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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4307244 No.4307244[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]


common foods/beverages/etc you either dislike or just don't bother with

for me its:
>table salt/sugar

could probably think of a few more, but these are the standout ones I always hear people talk about as staples of their diets

>> No.4307250

Eggs are delicious and easy. Everything else on your list can stay on it.
For me:

>> No.4307258

>Olives (although olive oil is great)
>Cottage Cheese

Those are what immediately come to mind.

>> No.4307275

>sour cream
Fucking disgusting. Those are pretty much the only things I won't eat. I'll even eat a burger if it has mayo, but I won't enjoy it.

>> No.4307293

I HATE these threads. All it does is propagate and validate picky fucking eaters.
Okay, here's my lecture, and then I'm going to ignore this thread:
MyselfANON: "FOOD, is one of the few things in this world that engages all of your senses. That is what makes our biological drive for nutrition, our recent (meaning the last 1000 years or so) quest to gather and find as many new foods as possible. All the insane, irreverent, gluttonous and glorious foods and restaurants we have available now. All that comes down to the fact that we are dependent, on ALL levels, on food. To deny yourself, or to not explore, or to try once and never try again, or to refuse based on other feelings (such as racism, or cultural ism, or religion, etc.) is to DENY YOUR OWN BIOLOGY. Our ancestors wouldn't have developed the brains they have if they hadn't sucked the marrow out of leftover bones they stole from carcasses. Are you really better than that? Because when you refuse to even TRY new foods, you are literally stopping your genetics in it's tracks. Not to mention that you are denying yourself THE most glorious of sensory experiences, besides sex, that you can have in this world."
And, I'm spent. Good day to you.

>> No.4307302
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>being this mad
having a few foods you don't like doesn't constitute a picky eater
but 3/10 made me reply

>> No.4307308

>Rib meat

>> No.4307309
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>> No.4307312

>white chocolate
>most cakes. well...
>desserts in general

Only exception for desserts seems to be chocolate, but it really needs to be on the dark side and minimum sweetness.

>Is this why I'm not fat?

>> No.4307314

>white bread
>baked beans
>most types sausages
>brown sauce

>> No.4307319

I didn't know mayo was part of my biology.

>> No.4307320

Lettuce. I fucking hate lettuce. IT has little taste on its own, but to me seems to overpower whatever dish it's in. The only time I've enjoyed it is when making peking duck "tacos."

Otherwise, I'll take some nice spinach leaves any day of the week.

Oh, and I would like to mention Oreos. I don't know why anyone would eat this crap, they taste dry and horrid. I think literally any other pre-packaged cookie is better.

And if someone wants to say, "That's just because you're not drinking it in milk," I would like you to try and compare a bag of Famous Amos to Oreos both in milk. It's not even a competition.

>> No.4307334

I always substitute cabbage in place of lettuce when cooking tacos for a group, no one ever notices.

>> No.4307339

Actually, it is. Mayo contains protein and fats necessary for brain development and maintanence, plus essential vitamins and minerals.

>> No.4307346
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>> No.4307353

/ck/ confirmed
The human body is filled with mayo

>> No.4307361

You can get more protein and vitamins from the egg itself...

>> No.4307390

Eggs: omega 3s, choline, biotin, all your B vits, vit K, vit A, Panthotenic acid, calcium, magnesium, iron, selenium (considered one of the major cancer fighters),
olive oil fats (for god's sake, can't you look that up yourselves)
lemon juice (vitamin C to make the iron and other absorb-able)
salt (essential mineral)
bit of mustard (antioxidants)

Come on, pull your head out of your asses. I'm not necessarily a proponent of mayo, but it's not bad for you, unless you're a fucktard fatass with no self control. Also, it's not hard to make at all, so get to cooking.

Yes. Those are constructs for healthy brain function.

>> No.4307395

the oil in mayonnaise ensures that your body absorbs some vitamins and minerals better. Stay away from crappy mayo though. Make your own with olive oil for optimal health.

>> No.4307401

Onions. I wish I liked onions because they're in damn near everything, but I just absolutely cannot stand them.

Not a big fan of shellfish either, but at least that's pretty easily avoided.

