> No.54837

More like a bad father who's been given a second chance

>> No.54839

I don't give a shit
If they keep this quality coming they are more than welcome to stay

>> No.54922

He keeps putting her and her family in risk situations, left her actual daughter behind, made Beth leave her husband and treats her like a fucking accesory to his life. How the fuck is that not manipulative? I mean, it makes for interesing storytelling, I ain't complaining about that. But you're clearly missing the point of Rick's character.

>> No.55079

I'm just saying, if you're gonna judge female writers based on your own projections from your biased perception and not even taking the time to actually explore how women write then you have little room to talk anon.

>> No.55126

Because cuck jokes are a new thing right?
Jerry is literally abducted and treated like a brilliant scientists in season one

>> No.55160


I also fucking hate how they ended last season with Rick literally turning himself in for the family only to turn around at end of this episode to say NOPE I DONT CARE ABOUT THE FAMILY IM JUST CRAZY FOR NUGGET SAUCE
Also what the fuck was up with birdperson, why didn't the alien bugs there start freaking out when they activated birdguy?

>> No.55189

Shut the fuck up Tumblr female writers can stay when they prove their worth
I highly don't the first episode of season three was written by any of them, it was probably written even before any of them got hires

>> No.55260

If you want crying go watch Steven universe, the show other less bad shows shit on because it's literally garbage

>> No.55371
File: 113 KB, 1280x720, guesswhatthishumaneats.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Do we hate Tammy on 4chan too?

>> No.55451

I'm just saying, hold your horses man. As long as they hired someone invested in the show and in doing a good job then gender doesn't matter. Of course they also probably hired someone completely uninteresed in writing a good episode as well but that's not exclusive to male writers. Tone down your tone a bit why don't you? You're not impressing anyone by shouting digitally.

>> No.55473

>made Beth leave her husband
Implying Jerry isn't a cunt who deserved to be left alone and Beth is better off without his pathetic ass
>treats her like a fucking accesory to his life
oh ok then I guess if your original daughter fucking died and you had the chance to jump dimensions to see a new one you wouldn't do that. oh wait most people would do that but you wouldn't.
>But you're clearly missing the point of Rick's Character.
Maybe you're missing the point of his character by assuming a wrong characteristic?

>> No.55542


You seem upset.

>> No.55595

I'm just saying that the writers wrote Rick in a way where it's like he cares about his family only for them to backpedal and go back to S1 Rick where he was just an crazy asshole.

>> No.55658

>oh ok then I guess if your original daughter fucking died and you had the chance to jump dimensions to see a new one you wouldn't do that. oh wait most people would do that but you wouldn't.
Dude, that's fucked up. If I did that I would be a fucked up person. I would either try to move on the hard way or just like, if I was a real mess probably kill myself for kind of causing everyone on the planet including my family to die a horrible death? The fact that Rick didn't even think twice about leaving his original family and doesn't really care either way should show you he's a fucking psycho. I'm literally saying the same shit Morty said to Summer this episode, and he was right.

>> No.55696

In case you haven't noticed, he always backpedals on his feelings for his family. It's pretty obvious it's because he can't admit it most of the time. Also, he's crazy.

>> No.55755

Except Morty was wrong in the end (like he usually is) when Rick saved them from the council Rick

>> No.55767
File: 211 KB, 307x311, 1478677017776.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fucking Christ, have sex for once or go back to >>>/mlpol/

>> No.55808

Women aren't fun people to hang around with and they know that. They hate seeing men having fun without them because they feel they are being excluded even though they have nothing to do with them. Every time a woman butts herself into a group of guys having a good time, they have to make themselves the center of attention. Why can't they just hang out with their own group of girl friends? Because they all secretly hate each other. They all try to passive aggressively talk each other down to big themselves up and take things too seriously. Guys don't give a shit and just riff on each other and laugh about it. Girls can not riff on each other. It gets personal way too quick.

