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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4319091 No.4319091[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

No taco trucks, no good local Mexican joints, just Taco Bell and Chipotle, that's all I have

Feel bad for me

>> No.4319095

>I'm incapable to cooking things myself

WHy are you here?

>> No.4319104
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>> No.4319115

mex food is the lowest shit-tier food anyway

>> No.4319118



>> No.4319197

tuna taco

>> No.4319299

>not living aa few miles from the border
>not slowly killing yourself with delicious california burritos

Be jealous

>> No.4319301


But I'm White.

Even if I made them for 1000 years, it wouldn't be as good.

>> No.4319334
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>not being white and having grown up around Mexican immigrants who pass their knowledge to you when you stay over at your amigo's casa and spend time in la cocina de la abuelita.


>> No.4319398
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Out of curiosity, I once simmered beef necks in plain salt water until they were tender, shredded and then placed it under the broiler until crispy. Then I served it on corn tortillas (brushed a skillet with canola oil and fried until warm) with cilantro, diced onion and a bottle of salsa verde (pic related).

Verdict: every bit as good as the taco trucks.

Next time I seasoned the water with cumin, a quartered onion, and garlic cloves. Better, but only a bit. Next I tried broth and all kinds of other tricks.

Honestly, it's poorfag food, and you are probably best not to over think it. I think boiling a bunch of meat yields decent results.

People have this idea that the Mexicans are employing ancient secrets passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth. It's just not true.

>> No.4319404

>good Mexican joints
>wanting to pay for shitty food
>preferring shitty food over Chipotle

>> No.4319405

>People have this idea that the Mexicans are employing ancient secrets passed down from generation to generation by word of mouth.

Well, if you can't think of something as simple as heating a corn tortilla on a skillet (which eludes a lot of white people), it does come across as a form of voodoo.

>> No.4319416

Honestly, most taco trucks/places suck ass even here in LA where I live. I only had tacos from two places where I would say is good. The rest were mediocre at best.

>> No.4319420

>live in NYC
>Messicans errywhere
>still no good Messican food

Someone explain how this is

>> No.4319432

>Messicans errywhere

No, not really. They make up a much lower percentage of the population here than in many other parts of the US. Have you spent any time out west? Mexico feels culturally closer to CA than CA feels to NYC. Mexico's cultural relevance here is dwarfed even by tiny insignificant countries like Guyana and the DR.

>> No.4319435

Puerto Ricans =/= Mexicans.

>> No.4319439


If you're coming from a position of ignorance (midwestern meat and potatoes diet) then the flavors are heaven on earth. Mexican food is great at making a few flavors go a really long way. It's many people's first experience with flavorful food at all.

>> No.4319450

>still no good Messican food
not exactly true, it's just not in places advertised to white people.

You know how the best ethnic asian places are full of only people from that country, and if you aren't they will state bullets at you the entire time and rush you out the door as quickly as they can?

the mexican places are like that, it's not for us.

>> No.4319451

Mexican food always gives me an upset stomach and diarrhea. You should be glad you don't have any of that around you.

>> No.4319453

Not everyone has the fortitude of wet tissue paper and gentle snowflakes against silk.

>> No.4319454

I don't know how mexico isn't knee deep in shit all the time, everything from that country gives you diarrhea
The food, diarrhea
the water, diarrhea
tequila, diarrhea
the hot sun, diarrhea

its a fucking diarrhea farm

>> No.4319458

See, I can eat pretty much whatever I want and be fine. But regardless of where I get mexican food from (actual mexican restaurants, taco trucks, food made by my mexican neighbors), I get sick.

I'm pretty sure my stomach is just a racist.

>> No.4319471


Douchebag hipster detected. Hostile customers don't automatically make a restaurant good, they were probably staring at you because you smell bad and were acting weird.

In addition, there are Mexican joints all over Jackson Heights and Elmhurst, where the clientele is almost all Mexican. The food still tastes like ass, because they cater to a very poor population of underground illegals, and they need to keep the prices as low as humanly possible by using shit ingredients and keeping stuff around past its prime.

I'm saying this as someone who has lived a minimum of several years in every region of the US except the deep south, and in Mexico.

Mexican food here in NY sucks and it has nothing to do with your dirty hipster fantasies.

>> No.4319496

>a white person smelling bag compared to mexicans

and if you called me a hipster to my face I would break your knees and feed you your own dick.
There is nothing hip about me, I'm a registered republican that goes to business school.

