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4320248 No.4320248 [Reply] [Original]

>have coupon to get 2 famous stars from carl's jr (hardees) for $3
>really dont want to get fast food but poor college student and they are actually cheaper than making them on my own

fuck, and they make good hamburgers too

>> No.4320296

>cheaper than making them on your own
>can find ground beef for $3 a pound
>bread for 98c a loaf
>lettuce for 50c a pound
>hothouse tomato for maybe $1.50 each
You could make many more burgers for not much more money. But I understand, Carl's Jr cooks it for you.

>> No.4320302

dont eat at carls, used to work there, trust me im doing you a favor

>> No.4320304

I would very much like to know where you live. Nothing is that inexpensive in California.

>> No.4320307

Ground beef three bucks a pound? Where is this fantasy land you live in?

>> No.4320316

I-I live in California...

Ground beef 80/20 chuck from Fresh and Easy is $2.49-$3.00 a pound, and the $2.49 is when it's on sale. I find the rest of the ingredients at Winco, and typically their ground beef is about 30-50 cents more, Fresh and Easy is down the house from me, so if I need beef, I go there.

>> No.4320317

>confirmed for non-flyover country casual
Midwest master race reporting in, not even the guy you replied to either
top lel

>> No.4320331

Look, I can imagine some parts of the midwest are pretty, most aren't crowded, and it's cheaper to live than California, but where does this "commiefornia" sentiment come from? The fact that all workers in California are guaranteed workman's comp? That we have "stricter" gun laws that aren't even enforced? I can understand if you've never traveled outside your little bubble you might think we're a bunch of limp-wristed faggots who chill at cafes before heading to the beach to suck cock and surf, but if you were to travel here, you'd find yourself in the company of friends if you live in my neck of the woods, where it's about as hickish and midwest feeling as it comes in the Central valley. Sure, you'd see a lot more brown people, but I'm sure you'd feel at home once traveling to a certain neck of the woods where there are more lifted trucks than back home and the drivers are just as angry and drunk.

>> No.4320335


The fact that you are the most heavily regulated state in the country besides MAYBE New York.

California's government sticks it's fucking nose in god damn everything. Never been happier in my life than the day I got out of that shithole.

>> No.4320337

Wisconsinfag here. I can vouch for this. I was stationed in Monterey, CA for a year and a half. I met up with an internet friend who lived outside of Santa Cruz in some small ass town, and hanging out with the people there was exactly like being at home except it's not as flat and they can't drink as much.

It's your big cities that give you your bad rep bro.

>> No.4320340

>It's your big cities that give you your bad rep bro.

Not really. It's the brown people. Just like everywhere.

>> No.4320362

I'd say it's more like Los Angeles that gives us a bad rep. If you were stationed at Monterey did you get to go to San Jose or San Francisco?

Best Japanese food I've ever had was in San Francisco, best Chinese food in San Jose, and best fish sandwich and clam chowder in Monterey.

I'm not even going to try and defend our state government. It's sinking, been sinking for a while, and the taxes don't really justify what they bring the people of the state in terms of services. It's like everything is being pissed away on their fat salaries and Bonqweeqwee's 5 kids. As far as regulations are concerned, none really come to mind that affect me personally.

I think our emissions laws are shit? That's all that really bothers me.

>> No.4320465

California guy living in the midwest here. Whoever said that the cost of living is cheaper in the midwest is full of crap. Pork costs as much as beef, beef is the same price it is in CA. Fruits and vegetables are horribly expensive.

Nah, J Brown fixed it up, we good now.

>> No.4320481

>Fruits and vegetables are horribly expensive.

I find this so weird. Don't they have vast amounts of free space to grow fruits and vegetables? You would think they would be the cheapest of them all.

>> No.4320491

But the actual cost of homes and rent is substantially lower across all cities in the midwest compared to cities in California. I see your $500 a month 800 square feet 1 bedroom 1 bath and raise you with a $800 a month 650 square feet 1 bedroom 1 bath in California.

Also, break it down here on how much your average fruit/veg costs.

Bananas: $1.39 for 3lbs
Strawberries: $2 for 1lb
Pineapple: $2.99 for 1 Pineapple

Cabbage: 57 cents a head
Potatoes: Russet are 50 cents a pound last I checked
Spinach: $3.99 for 2.5lbs

>> No.4320492

Due to weather, most of the fruit that's worth eating is grown in California or Florida. (come at me)

>> No.4320493
File: 28 KB, 570x368, o-CARLS-JR-PULLED-PORK-BURGER-570.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i'd suggest this OP. it's fucking amazing.

>> No.4320496

>Potatoes: Russet are 50 cents a pound last I checked

That's expensive.

