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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 22 KB, 335x450, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4276002 No.4276002 [Reply] [Original]

Pizza thread?

>> No.4276014


Though why you posted a picture of a barley recognizable pile of pig feces I don't understand

>> No.4276018

Wow, what a hateful douchebag.

>> No.4276022


Wow, a faggot with no taste.

>> No.4276023

in actuality what has been posted applies more to the poster than to that other guy.

>> No.4276028


As far as I'm concerned, the only real pizza is Italian-style. Fuck Murrikan piles of shit. There are actually some places that use spaghetti sauce and cheddar cheese- it makes me want to kill myself just thinking about it.

>> No.4276029


Fresh mozzarella is on special this week, I'm tempted.

>> No.4276030

anyone else hate pizza that doesn't have any vegetables?

>> No.4276038


I like pepperoni pizza, pizza with just chicken is also good. Bacon. Bacon, onion. Bacon, mushroom and onion. Those have veggies, though. Now that I think about it, pizza without any vegetables is just cheese on bread.


>> No.4276043







>> No.4276052


I'm down. :3

>> No.4276070

Pineapple+ bacon/ham= Hawaiian

One of my guilty pleasures.

>> No.4276072

>neither of those things are hawaiian
>still ended up as hawaiian pizza

This will forever be a mystery to me.

>> No.4276076




No >=(

>> No.4276079

Gross. Way to ruin a good pizza.

>> No.4276089

>letting the Jews guilt you into not fully indulging in your vices
I also like that kind of pizza.

>> No.4276105


>dole plantation is in oahu
>pigs are common at luau's

mystery solved

>> No.4276113


>pineapples are indigenous to south america
>bacon/ham is found fucking everywhere

No, it's still pretty mysterious.

>> No.4276133


I'm telling you why it was named that... americans have been known to embrace stereotypes. boom


>> No.4276181

It's just a fucking name. Calm down. You don't throw a screaming poo-flinging tantrum when you hear the term "New York pizza", do you? Well, maybe you do.

>> No.4276183

I prefer hawain and diabo on a thin crust. American style pizza teastes like shit for me.

>> No.4276518

thai green chicken pizza ftw

>> No.4276571

Neapolitan pizza with tomato sauce, some homemade mozzarella, bacon and lots of olive oil.

Perhaps some sun dried tomatoes, olives or something if I have it available.

>> No.4277186
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Can't let the thread die without one of my pizzas.

>> No.4277187

Seen you post this before. Looks delectable.

>> No.4277193
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It's my favorite so far. I scaled everything up and it came out much better.

I have 8 small doughballs resting in the fridge right now. 3 have started to break out of the bowl though. No idea why they've risen like mad.

>> No.4277243


That pizza looks pretentious as fuck.

>> No.4277249

What does that even mean? :(

>> No.4277255

Cheese and ham is pretentious hipster shit, didn't you know?

>> No.4277256

Don't worry. The AIDS virus destroyed whatever brain he had left after the drug abuse.

>> No.4277260


Yeah, but so what if it is pretentious? That doesn't make it bad.

>> No.4277265

its just fine cut ham, oregano and cheese.

That's all,

>> No.4277273
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Fuck Italian style.

>> No.4277274
File: 1.21 MB, 2779x555, Complete.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No :(

Oh that makes sense.

Capriciossa is my favorite pizza. But all of the mushrooms I've tried end up ruining the pizza, too sloppy. Squeezed out the juices and same thing happens.

>> No.4277277

Please, someone share the thin crust secret with me. Mine always ends up soggy... I'm begging you, /ck/. I can't afford to eat shit pizzas anymore. I need to make dem delicious thin crusties on my own. What do? Please guide me...

>> No.4277287
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This is how my dough looks like before I apply stuff.

I pull it so I can see through it against a lamp, imagine you're making a giant windowpaning.

Pizza stone and preheating for at least 30min is the other "secret".

>> No.4277333

The best pizza is a nice thin crispy crust, flavoursome tomato sauce with a hint of spice, not too much cheese, and well-seasoned and appropriately sized.

Like this beautiful looking thing:
Seriously that is a good pizza

>> No.4277336

High protein flour for gluten. I make mozzarella and use the leftover whey for extra protein whenever I make pizza.

Let it rest in a cold place, preferrably over the night and even two days. Slice into the sice you want, I use 300g dough for each pizza.

Let it rest in room temperature for a hour or two before starting to stretch it on a floured surface. You just gotta work the dough, it can take some time before you get used to it.

Then when dough is proper, add fillings of your preferrance and put in a maxed out oven on a pizza stone.

Before I got a stone I used a oven pan turned upside down and the oven on 300 degree celsius, it did the job, but a pizza stone is even better.

You can watch the Good Eats episode on Pizza, it goes through the basics and as me you can add your own tweaks to further improve it as you get the hang of it:

>> No.4277339

Oh, and I use sourdough instead of yeast, but ordinary yeast will do the job as well.

>> No.4277352

>stop liking what I HAET

Both of you shut the fuck up.

>> No.4277356
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How about putting walnuts on them?

