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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4288849 No.4288849 [Reply] [Original]

So my roommate just filled the freezer with frozen white castle burgers and the pantry with 20+ cans of shit tier chili which he bought at a >200% markup. What is the best way to murder him and get away with it?

>> No.4288852

>getting upset at how your roommate spends his money

>> No.4288856

It's not about the money, it's about filling the common space with literal canned/frozen shit and the fact that I'm living with someone who has an IQ less than 50.

>> No.4288871

Also, making the place smell like vomit when he heats that shit up in the microwave.

>> No.4288876

>getting upset about what foods your roommate uses to occupy kitchen space with

Imagine what he thinks about you?

>> No.4288878

>complaining about stupid shit

you're that roommate that nobody wants to live with. your roommate probably did this specifically to piss you off.

>> No.4288882

He's too busy hangin with his YOLOSWAG bros to think much about anything.

>> No.4288885

>you're that roommate that nobody wants to live with.
This. No wonder OP isn't living with friends, he pushes everyone away with his abrasive nosiness and feigned Asperger's rage at everything.

>> No.4288892

Sounds like he is a social, immature young person who actually enjoys his life. You, on the other hand, are that creepy guy in the corner gnashing his teeth about how other people live their lives but don't have the balls to speak up.

You came to the wrong place for pity, friend-o.

>> No.4288898

It's not about the stupid things he does with his life, it's about the stupid things he does with his life in the common spaces.

>> No.4288904

>20+ cans of shit tier chili which he bought at a 200% markup
>I'm living with someone who has an IQ less than 50.
>He's too busy hangin with his YOLOSWAG bros to think much about anything.

>it's about the stupid things he does with his life in the common spaces.

Sure bro, sure. Start a roommate from hell blog as a crybabby outlet.

>> No.4288903

news for you: your roommates are always going to do shit you don't like. cant take it? live by yourself. your roommate would probably be better off for it.

>> No.4288909

This thread is like bizarro-4chan.

>> No.4288907

I'm already moving into a smaller place next year that I can have to myself. Can't wait.

>> No.4288912

How so?

>> No.4288915

Holy shit I'd hate to have a roommate that cries to the internet like a little faggot about what I spend my money on.

>> No.4288916

normal people telling some asspie to stop complaining rather than a bunch of asspies sympathizing and telling shitty roommate stories

>> No.4288918

Eh, I've seen this sort of thread go either way. It really just depends on whether the people online right now are the judgemental hypocrite faggots, or the asspie asocial faggots.

>> No.4288919

This is true.

>> No.4288939

lol you sound like a bitch OP

>> No.4288944

>filling the freezer and pantry with anything
>stinking up the apartment with shit tier food smell
Dick move.
>complaining about it on 4chan
>not telling him how you feel about his actions
Beta move.
>Judging his IQ by his shit taste in food
Condescending move.

My roommates leave dishes unwashed and play their music too loud when I'm trying to sleep. Also they don't buy groceries as much as is fair.

>> No.4288950

>sharing grocery items with roommates.

made that mistake, never again. my food is mine and if you want some, you can pay up for it. household supplies like paper towels are another story, but i can't stand when i've got food i want to eat, and some asshole gets it before me.

>> No.4288953

It's not all of them, just the main staples like bread and milk. They seem to think I'm ok with them eating my eggs and cheese. Fucking commies, guess I'm the one who needs to stop being so beta.

>> No.4288974

>murder him and get away with it
Just make burgers out of him!

Use a combination of the rump, thigh, and bicep for juicy flavorful roommate patties. Triple ground works best, especially if he's an online gamer, or movie buff. If he lifts a ton, and eats healthy (ha!) then stick to the torso meat, the rest will be too stringy.

Anything you don't use, just pull up behind your local ethnic restaurant (or IKEA) and sell. Use the profit to buy buns.

There, both your problems solved in one fell swoop!

>> No.4288975

>Im gonna be all alone soon!
>Can't wait!


c'mon Op.

>> No.4288980


true that

>> No.4288987

>not doing your grocery shopping together
>split the price
>eat in harmony

>> No.4288989

maybe if you live with your parents.

>> No.4289002

Try it out sometime with your roommates, it actually works. Well, assuming you don't live with a complete retard that you can't get along with anyways.

>> No.4289014

I tried it once, then I realized what an idiot he is. He spent over $100 and bought just about nothing but shit. Frozen food, chips, soda, a can of CHEEZ WHIZ?! I'd never seen him eat cheez whiz once. I ended up throwing it out when we moved out.

Most young people are complete retards.

>> No.4289017

with that diet he should die sonn enough anyway

>> No.4289018

i've lived with plenty of roommates. never had problems getting along with them, but buying groceries together always leads to one or two people eating 80% of the food, then paying the same amount of money as everyone else. not worth it. i don't complain about roommates, but less independence from them is asking for conflict. another thing is dishes. it's never anyone's turn to do the fucking dishes if everyone buys/cooks/eats together.

>> No.4289028

This is why I stay away from University campuses because all they do is whine about this shit. Hey so and so man my roomate what a bitch she is such urgggh she did this and that.

>> No.4289047
File: 147 KB, 500x375, tumblr_lg1ysqfW4L1qg92i4o1_500[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u mad op?

>> No.4289111
File: 83 KB, 1006x921, 1334493638352.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>complaining about room mates
>not just sighing and accepting behavior that you think is annoying but in reality just is a small deal

That's how I deal with it. And I get along with my room mates very well. Sometimes I share my cooked food with them and they invite me for weed. It works.

>> No.4289118

>white castle burgers
Enjoy the putrid stench of vomit and cow shit when he heats those things up. I remember my mom buying those for me when I was a kid and they smelled awful.

>> No.4289154

>getting mad about frozen whitecastles

Empty the boxes, and then throw the boxes out. It doesn't take much space then.

>> No.4289225
File: 6 KB, 210x229, 1340817910516.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

beautiful isnt it?

i think those two groups are one in the same

>> No.4289242

Two sides of the same coin, I think of it as.