>> No.4320500

Never implied it was cheap. Potatoes aren't really grown in California last I checked, we're getting that from you midwest people or people from Idaho.

Your face when a lot of that fruit and some of those vegetables are from places like Mexico and Chile? At least where I live in California I see on packages and stickers all the time "Mexico" or "Chile".

>> No.4320506

Oh god I would hate to live in a hickish area. Hicks and rednecks really piss me off. There are a few around here though just because there is still farmland around and I seriously can't stand them. Some I know just drive around with a confederate flag in heavily populated black areas just because they can and because they know it will piss people off. And to defend it they just say "its not racist its pride"

I would rather live in a neighborhood where I'm the minority rather than live in one with a bunch of hicks.

>> No.4320513

Why aren't you shopping at Mexican markets? All those things you've listed could be had for way cheaper.

>> No.4320520

Did you consider that maybe it's much more profitable to export our amazing California grown fruits to the rest of the country and world and then to import cheaper fruit from other countries?

Besides, have you ever been to one of the many farmer markets in California? That's all fresh fruits and veggies right here from California.

>> No.4320524

I live in Fresno, CA and we have the worst of both worlds. Irate, arrogant hicks and ghetto fabulous, anchor baby'd beaners. The amount of one-arm-gripping-steering-wheel-at-the-top-in-an-aggressive-fashion-complete-with-shaven-head white guys with their Monster Energy drink stickers on their lifted trucks who wear Tap Out everything is beyond belief. It's like I'm stuck in the angriest, smoggiest, and most jobless melting pot on the planet.

>> No.4320530

>Did you consider that maybe it's much more profitable to export our amazing California grown fruits to the rest of the country and world and then to import cheaper fruit from other countries?

Uhh, duh? And it's hardly exported to the "rest" of the country, it's shipped up north to the bay area and down south to Los Angeles. Farmers markets are something you have to "catch", though. Some people need to get food when they need to get it. To think if the super market was open 2 hours out of the day once a week...

>> No.4320534

I'm not shopping at Mexican markets because they're all 10 miles or more away from me, and I don't want my car to get fucked with. I live in the car theft capital of the country, nothanksbro.jpg

>> No.4320539

Oh god Fresno. So hot. So smoggy. Wouldn't want to live there.

I'm currently right outside Sacramento, and its a huge melting pot of cultures here too.. There are the shitty extremes of all kinds of people, however it seems like many of the people here are very similar and used to living in a diverse area. My school was 30% white and 30% Asian with 3,000 kids.

I lived in San Diego and it was amazing.. there were a lot of Mexicans but I work summers on the construction site anyway.. they don't really bother me for the most part. A lot are cool, a lot are scummy, but Mexican food is my favorite and I'm very happy they're here.

>> No.4320542

Fresno is truly a shithole among shitholes.

>> No.4320540

And this is what I hate. The valley areas of California produce some amazing fruits and veggies, and the farmers BITCH AND WHINE that water isn't subsidized enough for them, and then they turn around and slap the local people in the face by selling their fruit and vegetables everywhere BUT the place that it was grown. Bunch of fucking greedy Jews.

>> No.4320546

>Fresno, CA


You have terribad air there, bro. You should move unlessl you wants da lung cancers.

>> No.4320547

Trying to move out of Fresno myself. I might go the military route and get a degree or two under my belt while serving for little to nothing and have that chance after leaving the military. Was really interested in northern California or Washington state. I don't have anything against Mexican people being here, it's just the illegal ones that seem to take up a shit load of restaurant jobs that I wouldn't mind being apart of, but because the staff is so dense with non-English speakers I have no chance.

>> No.4320549

I plan on it, trust me. Unbelievable that I was one of the lucky ones to be born WITHOUT asthma, right?

>> No.4320554

As long as you don't drive a Honda, aren't your chances significantly reduced?

>> No.4320559

True that's the only time them being here is a problem. They work a ton of jobs we don't want to do, which really benefits us, but they also steal a lot o the lower jobs that American teens need.

>> No.4320561

They are, buuuut, some car thieves aren't just looking for a Jap import, some find value in parting out other cars or just scrapping the metals in some of em. All of the Mexi marts in Fresno are in really bad areas, and I don't feel like I should literally have to drive across town and be out of there before 3pm or feel like I might get the D or my car keyed or stolen or broken into.

>> No.4320565

oops. Did I say only time?
How about the time I notice the most. I know there are other problems associated with it. oooooops

>> No.4322379

I like the Santa Fe chicken sandwich. I have no idea why it's more expensive than their burger offerings since chicken is cheaper.