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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4272320 No.4272320 [Reply] [Original]

has anything like this ever happened to you /ck/?

>> No.4272323


>> No.4272322

no i dont eat food from a can

>> No.4272324

found ants in my new, unopened box of donuts.

does that count?

>> No.4272328

Sure. Notice the dent on the edge of the can. This would be OK on a normal can that requires a can opener, but on this "ez peel" lid it made a little crack where the lid was scored so you could peel it open. Air got in and the dip rotted. This is why you don't buy damaged cans.

>> No.4272331

I've found live grubs in a few boxes of SunMaid raisins. I still ate the raising, though I was sorta careful to look at them before putting them in my mouth.

>> No.4272334

If you go out to random restaurants, you probably do.

>> No.4272339

Once accidentally bought an expired bag of Ritz Bitz crackers from a gas station. Ate one. My mouth tasted like paint for about 8 hours, could not get rid of it.

>> No.4272367
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>> No.4272386

Bought sour cream from a 7-11 on the way home because I was having potatoes for dinner.

Pick the first one out of the fridge because I assume they change out their dairy stuff once it expires.

Drive it ALL THE WAY HOME, foods all cooked and looking amazing. I open it and

it's fucking green. 10 days after the expiration date.

>> No.4272418

Not really. I have bought some ground beef the day it was put out and took it home and it was all brown inside and smelled terrible. I know it wouldn't kill me but it almost made me wanna throw up while cooking it so I just tossed it.

>> No.4272422

what is stronger?

the average person's stomach acid or some moldy food?

>> No.4272424

Anyone who buys a damaged can deserves this.

>> No.4272550

I used to work at walmart, and while tidying the shelves once I noticed a little can of that microwaveable mac and cheese stuff with a dent in it. I removed the plastic lid and it was solid mold under it. Also found maggots in a case of pinto beans once, none of the cans were damaged, which was weird, I think something must have gotten spilled on it during shipping.

>> No.4273907

Depends. There are many different types of mold. Some will just barely affect you, some will have you sick for some time, some might kill you. Stomach acid's pretty strong, though, but I wouldn't take any chances.

>> No.4273932

>Air got in and the dip rotted.
Spontaneous generation was disproved a little while ago bro.

>> No.4273944


>> No.4273959

>think something must have gotten spilled on it during shipping
yeah, they must have spilled their bucket of maggots on it

>> No.4274051

ate some mexican rice covered in mold once
it was dark out so we didn't notice
tasted weird, prolly ate the whole thing before someone was like this sucks and took a flashlight to it

had to drink of two liter of real ginger beer to get the taste out of my mouth disgusting

>> No.4274512

stopped at a gas station one morning on my way to go squirrel hunting to grab some coffee. at the register they have a rack with some packaged muffins and shit on it so i grab a square of pound cake. after pulling onto the tollway i unwrap the pound cake and take a bite. then another. tastes like dirt. flip on interior lights in my truck (it was still dark out) and look at the pound cake. perfectly oval (minus my bite marks) green patch on top of cake in the shape of the sticker that was on the wrapper.

i almost puked in my lap.

>> No.4274515

Nope, I'm smart/rich enough to not have to buy canned dips.

>> No.4274529

Air, spores, and microbes got in, then.

>> No.4274533


has any one ever eaten a delicious can of frito bean dip?

I'm sure a lot of people around here have eaten that stuff op.

did the lid get stuck half way up and it won't pull back anymore?

>> No.4274538

Have you heard of spores and how prevalent they are in the air?

>> No.4274577


>> No.4274573


Spores in the air lolololololol.

Get out your tin foil hats everybody, shit's bout to get real!

>> No.4274583

You're such a retard it's astounding.

>> No.4274585


Wut. No... anon actually means mold spores. You are literally breathing in millions of them every day. This is actually a thing that really exists. Mold spores are fucking everywhere, it's not a conspiracy theory, it's basic biology.

>> No.4274592
File: 114 KB, 400x476, JABA.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


trolled so hard. god you're easy.

>> No.4274596



T-trolled h-hard u guise....

>> No.4274598

>I'm a retard
>Hurf durf I trolled you
Stay retarded kid.

>> No.4274604
File: 139 KB, 600x796, the-jimmies-rustle-softly.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



No one is that stupid guys. And you guys aren't half as smart as you think you are.

>> No.4274611


Are you new to 4chan? Nobody thinks 'trolling' and 'umad?' are funny anymore.

>> No.4274612

>People rightly call me a retard for my actions
>Its okay, no one is this dumb guise, I was trolling
Only on 4chan.

>> No.4274613


Luckily you are the exception that proves the rule.

>> No.4274614


Actually. I still find it hilarious.

>> No.4274617

trolling /ck/ is dumb because you get maybe one or two people who don't expect it because /ck/ isn't fucking /b/ and then they get really defensive after getting trolled because this isn't fucking /b/

tl;dr everyone is stupid

>> No.4274623


Go home samefagging anon. No one believes you were trolling and we all know you really are that stupid.

>> No.4274621


Yeah, when it's actually clever, not this degenerative 'hurr look how dumb I am' drivel.

>> No.4274628

would you believe me if i said i wasn't that guy
of course you wouldn't, but i'm not that guy

>> No.4274629
File: 47 KB, 432x600, 1295063760212.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


so for the record.... you guys literally think there are people that are this stupid.

that's what we're going with here on the record?

you don't think you got fucking trolled hard?

You didn't over reacted like anal retentive autistics?

>cause you did.

>> No.4274639


OK, let the record also state that you spend your time pretending to be dumb for attention because you are a no-life loser.

>> No.4274659


I'd rather let the record state that anon really is a fucking retard, and can't handle his own retardation, to the point where he has to backpedal and claim he was "trolling" just to save face.

>> No.4274663


right i started this.

>> No.4274671

I know people that think drinking Milk will kill you, that lizard men control the world, and any product that contains soy will literally turn you into a woman. Don't underestimate idiots.

>> No.4274679

soy is pretty terrible for you though.

>> No.4274693


...No? The only possible way you could be affected by phytoestrogens is if you were a woman with breast cancer. If that little amount of an estrogen-like compound could actually feminize you, you'd see men with soft supple titties running around everywhere.

>yfw testosterone naturally esterifies to estrogen, even in biologically male people

>> No.4274713

the fuck

>> No.4274722
File: 233 KB, 800x600, Rocord_popcorn_bowl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

let the record be melted over a pie plate and used as a popcorn bowl

>> No.4274779

all the salt and unpopped kernels will fall through the hole