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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4314485 No.4314485 [Reply] [Original]

Is ist just me, or are /ck/ and /k/ somehow deeply connected? I know progun and probably other tripfriends post on both boards, but why is that? Why are people that are interested in cooking also interested in armory? Is it the innawoods stuff, survival cooking brings them here? Or the other way round? The chef's love for knifes doesnt stop in the kitchen?

Explain, guess, insult itt.

>> No.4314627

guess: the overlap is at self-sufficiency adopted as a value

>> No.4314642

That is actually a pretty good theory.

>> No.4314648
File: 102 KB, 400x398, 34390737.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most of the /k/ visitors or crossboard posters are the same ones posting fast food garbage or tipping or other /pol/ type threads.

Rarely we get someone into eating wild game, but that is really quite rare. Just as there healthy people and then there are "people from /fit/", there are people who own firearms and there are "people from /k/".

Sage for meta thread.

>> No.4314685


>> No.4314704
File: 37 KB, 720x480, wut8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>that image

Try as I might, I can't figure out what the fuck that image is supposed to be about.

>> No.4314731


This, and also they are both pretty good boards by 4chin standards, with regular, knowledgeable posters and minimal levels of meme-humor. I think they are the best 2 boards on the site.

>> No.4314762

2 dolla bill yall

>> No.4314802

Because line cooks are poor and usually have just gotten out of prison and are worried their meth dealers might just shoot them and take their money instead of selling them their fix. 70% of /ck/ is line cooks, and as a fatty-fatty-boombalatty I'm scared of them.

>> No.4314809

>70% line cooks

That can't be true, the general understanding of simple cooking tasks is too small around here.

>> No.4314815

Damn, you make a good point and I'll have to make up some new numbers.

>> No.4314844

i dont think there is such a connection, really. i myself am staunchly pro-food and anti-gun.

>> No.4314867

The connection between cooks and gunmen isn't at stake here, it's the (confirmed) connection between the boards.

>> No.4314885

no fuck tose crazy gun fucks

>> No.4314906

My first guess would be the hunters who would be frequenting both boards, but there's also the chance of spurious correlations. Just because there's a correlation doesn't mean there's any reason for it.

>> No.4315907


>> No.4315960

And the second post of the thread has the answer. It really is about a basic value set that encourages you be self sufficient

>> No.4315957

it's the trifecta of American freedom in /k/, /ck/, and /g/

eat what you want, own what you want, compute what you want

>doesn't really explain why on all 3 boards there is so much freedom hatred

>> No.4315965


I just put a loaf of homemade bread into the oven, and I'm about to clean some guns while I wait for it to bake.

I have been heavily drinking all day.

Freedom is a beautiful thing.

>> No.4315971

/k/ is supposed to be weapons in general, not just guns.

>> No.4315979

Perhaps because people who collect armory tend to be single, and hence have to learn to cook for themselves?

But then you'd wonder why there's not more /b/ /tv/ and /v/ around more, or why this isn't the most popular board on the site for that matter

>> No.4315984

i cook for my wife
and maintain the household weapons

and the autism boards are all plebs who either college or live at home

>> No.4316003

Fuck, you nailed it.

Last week I learned sewing. Just to be self-sufficient.

Do we have a sewing board?

>> No.4316004

I think all the people who were anti-food starved to extinction.

>> No.4316005

all the anti-gun people are getting murdered

>> No.4316023

>and maintain the household weapons
I can't believe people actually think like this, it's hilarious.

I have firearms (firearms, not "weapons") and never fantasize about shooting people during break-ins, how I'll save the neighbourhood from zombies or post-apocalyptic death squads, etc. Nor do I think of my firearms as weapons and part of my "home protection strategy".

I also leave my door unlocked if I am home or just taking the dog for a walk or going to the store.

I must be an anomaly.

>> No.4316028

>I also leave my door unlocked if I am home or just taking the dog for a walk or going to the store.
>I must be an anomaly.

You're just fucking stupid.
Unless you live in the country, in which case, you're still fucking stupid.

>> No.4316030

>autism rant over terminology

Stop and look at what you did, it was uncalled for.

>> No.4316035

you're reading really far into my post, and coming to the wrong conclusion
>Nor do I think of my firearms as weapons and part of my "home protection strategy"

you're a pitiful fool

I guess
was right

>> No.4316040

Does your SO know that you wouldn't try and save their life if something untoward were to happen?

>> No.4316088


u gon git rapped.

>> No.4316092

How does not having a loaded firearm under the bed = not caring about your significant other?

Sorry, not everyone lives in a dystopian society. Notice how I spell, "neighbour".

>> No.4316124

because you wont take any steps to keep them safe

>> No.4316127

/ck/ and /g/ both have extreme problems with freedom

>> No.4316138
File: 62 KB, 640x516, glockncheese.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

/k//ck/fag here

i agree with the self-reliance overlap theory. maybe also some cutlery fascination and the common hunter's interest in cooking.

personally, i was a /k/fag first but started posting here for a few reasons. one being i moved from being a chef to working in finance and i sometimes miss the industry so i can get my fix here, and later /k/ got really fucking /pol/ and that shit bores me.

