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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4291806 No.4291806 [Reply] [Original]

I have 4 organic avocados; what can I use them for?
I know they are great in wraps, burgers, sandwiches, eggs, pizza and dips but id like something new, and preferably something that uses lots of avocado because I dont want these going brown and mushy.

>> No.4291810

News flash: Every vegetable and fruit on Earth is organic.

>> No.4291822


You really arent aware that a single word may mean something different when used in different context?

>> No.4291826

>organic avocado

You what? This is why I hate the whole "organic" word

>> No.4291829

news flash: there are avocados that are not organically grown.

news flash: breaking story: I asked for uses of avocado, not an american bigot to be wrong on the internet lol

captcha: plead dirfact

>> No.4291836

Well then, add them to your horse meat.

>> No.4291837

when I go shopping, I have the option of buying avocados with an organic sticker from california, or shit tasting ones from mexico

stop trying to be elitists you fucking faggots next time read the thread lol

>> No.4291843

>american bigot
>Using "organic" to describe "naturally grown" or "from california"
Just fuck off. You know how to use avocados.

>> No.4291852

i've never tried it, but i have a bunch of avocados right now so i'm going to... there's ways to make a chocolate pudding out of avocado.


this is the first recipe i found, but google it and pick something you might prefer.

you could also use it instead of mayo on sandwiches if you put it through a food processor. or you can mash it and throw it in the freezer (or throw it in the freezer whole, and defrost it to eat later. it freezes better mashed) to use whenever.

>> No.4291855

OP here, I'm only interested in what to do with ORGANIC avacados. Learn to read.

>> No.4291861
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>> No.4291863


the same exact shit you can do with any other avocado, dick.

>> No.4291866

troll confirmed
try harder

>> No.4291870

Pretty sure he's not being sincere, probably not even OP.
Lighten up.

Damn /ck/, take a joke

>> No.4291872

Avocados need a shitload of pesticides so nothing is "organic".

FDA does not regulate the word organic so anything can go.

>> No.4291887


How about I take some avocados and make them in to some organic anal beads for you, so you can do something else with your arse other than talk out of it, you fucking balaclava. You fucking knitted scarf wearing twat.

>> No.4291893

I'm fine, thanks though

>> No.4291899

>FDA does not regulate the word organic so anything can go.

>Avocados need a shitload of pesticides so nothing is "organic".
That must be why avocados never existed until the advent of synthetic pesticides.

>> No.4291907

Not as you know them. See: Bananas.

>> No.4291913

>Not as you know them.
[citation non-existent]

>> No.4291915

>Avocados need a shitload of pesticides so nothing is "organic".
What is it like believing in nonsense as long as it supports your opinion?

>> No.4291916


>avocados never existed

They were produce in small qualities and in specific locations Right now they are farmed for the mass market. The whole "organic" rhetoric is a bunch of bullshit so companies can sell its products to cunts.

>> No.4291920


>> No.4291939

> go and make epic breakfast: toasted bun, light german mustard, avocado, brisket, bacon and Havarti

>come back and see this autistic thread

>never change, /ck/

>> No.4291948

>>come back and see this autistic thread
>>never change, 4chan


>> No.4291949

>no FDA

Like I said the word organic has little to no oversight on how it should be regulated.

>> No.4291951

>the USDA is not a regulatory body


>> No.4291958
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My face when people correlate "organic" to "reduced or no pesticides so I won't get cancer".

>> No.4291964


Wild Avocados are very tiny, are 85% pit, and are very fibrous, not smooth and creamy.

What we eat today is a specific cultivar produced by selective breeding over the last 250 years.

It's not as bad as Bananas, which are all literally cloned from the same original tree decades later, but they are all directly related still.

>> No.4291977

USDA controls some of the meat production while the FDA controls vegetables/fruit/pharmaceuticals even though its underfunded. Like I said and will say it again the word organic can be thrown around. Just like with the word All-Natural or made with real fruit juice.