>> No.55847

I like tammy

>> No.55866


>> No.55870

That doesn't erase the fact that his original family was captured by the council and is probably dead now. Or the fact that Morty didn't actually knew his plan and would have actually killed Rick because that's how sick he is of his psychotic antics. Morty is always really close to snapping of f with Rick because he's the only one that understands just how fucked Rick is.

>> No.56003

Way to have a meaningful discussion about the topic. Nothing you said directly addressed OP's points and you're basically using disinfo shill tier tactics to dismiss OP's points. Nothing will ever get properly discussed if people like you continue to do this.

>> No.56009

Jerry isn't gone, he just has to do battle with a FOOOOOLISH SAMURAI WARRIOR

>> No.56077

>he's the only one that understands just how fucked Rick is
Except he doesn't really understand.It's been stated multiple times in the show that he's fucking stupid.If he can't recognize all those times Rick had to save his ass on adventures than I guess he's just too stupid to understand that Rick does care about him.
>inb4 you say he wouldn't be in danger if Rick doesn't take him on adventures.
Morty chooses to go on adventures

>> No.56102
File: 45 KB, 470x698, 97e039528e2609bdd2b761cef2fb562a2d2da2abdf95d6fb9ed8cdab6e111123.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Women aren't fun people to hang around with and they know that. They hate seeing men having fun without them because they feel they are being excluded even though they have nothing to do with them. Every time a woman butts herself into a group of guys having a good time, they have to make themselves the center of attention. Why can't they just hang out with their own group of girl friends? Because they all secretly hate each other. They all try to passive aggressively talk each other down to big themselves up and take things too seriously. Guys don't give a shit and just riff on each other and laugh about it. Girls can not riff on each other. It gets personal way too quick.
>I have never talked to or aproached a single woman in my life: the post
And non, Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkiwhatever, Amy Schumer, Lina Durham and Hillary Clinton don't count as observation of women anon.

>> No.56107

I'm seriously thinking this might be the case.

I remember hearing that the premier was supposed to be an hour long. The start of the one they showed today did seem like it could be the second part of the first, but to be honest fampai, I could genuinely see this episode having been made specifically for today, and then it turns out that this was just some other dimension, or it was all simulation, or some other strange bullshit.

That sounds exactly like the shit they would pull. I dunno.

>> No.56127

This thread was already turning into stupid incoherent shit by the time I reached the end.

>> No.56232

I hate all these /mlpol/ users on this board always screaming "sjw shit" anytime a woman is involved in a show.

>> No.56244

>and you're basically using disinfo shill tier tactics to dismiss OP's points
I guess shitposting and making a joke is high tier agency disinfo shit now. Shit, better call Mossad and CIA on this boys.

>> No.56266
File: 64 KB, 608x580, activatedalmonds.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the female mind

>> No.56304
File: 40 KB, 960x724, confused eddy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Alt Jerry and Beth haven't seen Rick in months
>They went feral long after Rick left
>they can somehow smell Rick

>> No.56313

Rick's not evil, he just a breakdown after having to lie so much.
Happened to him once after the simuation episode.
Also we are never led to believe he's an emotionally stable human being.

Although I have to admit, the whole thing felt kind of rushed.

>> No.56339

It actually can be used as disinfo tactics because it steers away from any actual discussion.

>> No.56340

I mean I understand their points and stuff. But just the slighters fucking mention of a woman or a black or a jew sets them off. And then they gotta shit the whole fucking thread because the show is "tainted" now. Jesus. I just wanna watch fucking cartoons uncle /pol/.

>> No.56443

Shut the fuck up
If you want to come here all the way from shitland Tumblr a right turn away from Reddit you are going to fucking learn our fucking way fuck you
Fuck you you shut up fuck you

>> No.56472
File: 578 KB, 680x390, aahh.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>rick IS actually evi
>rick has planned for all occurrences or betrayals
>rick has no morals
>Morty can do nothing to stop rick. He's an omnipotent force in the galaxy not even other versions of himself can defeat

Holy shit this show is dark

>> No.56484

Yeah the female mind.

