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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4289778 No.4289778[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

What are the main "no-nos" of this board. I've been browsing in my Anthropology class when I can't get the back row and I haven't really seen any patterns

>> No.4289793

>that one guy in an anthropology class who's been lurking for months and still can't figure out the basics

i don't think you have much of a future in anthropology if you can't even grasp netiquette.

>> No.4289804
File: 1.97 MB, 280x158, Evil.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw this is the board

>> No.4289810

Things not to mention/obvious shitposting:
>mentioning you're a woman
>cock sauce
>blue rare vs. well done steak
>ramen and typical weeaboo shit that's been answered thousands of times
>actually posting any shit that can be solved with a simple google answer

To name a few...

>> No.4289829

Don't even come here. This board has the most insufferable assholes. People who are bitter about their job making food, and take it out on people who just want to talk.

>> No.4289830


You forgot tipping, ketchup and coffee makers debate.

>> No.4289834

>>This board has the most insufferable assholes.
Pol is worse.

>> No.4290026

Turkish tea
Submersible sandwich
"I am poor and can't cook. What should I do?"

>> No.4290358

>mentioning you're a woman
People do this all the time. This isn't /v/ or /b/, you mongoloid.
>cock sauce
Tastes pretty good. Nothing "shitposty" about it.
Nothing wrong with having fast food from time to time.

>> No.4290371

that gif

>> No.4290379

Ignore all the other posts here.

If someone posts a question what do you like to eat?
Just dont post cocks or pussy its that simple.

>> No.4290393

Semen based recipes
I just lost my job, how can I feed myself for 6 months on $10
well done steak and ketchup/A-1 sauce
fish tastes fishy
Neverending discussion about fast food
scotch snobs

>> No.4290414
File: 124 KB, 700x649, image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posting home made hommus photos

>> No.4290429

>People do this all the time.

>> No.4290436

Yes they do. Lurk a bit more, son.

>> No.4290463
File: 57 KB, 328x480, 1348271352995.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No they really don't, and if they do it's usually on an offhand implication when greentexting or posting relevant contributions. Nobody likes an attention whore, so don't start that shit.

>> No.4290485

Would dip Naan into

>> No.4290568

Europe Vs America shit.


>> No.4290602

That's precisely what I meant. It's not like people end their post "btw im a gril ;))". In a different board like /v/ for example, if you even so much as mildly hint to being a female everyone accuses you of lying, or they just call you a bitch/whore/slut/etc. That doesn't happen here.

>> No.4290605

Don't be an attention whoring tripfaggot that insists in turning any thread he posts in into a personal blog.

>> No.4290606

>tap dancing

>> No.4290607

Who do you mean?

>> No.4290621
File: 20 KB, 512x679, rampantfaggot.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Use emoticons when you love a post :)
Also talk about your gf/bf and what they like you to cook :P
Post photos of the above mentioned BF/GF on every post you make like an avatar :D
Use a witty trip :O
Share with everyone your grandmas recipes and life wisdom ;)

>pic related its my boyfriend Thad

>> No.4290647


>> No.4290652

>Share with everyone your grandmas recipes and life wisdom ;)

this is cool
the other stuff is ok if your bf/gf is hawt ^_^

>> No.4290701


All in all I generally agree with this post. Here is my own take on these points.

>mentioning you're a woman

This happens all the time, and nobody on this board ever seems to care, unless they are obvious attention whores (which usually isn't the case).

>>cock sauce

I think this anon means Sriracha , which you shouldn't post for the simple fact that it will be followed by a shitstorm or irrational and unjustified hate.

>>blue rare vs. well done steak

There shouldn't be anything wrong with discussing (e.g.) blue vs. medium rare steak, but if you say you like well done then you should lurk more, learn to eat, or just not bother with this board.


There is usually a new fast food thread every single fucking day here. While I personally hate them, they do tend to get a decent response. This board is slow enough that fast food threads aren't really a problem. Just don't post fast food in other threads; nobody cares.