>> No.4319503
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More like RINO. Better ideologically purify yourself as per your party doctrine, because you bought into the "best tasting ethnic restaurant is most obscure/dirty ethnic restaurant" myth, which was invented by librul hipsters.

>> No.4319509

Listen chump, this is not the correct place for me to spank you every which way about economics and politics, but you really don't know what the fuck you are talking about when it comes to food or society.

>> No.4319516
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Yes, clearly the guy who lives in/has lived in the regions under discussion, has eaten at the restaurants in question, and can communicate with the staff and customers, and can read the menu doesn't know what the fuck he's talking about, whereas the monolingual Republican't who believes in some nonexistent super seekrit ethnic conspiracy to hide the best food from him must know exactly what he's talking about.

Let's agree to leave the economics and /pol/shit out of the discussion and why don't you explain to me how this restaurant finding stuff works, hmm?

>> No.4319522

I feel bad for OP

And just about everyone else in the thread. I hope you all get diarrheaAIDS and die.

>> No.4319525

>Let's agree to leave the economics and /pol/shit out of the discussion
>strawmans like fucking crazy
I know, you are just backing off because you don't want to get told off on the internet.

oh and you want to know how to find restaurants? Try going outside and talking to people, but not acting like a condescending cunt when you do it.

>> No.4319527
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>going outside and talking to people

Great advice from a tool who earlier admitted, with some pride apparently, that he can't even fucking communicate on a basic level with the staff or the clientele.

>> No.4319528

>implying socialism isn't an even bigger guy chopping off the tall mans legs and giving them to the shorter people while he bleeds out on the ground

>> No.4319533

>who earlier admitted, with some pride apparently, that he can't even fucking communicate on a basic level with the staff or the clientele.
where was that said exactly? Or are you just trying to twist things to fit your world view?..Actually I know that is what you are doing since you have already demonstrated you have a habit of it.

>> No.4319537

I like you.

>> No.4319539
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So why was it then? Not because you smelled bad, not because you were acting like an slimy awkward creep, not because of any language barrier. Oh oh I know! They stared bullets at you and ran you out the door before you could even exchange money for goods and services because you're such a handsome and charming guy that they wanted to have as a customer?

>> No.4319543

Or how about because they are racist immigrants that want to keep to themselves? Ever think of that one? Of course not, you probably think only white people can be racist, in fact you probably call it "reverse" racism if it is against a white person because you believe minorities lack the capacity to act that way and it must be the big mean white man who brought it on himself.

You live in a bubble friend, you should venture outside of it and spend some time in the real world.

>> No.4319548

I'm in California.
Lucky me.

>> No.4319559
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>brown people are mean to me bawww go see the real world

In my world, which is a fairly diverse place (I'm sorry, I mean a Culturally Marxist hell on earth), most people just want to go about their lives. Business people just want to run their business. Maybe you live in some place where there's serious racial tension all the time (for example, I haven't lived in the deep south but on my brief visits there I saw a lot of Confederate flags). But in most places I know (west coast, northeast, midwest) it is quite easy for anyone to walk into a restaurant run by people of another ethnicity, eat the food happily, and leave.

So, is there a chance that these Asians wanted to stab you with bullets strictly because of your race? I suppose there is that chance. But the simpler explanation is that, in a public place, when one person is being singled out as the asshole, it's because that person is being an asshole.

Enjoy your delusions of persecution.

>> No.4319575

Confirmed for never venturing into ethnic communities. It is not uncommon to walk into places and if you are anything other than their key demographic they even have a special area for you off in the corner because they don't want you intermingling with their people. Even in places that do not rush other races out, they bundle them all in one section.

You clearly don't live in NYC if you don't think there is racial tension, there are certain areas that still today you just don't go if you don't belong there.
Yup, you pretty much confirmed it with the way you started your little ramble
>In my world
you live in your own world, not reality, when reality contradicts the world you built for yourself you ignore it and pretend it doesn't happen.

>> No.4319581

This guy is right

>> No.4319592

I'm on a boat.

>> No.4319602

I con confirm this mans narrative.

Also, a /k/ommado on /ck/? Ive seen everything now.

>> No.4319605
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>these replies

>> No.4319613
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You clearly have never been to NYC and your knowledge of the city is based on hanging out on stormfront and /k/.

I've had race-obsessed white friends like you, I couldn't take them anywhere because they'd make a big fucking deal whenever they had to walk past a crowd of black teenagers, and there would be drama. Sometime kind of scary drama. So I stopped hanging out with them because I don't have the patience for that shit.

