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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4306695 No.4306695 [Reply] [Original]

I made stock last night.

>> No.4306696
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>> No.4306697

That is disgusting.

>> No.4306704

What, is this /b/????

Stop saving your man juice anon and leave it to the professionals!

>> No.4306706

Tbh im just wondering whats up with it. I didnt expect all that shit at the bottom. Pribably should have filterd it better.

>> No.4306717

where you spooning of the gunk that rises to the top while it was cooking?
Try straining though some cheese cloth.

Hows it taste?

>> No.4306724

Yeah I've never encounterd cheese cloth before but I was spooning gunk off the top. Was gonner use fat off top too cook with. Not sure what stuff on bottom is.

>> No.4306733

Tasted divine last night. Excavated the good stuff and that tastes good. Just pondering if I can use what was at top and bottom for frying eggs in.

>> No.4306765

The stuff on the top you could probably use for cooking since it's fat though it probably picked up the flavor of whatever you had in your stock so it may or may not be decent to cook with.. The crap on the bottom is just non-fatty solids and sediment from whatever you were simmering. Toss that junk or feed it to your dog if you have one. That's about all it's good for.

>> No.4306857

I think it looks fine but needs improving. What process did you use?

It may look gross but it just looks like it's the in the process of separating and there's nothing very wrong with that (that is, it's not bad for you).

>> No.4306881
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chocolate milk stock?

>> No.4306898


If you have excess stock, freezing preserves the quality very well. I like to use an ice tray to freeze it into cubes before putting the cubes into a separate container.

>> No.4306899

Op, I make stock all the time, about once a week. Here is my method-

Take a chicken carcass and disassemble it. Place in a crockpot, and set it on low. Leave for 24 hrs.
The next morning, separate the meat from the bones.
That evening, fish out the bones, crush them (they should fall apart easily) and put them back into the crockpot.
Leave crockpot on low for another 24 hrs.
In day three, bump the heat up to high on the crockpot, and leave it uncovered until the stock reduces down (I aim for 6-8 cups of broth per batch).
Let crockpot cool, and place it in the refrigerator over night.
The next day, remove the disk of fat on top, and pour off the broth (if it sets up like gelatin, that's a good thing), being careful no to disturb the layer of bone mush at the bottom.

>> No.4306922

>Take a chicken carcass and disassemble it. Place in a crockpot, and set it on low.

Forgot to say- fill crockpot with water, but I'm sure you know that.

>> No.4307146

> not browning the bones before adding water
you've gone full pleb

>> No.4307175

I guess I should of been more clear.
I should of said, "take a ROASTED chicken carcass..."

>> No.4307179

If I have a rotisserie chicken
and i eat all the meat off of it.

thats not roasted carcass right? I got to roast it a second time when its all bones n shit?

Also, 3 days is kray kray, but ive never crushed up bones into my stock (though it still gellatin-ized)

>> No.4307180
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*sigh* you really ARE plebeian
the bones need to be roasted IN the stockpot, otherwise all that Maillard goodness is... lost... in time, like... tears in rain

>> No.4307182

Pretty sure that was a joke anon.

>> No.4307189

joke, trolling, or stupidity
can't really tell, I'm on THIS side of the Internet, not on THAT side, with him

>> No.4307201

you're supposed to make stock from FRESH bones, not already cooked ones from which all the flavor is gone
you'll get something, but it won't be something good.

>> No.4307206

Now, that's just not entirely true. I've made glorious turkey and chicken stock from cooked carcasses, that came out perfect, rich and gelatinous. The trick with cooked bones is to roast them and then crack them before adding to your pot.
Now, beef stock is different. I only use fresh bones for beef stock, because it performs differently.

>> No.4307211


I don't roast the bones. No joke.
Yes, it takes me three days, but it's hardly time consuming. It's in a crockpot for Christ sake.

>> No.4307215

or trolling
not sure which

>> No.4307255

I don't even put any salt or seasonings in it either. I often give my pets homemade chicken stock, so I leave salt and stuff out of it.

Now with my pork stock, I do brown everything in the crockpot. This stock is very flavorful. A little goes a long way, so I freeze it in one cup portions. This stock is not good as a soup base, unless you water it down.

Pork stock-
2 Lb fresh ground pork
1/2 Lb bacon
1 1/2 Lb ham hocks
1Lb pork bones (left over from making beans with ham hocks)

>> No.4307306

> ground meat and bacon in stock
trolling of the highest caliber

>> No.4307431

Is this the new thing? Trolling by calling someone else a troll. I've seen it several times recently in other bords.

>> No.4307447
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Latest batch. Hopefully solved the problem by pouring the stock slowly into the seive slowly and paying attention none of the sediment went in.

>> No.4307454

no you fucktard.
fat has no role in a stock, so putting bacon in there is worse than useless

>> No.4307466

Jesus fucking christ, no wonder people think making stock is time consuming

Chicken stock should never really need more than 3 hours simmering

>> No.4307495


What makes you say that? I've never seen someone recommend anything under 4 hours. I tend to go for about 7 hours. The time is necessary to release all of the flavor and gelatin so you have a rich stock and not a thin broth.


This is true. When you cool the stock, you remove the fat from the top. At best, the bacon imparts a bit of flavor into the stock, but this is generally undesirable. You can add the flavor more effectively by adding bacon to the product you use the stock in. This is the same reason I don't use herbs in my stock.


There's nothing *wrong* with using cooked bones for stock, but it's a bit like making tea with leaves that have already been used. Can you get a nice, flavorful product? Sure. Will it be as good as if the bones/leaves were not previously used? No.

>> No.4307503

She babbles on but start it at 2:52 for how I make stock. It is rejuventating and useful. Lurve me some chicken stock.

>> No.4307517

3 hours isn't long enough to get all of the crap out of the bones

>> No.4307579

There are brown stocks and white stocks. Brown stocks use bones and trim that have been roasted, as well as caramelized veg to get a brown color and deep flavor. White uses non-roasted to maintain a clear color and lighter flavor. Does that mean one is better than the other? No, only that their uses vary.

>> No.4307692

Op, your stock looks like butterscotch pudding :(

>> No.4307700

See, I'm upset with you now. Why don't you use everything? If you're so down on proper stocks, I'd think you were of the cooking sort, which would mean you weren't some gay-ass, I only buy fresh ingredients for everything, type of person, but apparently you are.
you're not a real cook, just an absentee chef. Pretentious fuck. Let me guess, you either went to CIA or Le Cordon Bleu, or you WANTED to go to one of those?