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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 268 KB, 680x510, stone-ruination-ipa-beer-review.preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4305310 No.4305310 [Reply] [Original]

1. USA
2. Belgium
3. Germany
4. Ireland
5. Canada
6. Czech Republic
7. England
8. France
9998. Australia
9999. Mexico

>> No.4305315

I'd put Canada above Belgium and Germany. Czech needs to be ranked alongside France.

>> No.4305318


These threads are so fucking pointless.

>> No.4305322

>Ireland and Canada above Czech Republic
>Mexico dead last
>9999 countries

How does it feel to know nothing about anything?

>> No.4305326


You shut your whore mouth

>> No.4305342 [DELETED] 

Try some actual Australian beer like coopers and then you won't come off as some pleb cunt who ranks Australian beer just above Mexican.

>> No.4305347


>Implying anyone with good taste buds thinks highly of Coopers beers

coopers is garbage m8

>> No.4305357


Pfffft. More like:

>Czech Republic

>> No.4305358

cannot into power rankings

>> No.4305360

Czech Republic and Mexico should be higher. Other than that, good job.

>> No.4305365

>ranking all beer from an entire country

OP's first microbrew?

>> No.4305368
File: 44 KB, 391x398, jimmies_ratkinson.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try some actual Australian beer like coopers and then you won't come off as some pleb cunt who ranks Australian beer just above Mexican.

>> No.4305379

Yeah you're right mate XXXX Gold is a much better representative of quality Australian beer. :|

>> No.4305390

I find that coopers is fairly solid, but I wouldn't call it the best Australian beer. Little Creatures Pale Ale and White Rabbit Dark would probably be up there with my favorites. Then we have breweries like Matilda Bay, Monteiths and Vale making great beers and Gage and James Squire making pretty good ones.

>> No.4305401

Forgot James Squire and Little Creatures. Seriously rustled when I posted, as if all the quality Australian beers are on the same level as Corona. The fuck?

>> No.4305405

ITT; pointless opinions and shitposting.
also, no New Zealand beer?

>> No.4305909
File: 40 KB, 300x400, Two Hearted 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now that's a fine IPA, OP, but it doesn't top this.

>> No.4305925
File: 83 KB, 500x500, 1345437765783.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw it's filtered now because it got too mainstream and little cunts were to idtiotic about the sediment in the beer, some calling to complain even though the bottle had fucking simple directions on pouring and enjoying.

As far as microbreweries and localized brewing go, I'd agree with the power rankings.

>> No.4305945

>implying making everything hoppy makes it better

Seriously, what the fuck is with this country and hopes. I prefer malty beers from Belgium.

>> No.4305951

Are you implying that Two Hearted is filtered?
I know for a fact that it's not.

It ranks pretty damn highly, but I like it because it doesn't smack you as hard with the hops, has a nice balance of citrus, malt, and pine, and basically doesn't use the OMGHOPS factor to avoid being a nuanced, well-made beer.

That being said, I fucking LOVE Ruination, Two Hearted is just a better go it, I have to be in the mood for something like Ruination.

>> No.4305952

"Just a better go to*"

>> No.4306013
File: 106 KB, 600x800, Little-Creatures-Pale-Ale-new-cameras-first-beer.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Wash your fucking mouth out

>> No.4306017

>9998. Australia
>Drinking shit Fosters
>Thinking it's our best
>Not drinking James Boag's
>Tasmanias finest

Fucking pleb

>> No.4306018


Seriously your fucking retarded.

>> No.4306022
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>> No.4306025
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>> No.4306027
File: 274 KB, 1067x1600, IMAG0341.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've tried maybe 20 different American beers (none of the huge brands) and I've never been blown away. Sure, some of them have been good, but there's been nothing I'd put up an effort to drink again. I guess I'm just really unlucky.

pic is a random great beer.

>> No.4306038

A few murrifats make a beer in their basement and suddenly they think they're the best beer country in the world. Tiny Belgium still produces more beers and they're almost all quality.

I don't get how you can put Germany above Czech Rep either.

1/10 thread/

>> No.4306045



Just count how many of the top beers and breweries are in the U.S.

You'll also happen to notice that this website is based off of aggregate reviews from across the world. Even if a large portion of those people are from the U.S. that just further proves the dedication to craft beer in the states. Stay mad dirty squatting Slave.

>> No.4306077
File: 70 KB, 1155x852, 1351176922210.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Go to bed, OP. The fat in your brain is making you retarded.

>> No.4306081

>implying you've even seen australian micro's let alone sampled any

>> No.4306083

>american website
>in english

how fat are you OP?

>> No.4306090

I got pretty rustled too, bro.

>> No.4306091

Op is retarded, stone & wood pacific ale from Australia is god tier. Do you even galaxy hops?!

>> No.4306116
File: 231 KB, 701x526, queen of pol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And i suppose you're a big fan of Justin Bibber because he sells out Madison Square Garden, right?

