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File: 33 KB, 450x321, stock-photo-young-female-with-diabetes-patient-make-a-subcutaneous-injection-by-single-use-syringe-with-needle-67941334.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4274846 No.4274846 [Reply] [Original]

any insulin dependent diabetics on the board? If so, what is your diet like? how do you keep your blood sugar in check?

>> No.4274899


>> No.4274918

My mom has had it. She cut out excessively fatty meat cuts and stopped eating cheese and the obvious things like candy and soda. If you're a real fatty you can eat Russell stoversugar free stuff. Also drink only water none of that "oh ill just drink tea instead of soda its healthier! " no because you'll add a shit load of sugar or honey to sweeten it. And if you wake up with high levels DO NOT EAT A MEAL eat something like a handful of grapes or 1/4 of an orange. Wait and it should go down. I've seen plenty of her friends die and go into shock because they keep going with their shitty lifestyle. Remember you ARE diabetic, don't keep going with bad habits and read labels if it uses glucose in that fancy dark chocolate truffle from fuckmeartisianchocolatehouse then you're gonna shoot up to 500's just be conscious and you'll be fine

>> No.4274922

>>he thinks people always add sugar to tea
Nigga i'll cut you.

>> No.4274931

>no because you'll add a shit load of sugar or honey to sweeten it
Are you talking to a retard? Tea doesn't need sugar and I'm pretty sure a diabetic person is aware that adding sugar to tea will make them consume sugar.

>> No.4274933

Sorry Im fromTexas
There is no Unsweet tea here

>> No.4274953

You'd be surprised the shit I've heard from diabetics. Im also talking about only type 2 diabetics I don't know about type 1, most of the people I've encountered are middle aged people they feign helplessness and keep their bad habits of 20 packets of splenda in their tea and wonder why they wake up with blood sugar reading 300

>> No.4274963

No I am not fat

>> No.4275103

childhood onset diabetics (type I) are often not over weight.

>> No.4275109

I used to have a friend in middle school with type 1 diabetes, his birthday was also on September 11th, he had a charmed life.

>> No.4275133

I had a boyfriend for 7 years who required insulin shots, who did not cook for himself. Not ever.
So, my general shopping method was built around always having a carbohydrate with the meal, whether it was bread, pasta, potato, etc. There was always easily accessible fruit or fruit cups, juice, fruit/granola snacks in case he went low. The real challenge was including these things just enough to not get fat, because you could easily over do it.

>> No.4275139

>Boyfriend is diabetic
>Gives him carbs


>> No.4275142

He wasn't type 2. Durr.

>> No.4275349


I concur.

>> No.4275449

>I had a boyfriend for 7 years
so did you kill him with your shitty, obsessively overbearing coddling or did you dump him because you got sick of taking care of an adult baby?

>> No.4275602

Type 1 diabetic here. Had it since I was 7. I'm 21 now

I think I have the same diet as everybody, except that I can't into cakes.

I eat whatever I want and I take 1 unit of insulin per 10g carbohydrates.

>> No.4275668

i am a type one diabetic (insulin dependent) and my diet consists of whatever the fuck i want and my levels stay between 95 and 150

>> No.4275680

Type 1 here, my diet consists of carbs with every meals (Usually grain bread or brown rice) and I eat chili for dinner all the time and salad sandwiches for lunch, lucky I didn't get it to 24 and I was never a fan of sweets (the only thing I miss are squishys :( )

I'm also an alcoholic that rarely checks his levels, but my endocronologist says my levels are where they are suppose to be in my 6 monthly check up, he just wants me to quit smoking

I'll be dead before I'm 50!

>> No.4277680

All you diabetics just need to start jogging and it will go away


>> No.4277713

>managing Type 1 with exercise
> thinking that even type 2 goes away with exercise

Nope, not even once

>> No.4277729

Type 1 diabetes was once known as juvenile diabetes because it's usually diagnosed in children and young adults. About 5% to 10% of all people with diabetes have this type, which is not reversible because the person's pancreas is not producing insulin at all.

You can jog all you want, you aren't going to get rid of type I diabetes.

>> No.4277764
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>> No.4277830

I eat whatever I want and adjust my insulin accordingly, I hear it's a lot different for type 2's

>> No.4277831

keep your horrible cancer memeshit to yourself, please

>> No.4277844

Oh god, stop.

>> No.4277846

Your jimmies russeled?

>> No.4277877

Should've laid off the sweets.

>> No.4277909

Shoulda specified whether you were Type 1 or 2, OP. Very different.

>> No.4278023

Had a double whopper with large fries and diet coke, and 2 McChickens with the bottom bun removed to combine into double mcchicken.

