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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4271971 No.4271971 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/ talks a lot of shit, but how many of you are willing to admit you're shitty cooks?

>> No.4271978

I'll admit that. I don't have a lot of variety in the things I cook.

>> No.4272028

I'm not willing to lie, so no.

>> No.4272030

How can I admit something that isn't true?

>> No.4272035

ITT: OP seeks justification for his pathetic failure at a basic life skill.

>> No.4272042

im terrible at cooking chicken. i always under cook it.

>> No.4272055
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I take forever to do simple prep. Takes me at least twice as long to cook anything than it should. I wouldn't last five minutes in a restaurant.

Doesn't bother me as I usually only cook for myself, occasionally a few others. Cooking for me is a relaxing, zen-like experience, so I always take my time.

>> No.4272056

I'm not shitty, but I'm certainly not good. However, I've improved greatly over the last year, and if I keep it up, I could be a really good amateur cook. My biggest problem is efficiency. I'm too slow and scattered at the moment, which can up the time it takes to make a dish by up to 50%

>> No.4272062

I'm a good cook.
The only thing I have a hard time making are simple chocolate chip cookies. I blame the fact that I don't have a cookie sheet.

>> No.4272063

I was shitty at cooking until I moved out and had to start cooking for myself more often. Now I'm average to above average, and happy with that.

Just because you're a shitty cook doesn't mean the rest of us are shitty cooks OP.

>> No.4272066

well I am a chef and I work at a restaurant daily, so I surely hope I'm a good cook lol

(I always write cock at first when I have to write cook, brain, get out of the gutter)

>> No.4272077

I'm meh. I lack creativity but I can follow a recipe and season stuff well.

Not that great but better than not being able to cook at all.

>> No.4272078


Same for me. I used to work in a restaurant and people would tell me I was making things too perfectly; they'd show me the way they'd do it. I never thought their method was worthy of leaving the kitchen because I demand a high quality from my food.

Often what they considered good enough to send out of the kitchen was something I wouldn't be okay paying money for.

When I take pictures of my food and show it to friends they say it's "picture perfect". I don't even put that much work into presentation but the work I put into the food itself I suppose ends up with "picture perfect" food. I also use the highest quality ingredients I can get my hands on.

>> No.4272086

I can do boiled foods just fine but with pan fry stuff I am dreadful at so far since i have little practice.

>> No.4272089

I'm not going to say I'm better than most people, but at least better than a lot of people. I know at least basic shit, like how to make stock or how to caramellize onions, which is already more than a shockingly large portion of the population knows.

>> No.4272171

I don't even cook
I just come here to see delicious food

>> No.4272176

I see attitudes like this and the first thought I have is "bullshit".
All of the best cooks I have known (been in the industry for over 20 years) have been super critical of their own food. If you have such a high opinion of your own stuff, you are looking at it through tinted goggles.

>> No.4272183

I'm OK. Cooking is just getting some stuff and applying heat to it. It's not hard to be a decent cook.

>> No.4272200

In this episode of Kitchen Nightmares..starring this guy.

Every single cook, amateur and professional who I know and thought they were anywhere near 'good' were very critical of their food and never stopped being critical.

>> No.4272254

They don't cook at all, if they did we'd actually have OC here.

>> No.4272291


>> No.4272294
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>> No.4272298

Everything is relative. I'm awesome compared to the typical guy my age, but I'm nothing compared to your semi-competent mothers and such.

>> No.4272301

>those images

>> No.4272311

Lower the heat to medium and let it cook. Don't rush it since you got the interior time to cook.

>> No.4272317

I'm fairly average by the standards of my age group (middle class urban 30somethings). I have a tendency to try to cover up my sometimes not so great skills by buying more expensive ingredients and avoiding certain techniques unless I'm sure no one will witness my failure. I haven't improved much in the past few years because I've been busy with work and haven't had the time to go out of my way for unfamiliar ingredients from various ethnic food stores, so I just go to the same old places and get the same old stuff over and over.

I'm pretty amazed at the amount of fail I see on this board but I feel dirty making comparisons like that so I'll just go with myself relative to my peers.

>> No.4272337

cooking =/= taking pictures of food cooked, then posting on the internet

>> No.4272338

I'm shitty at everything I do.

>> No.4272908

I am a shitty cook. I bake well. cooking not so well. Getting better though.

>> No.4272928

I can make a few reasonably good dishes, but am no iron chef. It takes me ages, and the food is generally good, but I have a tendency to avoid innovation. I occasionally make something where I just wing it and try to make something taste good, and it usually comes out as being at least "alright" but a few times it comes out good. I still have a lot to learn, and that's why i'm frequenting /ck/ and browsing the internet, looking for ways to improve.

