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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 2.29 MB, 3264x2448, quesarito.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4296356 No.4296356 [Reply] [Original]

what does /ck/ think of the new quesarito?

>> No.4296358

holy fuck what is that it looks delicious

>> No.4296361


chipotle burrito using a quesadilla instead of just a tortilla

>> No.4296372


>> No.4296374

Secret menu on the internets?

>> No.4297866

This is why I love Chipotle, the variations are amazing. I bet the person on the line hates when people order a quesarito though.

>> No.4297898

What do they charge you for it?

>> No.4297911

Money. Always money. I tried trading a pie but no dice.

>> No.4297923

That looks sinful.

>> No.4297945

It's two bucks extra.

>> No.4297959

What do I think of the quesarito?


>> No.4297981

That America obsession. How flattering.

>> No.4298011

He's right though. quesarito murrfats.

Murrkan here. Fuck this place.

>> No.4298044


Your idiocy is showing.

>> No.4298045

I know it makes you feel better to pretend that only one person could think what he said, but I do to.

Sorry for reality and your butt.

>> No.4298057

>but I do to.

It just gets sadder. You're not actually under the assumption that anyone cares what you think, are you?

>> No.4298105

Actually invented in UK.

>> No.4298107

You apparently care enough. You got butthurt and cried samefag, and were wrong to boot.

>misses a keystroke

>> No.4298114

The UK is no different than the US

>> No.4298155

Funny how this happens so often, like how Eurolardopia invented deep fried pizza.

>> No.4298200

I hate how finger foods are made impossible to eat nowadays. Always leaking shit everywhere or being covered in grease or soaked in sauce. Guys, I thought the whole point of burritos, sandwiches, and food like that was that you didn't need to clean up afterwards, or eat it with a fork!

>> No.4298205

>finger foods

I don't think that word means what you think that word means

>> No.4298216

I don't think I give a shit because you obviously understood what I meant immediately anyway, you cheeky jerk.

>> No.4298220

>I don't care about being accurate just as long as smart people figure out the dumb shit coming out of my mouth

Great personal philosophy, son.

>> No.4298221

Anon just saved you from making a huge faux pas at the next soiree, mec.

>> No.4298252

Lol you are a fucking samefag, and he's not wrong. Anyone can tell you're a samefag, and I'm not even the guy you're replying to. Please shut the fuck up and gtfo

>> No.4298267

Wait wait wait. Are you not meant to eat burritos by holding them with your fingers rather than utensils?

And if that's not what finger food means, then what DOES it mean?

>> No.4298272

Food made out of chicken fingers.

>> No.4298285

maybe for taco bell or something but most burriots I see cannot be eaten with just your fingers they need to be wrapped up at the very least.

if you go to slightly more authentic mexican places, burritos usually take up an entire plate and are smothered in sauce. not really possible to eat with your hands without causing a mess

>> No.4298287

thats what I would say is a good definition for finger foods but I wouldnt say burritos would fall into that category. you usually need some sort of assistance to eat a burrito outside of just your hands, at least for non fast food burritos

>> No.4298307
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>smothered in sauce.


>> No.4298309
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i guess your not from california.

>> No.4298311

So hey, I'm >>4298200
and let me start with you, '85. "Burritos" weren't even invented in Mexico, and I guarantee you that what we all call burritos these days is absolutely nothing like the things ancient cultures in Mexico were wrapping up and eating.
Second, doesn't saying that burritos are "usually" smothered in sauce invalidate it as a criticism of the original post of this quote chain where I get very MAD that people put sauce on burritos because burritos are supposed to be eaten with your hands? Also, if you can't pick up the largest burrito from your local "authentic" (pssh) place and eat it without assistance, well either you or the burrito is not fucking right I tell you!
As for you, '87, I'd say that you're talking about the exception and not the rule if you need assistance to eat a non-fast-food burrito.
As far as I can tell, burritos were meant as a working lunch, and shouldn't be larger than an ACTUAL donkey, or covered in sauce, without adding extra qualifying words there like "huge fucking burrito" or "wet burrito".

So I think you're all just being pedantic, pretentious, jerks who jumped onto something they shouldn't have been talking about. And you know what? I'm going back on what I said earlier, instead I'd like to say that burritos are totally finger food and that you can't give a better definition than ANY food that is meant to be eaten by hand.

Do you assume everybody thinks of taco bell or some shit when they say burrito? Because that's just wrong.

>> No.4298329

why not?

>> No.4298337

I once ate a burrito the size of a baby with my hands and didn't get any mess. It was just like eating a real baby only made of cow chunks.

>> No.4298364


>> No.4298370

Eh he's really right. Burritos are Texmex bullshit anyway, but the unbastardized version really is a tortilla wrapped around filling, topped with sauce. Yes, there are near-equally valid (read: bastardized) versions that can be eaten solely by hand, without a mess, but THOSE are the offshoots, the exceptions, the American Way.

>> No.4298382

shit-filled logs

>> No.4298391

I just inject grease straight into my wrists

>> No.4298450

Tortilla wrapped around filling, topped with sauce? Oh, you mean, an ENCHILADA?

