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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4295293 No.4295293 [Reply] [Original]

ITT: bad eating habits, things you've eaten and felt bad about after or any other embarrassing thing you've done with food

i eat fast food probably 3 nights a week
semi-regularly i'll eat an entire bag of microwave popcorn by myself
i once accidentally a 12oz tub of sour cream with tortilla chips and hot sauce
drink about 12 beers a night

what you got /ck/?

>> No.4295301
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>fuck yeah fast food threa-

>> No.4295318

Often times I go to sleep hungry out of laziness.
I used to have McDonalds just about every single day when I was in college. Now I can't even have a small meal there without feeling sick.
I'll sometimes buy and eat an entire bag of potato chips in one sitting.

>> No.4295337

I used to eat my mom's co-workers left over, fast food lunch out of the garbage when she would take me with her, because she wouldn't buy it for me after school.

>> No.4295341
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>> No.4295346


you win

>> No.4295347

i fucking love those things but the closest to me hardee's to me is like 20miles

>> No.4295360

Damn OP are you me?

Except I was usually more around 9 beers than 12.

I stopped a couple weeks ago though... since then I've only gotten drunk once and only got fast food once. I already feel better and it's nice to not be spending over $100/wk on beer

>> No.4295363
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My eating habits are only disgraceful when I'm stoned. Things like munching my way through a whole box of these.

>> No.4295365

i eat 1000 calories or under a day, me binge eating is under 2000 i can't eat more than that.

i've made myself puke after eating too much cuz it makes me feel like a shit person/awful physically.

i put honey in or on just about anything/everything i eat or drink

>> No.4295370

When there is anything sweet in my house I eat it.
Then I feel horrible... but it is just so delicious

>> No.4295373
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>> No.4295377

Eating half a box of pasta usually makes me feel bad about myself. It's just so good.

>> No.4295382

I don't quite know the feel, but I filched some potato chips from the garbage once for the same reason.

>> No.4295383


when i'm stoned i'll eat packets of dry oatmeal with honey on them... cuz fuck bowls and spoons and such.

>> No.4295387


>> No.4295394

Macaroni and cheese...with bacon in it.

>> No.4295398

> Have an eating disorder
> Part of me desperately wants to recover, because I am so miserable right now I literally don't care if I live or die
> Much bigger part of me doesn't want to get better at all, hates food, wants to starve and lose more weight because I am a fat sack of shit

> Occasionally try to eat a little more than usual because my doctors and family are begging me to, and my heart/kidneys are shutting down
> Either feel like complete garbage afterwards and hate myself enough to beat myself up and want to die
> OR, go on complete binge-spree and eat what feels like 9000 calories in an hour until I am physically sick

I'm such a fucking mess

>> No.4295400

One time I just had cereal (Uncle Toby's Plus or something like that) with some maple syrup. No milk or anything. I gag at the thought of it now (especially how much it would hurt my teeth) but at the time it was delicious.

>> No.4295406

People like you are pathetic.

>> No.4295410

Weed helps a ton.

It's called mental illness you fucking idiot.

>> No.4295413


i kinda prefer dry cereal...that sounds kinda delicious btw...especially as far as stoned food goes

and i prefer a lot of food cold.

>> No.4295486

raw or cooked?

>> No.4295500

You don't have a mental illness. You're just an attention whore. Don't even try to deny it, this thread had nothing to do with your eating disorder yet you posted a novel about it anyway. Attention Whore.

>> No.4295507

Cooked, of course. Macaroni with salt and butter is my guilty pleasure.

>> No.4295510

And cheese, surely.

>> No.4295518

If I'm feeling particularly fat, I'll make a cheese or alfredo sauce. But just straight macaroni with butter is great.

>> No.4295522


Me again. I once had my 4th grade teacher call my mom into school because I "stole" a bag of doritos from someone. They were lying on top of a cabinet by the door and no one took it. Me and my class mates went to lunch and back and the doritos were still there. It was time to leave, so I took them. All of a sudden my old cunt of a teacher pulls the shit out of me and checks my bag for the chips. She then called my mom and told her I was a thief. I hated that horrible bitch.

