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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4317747 No.4317747 [Reply] [Original]

What is /ck/'s favorite ice cream?

> pic related

Moose Tracks! Brings me back to better times.

>> No.4317749

Had some polar bear print custard tonight from the burger/custard place a couple blocks away, pretty delicious

>> No.4317750
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The true american dream

>> No.4317754

french vanilla

and I hate french people

>> No.4317755

Never understood why people eat that.

>> No.4317764
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guy you're replying to here.
I don't seriously eat that.
my favorite is mint chocolate chip.

>> No.4317766

Strawberry ripple or turtle cheesecake ;_;

>mfw when it doesn't fit my macros

>> No.4317767

Jesus christ that picture gives me a craving.

>> No.4317769
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Just had some of this tonight actually. Cereal milk soft serve from Momofuku milk bar. I think I like the pretzel cake flavor from the Williamsburg location even more though.

>> No.4317772
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> Dat creamy mint goodness

>> No.4317794
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Not really interested in sweets unless a sufficient amount of chocolate is involved.

>> No.4317795

Mint n' chip or rainbow sherbet.

>> No.4317837
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Having been to the Philippines, this picture just makes me crave it.

>> No.4317846
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Ube ice cream is amazing.

>> No.4317850

At least you didn't say cheese.

>> No.4317853


In theory. In practice a lot of it is garbage made of shit ingredients, much like vanilla ice cream.

>> No.4317859

black walnut

>> No.4317935
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>> No.4317938
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I like all the things. In one.

>> No.4317941
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>> No.4317981
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Deep Purple Cow.

Thank god for E&B being right next to my house

>> No.4317994
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Copuacu Ice Cream

If you don't know what it is you've never lived

>> No.4318026
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Chocolate malt from Rite-Aid.

I pray Thrifty's never goes out of business.

Cookie dough & mint chip are my favorites too.

>> No.4318048


>Eat It

>> No.4318053

my favorite ice cream isn't made anymore it was ben and jerries' festivus. I have to make do with Hagen Dazs Chocolate and Blue Bell Homemade Vanilla for now.

>> No.4318116
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Once you hit the sugar swirl, you know life is gonna be alright.

>> No.4318122

Please tell me that is Kawartha Dairy, OP

>> No.4318165

Marry me and father my babies, OP. That fucking fudge is hnngh.
Unfortunately I can't find it here anymore.

>> No.4318183

ITT: Fat people

Low carb dieter here. Mad as hell.

>> No.4318193

Use heavy cream and artificial sweetener and use your own

>> No.4318197


That's actually a good idea, but I have no clue how. Do you know of any good low-carb ice cream recipes that I won't need to buy some huge expensive ice cream making machine for?

>> No.4318201
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the best

>> No.4318204

Just looking at this makes me want to throw up

>> No.4318205


oh god what the HELL does that taste like

>> No.4318211

Tiger Tail

>inb4 canuck

>> No.4318217
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So fucking hard to find. Only one I know of here is Baskin Robbins and it has all these bubble gum chunks in it that I don't like it.

>> No.4318224

Tastes like photoshop.

>> No.4318228
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Bleh. There's also bubble gum at Dippin Dots but it tastes like Eggnog.

>> No.4318229

How does this even work? Do you swallow the gum or just take a break between bites to chew for a while? I do like that bubblegum flavor in other things though. Amoxicillin comes to mind...

>> No.4318232

I don't even remember what I did, but the thing is the pieces are cold cause it's fucking ice cream so it's super hard to chew. I had some bubblegum at a Cold Stone Creamery in Vegas but they don't have it here, I liked it.
I also had some different type of ice cream in the Philippines a while ago, the kind they put on a cold stove thing and freeze it then scrape it off in rolls, was pretty good. It came with 2 free toppings and I told them I didn't want it and they looked at me weird. Fuck you I want the taste of the ice cream.

>> No.4318235
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Found it. Hard to find when searching for "Fried Ice Cream."

