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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 19 KB, 400x266, spaghetti_sandwich.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4303882 No.4303882 [Reply] [Original]

Why is fat-on-fat acceptable, but carb-on-carb isn't?

Talk about fried chicken or fried cheesestick dipped in ranch or butter or some creamy dressing, no problem.

Spaghetti sandwich? Or mac and cheese pizza? FATALARDS.

>> No.4303889

Are you kidding?

Eating any of those things is gonna get you called "fatalard".

>> No.4303891


I can't tell you how many threads I've seen about fat-on-fat foods that were rah-rah delicious, but carb-on-carb elicited all sorts of insults about being a disgusting fatty.

>> No.4303893



>> No.4303902

>fried chicken
protein coated in fat and carbs...
>fried cheesestick in ranch
protein and fat coated in carbs and fat, dipped in fat...

no one wants to eat carbs on carbs because you need to balance them out with at least some fat to make it appetizing. full pleb faggot

>> No.4303932

I dont think either are acceptable, but fat on fat tastes a lot better

and how is fried chicken fat on fat?

>> No.4303954

fat mixes with each-others while carbs don't

>> No.4303959

You sound rustled, chunkmonster.

>> No.4303970

I view grains as a vessel for other flavors. I don't eat just bread or just straight pasta.

>> No.4304036

Filipino here.

According to the elders, lunch and dinner MUST have rice. Whenever my mom cooks pasta for any of those meals, my grandpa mixes his portion with rice. According to him, it isn't a meal without rice.

>> No.4304053

>dat 3rd world logic

>> No.4304058
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>> No.4304164

I once ate mozzarella sticks dipped in cheddar sauce.

It was delicious. Also i was drunk.

>> No.4304184

Because rice in a breadbowl sounds very unappealing.

>> No.4304207

No one said anything about rice in a bread bowl.

>> No.4304224


I think you should check on what a third world country actually is.

>> No.4304226

People put rice in burritos

>> No.4304235

Because the main ingredient in fried chicken is chicken. The main ingredient in cheese sticks is cheese.
Regardless of the fact that dipping anything into ranch is fucking disgusting, eating a spaghetti sandwich is carbs on carbs on carbs on carbs. There is no protein.
>this is why you're fat

>> No.4304239

Any place outside of America.

>> No.4304241

Mashed potatoes and buttery biscuits.

>> No.4304244

So, Bolivia is first world now?

>> No.4304250
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>> No.4304273

Dat reading comprehension.

>> No.4304285

dunno what youre talking bout op, chip butties are full carb and total god tier and im pretty sure no one would try and dispute that

>> No.4304292

yup, and italian with breadsticks/garlic bread.

I can't help but make an open faced spaghetti sandwich with garlic bread. Some fork-crushed meatballs/meatsauce adds that nice amount of fat to make it great.

>> No.4304322

I eat spaghetti sandwiches sometimes when there is nothing else. It leaves much to be desired.

>> No.4304328

Carbs are actually probably the largest factor making people overweight.

Eat low carbs or no carbs.

>> No.4304357


Come now, anyplace where the spanish showed up and rape the populace is 2nd world.

>> No.4304360

>Not a 3rd world country

That's why the immigration rate is negative, right?

>> No.4304371

>Implying bolivia isn't in america

>> No.4304512

Carbs are more of a textural element and a vehicle for flavors. They do have a flavor of course, but no one eats pasta, bread or even rice plain. It would be like eating spaghetti sauce with another saue and nothing else.

>> No.4304529

I don't think you know what 2nd world means
>Protip; it means communist

>> No.4304539

No, it isn't. People having complex carbs and fat are.

Carbs are good for you.

I accept that some people wish to eat low carb, high fat, but high carb and low fat works too.

Just eat bananas and dates and you'll lose weight. Fructose and glucose won't make you fat.

>> No.4304570

eating fat does not make you fat.

spiking your insulin causes your body to store fat instead of keeping it in-blood for fuel.

eating carbs spikes your insulin.

eating carbs, especially simple carbs and sugar, makes you fat.

it really is that simple.

>> No.4304601


So oatmeal and vegetables are making me fat now?

>> No.4304609

Haven't you been by /fit/ lately? Everything except for sunlight, water, and creatine powder makes you fat.

>> No.4304612


[Citation needed]

>> No.4304672

there was this kindergarten teacher in Munich who legitimately tried to live off sunlight
>and then he died

>> No.4304689


Except that it's so fucking minor as to be almost negligible.

>> No.4304764

>Carbs are good for you

Fucking lol. Fats and proteins are essential for your body to function. There is no such thing as an essential carb.

>> No.4304792

but it's typically only a part of it. I don't consider something a "carb sandwich" just because I put lettuce and tomato on it (along with meat and cheese).

But if the burrito was JUST rice inside with no other real substance... yeah, that's kinda weird.

>> No.4304802

nah, i should have put "simple" in front of every carb in that post.

oatmeal takes forever to digest, so no spike of insulin is needed.
vegetables have barely any carbs unless you caramelize them.