>> No.4279978

OP's pizza looks god-tier. Thick and heavy like it should be, none of that thin crust faggotry.

>> No.4280028

The italians make the shit pizzas, french and swiss pizza is far superior

>> No.4280201
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>> No.4280276

Are they not entitled to an opinion?
You're just as bad as them.

>> No.4280291

It's not simply about an opinion.

It's not about liking something. They both are clearly hating something. I don't even know why people talk about "hating" any food. Why would someone hate food?! Don't want it? Then don't buy it, and never eat it.

And either of their posts could derail a thread into our all too familiar COUNTRY eWARZ. We don't need it. Also, fuck you.

>> No.4280313

Needs more onions and some garlic

>> No.4280334
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mhmm, cheese.

>> No.4280366
File: 572 KB, 1500x1125, DSC00135.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

pizza I made with a fuck ton of onions under the cheese

this shit was so good I wish I had some now

>> No.4280398

>See this thread
>Makes me want pizza
>Order some online
>The site defaults to pick up rather than delivery
>I now have to leave my house to go pick up pizza

My night is ruined because of you, OP.

>> No.4280399

The crust looks foul.

>> No.4280411

I think it was wheat from stop and shop or trader joes

>> No.4280424

All pizza crusts are wheat, unless it's some gluten free faggotry.

>> No.4280459

There's this place in Southern California somewhere near El Cajon that sells AWESOME pizza. You can get a pizza the size of a table you'd see at a Jack in the Bax for the cost of a large at Pizza Hut. Best part is that it's thin crust and they'll put anything you want on it if you provide it.

>> No.4280472

well I guess this was one of the brown wheat ones

>> No.4280474


Pineapple-Jalapeno is god tier

>> No.4280485

What's the best Gluten Free pizza available?

>> No.4281969

Best pizza in this thread

>> No.4281971 [DELETED] 

Assuming you mean whole wheat
Well they fucked up.
I've made pizza crust using whole wheat before when I was nearly completely new to making pizzas and even my Dad said the crust tasted good when he tried it.

>> No.4281973

Is a bolognese pizza a good idea?

>> No.4281975

Are you kidding me?
It looks really bad. The cheese looks way too greasy, the crust is too thick around the edges considering it looks like there's barely any in the center. It also looks kind of hard. I imagine this is the kind of pizza you'd get from take-out. Don't get me wrong I like that kind of pizza but I wouldn't want it if I was making it myself.
This looks a lot better though

>> No.4281992

Is there a good subsitute for cheese if i'm lactose intolerant? I don't want it to taste like cheese but I do want it to glue the ingredients to the top of the base in the same way

>> No.4281997


>> No.4282007
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you owe me a monitor!! i just spit milk all over it!

>> No.4282019

yes well i suppose i should have seen that coming

>> No.4282042
File: 1.37 MB, 2183x3000, 1358128412785.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

hey friendo. i know it's asking a lot, but do you think you'd be willing to share your dough recipe & instructions?

it'll stay safe. just looking for a good one. trying to keep busy and make delicious things.

>> No.4282084

You mean semen?

>> No.4284506

A dough like the ones in those pictures is probably something along the lines of: 100% flour, 73% water (maybe less, maybe more), 3% salt, 0.2-1% yeast.

>> No.4284990


i literally laughed for ten minutes!!! stop it!!!!

>> No.4285129

>no cooking naked

This is very good advice

>> No.4285153


amazing chef here. To avoid any issues with mushrooms i recommend button mushrooms, and to slice them thinly and make sure none are below cheese. Alot of moisture in mushrooms, it needs to escape! I dont normally post here just read but to think someone is missing out on mushrooms for such a silly problem... argh

>> No.4285159


amazing chef here. Yes. As it turns out, goats milk is lactose free, and they make cheese out of it! its not quite the same as mozeralla but you can find some good soft ones that make a decent replacement. More than decent if you havnt had pizza for years! haha. Explore and look around, research.. goats cheese is great for lactose intolerance, i have tried a couple times and it tastes good and is very healthy for you.

>> No.4285177

I made pizza last night. My gf always does the crust and I make the tomato sauce.

Toppings: lots of thinly sliced garlic, sliced Spanish onion, marinated artichoke, chopped kalmata olives (not the canned kind, hate those), and fried and diced prosciutto.

Cheese is key. I only learned last year the joys of buffalo mozzarella, or at least a good mozzarella in general. It makes *such* a difference from the generic rubbery shit kind, I can't stress that enough.

>> No.4285187

I find chanterelles are excellent on pizza.

>> No.4285191
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>> No.4285201

This looks like a car crash

>> No.4285252

never heard of this being used on pizza.. sounds.. amazing ^_^ damn i really want mushroom pizza now/

>> No.4285263
File: 94 KB, 901x508, HwyXJIQ.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sauce: Peeled tomatoes, garlic, oregano, apple cider vinegar

Left one is just cheese baked in cast iron, the right has various peppers, onions, and oyster mushrooms

>> No.4285307

doesnt look very pretty, but it looks tasty.