I like to learn from people and share my knowledge via conversation with interested people. that is getting harder and harder to do on /k/, and i do have alot of knowledge pretty specific to this board, so here i am.

>> No.4316146

Wow, those are actually the three boards I visit the most.

I think it has to do with improving and being more knowledgeable about our leisure (shooting, computing, and eating delicious food).

>> No.4316155

I agree with the self-reliance theory, and I also think that maybe the initial overlap begets even more overlap. Bat Guano's posts is why I started going to /k/ and I'm willing to bet that referencing the other board in posts leads to curious people checking it out.

>> No.4316158

>Bat Guano
what happened to that nigger

i left for BCT and never saw him on /k/ again

>> No.4316160

I still have bat guanos chili recipie!

Jesus that was like 5 years ago... Smoked salt mmmmm.

I post it once and awhile.

>> No.4316161 [DELETED] 

>because you wont take any steps to keep them safe
You'd do better to put in a roll cage and reinforced seat belts in your care than to have loaded guns within reach at all times.

In fact, if you truly cared about your significant other you would ensure they eat well and are active too.

But no, having a gun is what you think safety equates to lol.

>> No.4316164

>because you wont take any steps to keep them safe
You'd do better to put in a roll cage and reinforced seat belts in your vehicle than to have loaded guns within reach at all times.

In fact, if you truly cared about your significant other you would ensure they eat well and are active too.

But no, having a gun is what you think safety equates to lol.

>> No.4316167

keep crying mr sociopath

>> No.4316169


hof didn't u say he is on 7chan now? I think I saw him posting there last year maybe?

>> No.4316176

He and a lot of the old time quality posters moved to Opchan. Not sure if he's still there or not though.

>> No.4316177

>anyone posting on 7chan
i left after N3X15 died/stopped postan

I should have stopped by his house

>> No.4316179

what the fuck

>> No.4316195

Operatorchan. It's basically like /k/ before the reign of the Übermods. It moves at a snail's pace though.

I still have his email if you want it. Last time we talked was like early last year, I think.

>> No.4316197

i know what opchan is
autism central

>> No.4316198
File: 34 KB, 355x236, things-that-blew-your-mind-when-you-were-a-kid-1-30991-1346448555-3_big.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soooooooooooooo many CHANS

>> No.4316210

Lol. Yeah. It's 2srs4me.

>> No.4316215

I don't know the connection, but I would definitely like to take up hunting as a hobby. I think it'd be really cool and "earthy" to hunt a deer, skin it, gut it, butcher it, and serve it for dinner.

You know that pride you feel when you cook something for guests and they all love it? I imagine it'd feel like that but 10x stronger when you literally did everything yourself.

>> No.4316268

What you said is basically why I got into hunting and foraging for wild foods. That and finally living in an area where it was possible.

>> No.4316416

i think i has a lot more to do with the fact that everyone eats and there's a lot more gun owners out there than you realize.

someone who's into sports isn't going to post a picture of their dinner with a basketball in it.

>> No.4316435

Maybe because we know that the government kills us with food, makes us docile with flouride in the water, and we realize we are AMERICANS....the only country in the worlds who has a constitution like ours. Made by real men who had to endure the oppression of bullshit that modern day society blinds us of what is ACTUALLY happening now.

To answer your question op. We aren't idiots, know the nutrition filled in cooking, and understand what it means to cook a meal and share it with others, and weapons are a right, so its our right to thread about it ALL FUCKING DAY.

>> No.4316454
File: 85 KB, 960x720, 525131_390865674333561_951491555_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's probably just one or two posters. I think they're the mods/janitors on one or both boards.

I always got the impression that cooking in USA is still seen as a female activity. So any guy in USA who likes cooking probably feels he has to be into guns to keep his "man card" (pic related).

/armchair freud

>> No.4316465

Remember that one guy that cut a deer up in his bathtub?
Cooking is serious business. Also useful to know when we need to go innawoods.

>> No.4316479

Oh yeah... Anyone got saved pics??

>> No.4316489

I just like cooking. I don't give a fuck about guns and would prefer much stricter gun control laws in my country. Polite sage because I have nothing to add.

>> No.4317167

As an Yurop I can't really deny or confirm that, but here cooking (at least "above standard") is a mens world really. Every man who can cook more than spaghetti here is proud of it and is cherished for it.

>> No.4317187

American here, I know almost no women that can cook. Even the hospitality management trophy-wife girls aren't really good at it.

>> No.4317272

American woman who can actually coincide raised by my gma, who raised 6 kids alone. Nutrition was always stressed and women making sandwiches is how I grew up. My husband works, I cook and clean all day, actually LIKE it, I get shit from feminist days who "fought" for work rights or some stupid shit

Men don't want bitches infringing on work ops, we don't want men, it me at least.

>> No.4317276

By coincide I meant cook.... Dank auto correct..

Haha ps my capcha is ::
Dickupp hand