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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4271806 No.4271806 [Reply] [Original]

/ck/, are you fat?

>> No.4271815
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>> No.4271817

why does everyone that comes here ask us that?

>> No.4271823

It seems obvious but maybe it's not. Maybe you don't eat a lot, just normal proportions of high quality.

>> No.4271825

Never trust a thin chef

>> No.4271832

This still makes no sense. Would you trust a fatty who has no self control that eats nothing but unhealthy garbage in large amounts?

>> No.4271839

To be honest, it's irrelevant.

There are good fat chefs, and bad fat chefs.
And good thin chefs, and bad thin chefs.

>> No.4271847

>just normal proportions of high quality.
That's what I do. Also exercise.

>> No.4271857


Maybe, he eats large quantities of really healthy food because it's his job to make sure the food tastes right and is properly cook for his guests. Possibly, being a chef is really hard work and shitty hours which makes it really difficult to exercise. Also, when you spend all day eating and drinking, your really not motivated to do much when you have time off other then sleep, unless you have some coke left from the night shift.

>> No.4271858

Yep. I'm a fatass. But I'm also a cook. A real cook. I don't call myself chef anymore, since I quit the restaurant business several years ago, but I cook constantly. Even with exercising, it's hard to not be a bit of a fatass when you're constantly dealing with food.

>> No.4271866

People here probably eat much healthier than the 4chan average.

>> No.4271869

Nah, i am skinny srsly

>> No.4271874


but, since I started cutting out processed food, increased my activity and eating a mostly WAPF compliant diet I have lost 20 lbs. I have also reversed my insulin resistance and my clinical depression isn't as bad as it used to be.

>> No.4271900

Underweight. 50kg

>> No.4271930

I weigth a healthy 62 kg. I am getting thinner somehow, even after I stopped dieting and lifting.

>> No.4271948

Not anymore.

>> No.4271952

Not only am I not fat, but I'm handsome as fuck

>> No.4271956

very, i was put on steroids 6 months ago and have gained two stone

>> No.4271962


nice try cartman.

>> No.4271964

I'm in my 30's and work as a server engineer. You guess.

>> No.4271972

>server engineer

lol, do you actually engineer servers or is that just your fancy name for the guy that presses the reset button on the router?

>> No.4271973
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>tfw i have lost 80 pounds since last year

th-thanks /fit/

>> No.4271976


>> No.4271979

Getting there... 6', 177 lbs. Started lifting weight in November so I'm getting in better shape at least.

>> No.4271994

It's a fancy name. Trust me, it's more embarrassing than you think and the network engineers are the ones that reset the routers. It gets even more confusing because I'm actually a Vmware guy.

>> No.4271998

Is it true that in US the engineer title is not protected at all?

>> No.4272013

I'm 300lbs but it's not my fault, it's all the horse meat I have inadvertently eaten in the last 10 years. Personally, I blame the government who I'm gonna sue to get money for lipo and a gastric bypass.

>> No.4272117


Horsemeat is supposed to be lean, dipshit.

>> No.4272134

48kg, so not too bad. At 158cm it does look a bit hefty though, even with exercise. Eh.

>> No.4272138

Maybe? 5'7" 190lbs, but I lift and do cardio regularly, so I'm in decent enough shape.

>> No.4272144

real engineers get the title of "professional engineer" or somesuch, but anyone can call themself some kind of engineer (like a sound engineer, for example)

>> No.4272151

I am SOOOOOO fucking fat right now. I've been basically laid up since August of last year with one malady or another (severe anemia, bronchitis, herniated disc, broken foot) and have gained about 40 pounds in that time. I look awful.....good news is that my health is back in order, so now I can start getting this shit off me. I look like a fucking beach ball.

>> No.4272158

Nope, 60kg 172cm
My job is very physical and I forget to eat sometimes
...then gorge other times, pretty sure it balances out

>> No.4272161

In the UK when you say "engineer" most people think of the guy who comes round and fixes the electricity in your house.

>> No.4272178


>> No.4272219

On 4chan when you say 'engineer' most people think of the guy who comes rounds and builds sentries and sets up teleporters in your base.

>> No.4272242

eating disorder,
nowhere near fat
,__, feels bad man
Hoping to somehow become weight restored but nosuchluck.jpg

>> No.4272270

>It seems obvious but maybe it's not.
That's actually ridiculous. Hobby cooks know probably the best how much calories they consume. Also they generally tend to eat healthier and more varied because pizza gets boring.