>> No.56507
File: 31 KB, 480x454, a28.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Zoe Quinn, Anita Sarkiwhatever, Amy Schumer, Lina Durham and Hillary Clinton don't count as observation of women anon.
Damn. Those are the only women I know.

>> No.56545

Calm down uncle /pol/, your big boy words don't make you sound tougher on the internet.

>> No.56551

>Got to watch the first episode of season three
>It was great
>Got to watch you throw a tantrum of Tumblr proportion
>You didn't cry half as much when Trump got elected
>You seem mad
Maybe it's you that haven't experienced joy in so long you forgot what it looks like
Go back to cry with the eternally pmsd

>> No.56553
File: 73 KB, 235x202, 09.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I remember that fic.

>> No.56570

does he choose or is he forced or coerced

>> No.56609

Call me pol all you want, call me Russia, call me r9k or wathever the fuck you want, it has no effect at all I already won today

>> No.56611

So you're the only anon here that actually points out the obvious narrative they were going with? Thanks god we break away from the delusions going on here

>> No.56625

In the comics, a Jerry was able to defeat and enslave the council of Ricks, but was then killed by Rick (dimension C-132) in a deceiving manner similar to this episode.

Plus, there's still that evil Morty who was controlling that robot Rick...

>> No.56639

>learn our fucking way

lmao get a load of this guy

>> No.56649

Looks like somebody is having a meltdown.

>> No.56663
File: 146 KB, 800x800, 1479169889846.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Women weren't made to think and women aren't funny. Being a female writer for a comedy show is the biggest reason to drop a show.

>> No.56696
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>Call me pol all you want, call me Russia, call me r9k or wathever the fuck you want, it has no effect at all I already won today
I wasn't even aware I was playing anything. I thought I was just talking about shitty cartoons... Damn, truly you are a 7D Chess master.

>> No.56720

Keep grasping at straws, I won't feed your victim complex,not today
Go look for some drunk fuck to beat you so you can have a good cry, it's Saturday after all

>> No.56724

Oh so youre a woman then?

>> No.56727

Be careful not to shit yourself in rage.

>> No.56761

F-Fampai...? Me?
Seriously though, it did definitely make me suspicious because there's that animatic of Rickle killing rats and I always thought that was his long-ass plan for breaking out of prison. Who knows, though. We'll have to wait until summer to find out. But if this is just an April Fools special, I'll have guessed it and it'll mean I'm not pissed.

>> No.56766
File: 28 KB, 373x327, 12189758_137763729914072_7687152841653041142_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

*teleports behind you* Nothing personal kid

>> No.56786

you have autism

>> No.56787

Then what is funny anon? I thought you guys said Rick and Morty was unfunny Reddit garbage anyway anon. Dunno how it can be worse. Besides, you guys aren't exactly funny anyway.

>> No.56791

We are playing trigger the cuck and I'm going for a 9 in a row combo right now

>> No.56863

okay I take it back, you /pol/tards are pretty funny. you're trying to be funny right, not actually serious?

>> No.56891
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The scariest part is rick is only selfish in his motivations. Anything he says is calculated in such a way to push his advantage. The people around him are just play-toys.

The only ending that makes sense is morty killing rick.

>> No.56911

Post the laughing animals anon
I can tell by the way you all keep replying how much hurt there is in your ass right now
It's like one of those big pulsating zist in your asscrack that doesn't stop hurting no matter what you do

>> No.56918
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Knew Clinton's team would drop the ball somehow

>> No.56970

why are you so grumpy

>> No.56982

Nothing but a good old fashioned rape to end up a night like this eh Tumblr?

>> No.56992
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>> No.57004
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>April Fools special
>mfw if true

This was the original idea for season 3 but they wrote off the federation and the council of ricks as well as Jerry so they can't write around this other than some boring Jerry cuck jokes

Season 3 was delayed because the real premiere is the Rat thing and they are writing about that.

