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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4318981 No.4318981 [Reply] [Original]

>eeew it's boiled chicken with the skin still on

I feel sorry for people who have never had proper hainanese chicken rice

>> No.4319020

looks horrible
but then most Chinese food does
much of it tastes horrible as well, so there's that

>> No.4319031

I'm from South East Asia and I feel sorry for you son if you have never eaten good chicken rice.

>inb4 dish is Hainanese and not from SEA. It's a something the locals here eat a lot.

>> No.4319042

I am sorry but I can't bring myself to like that
it looks bland and boring and shitty
the plastic tray and the horrible spoon do nothing to detract from that impression

>> No.4319047

oh and picking sharp bits of chicken bones from my gums is not my idea of a great meal experience
seriously now, why the fuck don't the Chinese debone their fowl? Shit's disgusting, yo.

>> No.4319052

sorry but I refuse to give into the travel channel hype, it's just chicken and rice.

>> No.4319058

>looks bland and boring and shitty

Bro you need to try authentic chicken rice.
Looks can be deceiving. That picture is most definitely taken in a coffee shop in Singapore. The garlic heavy and sometimes sour chilli is with the combination of buttery chicken stock infused rice draws people from many countries to try this dish.

>> No.4319064

>Hainanese chicken rice is boneless. Well, except for drumsticks and the wings.

>> No.4319081

>things only exist for me if they're on a television show

You should try getting out of the basement more

>> No.4319203

honestly the best part of this meal is the broth

>> No.4319211

I've not had it in a while, but it's one of my favourites, especially if made with glutinous rice as done in southern Thailand.
I think I might just go about making some some time this week, OP.

>> No.4319217

I got some at my local malaysian restaurant but unfortunately it tasted like steamed salty balsa wood. I think the chickens they use in southeast asia are special, somehow.

>> No.4319223

it's boiled chicken and white rice with some special sauces on the side.
i could easily do this at home

>> No.4319227


Not exactly white rice, no. You've never had it, have you.

>> No.4319233

>i could easily do this at home
Isn't that the whole point of this whole board.

>> No.4319235

i love hainam chicken. probably one of the few dishes i could eat and never get sick of. love the steamed chicken, the best part is the rice that has chicken fat/broth use to cook the rice.

>> No.4319562

rice pilaf then. big whoop

>> No.4319565


No, not really that either. Google is hard.

>> No.4319567

no true Scotsmen, amirite?

>> No.4319572

I saw that on TV a couple times and it looks good, but I think it needs some kind of spicy sauce - like a chili and honey thing or something. Boiled chicken by itself seems like it would be kind of bland.

>> No.4319579
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I know you're proud of your awesome list of logical fallacies, but it's unnecessary right now.

>> No.4319584

I got a recipe from a friend who used to work in a kopitiam, I can post it if anyone's interested.

>> No.4319591

get over yourself
it's chicken boiled in a "master" stock - meaning a pot of disgusting water which is reused day after day after day, sometimes for years on end
with rice
and the rice has some chicken fat in it and is boiled in chicken stock - which is the very definition of rice pilaf
and somehow this shitty fastfood concoction is special and wonderful because it comes from magical Asia
you'd throw it on the floor if KFC tried to sell it to you, and that's a fact.

>> No.4319624

>years on end

Someone found the wikipedia article!

>> No.4319640

>you'd throw it on the floor if KFC tried to sell it to you, and that's a fact.

>Throwing perfectly good food you bought with your own money on the floor

What kind of fuck would do such a thing

>> No.4319650

I lived in Singapore for a while. Chicken rice is great but it's better when the chicken is roasted to get crispy skin. That boiled skin didn't do anything for me.

>> No.4319923

If i was in singapore i'd rather eat a decent laksa.

>> No.4319950


KFC would become a fine dining if they did, but sadly no..they only do FRIED chicken. gtfo you retard