Come on now. The term burrito wasn't made in Mexico to describe fucking enchiladas, it was made in the US by immigrants to describe something you use to carry food with you, like a... wait for it... LITTLE DONKEY (burrito).

You ever tried carrying something covered in sauce?

And let's look past all this. Let's assume that "unbastardized" things called "burritos" are SUPPOSED to be covered in sauce. Is that really what you think anybody in the United States or Europe refers to when they say the word "burrito"?

No. It's not. Get fucked. You're that guy who interjects with inane bullshit like if I said that the wind is blowing pretty hard today you'd say, "well, ACTUALLY, wind is sucked from place to place by pressure gradients, everybody should know this."

Burritos aren't covered in sauce by default, that's a burrito with sauce.

>> No.4298465

Hamburgers come with cheese if you live in certain parts of 'murrica...

Hamburgers, not cheeseburgers, hamburgers.

>> No.4298481
File: 24 KB, 299x400, Super Monster.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it makes me hungry for a Super Monster burrito from Freebird's.

God bless Texas.

>> No.4298579

you dumb nigger, it's called that because it looks like the blanket rolls you put on a donkey's back.
BTW not the guy you replied to and I agree with everything after that.

>> No.4298587

most burritos I see are covered in sauce, I live in a mexican neighborhood so I thought that would be the most common style of burrito

>> No.4300227

That would be lunch and dinner for me.

>> No.4300288

Dude. Freebird's is a California chain. The first one was in Isla Vista CA. Then, they expanded to TX. Now they're expanding more in Cali. One just opened up across town from me here in Roseville. But yeah, it's from SoCal originally. So...God bless California?!?
(btw, I grew up in TX, so don't even start with me.)
Also, now I want a burrito....

>> No.4300302
File: 120 KB, 640x496, 1359418583324.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn shut the fuck up already. Are you seriously that upset about a food item evolving into something different? You sound like one of those faggot purists who thinks that the shit that was around when he was a kid is godly compared to the shit that's around today.

Fuck off old fart.

>> No.4302009

Texas Freebirds is better.

>> No.4302025

Now you're just being stupid.

>> No.4302109

I'm being realistic. It's the truth.

>> No.4302123

I'd say you're being idiotic. It's a fucking chain. A fucking chain that started in SoCal. Not to mention that the quality of ingredients you can get in Cali is better than Texas.

>> No.4302129

Freebirds in Texas is better and no amount of asspain will change that.

>> No.4302144

care to explain why? thats like saying mcdonalds in new york is better than the rest

its a chain, the quality wont vary much from place to place, it is unlikely that the quality is significantly different all over an entire state

>> No.4302147

They can't explain anything, they're just "MUH TEXASS". Typical texan trolling on here.

>> No.4302154



same way they explain why their local version of bryer's (blue dog or some shit) is better than bryer's, or why their local version of rolling rock (shiner bock) is so amazing.

>> No.4302160

The fact that it's nowhere near LA and SF is just one of the many reasons Freebirds in Texas is significantly better.

>> No.4302162

that doesnt say anything.

I can maybe understand LA, but if there were a freebirds in SF it would have access all those local farms unlike LA

>> No.4302192

There's a Freebirds in Roseville, north of Sacramento. So yeah, they do have access to all that awesome valley produce, although I'm sure they get the same as everyone else, considering it's a chain restaurant.
As a matter of fact, I live in the complex as the owner(s) of that location, I park next to their Freebirds truck all the time.
I haven't eaten there, though, because I had Freebirds back when I lived in TX and didn't think it was that great. I mean, I can make a fucking burrito.

>> No.4302196

I laughed pretty hard at that. Thank you anon.
Polite sage because what I am saying is not really important to the discussion.

>> No.4302563
File: 40 KB, 453x576, 1356065109226.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You shut your whore mouth when you talk about shiner bock.

They're even different kinds of beers you pleb.

>> No.4302569

>doesn't understand why fast food restaurants exist

>> No.4302606

>trolled softly
it was meant as a subtle parody of the humor used on redd!t to generate karma from fairly rudimentary puns and wordplay

almost had me, too, until the second part, where he sort-of repeated the same joke only with what amounts to more a corollary (most people would understand the cash requirement to automatically exclude all forms of bartering) rather than an added dimension of humor, which is a sort-of double parody of redit users: shameless inflation of an already fatigued joke, and the need to signal the use of irony/sarcasm to the aveage reader, who otherwise takes it at face value

at least, that's what i think is going on.

>> No.4302613

Stop posting.

>> No.4304629

Dat burrito.

>> No.4304663

Fast food fucking sucks. You're a gross pleb mouthbreather.

>> No.4304674

>I don't leave my house

>> No.4304688
File: 153 KB, 769x595, watch-out.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4304723

>says the fat, salty, greasy-palmed buttmadfag.

Some people can actually cook for themselves.

>> No.4304727

>what is a lunch break

>> No.4304731

>implying you can't cook a nice lunch for yourself ahead of time.

Stay simpleton.

>> No.4304738

>what is a busy schedule

Not all of us still have a mother to cook for us.