>> No.4304808


except, you know, glucose

>> No.4304881

because you're a gross fucking lardman

>> No.4304887


why is glucose bad for you? do you have any idea how digestion works?

what do you think sugar releases within seconds, and further breaks down to over minutes and hours?

do you even know what glucose and sucrose are? fag. go wiki and get it all wrong when you come back

>> No.4304889


still needs insulin tho

>> No.4304898


>> No.4304911

Fried chicken is still less fatty than beef chuck. Who dips their chicken in butter?

>eating spaghetti
>eating pizza

>> No.4304914


this. your body can and will convert fat, and if needed, protein into glucose

it has to have it. you die within seconds of a zero blood glucose level

>> No.4304935
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why so buttfrustrated, chum? glucose is the primary nutrient of all living creatures

>> No.4304946

i used the word spike. as in, a large amount over a small period of time. insulin spikes make you fat.
oatmeal is the opposite: a small amount of insulin over a long period of time.

so i'll say it again: insulin SPIKES make you fat.

>> No.4304972

when that guy said "no such thing as an essential carb", it was obvious he meant edible carbs.

you guys are going back and forth because
popped in with a non-sequitur.

>> No.4304979


nah, you're just quoting shit you've pulled from you ass and or google. it's annoying

>> No.4304980


can you even read?

>> No.4304984


calories are fucking calories. the peaks lead to troughs that can cause excessive eating, idiot, or with something like soda, a pattern of binging referred to as the insulin cycle

correlation is not causation.

>> No.4304990

Used to always eat spag hoops (or Alphabetti, anyone remember that?) in tomato sauce on toast as a kid. It pas perfectly normal. Just an alternative to beans on toast.

Dammit - I now fancy some Heinz Spag Bol on Toast now too!

>> No.4304995

You realise glucose and fructose are found in sweet fruit, so they are actually an edible carb?

>> No.4304997


>> No.4305362


You don't NEED to eat carbs you stupid fucks. You can get by on protein and fat only and feel perfectly fine. Try a no fat or no protein diet though and your body will fall apart. Why do you think vegans have to pay such close fucking attention to the protein content of the things they eat?

>> No.4305663


lol, 3/10. tard

>> No.4305684

First world: America and its allies during the cold war.
Second world: The USSR and its allies during the cold war.
Third world: Countries not allies with either superpower during the cold war.

On topic, I think it's just because carbs on carbs doesn't taste as good as fat on fat, so it's less acceptable.

>> No.4305686
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>> No.4305689


>Spaghetti sandwich?

That doesn't even sound tasty, that's just weird

>mac and cheese pizza

Most of those calories are from fat, not carbs

>> No.4305696


... What do YOU think carbs are? Pasta, bread, and rice are starches, which have carbohydrates in them. You could flavor all of those with tomatoes, which also contain carbs

>> No.4305699

You realize that "carb" doesn't mean "starch" right?

>> No.4305698
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Bitch please

>> No.4305703
File: 60 KB, 600x450, Triple Chocolate Applecherry Piecake.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT: People who don't think sugar is a carbohydrate.

>> No.4305705


ITP: A guy who looks at a cake made of fat, fat, fat, fat, fat, and sugar, and thinks the sugar is the bad thing

>> No.4305727
File: 84 KB, 589x383, Bananas Foster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this better than?

Carbs on carbs. The ice cream is superfluous.

>> No.4305732


Nobody thinks bananas aren't good for you. Your body needs sugar, that's what it runs on. Sweet, sweet glucose

>> No.4305748

Which a spaghetti sandwich would turn into. You just have to go play some basketball instead of some Skyrim after you eat one. That's the faralard part.

>> No.4305752


It's no different than any other food. Eating a spaghetti sandwich and then doing nothing all day isn't going to make you fat as long as you're not eating more CALORIES than you need

>> No.4305768
File: 30 KB, 531x323, 1362545103576.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

going broke soon need cheap food ideas enough to survive. i've have some ideas alrdy..

no name wheat bran cereals
small sized eggs
buttered toast/french toast

(rice + sushi vinegar) + seaweed wrap

rice + beans
no name noodles

no name tea/no name coffee

pic related

>> No.4305775


Splurge on an air-popping popcorn machine and a bulk bag of popcorn kernels. Machine is $20, bag of like 12.5 pounds will be about $16, and that's like a year's supply of popcorn if you make a big bowl of the stuff twice a day

>> No.4307714

fat on fat is not acceptable. you're starting from a false premise. thread hidden.

>> No.4307725
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>> No.4307744

I ate those in Holland.

anyway, I find carb on carb more appealing actually. I like rice with noodles and potatoes and other vegetables. non-fried.

>> No.4307754
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im on a diet too

>> No.4307771

Fucking disgusting.

>> No.4307794

what the hell is that

it looks delicious

>> No.4307805
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Carbs will make you fucking fat, people

If there fats were the real culprit, then ketosis wouldn't even be a thing.

>> No.4307807
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>calories are fucking calories.

>mfw /ck/ is really this dumb

>> No.4309453
File: 30 KB, 430x300, chip_butty430x3002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the UK we have "chip butties" ... chips (thicker than fries) on bread. Nom!

And it is GOD TIER.