This isn't a race issue... or to put it more accurately, this isn't someone else's race issue. YOU are the reason why you're not liked by minorities because you bristle visibly at the sight of them. You may think people don't notice but they do. It's ugly, it's embarrassing, and you need to do a better job of controlling it.

Everyone has their feelings about other races, that doesn't make you a bad person. What makes you an unpleasant person to be around is that you wear those feelings on your sleeve because you've never been to this "real world" that you keep rambling on about.

Call me a troll or a sheltered child or whatever, as I'm sure you will, but some part of you knows that I'm speaking god's own truth. It would be in your interests to fix this issue of yours, if you want to be successful in business.

>> No.4319622

Funny how two people replied to agree with me and nobody is on your side, I have lived and worked here all my life, I assume you must have migrated here from somewhere else with preconceived notions of how it works.
Keep swinging at that strawman though, you are putting on a good show.

>> No.4319652

Los Angeles has more Mexicans than white people. I will never know your feel OP.

>> No.4319656

or maybe you have a very weak stomach

>> No.4319657

Thirded. I'm an average white guy. I've been subject to racism (especially from blacks) all my life. One part in particular stuck out to me:

>if you are anything other than their key demographic they even have a special area for you off in the corner because they don't want you intermingling with their people

First and last time I went to a Vietnamese restaurant to order some pho (wanted to see what the big deal was about), they seated me by the front door in a nearly empty restaurant (worse place, in my opinion), and gave me your typical American spoon instead of the normal chopsticks and soup spoon it's eaten with. No bean sprouts, no thai basil, no green peppers. Two Vietnamese girls come in and are seated in a much better place. Lo and behold, their soup comes out with all the expected accoutrements and utensils.

I received surprise and utter shock when I pointed it out.

I know what the apologists are going to say. The typical American isn't going to know how to use chopsticks, is going to waste the garnishments, etc. Well, fuck you, that's prejudice (making a decision before becoming aware of the relevant facts of a case) and bad service. All you have to do is /ask/.

Middle Easterners are the only non-whites I get along with. Big hearts, strong faith, polite, some of the best food, etc.

>> No.4319662
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I said earlier I previously lived in other parts of the country. I've been here for 15 years, long enough to know what the city is like now, and probably, if you're an undergrad, longer than you've known the city as an adult.

I know the tension you are referring to, and I also know the kind of tension your type brings with you everywhere you go. You're the kind that causes problems and blames minorities when you were the one acting out of line. You talk to people with respect and you get respect in return. Even in, ESPECIALLY in "wrong neighborhoods".

>> No.4319668


actually since moveing to NYC the most strikeing thing is how xenophobic and sheltered all the white people are. but the racial tension is actually much less then in LA or the bay area.

>> No.4319675

> Confirmed for never having been to real mexico
Go anywhere outside a major tourist attraction and the whole place smells like a poorly maintained litterbox

>> No.4319676

>no thai basil, no green peppers

what the fuck? bell peppers in pho?

>> No.4319677

>Middle Easterners are the only non-whites I get along with. Big hearts, strong faith, polite, some of the best food, etc.
>strong faith

lol you are hilarious

>> No.4319682

This. Hasn't anyone looked at what the typical American diet consists of? It's like fat Americans have no taste buds. They would eat cardboard if it was cut into triangles and lightly seasoned with powdered turd.

>> No.4319686

I'm a white guys from CT and live in a mostly white suburb outside of Hartford.

There are tons of places that are fine. People get so scared of going into the city but a buddy of mine lives in the West end of Hartford which is pretty diverse. Pretty much an even mix of whites, blacks, hispanics. Not many asians.

I've never had any problems in his area even at night but it's honestly a safe area. I've never been hassled but there are definitely places in the city I would not go late at night and where I have heard of people being harassed just for walking through.

Mind your business and you're fine.

>> No.4319695

I agree with this guy.

I've lived in southern Texas all my life, and I'm just about as white as I can be. The schools I grew up in were almost all-mexican, and my community now is more than two-thirds mexican. I don't speak a single word of spanish, or even care to learn, yet I am never faced with racism just for being different. I don't even think about cultural or racial differences, I just thank them for the damn good greasy ass tacos and pay them for taking care of my garden. Of course there were always a racist few but the easiest way to handle that was avoid them. I do not believe that other races single out whites just due to the fact they're white, but they do single out whites who are rude or stupid. Maybe that's the problem some of you are having.