>Americans in charge of knowing good shit and bad shit

>> No.4306119
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pic related

>> No.4306145
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>a few

>> No.4306170
File: 68 KB, 768x1024, Innis_and_Gunn_Rum_Cask.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Canada has no good beer.

Replace it with Denmark. We got Mikkeller, Fano Bryghus and Amager Bryghus.

>> No.4306224


> USA in the top ten at all

Hahahah, oh wow. Been to the states 3 times and never had a beer that was amazing. Don't get me wrong there are some pretty good ones, but nothing like the beer in the Old World.

>> No.4306226

>I went to Paris and ate at one shitty restaurant, so all French food sucks

Two can play that game.

>> No.4306245

Haha typical CPH-fagg. What's up? Why don't you try some real viking beer and go for a Fuglsang or Tuborg?

>> No.4306252

>9998 Australia

Yeah no fuck off. Matilda Bay and James Squire make great fucking beers, not to mention any of the fucking micros.

Though I love dark wheaty beers like Redback, take that Bud Light and get out

>> No.4306259

Now I have to go and buy some, hope you're happy mate.

>> No.4306260


> Fuglsang

Mah niggah.

>> No.4306261
File: 39 KB, 1441x769, 1361640946661.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4306265

The guy said he went to the states THREE TIMES, he didn't say your beer was bad - he said it wasn't amazing, big difference.

>> No.4306269

>poland not on the list
>implying you know anything about beer

>> No.4306271
File: 56 KB, 620x496, Meanwhile Australia.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You think this is a game, beer is as much a representative of any country as it's flag or football team. Good trolling though, really rustled some jimmies there for a while.

>> No.4306272

1. Belgium
2. UK
3. Germany
4. USA
5. Czech Republic
Fixed that for you.

>> No.4306274

Every country makes some great beers. Doesn't change the vast majority of yours are lager pisswater.

>> No.4306285

>James Boag's
It's not even our best Beer named after a bloke called James.


>> No.4306286
File: 903 KB, 300x200, JerryLaughsAtYou.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What? You're mistaking the most sold mainly on basis of being cheaper for most representative of an average Australian beer.

>> No.4306289


What is beer power?

D they use beer to turn a turbine, which turns a generator?

Is this some sort of new age green hippie yuppie micro brewery faggotry?

>> No.4306290
File: 2.07 MB, 3648x2048, NewGlarusBeers008.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

On Wisconsin!

im a fan of wheats, so dancing man, and two women are good.

laughing fox gets an honorary mention. i oughtta hit up discount liquor this weekend.

any other cheeseheads (milwaukee) with me?

>> No.4306293

is this response some sort of ruse?

>> No.4306297

no, its something the engineers at Techincal University of Munich are researching.

Beer makes you piss right? so theyre developing a mechanism to harness the kinetic energy of flowing piss in stadium bathrooms to generate power.

>> No.4306302
File: 253 KB, 640x480, vlcsnap-2013-02-01-17h58m59s5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

German beer is overrated. The Reinheitsgebot is nice and dandy, but it's also very restrictive in regards of creating new blends with interesting tastes, and these days most breweries are controlled by just a few big brands and most commonly available beer either tastes like old water or like dirty carpet.

>> No.4306320

That's not Jerry. That's George Costanza. God damn. Who could take you seriously when you let gifs just sit on your computer so poorly named.

>> No.4306335

Aussie here. Of the IPAs ive had, America has made the best ones.

I need to try more stouts but its hard to come across any imported stouts that arent Guinness, Guinness, Guinness or or that Double Chocolate shit.... Youngs i think. Terrible.

All the good stouts ive had here have been Australian. I just had a look online and my local bottle shop sells:
Sierra Nevada Stout & Marston's Oyster Stout as their only real imported stouts.

What are they like? Would particularly like to know how the Sierra Nevada is, ive tried their IPA and a couple of other varieties and they have all been top notch. Also interested in this one since im heading to Vegas next week so im sure it'll be fairly easy to find.

>> No.4306346

>"the vast majority of yours are lager pisswater"
>comes from a country that shotguns a can of Bud Light, Millers or Pabst Blue Ribbon and then gets CRAZY HAMMERED OH MY BETTER STAY OUTTA MY WAY! USA USA OOO RAA!

>> No.4306350
File: 475 KB, 500x282, fat american.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>He thinks the Reinheitsgebot is still in effect!

>> No.4306355

I come from England. We make more than 100 ales in my county alone.

>> No.4306356
File: 33 KB, 223x204, StigWithPipe.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You don't go to the other boards much, do you?
I guess that 4chan particularity hasn't come to /co/. Have some more badly named gif.

>> No.4306357
File: 995 KB, 245x169, SpidermanCatchesGoldeen.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whoops, wrong one. :)

>> No.4306358
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>> No.4306394
File: 49 KB, 500x448, interrupt-example-500.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'mma let you all finish but...