But yeah, the point is, my mom would not buy these for me either.

>> No.4295541


you seem like you're a fat piece of shit

>> No.4295554


I am /ck/

>> No.4295557 [DELETED] 

whatever happened to candlejack
I really lik

>> No.4295591

...... I make banana bread with applesauce and plain yogurt instead of butter and eggs just so I can eat half a loaf for 400 cals or so.

Still tastes pretty good, especially with cinnamon/nutmeg/vanilla. I don't use sugar either. I just eat way too much of normal food.... I don't eat processed foods at all, or boxed stuff. I just like really big meals so I have to be inventive to eat cheap and eat big.

>> No.4295614

I usually have 2-3 binge days a week. These consist of making and eating a large cheese pizza with 2-3 bottles of wine, then grazing on whatever while watching movies, tv, vidya etc till I fall asleep. This process takes 6-8 hours. Also eat deep fried food most every non binge day, small portions though. Been doing this for a couple months and no weight gain thus far.

>> No.4295624

I hate you.

Unless you eat nothing on the other days or are extremely active on purpose, then you're dumb/Congrats on the hard burns.

>> No.4295639

I eat a bag of microwavable popcorn almost daily. At 260 calories it's an awesome snack food

>> No.4295640

> i

>> No.4295656

u wot m8?

>> No.4295668

I eat smaller portions on non binge days, maybe 1600-1800 kcal, and I'm not particularly active. I actually a couple lbs during the first month...

>> No.4295681

I have been suffering from an illness and trying to correct it through medication and diet. I have started eating a real food diet to get the nutrition my body needs to function better.
My spouse has a stash little debbie snacks in the house (decidedly not a "real food") and if I am starving when I first wake up I will eat one. It sets the tone for the whole day and I feel like shit.

>> No.4295705
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I occasionally (once every 2-3 weeks) will eat an entire box of cereal in one sitting. Mesa Sunrise or Quaker Corn Bran are my preferred flavors of poison.


>> No.4295722

cereal oh god, fucking cereal. I have eaten entire boxes of cereal on several occasions, or the equivalent of entire boxes by mixing all my cereals together and eating tons of it.

>> No.4295748

Cereal is like fucking... liquid ice cream and cookies.

I drink whole milk and pairing that with Mom's Best Honey oats is godly. I assume Reeses Puffs also still taste awesome. Hnnng.... so tasty, and the milk at the end is the best because eating the cereal makes you thirsty.

I need to buy spoons though, my last one disappeared and eating with measuring spoons is weird

>> No.4295756

Oh god stop you're making me want cereal so bad

Thank god there's none around right now

>> No.4295758

Often I will go to McDonalds and buy two McDoubles and two McChickens, a large fry, and a large drink, and I will sit there in the restaurant and eat all of it in public.

>> No.4295779


I did this in high school, except I skipped the large fries and got another mcdouble and mcchicken for 3 of each total. And I thought I wasn't a fatass back then.

>> No.4295786

I'm well aware of what a fatass I am.

>> No.4296879


Hell yeah, Cereal. Whole Milk + Honey Bunches of Oats.

Also, Chocolate Lucky Charms mixed with Golden Grahams somehow tastes like the best thing ever.

>> No.4296891

I haven't eaten more than one good meal in the past three days. Let's hope my appetite comes back soon.

>> No.4296904

I am the worst when I go into binge monster mode.

My last binge day consisted of 3 HUGE bowls of honey bunches of oats cereal and milk, a small rotisserie chicken, 1/2 loaf whole wheat sliced bread (from this came 3 peanut butter jelly sandwiches and the rest i just toasted and buttered), 4 scrambled eggs, half a box of oreo cookies, 3 medium apples, a frozen personal pan pizza, 2 glasses of milk, 2 little debbie oatmeal cakes, a handful of plain sugar (why?), and 2 liters of diet coke. WOOO

>> No.4296909

Another time I chugged a whole 6-pack of Ensure plus in one setting

>> No.4296917


>3 medium apples,

most of the rest makes sense (maybe not the handful of sugar), but i am skeptical about the three apples.

i am a lifelong binger, and i know something about it.