>> No.4319701


lol dude I'm currently living in the shittiest part of Mexico City and I haven't gotten sick yet.

>> No.4319709

So does the South of the U.S., but they make some good ass food.

>> No.4319710

chiles, you tard

>> No.4319716

>You're the kind that causes problems and blames minorities when you were the one acting out of line.
>go into a restaurant
>get seated in a corner away from everybody else
>receive terrible service
>get pressured to leave as quickly as possible by the staff
>pay my bill and leave

yes how dare I act so out of line. You are just retarded, it's fine.

also I am 24, I have been here much longer than you and have seen it in ways you will only read about.
Funny how you talk about respect since the first thing you said was a personal attack, which you continued until I revealed how retarded you are and only now are you starting to act like an adult and speak with a shred of respect.
texas is not new york, new york has people from literally every country in the world all living really close to each other, obviously not everyone gets along. Hes a fool, if he thinks the south is more racist than northern cities actually. Northern cities are the absolute worst when it comes to racism.

>> No.4319717

>implying republicans aren't the new hipster scum walking the streets of our fine country

>> No.4319721

They are some of the friendliest people you will meet in NY

>> No.4319724


>Even in wrong neighborhoods

Go to Capitol Hill in Oklahoma City, let me know how that works out for you.

I'm not saying you're wrong, but acting as if there aren't tracts of the population that are ethnically and culturally insular be they black, white, Hispanic, Asian, or whatever, is hilariously naive and incorrect.

And it really has nothing to do with how you act when you're there, or if you're even "there" at all. Some people are just very insular that way, and they don't really care to have people outside their own ethnicity/race/culture in their neighborhood or place of business.

Maybe they guy you're talking to is just subconsciously racist or otherwise obsessed with race and he acts in some way that throws up flags in people's heads.

But pretending like there aren't places in this country - or in other countries - where you might be treated differently because you don't share the race. ethnicity, or culture with the inhabitants is not only absurd, its a patently erroneous statement.

>> No.4319730
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>Being a republican

>> No.4319733

such as japan where some places will flat out refuse service to anyone that is not japanese, they have signs out front that say japanese only.

must be all those white people than make up less than .01% of the population

>> No.4319736

He's right though. I haven't met one middle easterner who didn't act like we had been friends for years if I decide to strike up a conversation with them.
Come to think of it, the only people who aren't friendly on a consistent basis are whites. I haven't had an issue with any other race. Customer Service Representative reporting in.

>> No.4319737 [DELETED] 

>also I am 24

I can tell. new york sucks because of rednecks like you. stay on staten island.

>> No.4319738

>Not understanding economics and the virtues of capitalism
>thinking the government can do anything right

>> No.4319740

Queens and then Manhattan actually, good try

>> No.4319742


Yes, I'm sure NYC in the 90s as a small child must have sucked. A weak nerdy little white kid getting picked on every day by black kids on the subway, I guess that really fucks with your mind.

I'm happy to return to the personal attacks if you revert to the kind of inanities you were spewing early in this thread, but now that someone is here calling you out on your stupidity, it seems you're giving reasons which is a good start. But your main problem isn't being a retard on the internet, it's being an asshole in real life. Good luck with that.

>> No.4319743

queens is even worse.

>> No.4319746

In case you haven't noticed, in the court of public opinion (people posting in this thread), they are no my side, not yours. I have outed you as an ignoramus, you lose.

>> No.4319750


By my count it looks like we're about even, but I'll leave it to you to count since "winning" in a 4chan thread means so much to you.

>> No.4319753

Well it looks like your ability to count is just as bad as your ability to debate.
If you like I will be on the corner of 19th and 7th in 30 minutes time. You lost here, if you want to come take a shot at me in person you are welcome too, just be sure to clear your plans for the evening because you wont be walking away.

>> No.4319756


You going to wear your elmo suit or how will I recognize you?

>> No.4319758

I'm sure you will be easy enough to pick out. I'll keep a look out for the pretentious douche.

>> No.4319764
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looks like we got a tough guy here.

>> No.4319778
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>Mongoloids everywhere

>> No.4319784

Having actually been to the third world and other countries I can fully attest to the fact that the American Government is one of the few in the world that can actually do things right.

The American Government is so efficient compared to nearly every other government on earth it should be outright criminal to not take advantage of having it.

Holy fuck. You realize most countries don't have functioning roadways because if they're private they are owned by twenty different countries and there are 50 different routes with 100 different fees you have to pay to go somewhere or they're complete shit if their goverrnment built?

