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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 420 KB, 600x702, Lobster Tail 1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4272954 No.4272954 [Reply] [Original]

Lobsters are goddamn insects. Shrims too. Oysters might as well be big old boogers. Why would someone eat this shit? how is this gourmet?! You know what's related to Lobster and Crabs? Centipedes. Scorpions. Spiders. COCKROACHES. Seafood - or at least these "delicacies" are fucking disgusting. So what's you excuse for eating giant ocean spiders?

>> No.4272959

They taste great when cooked well.

>> No.4272961

get the fuck out you picky eater manbaby

>> No.4272962
File: 34 KB, 566x480, bookdog.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Lobsters are delicious
Shrimp are Delicious
Crabs are delicious
I agree on the oysters

regardless, they are only related by being arthopods, and n some of those cases arachnids. You're a fucking moron. Lobsters and Crabs are not insects.

>> No.4272968

You are just butthurt that you now know you're ingesting sea centipede, faggots

>> No.4272975

I declare the fail troll thread of the day

>blast techno

>> No.4272976
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>> No.4272982
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Whats the problem.

>> No.4272984
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lol, y'all niggas funny. I'm not the one eating something that eats shit and is basically a roach

>> No.4272985

fun fact: lobsters used to be only consumed by the poor and helpless.

It was even considered cruel and unusual punishment if prisoners were forced to eat it more than once a week

>> No.4272987

When I eat crustaceans, I don't eat their whole bodies. They're cleaned, too.

Insects are eaten whole. That idea repulses me, which is why I don't eat them.

>> No.4272992

If centipedes, spiders, scorpions and cockroaches tasted good I would eat them to.

>> No.4272993

I'm curious how it became such a "fancy food", honestly. I enjoy lobster and crab a lot, but I know its origins and it doesn't make sense how much its status has changed.

>> No.4272994

According to Andrew Zimmern, lobsters were once fed to prisoners because it was considered one of the lowest of the low kinds of foods you could feed a person. Not sure how that transitioned into it suddenly becoming a delicious food to upper class people.

Kinda like how black slaves were fed the scrap parts of animals. Now suddenly chitterlings, gizzards, pig feet, ham hawks, etc, are considered mainstream items to eat now.

Same with modern teens wanting to bring back the ugly early 90's style of clothing now. People are just retarded like that.

>> No.4272995

Probably because they DID have a reputation as being "sea bugs", which grossed people out. But then they tasted them.

>> No.4272999


And all life is piss in a pool of goo that was hit by lightning. Your point?

>> No.4273001

Cows are goddamn animals. Chickens too. Rabbis might as well be big old (wait.... is this faggot serious... lol!). Why would someone eat this shit? How is this gourmet?! You know what's related to ..........

C'mon dude. Troll harder.

>> No.4273002

I'm from Virignia in a town where we have an annual pork festival, and I still won't touch that bullshit.

>> No.4273005

Alright, I'll bite because I am in a good mood.

- Honey is bee's barf
- Yogourt is spoiled milk
- Same with cheese
- Vinegar is good wine gone bad

And could go on and on and on with eggs, sweet breads, liver, ground meat and so on.

How are all these foods related ? They are all delicious done properly.

Would I cook and eat worms, scorpions and cockroaches if I knew where to find them and how to treat them ?

Hell yeah.

>> No.4273010

They probably weren't cooked properly back then. A poorly prepared lobster is terribad.

>> No.4273014

i don't have any problem with eating arthropods in and of itself. that being said a lot of seafood is is pretty unremarkable, even bland compared to land animals

>> No.4273016

you be dumb

What be head to tail movement

>> No.4273018

The Hebrew bible instructs the Israelites to stay away from shellfish. That includes crabs and lobster as well. They're dirty sea life. They eat the scraps of poo off the sea floor from other sea life. Pigs are unclean animals as well. That's why Muslims go apeshit over not wanting to eat bacon and other pork items. I feel the same way they do. But god damn I love ribs and sausage links. They know how to make them good down in Chicago.

>> No.4273023

Yeah, and the Jews have had a good run in history.

>old bullshit to keep people from dying from non proper food storage

>> No.4273025

can someone who has had bad lobster explain this? Cus every lobster I've had was delicious, so now I'm curious what a bad one tastes like.

>> No.4273026

Pigs are only filthy because we make them live that way.

>> No.4273034

Now I wanna know too

>> No.4273037

Actually, I think the main reason is that pigs don't have a proper neck like other animals do. Animals have to be slaughtered at the neck in order to be halal.

>> No.4273049


Pig have no sweat glands. They can't sweat out their toxins. That shit stays in them. They eat poop, they can't sweat out the toxins. They eat any sort of slop/trash, they can't sweat it out.

>> No.4273055

beat me too it. Im sure this is a huge factor.

>> No.4273078


Hey look! Cletus Hayseed fell off his turnip truck and thought he'd tell us city-folk on the robot-box what's good eatin'! You cookin' up some good ol' possum, ol boy? You getcher fiddle an we saw us up a good hoe-down, yessir shucks!