>> No.4272937

my knife work needs improvement and i also need to buy a real knife.
other than that I'm a better cook than the majority of people I've ever encountered. it might be dunning-kruger syndrome in full effect but I compare my versions of things and how i make stuff to others and 9/10 times the way I do it/would do it is definitely tastier.

maybe it's just who i happen to know but my experience is that about 50% of the population is completely hopeless in the kitchen, 40% are decent to good and know stuff but don't come close to my level of knowledge and experience, and 10% of people are legit better than me.

>> No.4272941

I admit that I don't experiment and generally follow recipes to the letter (aside from taking out a few optional things, for example, I don't like using milk in scrambled eggs or opt not to use spices), but I wouldn't say I'm bad. Wouldn't last long in a business aside from cleaning duty.

>> No.4272943

I'm not terrible. Mostly what I lack is creativity. Honestly, with enough experience, anybody can be a decent cook.

>> No.4272952


I'm probably not the best, but I rarely cook food just for the taste, the looks or whatever. I usually cook just to eat. On top of that, I became vegan, and decided to create my own recipes and experiment with a bunch of ingredients, some of which are used in animal feed and industrial processes.

To be quite honest, it's dead easy for me to plate mashed potatoes, a steak and a side of vegetables. My meat dishes are usually quite good, but I don't eat meat anymore. I'm pioneering in a fairly new domain, and I'm totally unconcerned with presentation, unless I have to serve it to someone else than myself.

On here, I think it's useless to make pretty pictures, simply because it's easy to make a dish look good, but harder to make it taste good and even harder to make it be good.

But in general, I think I'm OK. There are many techniques I haven't perfected, many ingredients I haven't used, many cuisines I haven't tasted, many dishes I'll never be able to appreciate. But I do what I do, and general concensus seems to be that I'm OK.

I don't believe them, but that's just how I am.

Only a few things I made were fairly inedible. Two of those dishes were Asian, one of them a Japanese soup.

>> No.4272966

>On here, I think it's useless to make pretty pictures, simply because it's easy to make a dish look good, but harder to make it taste good and even harder to make it be good.

...why not make it both look and taste good? basic psychology would tell you that if a person is served two dishes that taste exactly the same, the prettier dish would be more appealing.

>> No.4273006

>Mostly what I lack is creativity

This shortcoming will bring you down in every single aspect of your life.

Just kill yourself.

>> No.4273009


If I serve it to others, I make an effort. On here, you can't taste nor smell it. I've seen many pretty pictures of lipstick-coated strawberries and blow-torched turkeys.

I'm not trying to sell anything.


>> No.4273068

There are days when the things I cook turn out shitty. But about 9/10 times the things I cook are either good or really delicious. The 10% I usually don't have the right ingredients cause I forgot to buy the right ones so I improvise.

My cooking isn't restaurant pretty though, just your usual home cooked meals. And to be honest, I was never a fan of pretentious half a shrimp and the tip of an asparagus on a blue cheese foam bullshit. But I wouldn't cut it on iron chef when it comes to presentation :P

>> No.4273077

I didn't use salt for like 3 years

>> No.4275557
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>> No.4275559

I would say I am at least an average cook.

>> No.4275579

i need work on my presentation/plating
im great a prep
strong saute skills
master of the grill
could use a little work on cooking fish
but im also a culinary school grad & have been working in the field for a little over 2 years now
baking & pastry is actually my strongest

>> No.4275613

I wouldn't say I'm good except compared to people who don't have any experience cooking.
Also I take too long to make things. Like it shouldn't take an hour to chop and cook everything for a stir fry but for me it does.

>> No.4275655

I still don't
I just properly season everything with herbs/spice so it isn't needed

>> No.4275656

welcome to the professional world, where the smart think they suck and the stupid don't know enough to know they're stupid.

>> No.4275663

Damn straight. Only a fool considers his work to be perfect, there's always a flaw.

>> No.4275669

I still always make someone else make my oatmeal- my dad always fucked it up when I was growing up (single parent) so I'm scared to try it myself.
I think raw meat tastes better than just about anything cooked, so it's really hard for me to cook something properly because it tends to be under-done
I don't really know wtf I'm doing as far as seasonings go, I just toss stuff together and it seems to work

>> No.4275704

If you still eat ramen noodles, you're a shitty cook no matter how many eggs and vegetables you put in.

>> No.4275711
File: 1.17 MB, 2592x1936, 29.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm a shitty cook. Do i win a prize?

>> No.4275718

That is way too much cinnamon.

>> No.4275737

Looks like the prepackaged shit my mom used to buy, and there was a lot more going on in that than cinnamon, for color. Lot's of artificial shit (murrka).