>> No.4296920

They were in my fridge. I had to eat them!
I normally binge on just fruit most nights, but I don't view that a horrible habit.

>> No.4296926


>I normally binge on just fruit most nights, but I don't view that a horrible habit.

yeah, technically i'd say you can't truly binge on fruit, or i can't.

my definition of binge food is something that the more you eat, the more you want. i can eat a delicious salad with rich dressing and croutons, but i don't want any more.

but i can eat pizza flavored pringles all day long, dipping them into the vinegar juice from a jar of peppers for a while, then alternating with french onion sour cream dip heavily laced with cayenne pepper, chili powder, and garlic powder.

>> No.4296931

Ugh that's me.

I don't drink soda, I hardly eat fast food, but if you get pasta around me with a good sauce I will just keep eating. I'll eat a normal portion, and then it sits on the stove til I put it away but I'll walk by, eat a bite, walk by..eat a bite..and do this til I probably have twice the amount I intended to eat.

I am eating whole wheat noodles mostly now because I am less tempted to keep munching on it for whatever reason..

I'm not overweight so it's not really a huge deal but I get that way too full feeling and feel bad.

See's candy I could easily eat a whole box of bridge mix in one day.

>> No.4296940

I don't know, I can eat like 8 bananas and a container of strawberries in one setting and still want more. But then again, I'm that way with any food.

>> No.4296953


Fuck that noise, I devour apples like nobody's business. I can eat bags and bags of them a day.
I'm very fond of apples.

>> No.4297010

I can go through an entire box of oreos/chips ahoy and still have room for more.
I have a pretty active job, and if I get behind i don't always have time to eat. So after not eating/drinking/using a washroom for 8 hours I usually go to the pub and just pig out, especially on $3 burger days.

>> No.4297019

Why are you on the food and cooking board...?

>> No.4297030

Shh, don't encourage the attention whores.

>> No.4297039

I'm sure there are a lot of people with eating disorders on this board, since most people with eating disorders are completely obsessed with food and cooking (regardless if they eat or not). Of course, most wouldn't post something that obvious and stupid.

>> No.4297052


I was just about to ask the same thing...

>> No.4297072

I was really tired, it was 2am, I should have just gone to bed but for some dumb reason I went to the store, bought a microwave "jalapeno char burger, a small bag of jalapeno cheetos and a sausage pizza hot pocket and ate them all. Then I went to bed.

I've never done shit like that but I dunno, I did 3 nights ago.

>> No.4297074

I've lost 20 lbs while eating smaller portioned fast food and counting my calories. But then again, not having running water to clean dishes kinda forces me to eat out and restaurants are stupidly expensive so I use coupons whenever I can.

>> No.4297081

>boomer with no conscience and extreme selfishness spotted

>> No.4298493

I have a habit of having shitty lunches and eating unhealthy snacks later on.

>> No.4298573

>i eat 1000 calories or under a day

>i put honey in or on just about anything/everything i eat or drink


>> No.4298660


honey is 60 calories per tablespoon, it's not like adding it to food suddenly puts everything at over 1000.

>> No.4298685

Some days ago I realized that Cal means kilocalorie, and it must have been made up because Americans would not have understood if there was a kilo prefix. kcal. "What's a kilo?!?! "

>> No.4298759


Or you can be smart and use the Joule. Continuing to use non SI units in general is retarded.

>> No.4298763

I want to have ice cream every day for dessert, even though I know that much fat and sugar right before bed is terrible for me.

>> No.4298816


Stroll over to /fit. Read the sticky, and make a change.

>> No.4298825


>i eat fast food probably 3 nights a week
Yeah, that's your biggest problem. You should get yourself off the crack.

>semi-regularly i'll eat an entire bag of microwave popcorn by myself
No big deal. Popcorn is mostly air anyways.

>i once accidentally a 12oz tub of sour cream with tortilla chips and hot sauce
Everybody makes mistakes now and then.

>drink about 12 beers a night
The real question is what kind of beer do you drink. If you are regularly drinking 12 beers a night I'm guessing you are drinking 12 packs of shit tier piss water. This is your biggest issue. Either start drinking decent beer (which will most likely contain more alcohol anyways) or just switch to cheep vodka and save yourself... A few trips to the toilet I guess?

