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4309413 No.4309413 [Reply] [Original]

BEER VS. WINE.Why is beer considered to be low rating drink for alcoholics and low life scum?Many people i know says that they prefer wine,classy drink.What is your choice and why?

>> No.4309420

>Why is beer considered to be low rating drink for alcoholics and low life scum?

I don't think I've heard anyone really considering that.

>Many people i know says that they prefer wine,classy drink.

Ok now you are just taking things too far.

>> No.4309433


Beer is a more consistent experience. Wine changes every year.

Alcohol is neurotoxic, though.

>> No.4309481

I associate wine with homeless folk.
I associate beer with working class.

>> No.4309504

Mad dog, Thunderbird, and a giant box of Franzia!

Definitely classy!

>> No.4309514

because women

>> No.4309521

maybe because wine is more closely associated with french and Italian cuisine which someone might see as "classier" then cuisine associated with beer like English and German cuisine.

Also in the middle ages/age of reason wine was an upper class drink and beer was for the lower class in england

>> No.4310414

Both suck

hard liquor ftw

>> No.4310505

Wine, because beer tastes foul. It seriously does taste like my imagining of sour piss.

I have had some nasty-ass wine, though. My first experience was with a vile white wine that I couldn't stomach beyond the first sip, which is why I stick to red now.

>> No.4310520

why do people feel so confidant assessing something based on trying the cheapest nastiest possible examples? is ck really just a bunch of underaged dirt poor hicks?

>> No.4310523

At last I truly see.

>> No.4310529

the alcoholics and low life scum buy a $2 bottle of wine. it's cheaper for the amount of alcohol you're getting.

beer is more for the average man. or frat boys.

>> No.4310530

OP is most likely a child based on the wording of this topic. I don't know any rational person who would think this way. If you want to ask why high end wines are more expensive than their beer counterparts, that would be a reasonable question.

>> No.4310538


I had a roommate like this in college, not a child, just unreformed door slamming appliance breaking unhousebroken redneck scum. The type of person who holds whine and cheese parties while playing the "best of classical" album on the boom box, and using the word "classy" in a non-ironic fashion. Disgusting.

>> No.4310548

I associate wine with middle aged and elderly women

I can't imagine a man ever choosing wine over beer

>> No.4310577

well i mean think about how long it takes to age a good wine, along with the time value of money

>> No.4310581


It used to be cooking sherry, which was about the same price for 18% fortified wine.

These days it's probably those big ass bottles of hand sanitizing liquid, which is 60% alcohol by volume.

>> No.4311701

Wine is for pretentious faggot which try to act superior.Don't believe them unless they actually know a lot about wine and buy +30$ wine.

>> No.4311703

My general rule of thumb is it's the brand that makes it classy.

Any beer that comes in a can
>not classy

>> No.4311708

im actually taking classes to become both a wine and beer sommelier, separately. Beer is about as complex as wine but wine is far more subtle. Beer is also much less analyzed.

>> No.4311717

i hate how in my circle of friends no one will even consider wine.
even at classy parties you only see girls drinking wine and they wont touch beer, thats annoying

but yeah, i fucking lvoe wine, its the best tasting, sweetest and cheapest drunk. charles shaw merlot? I love that shit, pop one open and get a badass buzz... oh, its only 9 oclock? think ill pop open number 2 n get shmashed

and it really does taste great with salami n cheese, loving that shit.

>> No.4311722

Drinking anything all the time gets boring. Sometimes I drink wine, sometimes I don't, ain't about being pretentious.

>> No.4311723
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Beer is for Heathens, rednecks and Germans, it maks you fat lazy and gassy. Also Fat

Wine has more alcohol and congeners for a better buzz without having to consume shitty distilled swill , which kills you in the long run

>> No.4311726
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How about spritzer? It's carbonated water + wine, usually white.
It's pretty common here in Hungary, in fact we have lots of variations with different wine/water ratios and extra ingredients like fruit syrup/juice and other beverages.

>> No.4311728
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First, the price of a wine has absolutely nothing to do with the taste or the buzz it gives you
second: only idiots pay more than $15 for a bottle of wine

>> No.4312074

Fuck both. When I drink anymore, I drink bourbon, vodka, or scotch. 131 proof, bud, straight up. I'm fuckin' wasted.

>> No.4312090

>people who think red wine is inherently superior to white

>> No.4312105


I have to say that, after cider, wine is the go to drink for alcoholics. At least in my country.

>> No.4312118

only idiots limit their price to $15 for a bottle of wine

>> No.4312540

> fat lazy and gassy

Just wanted to thank this guy, I had gotten a six pack this week to try out and I've been farting up a storm at work. My diet has been otherwise normal. Of course it was the beer.

I saw this post on my way home from work and got a bottle of wine instead.

>> No.4312553
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I drink it all.

>> No.4312557

I do, because I only drink good wine and prefer the tannin content of red wine.

>> No.4312563

>I only drink red because I only drink good wine

Could you be more entry level?