>> No.4273083

Cows can't sweat either, and they eat the same stuff pigs eat, idiot. Maybe sweat isn't some sort of "toxin purge" you fucking hippy.

>> No.4273102

Name me some toxins.

I swear, every fucking time I hear the word "toxin" spewing from the mouth of some hippy or housewife, I know immediately that he/she knows absolutely nothing about chemistry.

>> No.4273130

I've always been curious about how trolls choose their topics.

60 boards, a world of choices at your fingertips, and you arrive on... seafood.

Not a topic people are bound to get into arguments about. Not something people feel particularly strong about. Not something subject to opinion or preference.

A food. You choose a food. The enjoyment of which is decided for you by your body.

It truly boggles the mind.

>> No.4273148

>The Hebrew bible instructs the Israelites to stay away from shellfish. That includes crabs and lobster as well. They're dirty sea life.
It also tells them to slice off parts of babby penis and suck the blood.
So why does the butcher always call the cops when I request a pound of foreskins?

>> No.4273161

>Not a topic people are bound to get into arguments about. Not something people feel particularly strong about. Not something subject to opinion or preference.
you must not be aware of the obssessively defensive attitude of most of this board towards the objectively indisputable culinary merits of marine animals and slabs of beef

>> No.4273207

When you eat lobster you're usually eating it with a lot of butter. It tastes alright on its own, but I think most people remember the taste of the butter when they eat lobster and so they associate lobster with that buttery taste.


Plenty of people ate them in prison and many people rioted because of it.

I know my grandparents would have been utterly disgusted by the idea of eating lobster. They considered it better to be able to eat beef every day, they thought that was a sign that you were doing pretty well in life (and these were people that grew up during the depression). If they had to eat chicken a lot they'd probably think of it as kinda pathetic.

I think over time we've had beef prices go up so high that people have looked for other food items they could consider special to eat. Cause honestly, the price on lobster or crab isn't vastly different from the price of nice beef.

That lobster is one of those things that people really dip pieces of into small bowls of butter in order to eat, makes me really think it can't be the flavor of lobster that people are really that interested in.

>> No.4273210

Fucking shrims.

>> No.4273223

well lobster is like a lot of shellfish, it doesn't have much flavor on it's own. I think lobster is magical in part because of it's texture it's unlike any other food from the sea.

As for why lobster was for lower classes, it has to do with the roman catholic church. Catholicism had every animal ranked in order. most people are familiar that angels are ordered, but that went all the way down to oysters, which were seen as the lowest of the low. A few spaces above oyster was lobster. These animals were seen as so low it was an insult to feed them to people. Joke's on them because that shit's delicious.

>> No.4273269
File: 68 KB, 861x543, OKAYWITHTHIS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'd eat pretty much anything if it tastes good and wouldn't kill me or make me sick.
+ op is a faggot

>> No.4273331

>well lobster is like a lot of shellfish, it doesn't have much flavor on it's own

>Joke's on them because that shit's delicious.

These comments seem contradictory.

I get that it has a nice texture, but I think that pretty much all it has going for it.

>> No.4273465

I'll occasionally eat lobster if it's on the menu, just because my desire for variety sometimes trumps the fundamentals of taste. But let's face it, it's just not very good food.

I've never made it at home because I've never had the desire to do so. On second thought though, boiling crabs alive as revenge after they pinch the shit out of you is pretty sweet, maybe doing the same with lobsters could be fun too.

>> No.4273565

I think you need to learn your animals again.

>babby penis
>Mmmm mmmm good!

Just wait until you learn some of their other recipes involving blood.

>> No.4273623


Not to mention the endless number of fermented foods.

>> No.4273627
File: 535 KB, 960x731, 1358373290736.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying there's anything gross about eating insects

>> No.4273632
File: 8 KB, 400x301, c'mon SON! 1309696426489.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ham hawks

>> No.4273641

>implying there's anything gross about eating insects
But they aren't insects... although I'm guessing your pic was directed at yourself?

>> No.4273645
File: 65 KB, 900x544, ham_hawk_by_pom_pogs-d32xpdp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I loled
but why sage?

>> No.4273649

Did you know that being a picky eater is a sign of autism? Might wanna get yourself to a psychologist, OP, you're not normal..

>> No.4273653

No, it was directed at OP, who, correctly or not, implied that lobsters are gross because they are insects. Whether this assertion is true or not is irrelevant, because OP was implying that eating insects is gross in and of itself. If you attempted some critical thinking instead of just being autistic, this would have been plainly evident to you, dumbass.

>> No.4273729

>makes me really think it can't be the flavor of lobster that people are really that interested in.

Yeah, because when someone wants to cover up the flavor of something, they use the lightest, least invasive of flavors to COMPLIMENT it, like butter, lemon, or a burre blanc.

Hey, explains why people eat chitlins the same, right? Lightly cooked and in drawn butter? Oh wait we fry those and douse them in hot sauce.

>> No.4273731

idgaf but I've always thought lobster was really overrated, I still enjoy it but it's so goddamn expensive and I'd much rather have something like crab or a very good steak for that money

>> No.4273740
File: 86 KB, 1032x696, mod1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ham hawks
Sounds like the most delicious bird ever conceived