>> No.4298836

I'm saddened by the lack of green text nowadays.

>> No.4298838

Lol my roommate

> says he's going shopping
> $100 of lunchables, hot pockets, and pop tarts
> is 23

>> No.4298843

> my meme arrows

/> test
> test

>> No.4298851


I thought my own personal rock lobster interwebz was gonna go an hero for a minute there.

I'm glad I'm not the only one experiencing issues...

>> No.4298853

How is that an improvement? I mean the arrows already mean that it's quoting something. Seems needless to quote the numbers a second time.

>> No.4298858


I'm really not sure what you are talking about. Two different posts were quoted in the post you responded to.

Are you not experiencing a distinct lack of greentext?

>> No.4298860

No, I don't mean the two posts you were quoting. I mean that there are bars in addition to the arrows when you quote a post.

>> No.4298864

>I mean that there are bars in addition to the arrows when you quote a post.

Yeah, exactly. Hence the lack of greenery.

I still don't really understand your previous post. What are you talking about that someone might think is an "improvement"?

>sage - and fail at dem "meme arrows" - for being off topic, I guess.

>> No.4298865

>Hence the lack of greenery.

>and never-mind...

>> No.4298885

My friends and I used to sometimes go out and buy burgers and french fries and go back to my place so we can continue our vidya. They always eat just half a burger and hardly touch the fries and throw the rest away.
So I came up with a brilliant idea for next time, I just say, "Hey, if you don't finish your food can you put it in the plastic tub in the kitchen? to give my dog as a snack or some food"
They do it, and after I wait for them to leave, I have an entire McBuffet to myself and my dog.
I don't do it anymore though

>> No.4298965


That sounds like my roommate. Never cooks, only eats canned or frozen food. Still is a skinny fuck though. I guess for my bad habits I used to be a fatass who ate well over 4k calories a day and thought it was normal. Didn't even think I was fat. Glad I stopped before it got out of hand though.

>> No.4298987
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Once a month or so I get a 5 oz bag of salt and vinegar chips of a certain brand and chow down, consuming almost the entire bag in one day and night.

>> No.4299005

man, ive never felt bad for a gorge fest or anything once, granted i lift and exercise alot, but that just seems like a strange concept

one time though i made a shit ton of jasmine rice and got drunk, threw it up, havent been able to eat jasmine rice easily since

also got munchies like crazy and ate like a can of pringles, about 5 kit kats, and a carton of goldfish (btw terrible munchy food so damn dry), anyway i was ok at the time, but the next day my stomach kinda hurt

>> No.4299009

I eat a bag of spicy sweet chili doritos every 2-3 days. Sometimes 4 bags doesn't even get me through a week.

>am 340 lbs


>> No.4299050

i'm 6'5 250, used to be around 310, then i realized i could excercise and bulk without having to change my diet too drastically at first, im happy and healthy now, you could easily do the same, not that you should feel shameful for it, i can still down a pan of brownies at the drop of a hat :/

>> No.4299051

Do you mean family size bags?

>> No.4299053

I binge often on things like frozen meals and grilled cheese sandwiches. I ate a 250g block of Emmenthal in about two days by myself.

>> No.4299076

I eat well over 3000 calories a day and still maintain a weight of 170 at 6'2".

A usual day. I'm going to use yesterday as an example.

2 Clementines
1 Banana
3 Eggs, Cheese on Toast
3 - 4 Cups of Coffee

Snack 1
Jalapeno poppers with cream cheese.

A Half of a Leftover Turkey Breast from the night before.
2 Cups of Whipped Potatoes
Leftover Broccoli
a Quart of V8

Snack 2
Dr. Oekter Brownie in a mug. (It was shit)

Cod Baked in the oven with an Italian breadcrumb mixture
1 1/2 cups of Brown rice
3 cups of Green Beans roasted with olive oil and garlic.

Snack 3
A big ass bowl of life cereal with 2% milk and some biscotti
2 more cups of coffee.

This can't be good for me.

