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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4298585 No.4298585 [Reply] [Original]

What's /ck/s opinion on calling recipes you find "Your recipe" I men does anybody really come up with their own recipes from start ingredient to end without taking anything from anyone else?


>> No.4298598

Recipes are useless and nobody except old grandmas actually use them. Watch someone cook, take their techniques, this is the important part, techniques, and then use the ingredients and seasonings you like to make whatever you want. This is how you really cook.

>> No.4298617

You need to learn things like
-Carrots take a long time to cook
-Onions taste different depending on how long they cook
-Mixing fat and flour in equal parts makes a roux which can thicken sauce or stew
-Mushrooms and tofu absorb whatever you put them in
-That thing that makes that sauce taste so good is probably alcohol
-Alcohol doesn't "cook out" and that sauce will get you drunk
-Salt draws moisture out of ingredients
-Everything needs a little salt to taste good
-Meat needs to sit still in a hot pan to sear
-Searing doesn't 'seal juices' it just tastes really good
-Ground meat tastes better when it's dry, cook thoroughly and season thoroughly
-Acids make good seasoning (citrus, vinegar) but don't mix them with a base (dairy)
-Flaky dough is achieved by a solid fat which stays solid all the way until baking
-Cheese and chocolate should not be cooked over direct heat
-Add cold milk to hot roux to get a bechemal sauce, add salt, pepper, and cheese, and you've got a proper cheese sauce for nachos or macaroni casserole

Doesn't this random trivia make you want to cook more than a list of measurements and temperatures and times?

>> No.4298641

I bake my own breads and claim them as my own, largely because I don't really follow any recipe beyond the absolute basics. What makes it mine is what I do to it beyond that. I might make notes of the approximate amounts of ingredients I added to help out Future Me when she forgets, but otherwise, fuck recipes.

>> No.4298656

Sure people do. I've made up recipes before. However, even when you make up a recipe all on your own, you're still using techniques and ingredients taught and learned to you over the years. You know what they say, "there's nothing new under the sun". And that is correct.

>> No.4298673 [DELETED] 


Tits or gtfo

>> No.4298680


I guess it's not really possible. Sadly, I grew up surrounded by humans, so I saw people cooking before I cooked. It wouldn't be really possible for me to make my own recipe for anything. Maybe if I had an accident, somewhere in the wild, didn't remember anything, I could.

Otherwise, though, I generally make my own recipes. Sometimes it's a truly original idea, like just a vision in my head, and I try to make it. Sometimes it's something I want to make a rendition of, so I'll look at Wikipedia or look at a bunch of recipes for, for instance, authentic German black forest cake (Schwarzwalder Kirshtorte), and then I try to make my own version.

I barely remember around when the last time I followed a recipe exactly was, if ever. There are some recipes I imitated more than others, but I think there are very few, if any, recipes that I really followed ... compared to all the dishes I improvised, imagined, and developed.

I think the last recipe I followed was for puff pastry. I had no clue how to make it, so I followed the most reasonable instructions I found. Will I ever follow it again? No. I know how to make puff pastry, I know how to make dough. I can take it from here. White bread is a recipe I stuck to for a looooong time. It took me several months to break out of it, I just had never really touched dough before. After that I think I followed a few recipes for my schwarzwalder kirshtorte, the first one. Many years before I followed a few recipes. One for cinnamon buns, I had no clue what I was doing, one for bread in a bread machine, I was instructed to.

I sometimes inspire myself from recipes, mind you, but I generally heavily modify them, and I rarely inspire myself from only one recipe. Before that it was my mother's recipes, passed down from god knows who.

Man, sure is trip down memory lane. I was just curious just how many times I actually followed recipes. I follow my own, mind you, but not other people's.

>> No.4298699

This board does not permit nudity. You are requesting porn and that is not allowed.


>> No.4298751

> does anybody really come up with their own recipes from start ingredient to end without taking anything from anyone else?
yes, but they usually end up reinventing the wheel or performing a minor variation on an old theme
in this respect, cooking is a bit like jazz

>> No.4298780

>does anybody really come up with their own recipes from start ingredient to end without taking anything from anyone else?
I've done it before. Usually it's one of those 'throw a bunch of shit together, hope it tastes good' situations, but I'm still putting together my own recipe. I do use previous knowledge about what goes well together and what flavours balance out what, but other than that, I would say I'm creating my own recipe.

>> No.4298784

>why did that greentext not greentext?

>> No.4298803


I think 4chan is experiencing technical difficulties, replies show as ||||>>0123456789||||, too.