Anyone got actual tips on HOW to enjoy beer and ales? I can't get the shit taste out of my mouth when I drink it and just can't get into it. Which is a shame, I'd like to try and drink all the different types.

I guess I'll have to stick with whiskey.

>> No.4306405

Not from WI, but I find it weird that New Glarus won't ship their beer to MN. I don't know one person around here that doesn't love New Glarus's shit. Half the people in this state are originally from Wisconsin anyway!

>> No.4306423
File: 83 KB, 342x245, please kill me.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think I just got trolled, if not...god help us all

>> No.4306443

Go get boddingtons.

little aftertaste and it's the ale of the gods.

>> No.4306445

It's mass produced piss that tastes like nothing.

>> No.4306447

They just label anything outside of it as malt liquor.

Case in point, Spaten Optimator.

>> No.4306475

Yo Op.
I do like american beer a ton, but it seems like the practice in the US is to find a flavor you enjoy and make it more dominate. That Ruination you posted is actually the perfect example and it's good. I really do like it. But on the other hand (and in my experience) old world beers tend to layer and blend a little more effectively. Take a fullers ESB which is just fantastic and compare. It's a fine blend of flavors with a champagne like mouthfeel. In fact I think most websites tend to vote this way as well. Which explains the US dominance. Can you suggest a few US beers which may sway my opinion on this.
For what it's worth
After that I'm speaking out of my ass since I haven't had more than one or two beers from any other country.

>> No.4306484

1. USA
2. Belgium
3. Germany
4. Japan

Japan is rocking and rolling these days for microbrews. Still a heavy lean towards pilsners and wheat beers, but a lot of growth in ales/stouts/ipas.

Recommended from Japan, brewery and best beer:
Baird Beer (Suruga Bay IIPA and Ganko Oyaji Barley Wine)
Shiga Kogen (House IPA)
Minoh (Stout)
Isekadoya (Oyster stout)
Hitachino Nest (XH sake barrel aged ale)

>> No.4306489
File: 126 KB, 500x750, Older-Viscosity_beer_full.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i think you should look to really sought after stouts if you're looking for complex mouthfeel. of course maybe these just echo the "bigger" idea that you get, but i think a Dark Lord, Abyss, Parabola, Speedway, Angel's Share, or Old Viscosity are all pretty complex.

>> No.4306491

Piss off weaboo. Every country in Europe has more good beer than Japan.

>> No.4306507
File: 953 KB, 2592x1944, DSCN4314.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

have you tried any beer from japanese microbreweries? no? ok

>> No.4306521

You know I had a japanese scotch recently that was tremendously good. I'll have to try a micro brew soon.

>> No.4306523

They're not top 4 in the world. You're a weeaboo.

>> No.4306525

Where can I get one? I've never seen any in my stores. You wanna ship one to me?

>> No.4306531

We're already all just giving opinions the guy is just making a strong statement for a beer most of us haven't tried. You're an asshole.

>> No.4306535


What's the difference between sex in a boat and American beer?

Nothing, they're both fucking close to water.

>> No.4306540

>bud light is the only beer in the US

>> No.4306542

Not sure where you're at. Last time I was in San Diego both Baird Beers and Hitachino Nest were available at the Pizza Port bottle shop. The problem with Hitachino Nest's US distribution is that they focus mainly on their "japanese-y" sounding stuff like the Red Rice Ale or their White Ale neither of which are my favorites. I have seen the XH at Toronado SD before though.

>> No.4306545
File: 85 KB, 480x600, nfNeT7YvTozx0cv7ze3mplZpo1_500[1].gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Netherlands isn't even mentioned.

>> No.4306548

I've only had heineken which is gross.

>> No.4306549

Go drink cry your tears into a glass of Jenever, cloggie.

>> No.4306550

>grolsch, heineken, witbier


>> No.4306563
File: 8 KB, 209x253, Hopalicious.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Madison here, finding it so hard to drink beer outside of Wisconsin. New Glarus or Ale Asylum? Any other breweries around you like?

>> No.4306564

Yep. Decided to pick up a pack of that shit one day. Have never been that disappointed in a beer. I would've rather gotten a high life

>> No.4306577
File: 132 KB, 700x1050, utopias.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



You, sir, clearly have no idea what you are talking about.

>> No.4306589

O'so from Steven's Point makes some good shit. Rush River has a few good ones too. Try Horny Goat from Milwaukee too. But yeah I would say New Glarus and Ale Asylum are the best local breweries in WI

>> No.4306595

Apart from the fact this list is bullshit and you can't rank entire countries produce on there, as well as most people having never drunk that many different countries, as well as only a few beers actually being exported fully around the world.

India needs to be on there because Kobra is delicious.