Only thing unchanged is cyborgbirdman because the bug aliens there at the end weren't freaking out over the economy

Screencap this because im fucking Nostradamus

>> No.57029

Just remember. /pol/ is always right.

>> No.57032


did you watch the new ep? that jerry actually shows up.

>> No.57050

I live for moment like these anon

>> No.57058

ok youre fucking with me youre just a guy pretending to be a poltard now

>> No.57091

He's probably not even the same anon

>> No.57144

Justin, was this episode a joke?

>> No.57176

Thank you for making my night, I mean it
If I got to see you so butthurt everyday i would have no problems with you shitting up my board

>> No.57229


>Toss in the fact that production got derailed,

I love dan harmon's work, but I garuntee he's the reason why the production got derailed. This si an infamous thing with him. He can't work well with others and always causes his shows to get messed up. This is all on him. This has happened before because of him and it'll happen again because of him.


>> No.57260

okay uncle /pol/ didn't the fucking republican congress just vote to eliminate internet privacy or some shit like that? In that case if you guys ever said trusting you guys would get us all fucked in the asss then yeah, you were right.

>> No.57266

That's pretty pathetic, you should probably kill yourself.

>> No.57296


I was just re-watching the episode, and noticed that Summer had a different look with her hair almost the entire episode through, for no real reason.

Really makes you think....

>> No.57313

I think you're conusing me with someone else uncle /pol/. I liked this episode a lot. I'm happy the show's back, and i'm looking forward to more.

>> No.57390

>lmao bro why don't you just pick up a book and start reading in the middle, then read it again from the start to catch what you missed
>lmao what do you mean the constructed narrative would be disjointed and you wouldn't really be able to enjoy it, what are you autistic?

>> No.57450

Anyone got a download link?

>> No.57513

That's how I watch all movies desu. Skip the boring parts and cinematic sequences and go back if I missed anything important.

>> No.57859

Probably but Rick will try to either emasculate or outalpha them all and if he can't he'll get rid of them/kill them.

That or Beth finds a man that satisfies her and she starts to slowly lose her dependency on Rick and he hates it and goes to look for Jerry because with him at least Beth will look up to Rick.

>> No.57981

This is sad and hot. Wew lad

>> No.58089

Sounds like you might have some kind of attention deficit disorder if you can't sit through a whole movie. When rewatching one, I could understand, but for the first time? What's the point?

>> No.58162

Cynical theory, if there is going to be a huge fucking twist where the season premiere is actually another parallel earth storyline with which another version of Rick (not the main one that is the main character of the show) from a parallel universe, took out his universe's version of the Federation AND the Council of Ricks at the same time:

The Morty at the end of the episode? That's the EVIL MORTY.

Basically the entire episode is the origin of EVIL MORTY. After what Rick did to Jerry and everyone else and his villain speech, Morty snapped and murdered his version of Rick. Killed him dead and maybe lost an eye too in the process.

The Council of Ricks eventually rebuild their HQ and Morty now wants to eliminate all of his grandparents temporal counterparts, after they grabbed him after he killed his Rick and decided to reassign him to another Rick, not knowing that he murdered his Rick.

>> No.58277

>Beth leaving behind her dependency of her father would actually be a good thing for her character arc moron. Beth isn't fucking 16, she's an grown ass woman that went to collegue. She SHOULD be independent of her father.

No, THAT'S retarded, but its not consistent for her character, because sometimes people do have attachment issues and don't do the sane thing. Just because she went to college doesn't mean she should be independent or well adjusted.

>> No.58346

Episode download link? Can't see the stream, don't know if it's over or if it's because I'm in straya.