It takes 3 days in most countries to travel the distance from Kansas City to Dallas

>> No.4319790
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>> No.4319792
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>> No.4319794
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ok im here its raining out so i went inside to restaurant (the one that just says restaurant in big letters). im having a drink at the bar if you want to knock back a few before we do this. i cant fight sober anymore sorry.

>> No.4319809

i bet you two are gonna end up being friends, and spend the night drinking and doing coke with some sleazy women

>> No.4319812

OP's photo is off topic

>> No.4319819


Go ruin that couple on the left's evening. People don't deserve to be happy. Go ruin it NOW.

>> No.4320997

I was at McManus's, why would I be sitting around in a restaurant?

>> No.4321289

Translation: I am a massive pussy

>> No.4321423

this. I'm a terrible cook and pretty much anyone including me can make amazing mexican food at home. Maybe i'll feel bad for you if you trade me tits. From my perspective youre pretty damn lucky to be hot enough to shamelessly post yourself on the internets.

>> No.4321431


>> No.4321432

>a pussy for sitting by the door at a small bar instead of in a crowded restaurant

That makes sense

>> No.4321436

Boohoo, you walk into a Vietnamese restaurant and feel like they shoved you by the door because they hate you?

Typical crybaby Republicunt. Imagine if the whole country was the Vietnamese restaurant and that was your daily routine...

oh wait, you can't, because racism isn't real or a big deal until you get a spoon instead of chopsticks. THE OUTRAGE!!!!

>> No.4321439

Says the guy living in America, home of corporate welfare.

>> No.4321443


>> No.4321453

>how do I check for samefag

A SPOON instead of CHOPSTICKS!!! The horror! That's racist! No one knows how this feels except for the poor white man!

>> No.4321460

typically republicans live in ass backward states or ass backward part of states, It's no surprise really, this is a japanese thing but its in a lot of cultures too, typically your honored guests are taken away from things like the entrance or hallway where people go in and out and there's all that commotion. The reality is he feels slighted upon and is acting like an entitled cunt over it. its something only two people in the world would notice, a really fucking entitled shit head, or someone who's steeped in tradition. Then you remember his party. it all makes logical sense really. if its such a big deal to him maybe he should eat at restaurants with a customer base that's pretentious and cares about where they sit? just because a restaurant doesn't cater exclusively to pretentious assholes doesn't mean it's not a good restaurant, it just means its not a 'classy' one.

>> No.4321463

you seem upset about something.
I bet if you heard of an asian person going into a restaurant and they gave the table chopsticks instead of a fork you would be outraged.
Your ignorance is charming, I suppose you tolerate racism as long as it happens to white people?

>> No.4321464

You're filled with so much rage. No doubt it'll come in handy at the gay pride rally this afternoon, no?

>> No.4321470

A group of black people walks into a restaurant full of white people, the staff takes them and seats them in an area away from everyone else, they do this for all the black people that come in. I bet your see a problem now don't you?

It's amazing, leftists are the most racist people in the world, they actually believe it is acceptable to separate people into groups like that based on race.

>> No.4321477

>an asian person going into a restaurant and they gave the table chopsticks instead of a fork you would be outraged
>a typical white man's restaurant

I didn't know they carried chopsticks at mcdonalds

>> No.4321478
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see image

>> No.4321482


>> No.4321489

>I didn't know they carried chopsticks at mcdonalds
see, you're just a racist bastard.

>> No.4321496


yah, no.

make one of those from 2013, kid.

>> No.4321503

>get upset
>call someone gay

I must have hit a nerve my Republicunt friend. Don't worry, your party of choice will soon be embracing gay rights and progressive immigrant policies for votes.

>> No.4321505

and? america has a history of predjudice and biggotry that is unfailingly large, take your bashing of leftists for example. typically speaking, the left has KICKED SCREAMED SCRATCHED AND FOUGH TOOTH AND NAIL against both itself, and the opposition (you/the right) to eek the human rights promised but not delivered by our country. AND EVERY SINGLE TIME people who considered themselves liberal fought against it. the idea always had to sell to the free thinkers. Give the middle class the right to vote THEY DESERVE IT! but those same people will be furious if the poor get the same treatment. oneupmanship is a huge part of american and human culture in general. before you complain about racism, why dont you join a political ideology that actually has to fight against it. Considering this might challenge your retarded racist views about middle eastern people and the rest of the world, I'll understand if you don't. To get furious at your behavior is to turn my back against the whole world and everyone I love.