>> No.4299082

Who makes the best salt and vinegar chips? thick or kettle cooked chips preffered, not that original lay's sized

>> No.4299084

I drink a 12 pack of Tecate almost every night.
Tei Pei boxed fried rice and those pork dumplings are a staple in my diet.

>> No.4299097

I'm a shut in 5 days a week, I work, don't drink soft drink or alcohol, eat salad for lunch, muesli for breakfast, healthy dinner.

On the weekend I get really pissed, and drink and eat shit fast food and all the weight I loose during the week goes back on, like a super yoyo.

>> No.4299826
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>> No.4299843

This brand is thin like Lays, but tastes a lot different.

As far as kettle-cooked salt and vinegar, I recommend two from Boulder Canyon: Sea Salt and Malt Vinegar, and Sea Salt and Red Wine Vinegar.

>> No.4299845

>By "this" I mean Tom's.

>> No.4300160

When really stoned I will sometimes drink A1 straight from the bottle.

>> No.4300163

Loose weight is no good. You need to keep your weight tight.

>> No.4300191

I drink shitty malt liqour every night. Such as Joose and Blast. usually 2 24oz's and a 24oz high gravity. then ill cook hormel little sizzlers, throw them in my ninja and give them a few pulses and pour it into mac and cheese and eat all by my self, while watching trailer park boys. The mac and cheese thing I only do when my gf is out of town, not that i cant cook, its just so i dont have to share cause i love it

I dont eat during the day cause I fear i wont get drunk enough off my cheap shit. So I only eat after my drinks are gone.

I make tacos out of everything. I fuckin love tortillas.

Ive made mac and cheese enchiladas before. They were pretty fuckin good.

When I make homemade pizza. I put the cheese over the toppings.

I hate that stuff that is sweet and meaty. like maple syrup on bacon/sausage. pineapple on pizza. etc

>> No.4300208

Eating a shit ton of biscuits.
Drinking 30 units in one night.

>> No.4300239

I eat too much cereal. I've gone through a box of the shit in about a day or two.

I recently changed my eating habits though, I've stopped eating desserts/sweet stuff on weekdays. Still the weekends to take care of, but I'm trying at least to eat healthy during the week.

>> No.4300243

I sometimes eat an entire family size bag of flaming hot lays within 24 hours of opening them.

>> No.4300319

>i've made myself puke after eating too much cuz it makes me feel like a shit person/awful physically.
i remember one time i went to chevys with my mom and my sister and i order a burrito and stuffed all my sides into it then stuff my moms and sisters sides into it and then shoved like the part of the meal they didnt eat into it, and started scooping it up with extra tortillas, i was still eating for like another hour after them as they chatted occasionally commenting on how dumb i am. i finally finished it and before making it to the car, i walked into their little parkinglot gazeebo(idk why) and puked it all up. fucking best burrito ever

>> No.4300326

>I'm such a fucking mess
are you actually fat, like big ol gross flabs of skin and ultra muffin top, or are you just crazy in the head? post pics plz, i love annorexic girls

>> No.4300333

i had no electricity for 3 months and that didnt stop me from cooking for myself

>> No.4300344

when i get high ill keep cooking as long as im awake. i counteract this by making really small portions... im still full as hell by 5am, tho
I also cut down on the weed alot and started going to bed at a reasonable hour so this is no longer a problem.

also continuing my all i can eat diet got me fat when i broke my arm and couldnt work or ride a bike

>> No.4300428


> Asking someone with a mental illness and frail constitution to post photos of themself to the internet for strangers to leer over when their #1 source of pain and anxiety is their own body

You are a fuckstick

>> No.4301022

i have an eating disorder too, smfs

>> No.4301038

>I dont eat during the day cause I fear i wont get drunk enough off my cheap shit. So I only eat after my drinks are gone.
wow, if your that big of an alcoholic, just buy a gallon of vodka and some koolaide every few days, just start off with a budwieser or something bearable and then switch to the hardshit once you got a little buzz

>> No.4302520

i never eat 3 meals a day. i only eat when im hungry, which is not often enough, otherwise half of it us wasted. i like a very few select foods and i hate trying new things.

im just rarely in the mood to eat.