>> No.4318237

ive made some at home
did a cold extraction by throwing some of that cheap bubble gum into a milk & heavy cream mix
let it sit overnight & used it to make ice cream
it was pretty good

>> No.4318241

MY fucking NIGGA, I had tiger tail (aka tiger tiger) many times growing up as a kid. For the fellow Amerifats who don't know, it's orange ice cream (not sorbet) with a licorice ripple. It sounds strange, but trust me - when you lick into it, the licorice becomes the main event, and the orange adds a nice after taste. Absolutely fucking delicious, and unavailable here in the US ;_;

>> No.4318246
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That actually sounds pretty good. I may have to make some...

>> No.4318250

Ube or Okinawa sweet potato? The flavor is pretty much interchangeable, except one is Filipino and one is Chinese/Japanese

>> No.4318254

I was worried I wouldn't be able to get this anymore when I moved to Canada, but thankfully Safeway carries it under the Safeway Select line.

>> No.4318258


>> No.4318260

Mah nugga.

>> No.4318263

It's called krokan here.
Caramelized almonds, simple yet so delicious.

>> No.4318420

All time favorite, always get that in a sprinkled cone.

>> No.4318437
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>> No.4318648

Blue Bell's Great Divide (half vanilla, half chocolate) or their Nutty Coconut (discontinued flavor)

Since I'm no longer in the south, though, have to go with Talenti's Holiday Eggnog or Haagen Dazs Creme Brulee

>> No.4318692

Mint chocolate chip
it must be the green cheap shit
I have tried the upscale versions of this and they are never as good. I think it must be an acquired taste thing as a kid

>> No.4318698

Does anyone else start spitting the chips out after a while and just eating the mint?

>> No.4318701
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No. What the fuck is the matter with you?

>> No.4318708

Pistachio, American walnut, pecan, filbert/hazelnut and chestnut. I like nut ice creams.

I wish I could still get American walnut ice cream. You can't even order it online for shipping because it'd cost too much to ship something frozen.

>> No.4318709

1: Vanilla
2: Butter Pecan
3. Chocolate Ripple.

orange sherbert

>> No.4318721

I actually dont like this icecream and i think it tastes similar to horse feed. I would probably enjoy it if i was really baked or something.

>> No.4318736

Yup, this is it.

>> No.4318769
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Mint/mint chocolate chip and cookies and cream are tied for the best.

>> No.4318795
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confirmed for never having a childhood

>> No.4318800

Then Ben & Jerry's with the malt ice cream and the whiskey caramel swirl and the toffee peices.

As far as regular flavors, I just like vanilla. Blue Bunny natural vanilla is I get to choose.

>> No.4318801
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I don't know if they still make this, though I loved it. I think they replaced it with a simple Vanilla Heath Bar Crunch.

>> No.4318803

1. Peanut butter from this ice cream place in my home town
2.Ben and jerry's chunky monkey
3. 99's

>> No.4318807

They still make that, as well as chocolate and vanilla varieties.

>> No.4318828
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My favourite is probably hazelnut, but a close second is mint choc chip which I've been craving a lot recently.
Ate a whole tub of Haagen Dasz mint choc chip last night, probably going to the shop to get some more ice cream (probably a slightly cheaper brand, shit's expensive)

Man I love ice cream

>> No.4318831
File: 30 KB, 200x200, blue-bell-ice-cream-155357.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The One, The Only.
The Infinite.
The Towering behemoth that stands before mankind like a monolith made from the deepest darkest nightmares that came from withen a demon's mind.
Blue Bell.
*cuming intensifies*

>> No.4318845
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The only good ice cream like substance to come out of texas is Talenti brand gelato. Blue Bell tastes pretty much like Bryer's, the I don't know why Texas thinks it's such a huge accomplishment to have a local company making mediocre ice cream that is only consumed regionally.

>> No.4318848

Never had it, but mint chocolate chip is awesome.