>> No.4312575

Prefer either, mostly white wine though. I don't understand people's attitudes to beer, I enjoy the taste and whenever I say I'd rather a beer over a vodka mixer which is nothing but over sweet I get asked "why are you drinking that, it's disgusting what are you bogan scum?"
Not sure if it's because I'm fairly small, young and female they assume I only drink pre-mixed 'lolly water' or because they find beer repulsive.
Maybe both. Yet if I'm drinking wine they pull the "oh too good are we!?" attitude.

>> No.4312587


The only country in the Anglosphere where the race to the bottom hivemind rivals the United States.

Sometimes you guys make alright wine though. Sometimes.

>> No.4312605

yeah i don't get that. Especially considering how many hopeless winos there are, but i've never met a beero.

>> No.4312613

Another Aussie here. You know the irony is alot of that 'lolly water' passed of as vodka is actually a flavoured wine base anyway.
Read the ingredients.

>> No.4312654

Why would they put vodka on the label though? There are wine spritzers out there which is what you describe.
If I want sweet, I go for white wine otherwise beer is great, can't see the point in drinking alcohol that tastes like soft drink.

>> No.4312660

Its all marketing double talk.
As with most things, ignore the front of the label and read the ingredients.

>> No.4312694
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Personally I drink both beer and wine.

I tend to look at the lower rating of beer in the same way I look at people's generally problem with boxed wine: it is simply a misconception based on outdated preconceptions of the quality and general "pleb" connotations of one or the other.

There is nothing wrong with wine that comes in a box. It just so happens that boxed wine is generally of a lesser quality than that which comes in a bottle with a real cork. But this is slowly changing.

With beer, on the other hand, people are generally realizing that there is a vast variety of good beer, and good beer is being produced in exponential quantities every single year.

I would personally recommend the book, "The Brewmaster's Table" (pic related). It is an amazing overview of the different styles of beers with tasting notes and suggestions on food pairings. (And Garrett Oliver, the Brew master for Brooklyn Brewery is awesome.)

>> No.4312719

I really don't like alcohol of any sort. I never drink a light amount to just get an ever so slight, barely noticeable buzz, and end up drinking until to the point of goofy/mild-euphoria inebriation.

Overall it wrecks my immune system and I regret it the next morning, and have terrible allergies.

>> No.4312726

Man up bucko.
I got sick and weak just reading your post.

>> No.4312735

love that book, but wish he or someone else would put out an addendum or something to address bourbon barrel aged beers and go more in depth on american beers which really only get a brief overview (and are slanted towards american interpretations of conservative european recipes)

>> No.4312750

ITT: generalizations

I enjoy many kinds of beer, wine, and liquor. I know other people who drink all of them who are not alcoholics. I don't know a lot of alcoholics, but the couple I do know prefer beer, because that's what's cheapest here. I know exceptions though, like the guy who doesn't drink much and can appreciate great beer, but prefers to save his money for other things and mostly drinks PBR or Budweiser.

Price/quality/quantity is what I make base my guesses on: responsible people who enjoy a drink and know how to moderate their alcohol intake aren't likely to go out and buy a case of miller lite or the absolute cheapest vodka on the shelf, and conversely the alcoholics typically don't spend money on great craft beer, nice bottles of wine, or fine liquors with intricate flavors, because the cost of buying enough of those to feed their desire to get drunk and stay drunk would be prohibitive.

>> No.4312751


Have you read his "Oxford Companion to Beer"?

I've personally been meaning to pick it up for awhile now, but it's just so damn expensive...

Just wondering if he might go into more detail there.

>> No.4312759

>man up
>drink poison

There are plenty more ways of being a "man". One is being responsible for your own fucking health, shithead.

>> No.4312762

>Posts in a thread about alcohol
>dribbles out his pus laden opinion of alcohol being poison like a fucking puritan.

You can fuck off now young lady.

>> No.4312770

>what is a depressant? why is it called a depressant? what is it depressing? I feel good when I take it, so it must be good for me!

>> No.4312772


Wow. You are actually retarded.

>> No.4312780

Oh youre vagina hurts.
It really does stop you having fun when it happens doesnt it.
You should just go home and have a lovely cup of horlicks and leave the enjoyment of life to others.

>> No.4312786

>it's a depressant because it depresses your immune system
>you're underage b& for not even having a beer before

I guess you think smoking three crack rocks in one setting is pretty intellectually stimulating as well.

>> No.4312789

What the fuck are you even talking about?

>> No.4312796

I think you should be asking yourself that... Dont you?

>> No.4312810

I do not think about class when drinking. I see drinking as a slightly dangerous pleasure, and indulge accordingly.

I like wine with food. I never drink it on its own. The acid cut of wine is a great match for foods rich in animal fat or olive oil.

Beer can stand on its own, but also pairs better than wine against many smoked, pickled or spicy foods. So even though I like wine with food I'll sometimes go for beer if I think it's a better match.

Liquor I generally stay away from. I think cocktails are bullshit because I'm not a fan of sugar with my alcohol. But at the end of an opulent meal I'm not averse to some brandy or aged rum. Only once in a while, though.

>> No.4312973 [DELETED] 

i drink whatever will get me drunk

>> No.4312976

i drink whatever will get me drunkk

>> No.4312999
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As an alcohol, I only drink beer with my cheap ass liquor. Beer doesn't get me drunk anymore.