>> No.4306627
File: 236 KB, 1936x1936, 412190_10150638621220664_717720663_11319778_1893190107_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You forgot De Molen. Crerator of the best beer in the world.

Pic related.

>> No.4306633

Sorry, *Creator*

>> No.4306654

>Sam Adams

>> No.4306672

>It's popular/famous therefore bad!
>and also apparently humorous

>> No.4306674

So are a lot of Dutch beers, especially Grolsch.
Apparently, we're pretty good at making profit out of selling the world shitty beers we ourselves don't like, while keeping the good ones. win/win imo.

>implicitly stating Jenever is bad.
>implying clogs aren't /fa/ as fuck

>De Leeuw
And that's just off the top of my head, and just the brands in the southern Netherlands. Besides, we don't just make Witbier and Pilsener, herfst- and lentebok(Fall- and Springbok) are quite popular beers here as well, not to mention La Trappe's beers.

>> No.4306675

get back on the pleb bus

>> No.4306678


>Implying that Sam Adam's doesn't produce good beers.

You must have only ever had the Boston Lager, and have obviously never even heard of Utopias.

>> No.4306720


No but really, there are twice as many breweries in the USA and the country is huge in comparison to others. It would be hard to get around to all the best brew areas.

>> No.4306722
File: 52 KB, 632x828, SamAdams_BarrelRoomCollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Samuel Adam's comes out with some decent brews.

>> No.4306725

>citation needed

>> No.4306732


>One of the few things they actually brew in Boston.

>> No.4306761

This thread makes me happy none of you will ever know about the nano-brewery I have close to me. It shall remain superior and pure.

>> No.4306780

>nano brewery
Do any of you have a brewery that only sells their shit at their brewery? The only one I know in my area is Dangerous Man. It's pretty okay. Bought a growler of their chocolate milk stout awhile ago.

>> No.4306782

>28/50 are Imperial Stout
Holy fuck man. There are other kinds of beer.

>> No.4306781


This has to have been the most pointless post I've ever seen on 4chan.

>> No.4306793

Sierra Nevada has some good brews. I'm not a huge fan of their IPA, but the Tumbler brown ale is one of my favorites. The taste of autumn

>> No.4306798
File: 22 KB, 250x323, stor_prod_classic[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Swefag here. Best beer I've had was at the brewery in Krenkerup. You can visit them and get a taste-menu for all their beers. They're all glorious!

>> No.4307755

And your ciders are amazing too, I hope Rekorderlig is just the tip of the ice berg.

>> No.4307763
File: 253 KB, 261x200, 1358108429398.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4307780


You're a little late to the conversation.

You also seem to be a bit uninformed.

When I first saw this thread I thought: "Well, Belgium and the USA are definitely the top two contenders for the country that make the best beer." And I really thought this would have been a better thread if it was just about whether Belgium or the US should be in first place.

If you are unaware that the US produces some of the best beer in the world, aside from Belgium, then you are seriously uninformed, and can legitimately be called naive for even posting in this thread.

>> No.4307784

Imperial Stout is basically the pinnacle of beer, there are plenty of delicious kinds of beer, but its makes sense that most of the worlds best beers are of that style

>> No.4307785


none of their beers are impressive

just had one of their "special" barrel aged specials and it was pretty meh

>> No.4307787
File: 160 KB, 597x598, bear4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And you're just another amerilard who loves his country a little bit too much.

It's okay though, I find it an endearing trait of the American people.

>> No.4307789


was referring to >>4306722 Stony Brook Red

Sam Adams is a step above BMC and a good gateway to craft beer but if you're looking for really good shit then get something else.

>> No.4307790


no but really, the only country that even comes close to American craft brew is Belgium

keep living in your yuropoor lala land

>> No.4307791

not him but I am also still under the impression American beer is really just water.

>> No.4307795

None of our decent beer is exported.

>> No.4307801

honestly all of europe combined can't even live up to the american northwest and midwest anymore

>> No.4307803
File: 109 KB, 800x911, bcbs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just another watery American beer...

>> No.4307811
File: 7 KB, 195x167, images.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Fattest posts of the day.

>> No.4307815

>you will never be affluent enough to import american beer

>> No.4307816


aging two of those right now

>> No.4307817
File: 260 KB, 400x395, bells-hopslam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


none of your yuropoor beer comes close to this

>> No.4307825
File: 66 KB, 600x400, 600px-Blank_US_map_borders.svg.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>living anywhere in the world besides blue areas if you like good beer

>> No.4307826


based blue area bro

northern indiana here

>> No.4307830
File: 122 KB, 845x959, hopninja.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And now we fight amongst ourselves. No good beer in SoCal? Really?