I was obese (at the lower end, i.e. chubbyfat) most of my teen life. Once I started developing an interest in refining my cooking my fat rapidly vanished.

>> No.4272310

That's an electrician, dude.

>> No.4272346

5'9 115 lbs nope

>> No.4272359
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I guess
5'9 150lbs

im busy enjoying food too much to have time to exercise.

>> No.4273670

not even close

>> No.4273678

i was going to say "a little" but >>4272346 has made me change it to "yeah"

5'1" 112 lbs

the only exercise I get is lifting stuff at work, walking to work, and sex. i've never been inclined to "work out". (if anyone has a tip for that, I'd love it)

i crave fats in my diet, so I'm basically fucked. eggs, cheese, cream, almonds, fried things, avocados...

>> No.4273682

5'9 250lbs

yep. Dont even care about it.

>> No.4273688


Constant starvation even though I haven't been a teenager in years...

>> No.4273699

Yes. I eat a lot of fatty food and don't ever go outside. Not really a surprise. Then again, I am waiting for a slow death anyway, no need to stay healthy.

>> No.4273715

5' 5", 125. Not really. I work out a lot to keep toned, though. Also not eating a shit ton of carbs (which is so hard) helps a lot.

>> No.4273716

I'm fat but am getting in shape. By the end of this year I definitely won't be fat.

Currently 6'1 and I weigh 240, started at 285 38 days ago. Juice fasting is the shit

>> No.4273721

>Dont even care about it.
More like, "I gave up a long time ago".

>> No.4273722

5'10", 170lbs

>> No.4273730

You are either severely underweight, or a woman, or both.

>> No.4273760
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I am 6ft and 320lbs, so yeah.

>> No.4273791

About age... what 13? I was like... 160, or so. and about 5'3 maybe.

I work out when i reach a weight that i don't like, i used to be 280 then i worked about for about six months and went down to 220. Now I'm 250 again, so we'll see what happens.

>> No.4273843
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>> No.4273870

175cm/54kg (5'8, 119lbs)
One does not simply gain weight.

>> No.4276299

5'8, 156lbs
but my weight has mass fluctuations;
I eat myself into a fatass during winter,
am thin and lean during summer/fall

related captcha: calAcc exercise

>> No.4276306


You seriously must look like a skeleton.

6'1 215 here, I was 250 at the end of highschool but lost about 40 pounds first year of college. At around 20% bodyfat right now.

>> No.4276307

6'2, 170 lbs

can't gain or lose a pound. lifting weights, eating a lot, nothing happens

>b-but anon, calories in/calories out
i know my body, the only way that i was ever able to gain weight was by eating, ontop of a larger than usual day's portion of food, 12oz of peanuts every night for a month, making myself nearly sick. i lost those 5 pounds rather quickly when i stopped doing that

>> No.4276309


I bet you didn't even count calories.

>"larger than usual day's portion of food"
>no mention of the amount of calories that consists of

>> No.4276310

I'm healthy I think.
5ft4 and around 120lbs

>> No.4276321

5'4, 136
I look okay, good fat distribution and some muscle mass. I want to start lifting to lose about 11 pounds of fat though.

>> No.4276322

I wish I could say no but I have almost no self control when it comes to food, I think I'm beyond caring though, it's not like i'm visibly obese but there's a belly hiding under the jacket. If I was ever visibly fat I'd have to do something about it.

>> No.4276327


That feel bro

>> No.4276370

Yes. My dad's side of the family is genetically predisposed to obesity, but I'm not using that as an excuse.

>> No.4276378

>Yes. My dad's side of the family is genetically predisposed to obesity, but I'm not using that as an excuse.
...yet you had to include it in your answer.


>> No.4276388

6'4" 270Lb

Yup. But I could fuck up a compact car.

>> No.4276427

no, I eat a light breakfast, salad for lunch and whatever the fuck i want for dinner.

I eat a lot of french food.

>> No.4276446
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6'1, 128 lbs

I wish I could get to 120, but that's because I have BDD and an eating disorder.

I know that feel.

>> No.4276453

C'mon fatty, try a little harder!