>> No.4291985

>Wow, I had no idea that they were so cute and small and non-avocadoey in the wild! Thanks for enlightening me to the truth about avocados. Those GMO people do amazing things. Of course, I prefer my foods natural and GMO-free

I want to slap that bitch

>> No.4292005

They do? I've mostly heard that it's a different kind of pesticide method which does not harm us in the way that the traditional kinds do.

Where's the funny part? I want to laugh too!

>> No.4292013


>It's not as bad as Bananas,

if you tried to eat a normal banana with normal banana seeds you would never criticize the wonders of our modern cloned bananas.

>> No.4292016

Synthetic pesticides are simply better pesticides in terms of how much you need, environmental footprint, and potential effects on human health.

>> No.4292019

Instead of using a genetically modified seeds they replace it with lots of pesticides.

>> No.4292023


>> No.4292077

make guacamole

>> No.4292080


>> No.4293503

A friend of mine would mix sour cream with salt pepper and garlic,put it in the depressed part of a de-seeded avocado and squirt a wedge of lime over the top.

At first I scoffed at the idea, but it was fucking delicious

>> No.4293528

I love avocado salads. Find a recipe you like. There's one floating around with bacon and sour cream and it's great, but calls for way too much sour cream.

>> No.4293543

Same here, although the context OP is using it in is organic food production (I'm assuming). In fact there's no difference between 'organic' food and regular food than the higher price tag at the end of the day. Sure the methods are different, but does it really matter in the end?

On-topic: Guacamole is great, I'm about to make some tomorrow.

>> No.4293553
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>depressed part of a de-seeded avocado

>> No.4293561


I keep hearing adds on the radio that say we should all add them to tuna salad. the ads are from the avacado growers association or something.. and I think they are just trying to give us good ideas on how to buy and use their product. (seems like smart marketing to me)

I can only assume that they would want to suggest something delicious so that we come back for more.

I am unclear, based off the commercial, whether or not to leave out the mayo and just add avacado, or to add avacado in addition to the usual mayo, or to reduce mayo and sub in some avacado. the ad makes it sound healthier, which makes me think I should back off on the mayo.

anyway.. I plan on giving this a try next week after i bake a loaf of fresh bread.

if you try it, please report back and let me know how it turned out.

>> No.4293568
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I chuckled hard at that.

>> No.4293576

Lately I've just been mixing avocados with tomatoes with an evoo and lemon vinaigrette. I either eat this as a side salad by itself or I just top lettuce/spinach with this and whatever other salad ingredients I have on hand.

My other major use is in a bean salad. Basically beans, corn and peppers mixed with a red wine vinegar poured over and avocados added at the end so they don't fall apart.

My personal favorite way to use avocado is in sushi. Tuna and avocado rolls are the best thing I've ever had in my mouth.

>> No.4293585

>What we eat today is a specific cultivar produced by selective breeding over the last 250 years.


If you are talking about Hass avacados, actually, I believe it is not selective breeding at all. All Hass avacado trees have come from grafting branches and trunks of other hass avacado trees on avacado root stock. So technically, there has been no breeding (to produce seed stock) and all hass avacados are genetically the same.

this is different from GMO and selective breeding. this is very old plant cultivation techniques being used to ensure high quality produce.

it turns out that avacados, when planted, are very odd plants whose quality varies highly. If the hass avacado growers were to just replant their hass avacados seeds, it is likely that none of their crop from those seed plantings would even be desirable, or even edible.

another interesting fact about avacados is that an avacado cannot reproduce on it's own. the seed actually will not break through the tough outer skin of the fruit and will rot and die. it is only through other animals eating the skin or eating the fruit whole and passing the pit in its poo that the avacado is able to reproduce and survive. the wide spread of avacados in latin america is actually seen as proof that dinosaurs and other large mammals existed there and ate avacados.