>> No.4307835

Minneapolis fag here. Surly is the fucking shit:D

>> No.4307839

its not that there is no good beer, you can find some good beer pretty much anywhere, its just that you aren't as good, especially when you consider the massive number of people living there

>> No.4307844


inb4 extreme butthurt and muh san diego

>> No.4307864
File: 173 KB, 960x1280, papier.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Indeed. LA/OC is coming up too. Beachwood is making IPAs right up there with Russian River and Alpine. But hey, more for me. Hard enough to find most of this shit locally.

>> No.4307925
File: 27 KB, 380x248, bolt cutter.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Managed to score a bottle of this earlier. Nearly shit my pants when I saw it. Gonna be great around christmas.

>> No.4307969

>Doesn't know about ky ales

Not even gonna bash you for it. Ky rednecks siphon bud light like they'll die without it.

>> No.4308141

I think you need to review that statement, it really makes you look like an ignorant asshole.

>> No.4308144


says the guy who has never been to the US

>> No.4308155

Oh and I suppose USA takes top spot for cheese and meat and bread too? No, you are a relatively young country compared to the rest of the world, much like Australia and Canada. Claiming you make the best of something when you have been making it for no more than 300 years is simply redunculous.

>> No.4308158


Which countries make better beer?

>> No.4308160

except its true

>> No.4308161

How often do you tour Europe to sample their beer?

>> No.4308172 [DELETED] 


>> No.4308173


We get Belgium's best over here.

German's just make piss lager.

>> No.4308174

Remember, america did not just spontaneously appear, it was settled by europeans (mostly germans and irish) and they brought all of their traditions with them and combined them with smaller immigrant groups leading to something that was better than the sum of its parts

Europe's tradition of making these things directly lead to america's current production just as much as it does modern europe

Also, america has always been known for its great meat, america has a hell of a lot more land for raising cattle, and high quality meat has always been much cheaper to produce in america than in europe leading to the expectation of higher quality meat even in lower classes or people who would have barely been able to afford any meat in europe

Also Wisconsin in america makes a lot of the worlds best cheese

>> No.4308175

I don't go to places to sample beer, but liking beer, I tend to sample it where ever I go

>> No.4308179
File: 41 KB, 93x93, d9hBp.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yup, dead on

>> No.4308180

I think it partly has to do with marketing, but iI'm assuming it also has something to do with alcohol distribution law?

>> No.4308184

its partially marketing, but mostly the fact that they are growing so fast in Wisconsin they are already matching capacity with in state demand so it makes no sense to spend the additional money to enter further markets

Right now spotted cow is outselling Bud Light in Wisconsin, which is amazing as bud light is the best selling beer in 48 states

>> No.4308200

>live in Milwaukee, Wisconsin
It feels good to drink amazing beer and having an alcohol tolerance in line with an alcoholic but still being socially accepted
whats orange suppose to be?

>> No.4308201

>whats orange suppose to be
bad places

>> No.4308208

We have some of these at my pub. We sell them for roughly $800 USD

>> No.4308216


So I'm drunk, and might just be speaking out of my ass, but I would wager that So-Cal simply doesn't have the climate necessary to breed craft brewers...

>> No.4308219


Don't y'all just stick to your bourbon down there?

>> No.4308241

>Oh and I suppose USA takes top spot for cheese and meat and bread too?

I am the anon you were responding to.

There is no legitimate analogy to be made between beer and cheese/meat/bread.

I don't really care to talk about cheese, meat or bread, as they are irrelevant to beer. (Yeah, we have a small handful of cheese/meat/bread producers here, but nobody who has been abroad is going to argue that they can compare to what is made in France, Italy, Spain, etc...).

Beer, on the other hand, is a completely different story. Unlike what this anon said - >>4308174 - U.S. beer doesn't really have THAT much to do with the fact that America is made up of a melange of different ethnic/cultural groups.

On the one hand, yeah, European traditions were obviously brought here and combined. But when it comes to beer, you really need to look at the prohibition era. There used to be hundreds of small breweries in the States before prohibition. But afterwards there were none, and that paved the way for fucking piss water lagers that went national and made the "common man" think that shit was what beer should taste like.

Fast forward to the 80's, and a few people started what are now called craft breweries. More and more people drank good beer, the process sped up, and today the US is literally saturated with people who care about beer making really fucking good beer for the love of it.

And guess what else? If a craft beer "movement" or "phenomenon" (or whatever you want to call it) has come about in your country, it is, without a doubt, because of the U.S.

Yeah, there are some good 300 year old beers, that have never changed, but unless you've actually sampled even the smallest amount of what America currently has to offer, you really don't have an argument to make.

>> No.4308242

>bud light is the best selling beer in 48 states

This statement makes me sad.

>> No.4308244

>We have some of these at my pub. We sell them for roughly $800 USD

I'm glad I haven't had to ship anything over seas lately, as the prices have apparently gone up around 1700%.

>I can get Utopias for just around $100 USD where I live.

>> No.4308253

Mostly yes but we have some amazing ales.