>> No.4307414

Oh wow, mayonnaise has some nutritional value to it. It's not like there could possibly be other foods that have any of the nutrients that mayonnaise has.
Nope, just mayonnaise.

>> No.4307416

You act as though eggs are a cure-all for any deficiency, when literally all of those vitamins and minerals can be found from other sources that people can find more palatable depending on their individual tastes.

>> No.4307420

I've never had a meatloaf that I've enjoyed. It's ugly, has an unpleasant texture, and there are so many better ways to handle ground beef. I'll eat it to be nice to my grandma, but once every ten years is about all I can tolerate consuming it.
Fried or even breaded fish never appealed to me, either. I'm wary enough of seafood as it is, and fast-food-ifying it doesn't help its case.

I'd rather be picky about how my meat is prepared than eat unpalatable shit which I'll gag on and likely vomit back up anyway.

>> No.4307653

Stupid fucking niggers can't even into nutritive values.
No one said you HAVE to eat mayo.
It's just an example of a food that people rile against that is actually quite beneficial for your health, in moderation.
>overreact more

>> No.4307654

and WHY are you "wary" of seafood as opposed to other foods?

>> No.4307980

>Dr pepper

I just never desire doritos. I don't dislike them, though.

Fucking hate dr pepper

>> No.4308019

fast food (especially taco bell. shame that all my buds would like to eat there literally every day)
mayo (nasty stuff. why do people have to ruin tuna or chicken salad with globs of that crap?)
PB&J (not even during my childhood)
meatloaf (maybe I've just never eating a properly-made one. everyone on /ck/ and elsewhere seems to rave about meatloaf and I do a double take and ask "are we talking about the same food here?")

>> No.4308027

Meatloaf is really hit and miss. I've had shit and god tier both.

>> No.4308032

I really don't like mayonnaise either but I love sandwiches. It can make going to the deli extremely difficult since there are a ton of places that have no idea how to make a sandwich with a spread that isn't mayo. It's really fucking disappointing honestly.

>> No.4308044

it's really easy. "please hold the mayo."

>> No.4308064

Yeah except that ruins the sandwitch half the time. Sandwitches should be purpose built and constructed carefully so, at least in my opinion, asking them to hold the mayo as a spread disables the sandwich. Is it too much to ask that more sandwich shops build sandwiches without mayo for customers like me? I don't want some dry toast with deli meat just because I don't like mayo and whoever made the menu failed t have an imagination.

>> No.4308084

How the hell is a sandwich ruined by the lack of oil held in a semi-solid emulsion with egg yolk?

>> No.4308090

Like for example a turkey sandwich on sourdough that usually comes with mayo-would be very dry if he said to hold the mayo. he is wishing they had cranberry sauce or pesto or something

>> No.4308102

I've never had that problem. Must be getting some incredibly over-cooked turkey or something. You're putting lettuce, tomato, and the works on that of course, right? Right?

>> No.4308109

then ask for light mayo like i do bro. fucking scrape on that mayo

>> No.4308132
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surely you jest!
>ask for just a little bit of mayo
>"yeah, sure thing"
>dunks spatula in bucket of mayonnaise
>brings up a pound a globular white egg goo
>slathers it all over
>"Here you go, chief!"

>> No.4308133

not sure why, I enjoy the tartness of cranberries, just not cherries.

>> No.4308199

> white sugar
> ketchup
> white bread
> white rice
> milk

>> No.4308203

I don't bother with:
sweet corn
farmed salmon
mac & cheese
fruit juice
most desserts
breakfast cereal

>> No.4308206

I greatly dislike eggs, coffee, shellfish, and radishes.
I don't really bother with iceberg lettuce.

>> No.4308209

Forgot cantaloupe and honeydew melon.

>> No.4308261

any liquid that's not water or alcohol

>> No.4308283

pretty much any liquid condiment

>> No.4308291

Sushi (i like to taste the textures of each ingredient separately)
pretty much any dessert or pastry, etc, its just much to sweet for me. Although I do put heaps of salt on everything.

>> No.4308295

>People point out that you don't have to eat mayo and you can get nutrients elsewhere
>Anon retaliates with, "Stupid Fucking Niggers!!"

