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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 38 KB, 550x361, salted melon.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4280379 No.4280379 [Reply] [Original]

Just tried salted watermelon.

Holy fuck what have I been missing all these years.

>> No.4280394

Welcome to the bright side of life, OP.

>> No.4280439

>salt on fruit
Wait a sec are you trying to cheat me again?
I'll try to keep this in mind the next time I have watermelon

>> No.4280445


>> No.4280450
File: 28 KB, 429x399, 1357430805165.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pineapple. Try it on pineapple.

>Buy whole Pineapple
>remove peel
>remove core
>slice into cubes or something
>very large bowl of very cold water.
>salt. maybe the size of a die
>add pineapple
>wait 30 minutes

This will remove all tartness and leave you with really sweet pineapple.

>> No.4280452
File: 68 KB, 540x405, 2011_04_11-vanillasalt.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try vanilla salt, Better yet, high heat on a grille, and salt the watermelon with vanilla salt, give it a quick sear on the grille, that caramelized salty goodness..

>> No.4280454

Where I'm from, not only do we lightly salt watermelon, but we eat it with a little olive oil, too. I mean, this isn't the norm, but is /is/ an option.
Some people even peel the green part from the rind and pickle it in vinegar after the sweet red flesh has been eaten.

>> No.4280455

I'm not too big on watermelon, but salt is really great on cantaloupe.

>> No.4280508

isn't cantaloupe just another word for rockmelon?

>> No.4280515

I made a shit ton of watermelon pickles last year. I made some sweet and some spicy. Fucking delicious.

>> No.4280523

>salted lemon soda
>salted plum soda
>salty black licorice

oh god my blood pressure can't take it.

>> No.4280528

know ur melons melon farmer

>> No.4280529

Salt on a granny smith apple is great also. And rhubarb.

And caramels.

>> No.4280557

When I got sent on a work assignment to small-town Texas, I saw locals putting salt + pepper on melon.

I tried it and it wasn't that bad. IMO, the best tasting melon with the salt/pepper combo was honeydew.

>> No.4280567

Salt and tomatoes go well together too. Even shit store bought tomatoes.

>> No.4280579
File: 83 KB, 326x356, HPL_cropped.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you trying to trick me?

>> No.4280704

you have no idea. That is one of my favorite snacks ever. To bring it to god tier, Lucas, the mexican chili powder candy on some of that shit... my mouth just exploded saliva all over

>> No.4281086

One summer I was tree planting and my water bottles broke when I got out of the helicopter. I was delirious all day, could not stop thinking about water, and had a crazy headache. When I got back to camp they had watermelon. I put salt on it to replenish electrolytes and it was *AMAZING*.

Since then it has been a summer treat.

>> No.4281093

heres another one

When you're heating up oil in a deep fryer and dont know how hot is and want to know all you have to do is throw some ice in, if it melts in less than 2 seconds its good to go

>> No.4281107

I should try this. I'm not fond of melons because they taste too sweet to me.

>> No.4281113

When I was a kid I used to grab a tomato and a salt shaker and just take a bite, sprinkle a bit and repeat.

>> No.4281122

I hope the next time you go to a friend's house, they pour hot oil in you when you reach the front door as a medieval practical joke.

>> No.4281126
File: 90 KB, 500x375, crystals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I threw ice in my deep fryer and it came out looking like this

>> No.4281141

these are malicious liars

>> No.4281212

this... so much this. my mom had tomato plants in the back yard i would go out with a salt shaker and a hose and go to town.

>> No.4281217

troll harder only a moron would do this.

>> No.4281227
File: 8 KB, 220x229, imagesCA9KK1RA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

go back to /b/

>> No.4281258
File: 62 KB, 500x669, cake501.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

not trying to trick anyone.

Here: If the Chinese say it's true, then it's true, right?

english POINT peopledaily POINT com POINT cn/90782/7905258.html

>> No.4281308

People used to make fun of me for doing this. I am glad I am not the only one who thought it was delicious.

>> No.4281314

Where do you tree plant that it requires using a helicopter? I need to know. Tell us everything.

>> No.4281320

GPOY every summer

>> No.4281488

muh watermelon

Are you a nigger, OP?

>> No.4281510
File: 537 KB, 1280x960, ohshitmmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4281528

God damn, melon flavored anything is awesome. I wish it was a more prominent flavor in drinks in the U.S.

>> No.4281540

Watermelon is my favourite hangover cure in the summer. I could murder one right now.

>> No.4281619

Congratulations on discovering the taste combination "sweet and salty"

Make another thread when you discover "sweet and sour"

>> No.4281626

Holy shit nice GET

>> No.4281649

Dubs are not a get and nothing was witty or interesting in the comment.

>> No.4281652

Not the dubs you tard

>> No.4281661

>Implying that wasn't the date of pretty much the god of all things culinary's birthday

>> No.4281688

>billy joel at the beginning, this vid gon b good

>> No.4282068

>Quote some faggot
>Not gets in thread
You seem to be the tard

>> No.4282131

stormfag pls go

>> No.4284427

I tried it and it was fucking horrible.

>> No.4284437

Youve clearly been missing the nectar that is gods schlong... yes, ENJOY IT WHILE YOU CAN

>> No.4284449

British Columbia and Manitoba. Good times.

>> No.4284537
File: 119 KB, 1200x800, double_salt_licorice_298_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


omg I could eat double salted dutch licorice every day for the left of my life

who needs to live past 30 anyway?

>> No.4284718

Secret food combinations thread?

Dip strawberries in balsamic vinegar and then roll them in sugar.

Only way I have them anymore.

>> No.4284725

You can't eat strawberries without sugar?


>> No.4284770
File: 54 KB, 490x586, came2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.4286415


>> No.4286422

This works because salt suppresses bitterness. I read a neurological explanation for this, but can't remember it clearly.

This is why we pair melon with parma ham, or salt green vegetables to make them more palatable.

>> No.4286427

Salted caramel is my delicious.

I had pork with a salted caramel sauce once, thinking it would be terrible.

It was so good, it was savoury enough to compliment the pork, but sweet enough to still have that caramel flavour.

>> No.4286463


Salt is also a flavor enhancer, it makes sweet taste sweeter.

>> No.4286682

Speaking of pickled watermelon, one of my favourite dishes is pork stirfried with pickled watermelon and long-leaf broccoli, finished with oyster sauce. The way Khmer people pickle it, it turns transparent.

>> No.4286851

>go home with mujado primos
>they just put watermellon in mezcal and let it soak
>then we eat it with salt

It's like eating a margarita.

Also salt on tomato all day with queso fresco.

>> No.4286873


That sounds fucking amazing. I gotta do that some time.