>mfw they are made in bourbon casks

>> No.4308256

they sell http://beeradvocate.com/beer/profile/430/18698 by me, its ok for being from the south, but I have had a lot of better bourbon barrel aged beer from elsewhere

>> No.4308301

ruination is pretty damn tasty

>> No.4308310

this thread is why CK is a shitty board

>> No.4308358


>> No.4308367

beer threads on /sp/ are the best. Too bad they are technically off topic and get deleted

>> No.4308374

There's a pretty good beer thread on /int right now.

>> No.4308377

Yeah keep buying your commercial bottled piss, thinking its the best beer.

Microbreweries in the UK brew the best ales in the world. Until you go to a proper ale pub, don't fucking comment.

Yes, my butt hurts.

>> No.4308390

England is way behind america when it comes to craft beer, its not even remotely close anymore

>> No.4308391


>> No.4308404
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Denmark/Sweden here.
The only american beer I had was Bud Light.

Is it true all american beer is like that?

>> No.4308407

>Australia just above Mexico at the bottom of the pile
You've been drinking Australian and Mexican export beer, haven't you?

>> No.4308415

all american beer produced by Anheuser-Busch, yes.

>> No.4308420


>> No.4308423
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Are there Americans here actually pretending their beer isn't worthless watery piss?
guys, joke's over....
Just because you can't access moondog or other Australian microbrews doesn't mean you have to sulk
Leave your decrepit country and come to Australia as an economic refugee

>> No.4308424

thankfully there are plenty of craft and micro breweries

>> No.4308426

>Good taste

>> No.4308464

Bud Light is not american anymore, it is made and sold by Inbev, a european company

>> No.4308476

Hurp we are amurika, put lots of hops in derp beer and call it good.

>> No.4308481
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We have plenty of good malty beers.

>> No.4308489

America excels at a staggering variety of different styles, many european regions are pretty good at a small range of styles, and combined europe almost can compete with the northern half of america.

Whether you are looking for an IPA, Imperial stout, or Barleywine, you should probably look to america for quality, america even makes some of the worlds best wheat beers and fruit beers

The fact is that with a 5 minute drive to the super market, I have a large, more diverse and higher quality beer selection than almost anywhere else in the world, and thats without me even seeking out a specialty store

>> No.4308525

and yet all americunts drink budweiser or any other light-taste-like-water-and-pee beer. you can keep your shitty beer

>> No.4308526
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>all americunts drink budweiser or any other light-taste-like-water-and-pee beer

>> No.4308534

Is there any country where the best selling beer isn't shitty?

I doubt it, Ireland maybe, but Guinness is still pretty mediocre and basically the Bud Light of stouts.

>> No.4308549

>Discussion on best anything in the world.
>Inveitably Americans will come in screaming "USA NO.1 BUTTHURT YOROFAGS!" in a collective orgy of self-masturbation.

>> No.4308554

and half the time they are right, including this time

>> No.4308578

3. germany

>> No.4308700

Pretty much this, why is it only Americans that think they make good beer and the rest of the world as a collective whole disagrees and then the Americans herp on about some craft beer overloaded with hops to hide its flaws.

>> No.4308708

No, you don't. The best is only sold in monasteries.

>> No.4308713

motherfucking this. Same thing happens in Germany, hell, sometimes they won't even sell you their best beer, they keep it to themselves

>> No.4308717

The Aussies do the same with their wine, the exports are overpriced piss. You're paying for the transport.

>> No.4308748

Its amazing how ignorant europeans are when it comes to american beer. Most americans who like beer like trying stuff from all over the place and pretty much everyone imports their stuff to America as it is such an affluent market, seems like most europeans can't even name an actual american beer

>> No.4308760
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Because Americans can't handle the fact they have no culture
>muh microbrews!
shitty imitations of real beer made by hipsters who have no taste in packaging
the worst is when they make "flavoured" beer

>> No.4308762

you seriously think America doesn't export beer?

no one drinks that swill except people with no class

>> No.4308765

the vast majority of americans brewers do not export as they don't even have enough capacity to meet local demand

You people are so ignorant that you consider a european Inbev beer like Bud Light to be a typical american beer and know little about good beer

>> No.4308768


>> No.4308770

I am talking about american beer in europe and your ignorance of it, I have no idea what a post about the best selling beer in america has to do with this

>> No.4308776

my point is those are typical american beers

top selling domestic beers in america are by definition typical american beers

they sell that shit all over the world too

>> No.4308784

except they aren't american beers at all, most of them are Inbev beers so they are europeans

The largest american breweries are Yuengling (which is kind of shit) and Boston Brewing (Sam Adams)

You thinking some european mass produced beer is a "typical american beer" just shows your ignorance, when people who know beer talk about america making the best beer in the world they are not referring to those beers, they are referring to beers that you are apparently too ignorant to be aware of

>> No.4308793
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>formulated by americans 150+ years ago
>99.99% of production is consumed by americans
>considered by americans to be synonymous with "american beer"
>recipes unchanged for decades
>parent company has been a multinational food & beverage company for the past 4 years

Yep, it's a European beer alright

>> No.4308794

do you even know what domestic means?