Oh yes, all those other anons are overreacting.

>> No.4308306

I like how you conveniently left out the fact that the poster also said
>No one said you have to eat mayo
God, lrn2reading comprehension, you "stupid fucking nigger".

>> No.4308308

Are you always this easy to piss off?

>> No.4308313

What makes you think I'm pissed off?

>> No.4308323

In his defense, you are acting rather... excited.

>> No.4308333
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How's that then?
>reply to overdramatic post with sarcastic overdramatic post
>get called excited
>my sides

>> No.4308339
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Been a while since I saw one of these.

>> No.4308340

wouldn't a tuna or chicken salad without mayo just be mustard, relish, and tuna or chicken

>> No.4308346
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Isn't it past your bedtime?

>> No.4308376


The fuck is that

>> No.4308394


>> No.4308397


>> No.4308399

>parmesan cheese

>> No.4308430

>Chocolate + Mint
>Tomatoes (Puree is fine though)
>Pig meat

>> No.4308444

Black olives are the only thing I despise.

>> No.4308455


>> No.4308456

Are you serious?!

There are some things that are techincally fruit. You dont like those either?

Must be hard not being able to eat almost anything at all.

>> white sugar
Is this a trend now?

Interesting. Can i know why?

Fruit again. What about liquor that has been made from or with fruit?

For me is papaya, i despise that shit.

>> No.4308458
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>coke/soda whatever you call it
>ice cream
Can't do dairy, and lunchmeat and bread never last me long enough to bother with.

I'm mostly a coffee/tea and frozen food sort of guy.
...with an occasional 'taco salad day' every so often.
Also, lots of pasta. Its cheap and keeps forever.

>> No.4308460


>everyone in the midwest during any storm ever

>> No.4308462

>chinese dumplings
xiao long bao are fine, but the ones with chives in them ugh
>hot sauce

>> No.4308463
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But seriously, how can so many of you hang out on a food board and dislike so many foods; so many BASIC foods.

>> No.4308467


i'm >>4308199

white sugar doesn't taste good to me, i prefer honey.

>> No.4308468

I'm guessing most of us are just too lazy to shop for them, so dislike and hatred for the stuff just settles in naturally.

Its easier for me to pick up a stack of totinos pizzas than juggling around a gallon of milk, bread, bag of sugar and that other shit.

>> No.4308475

>Its easier for me to pick up a stack of totinos pizzas than juggling around a gallon of milk, bread, bag of sugar and that other shit.

Dumbest shit I've ever read

>> No.4308477

But you know its true.


>> No.4308484
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>Its easier for me to pick up a stack of totinos pizzas than juggling around a gallon of milk, bread, bag of sugar and that other shit.

Murica, fuck yeah!

>> No.4308485


that's what shopping carts are for.

>> No.4308488
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If you think buying totinos pizzas is in any way better or less difficult than getting bread, milk, and eggs, then I hope you die soon and do not procreate.

>> No.4308494

So how do you get around desserts or beverages/liquor with sugar? do you only consume what you prepare?

>> No.4308508


i don't really drink alcohol(prefer weed), and the only non-alcoholic drinks i consume are water, tea, coffee (i drink tea and coffee black, but when i want them sweet as a dessert then i add honey) and home-made fresh juice.

as for desserts i also make those myself, and even then i consider a dessert something like coffee or tea with coconut milk and honey added. or something like fruit and such.

it's a matter of preference. if something has sugar in it i'm willing to taste it (depending on what it is and how much) but i don't buy white sugar or add it to anything i eat or go out of my way to buy things that have it in large quantities.

>> No.4308509


adding to >>4308508

i just really fucking like honey, and am more than happy to add it to everything i eat... and white sugar just doesn't appeal to me.

>> No.4308521

>if something has sugar in it i'm willing to taste it
> white sugar just doesn't appeal to me.

Ok, to me that is a solid arguemnt.

I still find it baffling tough haha

>> No.4308533


i have a lot of really weird eating habits and prefer to make everything myself or watch my s/o make it because then i know what's in it and that everything was clean etc. so i don't tend to eat much that's pre-packaged, or anything...plus i don't really go to restaurants or anything cuz i don't like the idea of not knowing what's in my food or who's cooking it/serving it.