>> No.58429
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>> No.58473

guys can you discuss this cartoon without getting this personally involved? jeez

>> No.58497


>See...I think that's where OP's supposed "typical feminist" complaint is coming from. They're re-contextualizing Rick from someone who "doesn't give a fuck" to someone who is intentionally malicious and manipulative of the family.

its the difference between what the sexes consider redeeming or attractive qualities. Males find somebody doing something for no reason other than the fact that they want to do it really appealing, and makes destructive acts more endearing.

women find manipulation sexy, and a person with overpowering skill and ambition using that to dominate you is super appealing.

Watch literally any media designed to be sexy for women and this holds true. They don't respect the idea of doing something because you want to do it, they respect doing something nonsensical on its face because the act brings them closer to a figure they want to fuck.

>> No.58567

All i'm saying is, where the fuck are my Rick/Beth fucked up Smut at? There's so much shit someone could write about these two and their weird relationship and yet I see so little of it. Truly a waste.

>> No.58617

Well it depends. Good movies never feel like a drag. But shit that is way too long for no reason I do skip a little of them.

>> No.58620

he is the best character in the show

>> No.58626

Could they really not find any women other then a cunt so engulfed in DRUMPFposting she got herself fired for attacking Trump's 10 year old boy who did nothing?

>> No.58697

OH MY GOD, I JUST FUCKING LOVE RICK AND MORTY! IT'S SO RANDOM AND COOL - IT'S LIKE THE SHOW WAS DESIGNED FOR US REDDITORS. MY MUM SAYS I HAVE AN UNHEALTHY OBSESSION WITH THE SHOW BUT SHE DOESN'T UNDERSTAND. IT'S SO FUNNY! I WISH I COULD LIVE IN THE RICK AND MORTY WORLD AND HANG OUT WITH THEM. IN THEIR WORLD I'D BE POWERFUL, SOCIABLE AND I'D HAVE SO MANY FRIENDS. EVERYTHING WOULD BE SO FUNNY!!! If you dare insult the show, I will come to your house and threaten you with my katanas until you become a true fan like myself! I run the Rick and Morty Club at my school - we come together, browse Reddit, make some Deadpool memes and watch Rick and Morty. We don't talk to each other but there's a cute girl there I'm gonna try and ask out. I'm a nice guy and I dress well (fedora + trenchcoat for life!) so I just know I've got a good chance with her. I've already messaged her on Facebook, I just haven't got a response yet. Anyway, back to the topic at hand: RICK AND MORTY!!! MY FAVOURITE CHARACTER IS RICK BECAUSE HIS STYLE OF HUMOUR PERFECTLY REFLECTS THAT OF REDDIT! I BET IF I ASKED HIM "WHEN DOES THE NARWHAL BACON?" HE'D KNOW EXACTLY WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! ALSO DID YOU NOTICE HE LOOKS LIKE BERNIE SANDERS IF YOU SQUINT A BIT AND USE YOUR IMAGINATION!!! THIS CAN'T BE COINCIDENCE! MLG ILLUMINATI CONFIRMED! Yeah, that's right, I look at montage parodies too. What good Redditor doesn't? Lenny face, Illuminati and Doge are so funny! If I met Rick and Morty I'd be sure to show them all those memes and more!!!!!

Yours baconly, Atheist92

>> No.58743

It's what she should do, what a therapist or any normal person would tell her to do. But I get it's part of her character because she's got major abandoment issues and trauma and shit like that. So I understand why she's so desperate for Rick's approval and for him to stay with her.

>> No.58764
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Even if you hired neutral women this is what would happen.
Dexter became progressively worse and soapy because women took over writing the show.

Women simply like different things to men. Men generally have a hard time writing for women and women for men because of that.

>> No.58784

yeah I mean fuck Tumblr has tons of lust for Rick. They know he's fucked up but that's what they want.

>> No.58901

>his universe's version of the Federation AND the Council of Ricks at the same time
I thought the Council of Ricks existed in only one universe.

