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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 124 KB, 400x300, guinness-black-lager.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4288725 No.4288725 [Reply] [Original]

>it's easy to drink

>> No.4288745


>taste like cat piss
>massive hangover
>muddy shits
>marketed to hipsters
>feels like lead in stomach
>worst beer ever?

>> No.4288786

>soy sauce beer

>> No.4288896

Fucking hell - I thought regular pub guinness is just a black lager - compared to the original stuff we had back in the 1980's made from Liffey water and unpasteurised - and much more roast barley flavour than you get nowadays that the marketing team have watered the stuff down.

Guinness is just a brand now.

>> No.4288928

>compared to the original stuff we had back in the 1980's

fuck off grandpa

>> No.4288930
File: 24 KB, 273x300, guinnessflop.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

yes it is- I dont like the beer but I bought these bc they have a bottle opener and were on clearance for $ 4

>> No.4288951


Guinness is an ale.

>> No.4288955

No its not. Pleb

>> No.4288960

No, it's really not.

>> No.4288986


Fraid so kids.

Black lager is a different beer, mind.

>> No.4288993

how are you going to use that as a bottle opener you are going to have a dirty half beer

>> No.4288995
File: 136 KB, 721x540, GuinnessForeignExtraStout016.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


You can still get that stuff, or, close.
Guinness extra stout
Guinness foreign extra stout

>> No.4289007

>American detected
Yes black Larger is a different beer, its a larger made by Guinness.
Guinness , as in normal guinness is not a fucking ale you actual pleb.

>> No.4289012
File: 118 KB, 640x360, beerpop2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you take it off to open the beer. I only used it once and it sucked but sometimes I don't have an opener. If i'm at someone elses house i stick it in a drawer handle and scratch their cabinets up.

>> No.4289019

Yes, right up until they need their help winning a war.

>> No.4289015


Maybe you shouldn't call people plebs.

>> No.4289016
File: 979 KB, 400x316, 1360430243883.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you got a problem with americans?

>> No.4289022

Yes a spelling mistake is the same as having a drink in the completely wrong category

>> No.4289024

But Ireland is neutral, what war would they want American help with?

>> No.4289031
File: 86 KB, 960x720, 527038_299516226808999_146314438795846_626870_1788116350_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Then fuck you, no american semen for you europoorfag or whatever.

>> No.4289035

ITT beer hipsters

>> No.4289036

Spelling lager, "larger" twice in the same post is not a spelling mistake, it is retarded.

Do you go around calling them, "larger beers"? hahahaha

>> No.4289043

Guinness is a stout

Guinness' Black Lager is a lager

> Plebeians are disproved of on this image board, please return to facebook and annoy people you actually know

>> No.4289038
File: 48 KB, 345x420, mr-t-i-pity-the-foo-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I pity the foo who dont drink American slightly alcoholic yellow water

>> No.4289174

hehehe - not a grandpa - but at least I could drink Guinness when I was 14. Hahahaha. LEGALLY!

Fucking Ameritard. Most of you are grandpas when you get to 21 anyway. Niggerz.

>> No.4289187

Guinness is disgusting, as are all dark beers.

>> No.4289192

Ok, as a homebrewer, the only way that Guinness can call it a black lager is if they use a bottom fermenting yeast. All lagers are bottom fermented.

All ales, bitters, and stouts use top fermenting yeasts. Indeed the Guinness strain of yeast is one of the best top fermenters - I have brewed many an ale from a bottle of unpasteurised Guinness stout from the local pub. It's no use using the bottles from supermarkets or offies as they are all non-returnable and pasteurised.

TL;DR - Guinness Lager is just Harp with food colouring.

>> No.4289198

>Get us a larger
Is what we ask for in the uk

>> No.4289200

Regular Bud Light is the best.

>> No.4289210

You still spell it Lager.

>> No.4289216



Everyone else got told.

>> No.4289219

I fucking love Buttwiper - all that rice. And fucking beechwood shavings or whatever shit the amerifats like in their "lager". No alcohol though - Mormons drink Buttwiper.