>> No.4308538

>sandwich bread
I usually keep a loaf in the freezer for when I get a craving for dippy eggs, but I'm not sure why people always stock up on the shit or what they actually use all of it for.

I love it when I'm out at an Italian place, but I just never bother with it at home. I'm more of a rice guy when it comes to carb filler.

>> No.4308543

Muslim spotted.

Not that I discriminate... just... you miss out.

>> No.4308597

I think carrot juice is gross. It's just too sweep for a vegetable juice. I'll drink tomato juice though.

>> No.4308602

>too sweet

>> No.4308633

>most non fish meats
I don't know why I just don't really enjoy most of them. The primary exception is London broil.
I like how it melds with other flavors I just don't like it independently.
>raw broccoli
love it lightly cooked just not raw
>most breakfast cereals
>almost all breads
without the pulp fine but as is they're quite undesirable
>melons of all kinds
>grape fruit
>mayo/miracle whip
>nonraw salsas
>cheese dips
> anything aged in oak

>> No.4308683

>table salt

whats the matter, don't like flavor?

season your shit faggot.

>> No.4308908

Dude...that's some serious OCD you've got going there. You can get help for that, you know.

>> No.4308912

Why honey? That shit is cloyingly sweet. I'm not a fan of very sweet things. A little sweet is OK, but very sweet isn't my thing. Honey is just too fucking sweet for me.

>> No.4308922

>table salt

Remember why you're retarded when your iodine deficiency kicks in

>> No.4308954
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Love sour candy and fruit though.

>> No.4308979

>all carbonated drinks
>coffee (it smells great, though)
>non-white rice
>oil/vinegar dressing on salads, as a condiment, etc

>> No.4309013


>> No.4309040
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I don't like wine at all. I've tried to get into it but it's just not my thing.

>> No.4309042

They all taste essentially the same to me

>> No.4309053

Same. Unless it's the alcoholic fruit punch wine, it tastes god awful.

>> No.4309097

Drinking wine on its own is work, the kind of work people at industry tastings are getting paid to do. Don't drink wine in isolation and expect to "get it". What you'll get is most likely a headache or stomachache. Think about wine in the context of food pairings and it starts to make sense. Muscadet and raw oysters, Bordeaux with beef - just look up classic pairings. They're classic because they work well; they're not set in stone. But once you wrap your head around how they work you may develop an appreciation for wine. You may not, but it's a source of pleasure, so it's worth a try.

>> No.4309117

Pineapple. It's like eating acid.

>> No.4309515


lol eh that's not even the worst of the ocd, but yeah i do have it. i've seen the therapy that "helps" it though, you know making you touch dirty things or eat unwashed fruit or whatever...and i'll pass. i'd rather be crazy than have to do those things.

>> No.4309518


i developed a taste for wine after i drank through the rest of the liquor cabinet in the house and only had wine left to get drunk on.

i drank so much i could taste the individual flavours in alcohols, including a weird bison grass vodka we just kinda had lying around drank it straight and rather than it tasting like rubbing alcohol i noticed that there was vanilla and such in it.

the best way to develop a taste for alcohol is to just drink it 'til you're used to it.

>> No.4309540

Sour Cream

>> No.4309556

> Coffee (but I love ice-coffee if that counts)
> Sour Cream (Exception for sour cream waffles)
> Mayo
> Olives
> Moose meat

>> No.4309692

I'll cook with it, but the thought of drinking it straight makes me wretch.
>sour cream
>Miracle Whip

>> No.4309698

>dark meat chicken/turkey
absolutely disgusting.

>> No.4310099

>junk food snacks like doritoes, cheez its, what have you

>> No.4310116

dark meat chicken pieces
i try to avoid most fish and seafood, would rather eat beef if given the choice
sugary beverages
milk (one of the reasons for my acne)
peanut butter and chocolate (see above, I can feel the grease erupting from my pores after a Reeses cup)

>> No.4310981

>sour cream
Can't think of what else there is, but that about covers it.