Nestle and Kraft own half the food brands in the world but it doesn't stop products from being domestic to the country that they are made and sold in

those are the most popular beers in America that are made in America

you are living in denial

>> No.4308802

The current beer is hardly like the original formulation. Pretty sure 150 years ago they weren't using rice as the primary sugar source

The recipe has been stable for maybe a decade, but not too much longer than that


My Hyundai was made in a factory in Georgia and sold in america, that still doesn't make it an american car

I never claimed they weren't popular in america, thats completely besides the point. Stella Artois is the most popular beer in england, that doesn't make it an english beer

>> No.4308813

It's pretty funny and ironic how the most American of American beers is now being written off as European by butthurt Americans on a technicality.

Is Apple a Bermudan corporation because one of its parent shell companies has a PO Box there? Or does that not count because you're not ashamed of Apple?

>> No.4308816

>Or does that not count because you're not ashamed of Apple?
Oh, I am ashamed of apple too

>> No.4308817

Hyundai is a Korean brand

Budweiser is an American brand, hence the article referred to it as a domestic beer

again, your denial of the obvious truth is funny if not a little sad at this point

>> No.4308819

>formulated by americans 150+ years ago
the guys who founded annheuser-busch, coors, and miller were all born in germany.

>> No.4308820

>Budweiser is an American brand
It used to be, but it is now a european InBev brand

They market it as american for sales purposes, but thats only marketing

>> No.4308823


Of course you would be. Some kid who was more popular than you in high school owned an iPod and now they represent all the reasons you feel that you're unhappy today.

And Starbucks seems intimidatingly cool to you, yes? That's why you have strong feelings about it when to most people it's just a shitty coffee shop.

>> No.4308827

Yeah, but they formulated it in America and they were Americans

>> No.4308829

>Some kid who was more popular than you in high school owned an iPod
everyone in high school owned an iPod

>> No.4308831

again, your denial of the obvious truth is funny if not a little sad at this point

>> No.4308832


So everyone was more popular than you? Man that sucks. High school kids can be really mean.

>> No.4308838

>eah, but they formulated it in America and they were Americans
and the original formula was good, better than what was popular in Germany at the time, but the current formulas are not the same

Before prohibition america made some of if not the best beer in the world and had a shot ton of great breweries. Then southern evangelical assholes ruined all of that and it took america a long time to recover, in the 80s the american beer scene was fucking terrible, but in the last couple decades they have solidified their spot at the top and sold off the shitty adjunct breweries in the process. Now amercian craft beers are seeing 15%+ growth annually as the big 3 lose marketshare

>> No.4308842

Europe, you best selling beers are hardly better than Budwieser, you shouldn't be talking

>> No.4308850

Also not counting the other inbev brands, "American Brewer" Anheuser Busch operated 12 breweries in america and 17 elsewhere. So even before we sold it to europe, it was primarily a foreign producer of beer

>> No.4308862


And the Coca Cola company is primarily a foreign producer of soda pop.

>> No.4308868

Coke is american owned.

AB is owned foreignly, and produces most of its beer foreignly

They only reason you consider it american is based on what it used to be many decades ago and successful marketing on their part

>> No.4308869

How many fucking times. There are thousands of breweries in Europe that only source local areas.

>> No.4308884
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>There are thousands of breweries in Europe that only source local areas.
not nearly as many as there are in america these days. Craft beer has exploded in america over the last couple decades while Europe is just in the early stages of catching on right now. Europe has a long way to go to catch back up with america in the quality beer world.

But I guess you can feel good that your most popular beers are marginally less awful than bud light

>> No.4308897

imlying that the german beer isnt the best in the world

Deutsches Reinheitsgebot !!!

>> No.4308898

1. Poland
2. Germany
3. Czech Republic

not other countries worth mentioning

>> No.4308906

>Deutsches Reinheitsgebot
thats the problem, if it weren't for this dumb law maybe Germany would still be in the lead.

Remember the law was never made to improve the quality of beer, it was only to keep the price of bread low

>> No.4308918

>everyone in high school owned an iPod

It's funny because the first iPod came out when I was in high school, and I didn't know a single person that owned one.

Am I too old to participate in this beer thread?

>> No.4308920


No, only a /pol/ tier power ranking tier.

iPods came out after I graduated from college.

>> No.4309056


anyone who believes that america isn't top of the craft beer scene right now is delusional or nationalist (simply puts their own country above another).

furthermore anyone who believes san diego is not the per capita best area for beer in the country is also delusional (alesmith, green flash, stone, lost abbey, pizza port, WHITE LABS). already own the best stouts pretty much, and though russian river does the best sours in the states currently societe in kearny mesa (SD) is run by some former RR brewers who are currently setting up to have sours... so..