>> No.4278053
File: 309 KB, 1040x1450, Fit Diet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

do this. Cured.

>> No.4278060

I like that your diet allows for a little saturated fat.
Most people assume it is really unhealthy. You did good. Proud of you anon. good job!

>> No.4278062

After years of dealing with people who seem to actually think this I've given in and just decided it has to be trolling, no one could actually be that retarded. Next he'll tell us that you can't get cancer if you only eat raw vegetables.

>> No.4278124

Oh hey, I read this comment yesterday but didn't bother to open the thread. I was wondering for a good while what the context was.

And now I know.

>> No.4278127
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I work at a pharmacy, and I could go on for hours about this.

I'll try not to do that. Rather, here's an anecdote: The other day a man bought his diabetes medicine (insulin, needles, test strips, metformin, etc) as well as an entire case of candy bars. You know how the big candy bars in stores are sold individually, but they're all stored in the aisle in a large cardboard box? He took the ENTIRE CARDBOARD BOX. I had to try so hard not to call him out on this. Fat bastard.

>> No.4278134

Last night I woke up in a sweat. My BCG was 40. I ate two bananas and a cheese sandwich to get it up to 115. Insulin is dangerous. I'm on Lantus. Very difficult to regulate. I want to use a PRN insulin. I also want to kill my fucking doctor for not letting me. Exercise and diet fluctuate Lantus' affects. VERY DANGEROUS!

I'm damn near ready to choke that fucking VA doctor.

>> No.4278161

I'm using Lantus, have done for years, you need to eat something before going to bed ya dingus!

Also use Novorapid

It's not dangerous if you have an IQ above 65

>> No.4278172

>PRN insulin
You're a pathetic type 2 diabetic, gtfo

>> No.4278179

Go shovel your driveway, do 3 sets of curls then tell me how my dose of Lantus is the same as last night sitting on the couch watching Family Guy.

Adjust that IQ setting, junior.

>> No.4278187

I used to live with a diabetic type 1 guy. He'd try to keep his sugar levels real low so as not to damage his body but he'd keep zoning out and turning into a crazed retard. Also, would wait until real low and then eat a tub of icecream. He didn't have an inch of fat on him and was strong as an ox but it was scary being around him sometimes.

>> No.4278194

I bet he's dead now.

>> No.4278203

I don't think he is but I wouldn't be surprised if he doesn't live to 50.

>> No.4278390


Type 1 here,

Continuous hypoglycemia can actually lead to permanent brain damage. Behind O2, glucose is the second most needed substance for the brain to operate normally. That's why a person with low blood sugar will appear drunk or not act right. It's also the reason your friend is batshit insane.

>> No.4278424

He dumped me and moved back in with his parents. Besides wasting years of my life, no fucks were given because it was like taking care of a child.
Got home from working all day, he's passed out because he's low. Feed him or he'll die. Every day.

>> No.4278439

I got drunk once, went into a hyperglycemic episode, slapped the shit out of this chick I was drinking with, got charged with assault, turned up to court "oh you're a diabetic? case dismissed"


But seriously I was out of my mind though, I told the cops that she drugged me, that's what it felt like

>> No.4278443

That doesn't sound like a normal diabetic, if he's passed out it's probably because his sugars are running high, no wonder he dumped your fat ass

>> No.4280774

ITT: beetus

>> No.4282033

I'm on levemir which is basically lantus but produced by the guys who do novorapid, these american sugar measurements confuse the fuck out of me so I'm not sure how low that is but of course exercise and diet will change your sugar what are you retarded.

>> No.4282036

Of course it's the same you moron your basal level shouldn't need adjusting it just maintains your sugars at a constant level, if anything it means your rapid bolus was too high. Unless you're the filthy type 2 under race.

>> No.4282543

Another Type 1 Reporting in.

Im on Novorapid on Levelmir too, my diet is just like everyones, i adjust my Insulin dosage to my current situation depending on sports,weather etcetcetcetc. Levels are on 80-130maximum (not PP), my last HbA1c was 5.7.
Im gonna Eat Pizza tonight

>inb4 i don't know Pizza has alot of proteins and i have to take an additional Dosage in about 3 Hours

>> No.4282551

Haha, no need to adjust Basal dosage.
Good one mate

>> No.4282602

i dont give a fuck i just make sure i dont drink anything with sugar on it so i stick to water and diet beverages.
all i do is calculate the amount of insulin i need based on what i eat.
im going to start a diet though and i completely removed grains from it.

>> No.4282606
File: 48 KB, 720x960, 544416_10151254755431863_639435504_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

call the cops i dont give a fuck