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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4310109 No.4310109 [Reply] [Original]

>waiting for the mountain to turn blue before you drink

>> No.4310118
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>buying piss water

>> No.4310117

>drinking Coors

>> No.4310123

>Buying a beer that tells you when its so cold you can't taste it
Good beer should never be ice cold

>> No.4310120

Germanco/ck/ here, what are you guys talking about?

>> No.4310131

I only add ice to alcohol that I am drinking purely for the effect, except for a good west country cider, a little ice can really enhance them.

I still go through a lot of ice

>> No.4310141

Coors Light, it's a frat-tier beer that, as far as pisswater goes, is acceptable, but is pretty terrible.
They have a marketing gimmick where the mountains on their cans turn blue when they're cold

>> No.4310147

A lot of bars have stopped selling coors because people return the beers if the mountain isn't blue. seriously

>> No.4310149

not even frat-tier, more like edgy highschool-tier

it's really shit beer, only good for recycling cans... best method is to open can, pour straight into the toilet, you will feel much better for doing this

>> No.4310157

I've had Coors Light once, and while there are much worse beers out there (PBR, Natty Ice, I'm looking at you), I still wouldn't willingly drink it.
I don't understand why anyone would.

>> No.4310159

>paying top dollar for microbrew that tastes like used gym socks

don't get me wrong, I love belgian ales, but everyone I know who is a beer aficianado makes it seem like an expensive and pretentious hobby. You're renting it for christs sake.

>> No.4310170

Cheap, I guess, and not the worst out there. It's not as watery as Natty and not as skunky-tasting as PBR or Bud, in my opinion
It's my dad's beer of choice. I won't drink it unless I'm having one with him. Yuengling is my go-to

>> No.4310171
File: 25 KB, 200x242, Fourlokoproducts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>$2.50 a can
>12% alcohol
>gets you drunk

Four loko master race

>> No.4310183
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>> No.4310181

this fuckin guy
I bought two four lokos last week, a peach and lemonade. the peach literally had an aftertaste of piss. I had to drink them so slow that I didn't get as drunk as I intended to.

>> No.4310186

>I Have no idea what I'm talking about

Different styles of beers at best served at different temps. Some happen to be best at ice cold temps

>> No.4310196

You are not disagreeing with him. If you add what you and he said together you get this:

>There are some beers that taste best at ice cold temperatures, when they cannot be tasted at all.


>> No.4310197


I went to America recently and had some. At first I was surprised to see them because I thought that they were banned. But it seems they weren't.
Anyway, they taste like absolute shit and make you feel like shit the next day.
Even cheap wine tastes better and has more alcohol than that shit.

>> No.4310201

>Anyway, they taste like absolute shit and make you feel like shit the next day.
pussy detected

>> No.4310202

But they do taste like shit

>> No.4310203

No, he made a blanket statement that NO GOOD beer can possibly be served ice cold, which is wrong

>> No.4310204


>> No.4310209


>buy Coors for the first time
>drink it
>tastes literally like water
>look at bottle
>mountain can turn blue when it's cooled down enough

They have at least one thing going for them.

>> No.4310216

da gubments just made them take the "energy" part out of it, because that's what was making kids drink themselves to death, not the fact that they're fruity and colored brightly and obviously marketed to a younger demographic.

>> No.4310224


Was there energy drink in there or did it just say "Energy" on the can?

>> No.4310230

there was shit like caffeine and guarana and taurine, I think. It was one of those situations where the states decided to take action in order to satisfy some irate parents instead of addressing an actual problem

>> No.4310243

There's no implying anything here. It is straight objective fact that 4loko tastes like urine.

>> No.4310244


Not all states required a removal of the "energy" elements.

Some only required a reduction. In my state, 4 Lokos still has caffeine in it, last I checked. Not sure about guarana and taurine.

They still taste like hammered asshole though. There's no purpose in drinking them beyond getting drunk for cheap.

>> No.4310267
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huge fags

>> No.4310273

Sorry we're not bro enough for you bro. You and your bros can keep drinking it with bros while you spank each other and talk about your bros and how bro you are bro.

>> No.4310276

i dont drink coors but the way you talk about beer makes me want to vomit.

go ahead an peg your BF with you duvel tulip glass

>> No.4310288

>the way you talk about beer
You mean like a person with tastebuds?

>> No.4310292

Yuengling is the my shit.

>> No.4310330


Coors light is NOT good beer.

>> No.4310339


The problem is that drugs like caffeine dull the effects of alcohol so you don't think you're wasted. Same thing would happen to you if all you drank all night were Jägerbombs.

>> No.4310345


I thought caffeine also helped getting the alcohol faster into your system. Somehow.

>> No.4310353



>> No.4310470

You guys make fun of these little things like the blue mountains and the punch can top but can you imagine how awesome cans will be in 30 years if they keep adding these little things to them

>> No.4310478


Yeah, like maybe the cans will tell you when you have shit taste.

>> No.4310489

Im guessing you have a job that will soon be rendered obsolete by technology one day

>> No.4310497


When computers learn to program themselves I'm pretty sure we'll all be obsolete.

>> No.4310590
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eurofags cant hadle a four

>> No.4310600


I guess I just can't handle cheap alcohol, yeah.

>> No.4310607

They used to be stronger then too many teens were blacking out from drinking them. God get your fucking facts straight before posting nonsense on /ck/. It's honestly always Europeans shitposting here about how shit American food and drinks are when they're just talking out of their asses.

>> No.4310752

They weren't just blacking out. 4 Loko had an energy drink and alcohol content mix at outright dangerous levels. It was nicknamed liquid crack for a reason, it's worse than buckfast wine. Makes you do stupid shit.

>> No.4310757

You drink the fast because they taste bad.

>> No.4310758

I'm a fan of the punch tops. Makes chugging a lot easier. Streamlines my intoxication