>> No.4276465

i am i am 6', about 190, im about 10-15lbs overweight for my height. I am a pretty active person, i work out and i eat healthy food, but i dont really worry about counting calories. Ive have been around this weight for about 3-5 years. I think its because i drink so much, i dont really have a reason to lose the weight, i feel good

>> No.4276492

I'm fat, but steadily losing weight. Down 20 lbs. I still eat delicious everything... I just pay attention to how much now, and eat some fucking salad or piece of lower calorie fruit (like apple or peach) if I'm still hungry after eating a certain amount.

Fuck off, OP.

>> No.4276556

5'6, 146 lbs. Currently counting calories trying to lose weight. Every other time I've tried this I stop and regain it all, so I don't have much hope this time.

>> No.4276639

6'0, 163 lbs
meh, trying to lose some weight at the moment, alrready 8lbs down

>> No.4276642

I am absolutely fat. 5'11" and about 350 pounds.

Thin chefs are suspicious.

>> No.4276649

>Thin chefs are suspicious.
No they aren't at all. They are healthier and will enjoy a longer, more pleasurable life doing what they enjoy.

Dying of heart disease and complications due to hypertension and diabetes is not romantic.

>> No.4276656


>Thin chefs are suspicious.

the best sub i ever bought was when a fat sloppy girl prepared it. my god it was dripping with deliciousness.

>> No.4276659


I'm pretty muscular, but I do have a handful of adipose on my stomach. Not much. Bitches still 'mire.

>> No.4276673

I only last weekend finally lost 100 lbs (5'11 160 lbs now). I'd honestly never realized just how easy it was to count calories and lose weight before about nine months ago.

>> No.4276707
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No but I am an alcoholic!

5'9 135. I eat a lot but I run 5 miles 5-6 days a week and do an hour of zumba 4-5 days a week.

I go to school full time that takes an hour to drive to and work park time, I hate my life.

>> No.4276753

>You seriously must look like a skeleton.

The lack of muscle makes the fat appear more pronounced so it evens out

>> No.4276766

pics tho? no homo...

>> No.4276820


>> No.4276834

You'd be richer than god if you knew how to lose 100 pounds in a weekend

>> No.4276839

No, my bmi says I'm at a healthy weight.

>> No.4276861

58kg at 5'7" I assume that's a little underweight but I'm fasting for lent at the minute.

>> No.4276882

>but I'm fasting for lent

>> No.4277003

I'm about 6'1 and 200 lbs. I lift weights often but I don't give a fuck about watching what I eat or how much of it I eat. So I'm muscular but with a thin layer of fat over it. I guess like one of those guys who are sorta fat but are very strong.

>> No.4277020

5'3" and 100#.
Need to work out but I have been sick as shit.
I hate being sick, I eat terribly.
Trying to knock that out today...

>> No.4277023

120 kg at 5'7". So, yeah.

>> No.4277025

Out of shape, but not fat. I don't have a car, so I walk pretty much everywhere. It's the only exercise I get. I drink too much, and eat too much meat, so combined with the lack of exercise, I'll probably die young. I'm fine with that.

>> No.4277048

Not fat, persay. 5'3 and 138 lb. At least my tits are huge, as a result, says the femanon.
I just have to work on the ugly.

>> No.4277051

My BMI is around 17.5

so not really.

>> No.4277073

If it's not muscle, 138 is really pushing it at that height. Tits or no tits, you're still fat (if you aren't some /fit/chick.)

>> No.4277088

I am >>4277020
Some of that IS fat and I am a fem/fit/izen...

>> No.4277586


>> No.4277588


>> No.4277606

/ck/ never admits how fat it is.

>> No.4277637

I am a 21 year old guy. 5'9", <130 pounds

Kill me

>> No.4277647

Not since I put my foot down for mom to stop buying McDonald's for lunch and dinner back in high school.

>> No.4277651

how long did you have that for?

>> No.4277652

5'6" 160 lb male ginger


>> No.4277657

5'8", 12 years old, 130-137 pounds

>> No.4277708

5'5'' 113lbs
I'm taking the manlet crown, tallfag.

>> No.4277789
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170 lbs.

I'm a little bit overweight, I'll admit. Better than last year when I was at 210 lbs and having back problems. Trying to get to 160 - 155.

>> No.4277868
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5'4, 108lbs ! nope

>> No.4277911

5'7", 180 pounds.

So yeah, lil bit. Dieting though, seems to be working.

>> No.4277912

5'10" 155 lbs.
Pretty average.

>> No.4277924
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5'9" 127 lbs, male. Skinny with a little bit of muscle, betch. 8-9% body fat.