Before reading the thread this was the one thing I wanted to say: simply do not be Sceak. If you do not know what that means, lurk for a day or two and pay attention to ID's.

>>ramen and typical weeaboo shit that's been answered thousands of times

Ignore the term weeaboo. If you are asking about ramen you are obviously not a weeaboo. Nonetheless, ramen is something that has been answered thousands of times, and was never really interesting. If you're not sure what other such items are, simply lurk more.

>>actually posting any shit that can be solved with a simple google answer

This should be a global rule of the internet in general.

>> No.4290729

>but if you say you like well done then you should lurk more, learn to eat, or just not bother with this board.
This varies accordingly to culture and personal taste. Stop implying people eat it well done because of lack of knowledge from a consensus gotten in a board that relies a bit too much in cheese and bacon.

>> No.4290775

this is seriously tripping me out
what's the story behind this?

>> No.4290782


>>4290602 is right, you know. /ck/ is generally a lot more mature than the other boards when it comes to female posters. You'll get the occasional manchild who throws a fit, but it's much, MUCH less common then on, for example, /a/.

>> No.4290784

Wow, really? Is this the only board you've ever visited? I'm assuming you've never ben on /sci/ or /tv/.

>> No.4290791

>Don't even come here. This board has the most insufferable assholes. People who are bitter about their job making food, and take it out on people who just want to talk.
I guess you never went to /v/, /vg/, /b/, /adv/, /r9k/, /soc/, /int/, /a/ or /g/ then...

Seriously: this board is NICE.

>> No.4290807

>This varies accordingly to culture

If there is any variance on this issue due to culture, it is solely on the definition of "steak".

>> No.4290812


Not mentioning that one Quarantine board.

No not Papercraft & origami

>> No.4290820



>> No.4290842

>If there is any variance on this issue due to culture, it is solely on the definition of "steak".
I mean some people, when grilling meat, will prefer to grill it until well-done, while some will leave some "goo" inside. This depends on personal taste AND culture.

If you want to call just the later "steak", be my guest, but now you got my point.

>> No.4290844


>"We don't really know whether he's solid or hollow."

Thank you for posting this. I've literally burned off 1000 calories laughing.


Also, don't try using spoilers.

>> No.4290845

The quarantined "people" is actually nice. A bit too eerily nice, but... nice.

>> No.4290848

what is the quarantine board

>> No.4290852

>what is the quarantine board

I would also like to know this.

>I thought /ck/ was supposed to be nice?...

>> No.4290853
File: 36 KB, 550x400, 153xo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>things not to mention?
>>youre a woman
eat a dick I will if I want
>>cock sauce
Is fucking delicious eat a dick
>>rare vs well done
everyone likes their food differently
Fast food is stupid but still food
Name fags are not cancer if you stop giving them noteriety
>>ramen and weeaboo
>>my food is better than your shitty asian food
your shitty food has been asked a million times too
>>actually posting any shit that can be solved with google
guess we better pack up the whole board then you shit head.

>> No.4290869



>> No.4290877

>people on /pol/

Nice trick m8

>> No.4290882

No I definitely did not say that.

>> No.4290910


Thanks for the response, but I'm still confused.

One of the only reasons I've never really spent much time on /pol/ is because everything I've seen there (in my admittedly little experience) seeps out into every other board I've ever frequented.

So, unless that is some kind of sick joke, in what way could /pol/ possibly be considered quarantined?

>> No.4290912

You know even discussing that board irritates me.
Take that question there.

>> No.4290960

My list.

>Giving out specific, personal details about yourself that are irrelevant to the thread.
If you're saying you grew up on a houseboat and ate fish 3 times a day for your entire fucking life and are expert in it's preparation, alright, you may state that to justify retarded stances on cooking a fucking fish. We don't care if you have a significant other, though, or how much money you make, or any other irrelevant details about how successful or unsuccessful you are. We are anonymous. That's not the name of a fucking club we belong to. It's the identity the vast majority of us post under. In a manner of speaking, we're a single organism composed of multiple cells. Stop trying to individualize yourself. But regardless. This is 4chan, we're not going to believe you anyway.

