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File: 9 KB, 260x170, 76088-Ruths_Chris_Steak_House_logo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4288661 No.4288661 [Reply] [Original]

Any of you faggots ever eat a steak from Ruth's Chris? Probably not, since you live in your parents basement and cannot afford a $50 steak. Well they're really fucking good, the best of the chains for sure. And don't start with the "oh, I can make a better steak than theirs with my ghetto T-Fal pan and some kosher salt" because you're full of shit.

>> No.4288665

How much do they pay you to shitpost?
Also, Weber Grill is way better.
Eat shit.

>> No.4288676

>he thinks $50 for a steak is expensive

Nigga you aint lived until you supped on a $120 white truffle milk-fed veal loin at a private tasting dinner with a Michelin-starred restaurateur. And that was just ONE of the courses, don't get me started on the caviar.

>> No.4288702

I don't think I'd chance a meal in Ruth's Chris. I don't trust chain restaurants, having never had a noteworthy meal in one.

My benchmark steaks are Keen's and Peter Luger's. And as delicious as their steaks are I almost never hit steakhouses anymore. Because for steakhouse money I can usually find something more interesting and tastier to eat.

As great as dry aged beef is, I've come to the conclusion that steakhouses mainly exist to separate unimaginative businessmen from their expense account dollars.

>> No.4288770

I like Ruth's food but I hate all the other stuff. They put a really nice sear on the steaks and when I go it's usually with a large group (6-8) and in all my years I or my companions have never been served an incorrectly cooked steak. Damn good lobster soup too. Don't waste $ on the sides and salads. Go there for a perfect steak. Not to pay $12 for a bland bowl of greens.

It does have some drawbacks... They seem to go out of their way to not seem snobby, but I think they go a bit too far. I don't want to see some cunt's feet because she's wearing flip flops. Being a "poor man's 5 star" they attract some shadey looking customers. They least they could do it wear something other than t-shirts. They also hire townies as servers and though they seem trained on the menu, they have a whole entourage of teenage kids doing all the lifting/carrying/bussing (all work basically). They spend their time doing god knows what and you can never find them. For the amount of tips they make I would like to see them more than 3 times in the course of a 2 hour dinner.

Its also quite loud. They really pack your ass in there tight. I typically will not eat at places with that kind of open seating. Fatties rubbing their ass on your should while taking a shortcut to the toilet.

>> No.4288796

>flip flops

when i went to the one in Tampa Bay, FL, they were all in uniform (white shirt/black pants/black shoes), and the shittiest customers were the small children of rich kids. also got great service. that's an issue with chains i guess, not all locations follow the same standards.

my opinion on this place is that it's decent. i was a much bigger fan of the Palm restaurant, as i got a very entertaining italian man explaining menu items with great gusto. also carrying around a gigantic lobster whenever someone requested lobster. and the steak was better too.

>> No.4288828

>Expects people to be impressed by the fact that he paid a bunch of money to be fed bait.
Yessir, city slickers sure are a funny bunch.

>> No.4288890

Y'all some retards, no one cares if you waste your money.

>> No.4288897

>OP's parents took him to a more expensive *franchise* steak house for the first time and he wants to tell us about it

>> No.4288900

if you ever grow up and get a "real" job, you might even be lucky enough to get one that "reimburses" your "expenses". now considering they only reimburse what you spend (and can justify), wouldnt it make sense to spend the money somewhere expensive and fancy? or would you just stuff your face with mcdonalds because you have no taste in food to speak of.

>> No.4288910

>being this upset and saging

>> No.4288913

>oh shit that guy was right
>better call him upset

sage because you know, off topic

>> No.4288926

As I said here
I think expense accounts are the only reason steakhouses stay in business. Those spending their own dollars can do better than a steakhouse when dining out.

>> No.4288942


I haven't been to Ruth's but I've been to a few other expense account chains and they're really not bad at all when you're stuck in some shit hole in the Midwest or the South. I mean yeah if you have the time to research your trip in advance and have the schedule to accommodate the local renowned indie place, great, but if you think this kind of thing is competing with that and not McDonald's/the olive garden, you're confused. it's fast food for the per diem crowd and at that it excels. have fun with your pie in the sky ideals of business travel.

>> No.4288946

i'm no disagreeing that there are better options, but people aren't wasting their money if they go to this particular steak house. if they enjoy the food (which is cheaper than a top tier steakhouse, for the record), then the money was not wasted.

>> No.4288957

>Implying that what businessman do even approaches work.
>Implying that they add any value to the world.
Let me guess, you drank the kool-aid and had daddy buy you a biz degree, and now you're mad that you can't find a job, yes? Shoulda gone STEM champ. Better luck in the next life.

>> No.4288971

Engineering degree jackass. and the funny part about your post is that i have a family member who is an electrical engineer, and has an expense account.

>> No.4288978

>Community college, undecided major. I heard that this one guy had an expense account

FTFY Bro, no need to thank me.

>> No.4288979

>Engineering degree
Like he said, good luck finding a job.

>> No.4288985


>high demand for employees

what is, liberal arts. anyone who's not too scared to talk to people (all you condescinding, whiny people) will have no issues getting a job with a degree in a major that's in high demand.

>> No.4288988

ITT: more expensive = better

Ruth's Chris is overpriced as fuck. You can go to all sorts of local joints in NYC, Chicago, or any major city really that can do a better piece of meat at a lower price.

I'm not saying RC steak is bad, it's damn good, but it's also where you go when someone else is paying (as people previously said, expense accounts). The only other people who go here are middle-class guys trying REALLY hard to impress a woman.

At the end of the day, it's a fucking chain. People who think it's amazing are like people who think Red Lobster is amazing, but with slightly higher incomes.

>> No.4288991

The one near me is full of wannabe rappers, fucking high school basketball fags, and drunk housewives trying to cheat on their husbands with the first two groups. Would never set foot in that shithole again. I'll go to a real restaurant with a competent chef, who actually knows how to cook a steak medium rare, and let it rest before serving.

>> No.4288999

I'm an engineering student at a top 20 university, come at me.

>> No.4289009

right, it's such a good school that you can't be bothered to name it. Who do you think you're kidding. Quick, tell us how it's "tier 1" now.

>> No.4289013

Why would I divulge personal information about myself? All you have to know is it is in the top 20 and I'll be rolling in cash in 5 years.

>> No.4289025


>giving the name of a university is "personal information"

Sure thing brah. You done googling top tier schools yet?

>> No.4289026
File: 53 KB, 500x500, reagan.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>confirmed for community college
Right...personal information. Based on the school you go to. Because, of thousands of students, we'd be able to figure out who you are. Makes perfect sense. Again, who do you think you're kidding?

>> No.4289041

aaand now he's gone call us poorfags and tell us we're projecting.

C'mon champ, don't let us down!

>> No.4289055

I went to a RC in Vegas and had a good time. We all joked around that their steak fries could be used for killing vampires. Literally a whole potato cut into quarters lengthwise.

>> No.4289066


Sean Hannity? Is that you?

>> No.4289082

I just eat what I like and don't make a big deal out of it.

Jeez, guys,

>> No.4289087

OP's statement sounds like it could easily fit into the "My name is John and I have every single one of you" pasta.

>> No.4289588

>bragging about how much you pay for food