>> No.4277930

>lil bit
You're a fucking walrus.

>> No.4277937


at least that's what my driver's license says. so yeah, a fatty.

>> No.4277947

5'10", 180lbs. A little bit, but I've been pretty successfully dieting since Mid december... 10lbs, goal of 160lbs.

>> No.4277950

4'11, 377lbs.

>> No.4277955
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>> No.4277970

6'1 195lb

Was definitely a fatty at 240lb last year. Still have some chub but it is mostly gone.

>> No.4277986

Yes, I need to lose about 10 pounds.
5'10'' at 152lbs.
I look thin but all my extra weight goes to my thighs and I feel really fat whenever I sit down. It looks normal when I'm standing but they double in size when all the fat gets pushed up from chairs while sitting. I also have a bit of flab on my belly I need to lose

>> No.4277997


I'm female. Actually that was my weight a week ago, today I'm 114 lbs. Not underweight as far as I know.

>> No.4278007

5'10 132

>> No.4278009

chubbyfat is rarely in the "obese" BMI range unless you also had a decent about of muscle too. You eaither were just fat or "chubbyfat" and statistically overweight.

>> No.4278013

112 is in the middle of the healthy weight range for your height. Chill.

>> No.4278029

Tru fax. I needed to shovel my driveway yesterday. I was honestly worried that I would drop dead from a heart attack. Surprisingly, it was pretty easy and not overly taxing.

>> No.4278033

I'm like 20 pounds overweight, not even obese like I used to be six months ago.

>> No.4278035

Good job. Keep it up.

>> No.4278041

My goal is 150 pounds, so yeah, about halfway there. Hopefully by thanksgiving this year I'll be a healthy weight and stick to it.

>> No.4278063

5'10" 165 lbs

Use to be 200 pounds, which was a bit of muscle and tons of fat. I didn't really think I was fat, to me I looked the same as ever. Then I checked my BMI and it was almost 30 (I was shorter then, too) and I was like 'holy fuck what am I?' so I started cutting back on the amount I ate and working out more. Cut 35 pounds in three months and it completely changed how I looked. Chin tucked itself up, jaw line went square, abs started to appear (still working on it). Best of all, women noticed and became interested.

>> No.4280387

That's not a nice thing to ask a lady.

>> No.4280393

And may I ask you why the fuck not?

>> No.4280400

I'm not overweight, I used to be though and I could still stand to lose a few pounds. Everyone else in my family is/has been obese, and it kind of terrified me into eating better.

>> No.4280422

I'm 6'0 and 160 lbs and yet I somehow have a belly. I have a barrel chest that is over-encompassed by my wide hips leaving me a pear shape that can't be reversed. My torso is actually shorter than it should be and my legs are pretty long, my femur is longer than my torso and my tibia and fibula are, too.

I don't look as freakish as make it sound, I swear.

>> No.4280473

5'2 and around 140lbs. I'm slightly overweight but I have plenty of curves so I still attract dudes. Whew.

>> No.4280499

I'm fat, but I'm falling out of favor with sweets. Especially pancakes.

I always get drowsy when I eat pancakes.

>> No.4280503

I'm 6' and 133lbs.
I started working out two days ago so we'll see what happens.

>> No.4280560

not "fat person" fat, but "i have some body fat" fat, but my BMI is towards the upper range of "normal weight" so I am not technically "overweight" by that system's definition

>> No.4280565

I'm fat but fixing it. I used to work an oil drilling job that was basically a 12 hr workout every day. When I quit the job I kept the appetite and lack of healthy food sense. I've noticed the same things happen to a lot of ex military and ex athletes.

Fattest I got was 280 at 6.0', but I'm a lot lighter than that now.

>> No.4280600

Kinda :-)
I guess I need to make some sort of dedicated plan to stop eating so many snack foods, but I haven't moved up in size, so I'm complacent.
Everyone kind of hibernates in this to
Also thank god for Wal Mart because it's the only place my nalgas can squeeze into a dress with a tag that says 4/6.
Target is not so kind.

>> No.4280631

5'9 and 125.
I think I'm on the low end of my healthy weight range.

>> No.4280663

5'4" 135 lbs

Kinda pudgy. I'm working on it. I was 160 lbs in September so I've made progress.

>> No.4280667

5'10 190-200lbs
havent weighed myself in a while.

been chubby all my life. what can i say? ive got a thing for food.

>> No.4280691
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