>> No.4275772

compared to most of my family, I suck. My father, 4 of my uncles, and my aunty are all professional chefs, my mother worked in professional kitchens, and both my grandmothers were excellent home cooks.
But I'm still bretty fugin gud

>> No.4275784
File: 46 KB, 355x400, 36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the fuck do you even set spaghetti on fire
jesus christ

>> No.4275806

I am a shitty cook, I am just starting out and I know that I don't know shit about cooking. I do a good job on the line but doesn't mean I am a good cook.

>> No.4275809

Can you post some pictures? I really want to see, if you don't mind. I'm not interested in cooking but I'm looking into baking.

>> No.4275810

I don't cook all that many different recipes (right now my diet consists of fried chicken, yellow rice, baked chicken, pancakes, and the occasional hamburger) but I know enough about food combinations that if I have to come up with something on the fly it's usually pretty good.
Although compared to most of my friends, especially my roommates, I'm practically an executive chef.

>> No.4275813

I'm a pretty shitty cook. About the only things I can make perfectly are breakfast foods.

Inb4 grill cook.

>> No.4275950

I'm too cheap and lazy to cook anything worth while.
but when I do bother, I'm a hell of a cook

>> No.4275967

I'm pretty decent.
I can fuck up the first time if I'm being lazy about it, but after that, I master everything and even add my own little kick to it to make things better sometimes.
I'm really only cooking for myself though. Other people have enjoyed my cooking though, if that counts for anything.

>> No.4275982
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Just fucked up my roommate's pot. ;_;

>> No.4275991

get some steel wool or a brillopad and scrub it

>> No.4276015
File: 58 KB, 640x480, Snapshot_20130228_2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Did the best I could with the tools at hand. Seeking the house for a chisel now....

>> No.4276019


how does this happen??????????????

>> No.4276024

Really really hot water?

>> No.4276026

Can you not see the gas range?
Flame at the bottom heated the overhanging spaghetti

>> No.4276037




>> No.4276061

I never claim I'm good at it, just that I like it. Like sex.

>> No.4276103

I'm a bad cook, but I've improved a lot since I started 5 months ago.

I get so excited about what i'm planning to eat, sometimes i can't sleep.

>> No.4276155

nonono. stay IN the gutter. dredge it even. you'll be the next Bourdain in no time

>> No.4276163

I am the shittiest cook I have ever seen
I blame it on the lack of equipment (took me years to find a good knife) and time to actually learn
but yeah, I suck.
I make decent sauces, but only if I use my own saucepan on my own range

>> No.4276173

eh. heat up some vinegar in the pan

>> No.4278135
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Wrong, those were made from scratch

>> No.4278231

I'm honest in saying I'm mostly mediocre. I have my moment where I can cook something perfect and then there are times when I burn shit.

>> No.4278283

I'm a pretty good cook; not god-tier, but when I put effort into something it always turns out great.


Every single time I have ever tried to cook bacon I have fucked it up. I have no idea why, but every fucking time.

>> No.4278301

Have you tried keeping the pan on medium heat and constantly turning the bacon? I used to have a problem with charring the edges before cooking the middle, but I've gotten better with practice.

>> No.4278325

I lived in a house in a shitty, half-broken oven that can't hold temperature properly for years, and I never learned to bake or roast stuff properly outside of few staple items like roast chicken.

Other than that I'm okay.

Oh, and I'm too lazy to properly dice/julienne shit, so I usually just chop stuff up in appropriately sized pieces instead.

>> No.4278347


I've just blocked all attempts out of my memory, and haven't even tried in about 2 years, haha. But I'll try this next time.

>> No.4278360

I'm not a great cook, the things I experiment go ok but not wonderful
However I live with people who don't cook so among them I am a good cook

>> No.4278386

I'm not a good cook, and in comparison to the competent I'm pretty bad, but my family seems to think I'm great. This is the same family I was raised with where literally 85% of dinners were fast food/delivery/take out, and a school lunch was actually healthy by comparison.

I cook almost every night for all of them since I got back from college. Following Chef John's stir fry recipe last night impressed them beyond belief, when in actuality it was one of the easiest things I've ever made.

I really wish I knew how to develop my skills further, but the majority of my cooking is seeing what's in the fridge/pantry and whipping something up (I work full time and have the luxury of not buying my own groceries).

>> No.4279333
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My presentation could use work, however, because I only cook for myself, I can't be bothered to give a shit.

I use to be a pretty bad cook when I was younger. I'd overcook a lot of chicken and hamburger.

But I'm pretty good now. Like other Anons said, I wouldn't last 5 minutes with a kitchen job. I like to take my time because I find it relaxing.

>> No.4279994

Putting catnip in curry ?

>> No.4280003

I'm a good cook and a bad chef.