>> No.4309134

I feel bad for Europeans and Australians that can't get a hold of real American beer. You guys are REALLY missing out.

Again, until you've actually been here you haven't tried our beer.

>> No.4309135


>> No.4309138

best in the world at making piss lagers maybe

>> No.4309142


I've been to new York Miami and a place called Menlo park in California and all the beer I've had was OK at best.

your bourbon whisky is pretty good though, I was shocked because we always thought the only good dram came from Scotland.

>> No.4309143


What beer did you drink? It's extremely easy to go to a restaurant, have a list of all the pissy macro lagers right in front of you, and completely miss out.

>> No.4309148


All I care about is what I get and the northern indiana/southern michigan area gets all of the best breweries in the midwest/country + stone.

>> No.4309156

The best beers are generally purchased only through liquor stores, or at small bars that have live bands and an incredibly large hard beverage selection.

At least here in the midwest.

>> No.4309261


don't remember the names, at one place there was something with an animal and a crazy looking label. not saying they were tasteless, just unbalanced. like an angsty kid's attempt to prove that he isn't like the others. I think it will take another generation for you guys to get past prohibition. you're still acting like a traumatised rape victim.

>> No.4309270
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>> No.4309347

I don't know anyone who would genuinely put America anywhere near the top! :/

>> No.4309363

Then you and everyone you know don't know shit about beer.

>> No.4309368

Not particularly true. American beer is seen by most of the world as being quite poor in quality. Most pubs here in the UK don't even sell it.

>> No.4309376

So you're talking about macro brews?
You don't know shit about beer.

>> No.4309388

I'm talking about common "American Beer", stuff like Budweiser. If you're referring to specific beers that are less commonplace, then I missed that.

Just because I don't like American beer doesn't mean I "know shit about beer". I'm part of CAMRA here in the UK, have you heard of that? Perhaps there's a similar American thing?

>> No.4309396
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That feel when I live in a small American city and have 5 breweries within 40 miles.

I don't blame people in other countries for not knowing about good Ameican beer, because of course small batch stuff will never get exported. I imagine all beer drinking countries have lots of local breweries that make quality beer that people outside of their area have never tried and likely never will.

>> No.4309400

>Everyone in high school owned an ipod

Wow, how old are you? Are you sure you should be in a beer thread? I remember when I started high school and all the conspicuous consumption kids had pagers.

>> No.4309405

>being incredulous that people on 4chan are under the age of 35

>> No.4309432

>iPod came out in the early 2000s

try again you child

>> No.4309447

so roughly 30. That's 4 years off from what he said, you picky nigger.

>> No.4309462

How about common "British Beer"? 70% of the market is lagers. The top four brands are Carling, Foster's, Stella and Carlsberg.

>> No.4309465

well unless you've been everywhere/had beer from different places
you can't make a valid opinion about that kind of shit sorry folks

>> No.4309486

Yeah, bit at nearly any pub, you can also get nicer stuff.

It's just that it's more expensive so people drink shit.

>> No.4309492
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>> No.4309505

You can get good local ales in nearly every pub. You can find a pub in any village or bigger where you can get a good ale.

>> No.4309508

Please enlighten us Americans on your country's best 10% ABV Imperial IPAs, Imperial Stouts, Barleywines etc. because I've never heard of any European countries specializing in those. You guys, except Belgium, just continue to make your low alcohol, bland, 300 year old beers.

>> No.4309513

It's getting easier by the day to find good beer in the US. If you look at the graph on the number of breweries posted earlier you can see what we're up against. Today there are 2400 breweries fighting for 6% of the market. My point is that sales don't equal quality. The success of the macros here (and indeed most of the world) is mostly due to marketing and strong-arm tactics.

>> No.4309523

Don't talk shit you daft prick. English beer has never been so good.

>> No.4309529

This guy mostly reviews the beers Murica has to offer.


>> No.4309531


the best beers*

>> No.4309547

Taxes discourage high ABV beers in the UK. The brewers have the talent to make them, but the market is very small.

>> No.4310237

Yes it does, because that is the same as judging American food by the Big Mac.

>> No.4310255

>tfw 9 out of the top 10 best craft breweries in the world are in the glorious USA


Get fucked, rest of the world (except belgium, you guys make great beer)

>> No.4310285

>reading ratebeer

your opinion is invalid. american btw

>> No.4310297

Aussie here..

Aussie and asian beers do me well

>> No.4310298


Also fine, if you don't agree

>> No.4310319


do you get hitachino nest in oz?

>> No.4310331


Hit me up when BA does a top 100 of the best breweries in the world.

>> No.4310340

>top 100 list

give me a break, this kind of shit is for cracked.com, not a serious food and drink site

>> No.4310346


their top 250 beers are mostly American beers

the top breweries would probably be American too