>Being a tripfag.
Just don't, you faggot. Do you not feel special enough in real life? Stop using 4chan to make yourself feel better and go out and work on improving your real identity.

>Lurk moar.
This is the best way to improve the quality of your postings. Once you see that certain threads are made every single fucking day by some random faggot and tend to crowd out some legitimately entertaining shit, you'll think twice about making one.

>Remember that op is a faggot.
You know it, I know it, he knows it. Just get used to it, it'll save me from having to read your rants.

>When you post, contribute something meaningful.
I don't care about you. I just want access to your thoughts and experiences. Throw in some lulz.

>Use high quality images.
Please don't waste my time. I'm a fat neckbeard. I'm lazy. I hate wasting a mouseclick on something that doesn't show me any more than the thumbnail does. And I look at almost every pic posted.

>Make OC.
If you need me to explain this one, you're retarded.

>Don't feed the trolls.
If you read something particularly incendiary and stupid, don't reply. The post was either made by a troll or a fucking retard. Either way, we don't want them here.

>> No.4290974
File: 111 KB, 298x362, OJ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>Make OC.

You spelt OJ wrong faggot

>> No.4290984


I don't really see anything specific to /ck/ in your post.

Using my other senses, however, I do detect the distinct scent of overwhelming butthurt.

>> No.4291013

The other anon had already covered the /ck/ specific shit, so I thought I'd post a reminder regarding general quality. And yes, your senses are quite correct.

>> No.4291016


>> No.4291031

/ck/ - Interboard Rivalries

>> No.4291040


>And yes, your senses are quite correct.

Thank you, anon. This is in all honestly my primary reason for frequenting /ck/.

(Aside from the awesome trophy being awarded to the winner of the /ck/ Top Master Iron Chef Ultimate Nightmare Kitchen Survivor Challenge.)

>> No.4291047
File: 1.12 MB, 330x248, popcorn.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>what are the no-no's
Start a topic asking co/ck/s what you shouldn't do on this board.

Seriously, look at these shitposts and condescending neckbeard faggots.

>> No.4291062


Only abos and plebs eat your dirty "popped corn".

>> No.4291070
File: 50 KB, 311x311, 11.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying this isn't the finest artisan popped kettle kernels taken from the organic, pesticide-free, non GMO fields of a rural peasant that uses cruel-free harvesting methods and ships via free trade certification to the United States of Murrica, home of the The One Nation Under God

>> No.4291104
File: 63 KB, 600x600, 1358014065934.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I concede my victory to you, anon.

I am honestly too drunk, and it is too far past my bedtime, to seriously prolong this exchange with you.

Congratulations, you have won. My sides are gone and I'm going to need to raid the fridge for expired leftovers to compensate for the calories you have torn away from me.

>> No.4291148


>This Faggotry

>> No.4291159


>What are the main "no-nos" of this board.

Pretty much what this anon did right here:


He took a somewhat amusing and intelligent exchange on a thread which shouldn't have required much more of a response than: "lurk more, /ck/ is relatively forgiving", and resorted to the most cliche, global ad hominem attack on all of 4chan: calling someone a faggot.

OP, simply respond with your honest opinion, try to be amusing and/or informative, and simply don't shit post (as in the above). If you don't know how to do that, simply lurk more. It really isn't that difficult.

>> No.4291193
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/pol/? I'm from /x/, and thought the containment board was /x/.

>> No.4291988
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>> No.4292030

This is one of the boards where you don't miss out on anything at all, ever, if you filter trips.

>> No.4292034


heartsonfire doesn't suck. neither does that baker with the odd name, fuck_flour or something odd like that.