I can't remember the last time I had ice cream. At least a year ago.

>> No.4318878


Am I the only person in the world that can't stand Mint Chocolate Chip?

I find it nauseating. I just can't wrap my head around enjoying mint.

>> No.4318884

I love mint. I love [good] chocolate. I do not, however, enjoy the two together, especially not in/as ice cream. Then again, I rather dislike chocolate ice cream to begin with.

Are you still alone or would you consider the two of us to be in leagues?

>> No.4318896

Rite Aid? What?

>> No.4318905

god tier in small doses , nauseating in larger quantity

>> No.4318922
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Fucking superman. I can't find this stuff around where I live anymore, but I love it so much.

>> No.4318960

Honestly, I would eat durian ice cream all day if I could.

>> No.4319078

Oh god. Talenti sea salt caramel gelato.
Fucking kill me, that shit is too fucking good.

>> No.4319157

we call it superkid in canada

>> No.4319173

We do? I've never heard that.

>> No.4319200

Blue Moon. It tastes like Fruity Pebbles.
Peanut butter ice cream is my usual go to though.

>> No.4319554
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Filipino fag here so ube.

Also, halo halo ice cream.

>> No.4319651

Talenti raspberry sorbetto for me.

>> No.4319666

I live near a local dairy farm/creamery and they make the BEST ice cream. My favorites are their mint chip (they use mint chips instead of chocolate) and lemon crunch.

>> No.4319729

cookie dough master race reporting.

>> No.4319788

Ben and Jerry's Chunky Monkey
Has anyone tried their Boston cream pie flavor? I'm tentative about buying it

>> No.4319804

Cherry + Lemon + Chocolate
But if the ice cream is really good, only cherry

>> No.4319808
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>TFW they're discontinuing my favorite flavor
Fuck you cunts

>> No.4319818

is it already gone?
should I go try it so i can writhe in agony when it does disappear?

>> No.4319824

>Ctrl+F 'Almond Pistachio'
>0 Results

>in charge of good taste

>> No.4319836

Yeah man. I picked one up today at my Kroger, but better start stocking up

>> No.4319843
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>> No.4319844


sorry, but I doubt you are actually Canadian than

>> No.4319891

Where can I buy this?

>> No.4319893
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Hell yeah.

>> No.4319918
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>> No.4319974
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I can't believe this thread is still alive. This was my first time making a thread on /ck/. Glad it has gone so well.

>> No.4320034
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This is as good as it gets...

>> No.4320051

Traditional cornish vanilla.
Can anyone else appreciate this feel?

>> No.4320454
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blue bell used to make peanut brittle ice cream. unfortunately it can no longer be found. I tried the ben and jerry's version but the peanut brittle chunks werent near as big and satisfying.

>> No.4320494

I know a few people who detest mint and chocolate, or mint in general.

>> No.4320499
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Does frozen yogurt count as ice cream?

If so the froyo version of half baked is in my top 2

But all time favorite is combo of cookie dough and mint. its so good.

>> No.4320502
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Black Walnut

>> No.4320505

Sounds yummy. Is it?

>> No.4320526

I'd rather get some ube ice cream and top it off with some kaong and nata de coco.

>> No.4320532

no. it that gray shit your grandparents ate

>> No.4320548
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I miss this so much.

>> No.4320552

Anythinbg candy cain

>> No.4321140

Not sure what it is about /ck/, but it seems more welcoming to threads I've made than other boards.

>> No.4322321
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Chocolate vanilla swirl with chocolate and peanut butter fudge and pretzels. Yes.

>> No.4323036

Very close, I prefer the Mint moose tracks..

Runners up are Cookie Dough (in general)

Godiva White chocolate raspberry... My dad kept a quart or two in his fridge when me and my brother would stay at his place on the weekends after my parents split... dem feels

>> No.4323073

All time favorite is probably french vanilla. I change favorites often though. Cake batter is also really good.