>> No.58958
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>I'm finally gonna have to watch Jerry's too-close-to-home divorce arc

.... I'm with the angry Jackfags now

>> No.58978

There's two things that happened in this episode that doesn't give me much hope which was the Jerry divorce thing popping up and the stinger with Tammy at the end. The Jerry thing just kind of hits me strongly given how the last season ended as well as that whole b-plot about how dysfunctional but functional Jerry and Beth were that made them work. Into the garbage with that all: Beth divorces Jerry and we'll compound that with Rick going full tyrant tier for it. Evil Rick who has Summer and Beth completely bamboozled and Morty is just stuck with knowing the truth but being powerless about it. Fantastic man.

As for the other part:


Tammy had manipulated Birdperson and was responsible for his death in a cold-blooded takedown. She was absolutely abhorrent in this but this new episode makes that all better by resurrecting him. Someone could make the argument that all she did was make him into a controllable shell of a person but you can't argue against the 'sentimentality' of bringing him back as if she gave a shit about him.

>> No.58987

What are you talking about? This episode was amazing:

>1 episode in
>kicked out and killed the immigrants
>destroyed the EU
>sets himself up as his family's patriarch, brining his STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN daughter to heel, and kicking out her beta cuck husband
>granddaughter goes out to kill even more immigrants
>gloats to his beta cuck grandson about how he'll get away with everything

Rick is the very opposite of what I expected him to be when I heard women were going to be partially responsible for writing him

>> No.59048

They're just gonna get back anyway. The writers hate us and they will always do that shit with Beth and Jerry threatening to leave eachother and then making up. There's nobody that actually likes this subplot but they will keep doing it. Fuck either separate them already or have them have a steady relationship or just tone it down a bit.

>> No.59119

>republican congress just vote to eliminate internet privacy or some shit

Not quite, they voted to overturn new privacy laws from being put in place. Your internet privacy is the same as it's always been (about zero).

>> No.59137

>The Jerry thing just kind of hits me strongly given how the last season ended as well as that whole b-plot about how dysfunctional but functional Jerry and Beth were that made them work
They have literally done this plot what, a dozen times already? It's getting really old and annoying dude.

>> No.59195

Were said laws going to give me slighty more freedom and privacy or less?

>> No.59305

They would have made it illegal for ISPs to sell consumer's information.

>> No.59377

>9 more seasons Morty
>or 97 more years!


>> No.59457

If you didn't like it and all the writers were male, who would you blame?

>> No.59471
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A 4chan board full of contrarians with non-arguments and strawmans against people who like Rick and Morty? Who could have guessed?

>> No.59483

Council of Ricks is inter-dimensional, though.

Possible way you could have another body like it, though: Council of Ricks is babby-tier and another, bigger Council exists composed of Ricks outside the Central Finite Curve.
Or perhaps many smaller ones.

>> No.59506

Women joining a formerly predominantly male writing team will always change the show. The reverse is true as well but to a lesser extent. Women should honestly stay away from comedy shows unless it was their original idea.

Female writers don't think "oh this scenario/joke works well in this show and these characters" they think "these characters should act like THIS instead!"

It's very destructive.

>> No.59605

Not even just comedy. They'll switch the nerd homages in R&M to TBBT-tier shit and the focus of the show will become mundane relationship drama.

The only ray of hope is that if they did indeed employ SJWs the SJW is usually the product of broken homes indulges in poisonous relationships, has many self-destructive tendencies and fetishes etc.

In that way they may actually be more qualified to write for R+M than a normie woman.

>> No.59614

>no girl has ever touched me and I have no idea why


>> No.59616


Sadly, we were screwed on that either way. Legally all they have to do is throw a segment into their TOS agreement that says "you have to let us sell your info, or you don't get internet service".

It's nice to know, though, that both democrats and republicans don't care about my privacies as a customer or a citizen. but thank goodness Rick and Morty is there to distract me from that misery with the other misery that I might not get to see the rest of Samurai Jack. Thank you plebbit.