>> No.4304751

LOL, what a fag.
If you can't find time during the week to cook a few meals for later, you're a dipshit. There's no schedule so busy that you couldn't do it. Who the fuck are you, Donald Trump? Even that fucker isn't too busy to do simple things like that, he's just too stupid.

>> No.4304777

>I plan my meals days ahead of time because I have so little going on
>I hurl around insults when someone strikes a nerve
>what is college
>what is a dorm
>what is homework
>what is a job

>> No.4304790

Yeah, you're seriously retarded. Some of us aren't NEET and are busy 7 days a week and don't have the time to cook every single meal ourselves.
You're a fucking child.

>> No.4304820

>name calling
>no real reasons for why they can't cook for themselves except 'hurr durr muh life is so busy"
>thinks being in college and working is terribly hard

Stay pleb. You'll never succeed in life if you can't learn to manage your time better. You are the fucking children. Life is hard, you're supposed to learn from it. You better toughen up kids, or you're in for a huge letdown later. You're still in the easy stage now.
BTW, learn to fucking cook for yourselves, morons. It's a fucking LIFE SKILL.

>> No.4304835

>getting this worked up because people eat fast food from time to time

So childish and emotional.

>> No.4304836

>getting worked up because someone doesn't worship fast food

typical 4chan mouthbreathers

>> No.4304856

>eats fast food from time to time
>worships fast food

So dramatic.

>> No.4304860


Will you stop? You're going to give the poor kid an aneurism.

>> No.4304867

>toughen up kids

These are giveaways that you're 20 years old and you just got your first job (no doubt in the service industry).

Sage for bad thread.

>> No.4304874

Chipotle is shit
Shit food for shit people

>> No.4304876

When you look at the responses to the one person who said they didn't eat Freebirds because they could make a burrito themselves, and then the corresponding responses, it's easy to see why anyone would think people on this board are raging fast-food addicted faggots. Anytime someone says they don't eat fast food, they get pounced on by a bunch of halfwits who find it personally insulting that someone doesn't like their indoctrinated factory food lifestyle. Plain and simple.

>> No.4304877

I agree

>> No.4304884

Isn't that cute. You'll have to work a lot harder than that, kid.

>> No.4304936

Oh man, you called him a kid. So much superiority.

>> No.4304942

You were late this time, much sure you repeat yourself a few more times.

>> No.4304952

I don't see any fast food "worshiping" in this thread. You're exaggerating because you're a dramatic child.

>> No.4305100


>> No.4305115

And you're a disgusting apologist. Everyone who even remotely lurks this board knows that the fast food bellies go on the attack whenever anyone doubts their choices in nutrition. To deny that is to be uniformly in denial. You're an ostrich.

>> No.4305126

Not seeing any of that here, you're just a dramatic child. Take it to /fa/ or something, girl.

>> No.4305143

>somebodys new here
>somebody also can't think of anything better to say than "you're a child".
>fatty apologist detected

>> No.4305152

Man speaking of Freeb!rds I wanted a burrito real bad and saw one and thought it would be good but it was total shit compared to the one in IV. And they didn't even have horchata! And I asked why they didn't and I said that the one in IV had horchata and they explained to me that it was technically separate and had a different owner and that's why it's called Freeb!rds whereas I was at Freeb!rds: World Burrito.

Wat? Man I have no idea how franchises work.

>> No.4305156

You should cry more, you seem to be really good at it.

>> No.4305189
File: 151 KB, 1201x1044, alisonbrie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.4305524

Oh gee, how clever. Whatever shall I do. Some bland joke of a human told me to cry more. My feelings are so hurt.
(I hope you aren't too stupid to understand sarcasm.)

>> No.4305602

Are you done now?

>> No.4305754

Good deeds are never finished.

>> No.4305774

I guess you really are that bored, I'll let you have the last word so you can move on to more worthwhile tasks like complaining about specific fast food chains. You should start with Taco Bell, it's one of the worse ones.

>> No.4305779

But you haven't done anything good.

>> No.4305805

Oooooh, yes. Good things come from pointing out deficits in infrastructure.

>> No.4305832

I don't particularly like Chipotle... Also I'm lactoce intolerant...

Why does this fill me with such want? Why is it late so I know I can't take it home and be miserable with it?

>> No.4305960

Holy shit I'm drooling over here

I need it

>> No.4305976

That shit is gonna clog your arteries.

>> No.4308354

I'm going to order one and see how asspained the line cook gets about it.

>> No.4308373

You want what you can't have. Happens to every person.

>> No.4308454

They always just charge it the same as a normal burrito depending on what meat you get

>> No.4310008
File: 490 KB, 500x375, xwtaM.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Haha, my best friend is a GM at a Chipotle and some dude published how his Chipotle is always happy to make him this non-menu item. He said his workers didn't know how to make them and he had to show them. Also said there was quite a bit of butthurt when people discovered that they actually had to pay for both a quesadilla AND a burrito.

>> No.4310037



>> No.4311438

>This is why I love Chipotle, the variations are amazing.
This is why I hate fast food goers. They are surprised by shit that I've always managed to get in some local takeout place when I lived in the city. Move out of the suburbs and you'll see a lot