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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4268117 No.4268117 [Reply] [Original]

How do I make good instant ramen

I tried adding egg.

What else?

>> No.4268118

since you tried using spoiler tags on this board, i can only assume that you don't visit often. in which case i wont ask how you haven't learned from the hundreds of other threads on the same topic.

polite sage for no information on the topic, but maybe someone will come along with that fancy infographic with all the combinations of shit to add.

>> No.4268121

I don't want that infographic, faggot, gimme words

>> No.4268124

sorry i eat real food.

>> No.4268128
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Yeah, whatever, virgin.

>> No.4268130


>> No.4268141

/ck/ wuz nevar gud

>> No.4268142

Also what's a good way to mix the egg yolk with the noodles?

I keep popping it prematurely. )':

>> No.4268146

fresh herbs, onions, real chunks of meat, that's all

>> No.4268151

What kind of herbs?

Also onion? Mkay. Do I just dice one up and toss them in? Does it really effect the flavor? I can't into cooking.

>> No.4268152

>does adding onions really affect the flavour?
No. They're the most widely consumed vegetable on the planet for no reason at all.

>> No.4268153

welcome to /ck/
what kind of noodles are you making decides the choice of the herbs.

if you're having beef noodles i'd suggest parsley, but if you go for chicken, then it would be thyme, rosemary, basil etc. duck: basil & sage

>> No.4268162

Thanks for contributing.

Alright, Never really heard of any of those but ok!

I'll try to buy some of those.

>> No.4268165

As spoken by someone who literally started a "how do I improve ramen" thread.

>> No.4268166

for duck you can also add chive, that shit is great, blend it with some fine mixture of cumin, soysauce and chilipowder, add salt and pepper when you're done

throw away the seasoning that came with it

>> No.4268168

Got to start somewhere. Again, Thanks for contributing, Moron.

>> No.4268172

>never heard of any of those

either you're trolling or you're here from a dial-up 3kb/s modem from the middle of the Sahara dessert, but I'm not believing you never heard of Sage, Parsy and Basil

>> No.4268177

I've heard of sage and basil. I just don't cook so I know nothing about herbs or cooking in general.

>> No.4268178


>> No.4268190

easy rules:
Beef: thyme, celery, marjoram, coriander, sage, rosemary, oregano, garlic
Chicken: garlic, marjoram, tarragon, oregano, coriander
Fish, fried: mustard, oregano, tarragon, sage
Fish, grilled: thyme, coriander, fennel, rosemary
Pork: marjoram, mustard, oregano, sage, rosemary, thyme, garlic
Roast Beef: basil, oregano, thyme, mustard, rosemary, garlic
Turkey: basil, rosemary, cumin, oregano, thyme, sage

>> No.4268206

Meat of your choice, 50-75g
>might be good to match the flavour of instant ramen you're preparing
Frying oil, as needed
Instant ramen, 2 packets
Boiling water, as needed
Egg, 1
Garlic, matchsticked, 2 cloves
Ginger, matchsticked, a half fingerslength
Scallions, thinly sliced at an angle, whites separated from greens, 2 scallions
Kecap manis, 2tbsp

Cut meat into strips.
Heat oil in a frying pan.
Add meat strips.
Stir-fry until par-cooked (coloured, but not cook-through); remove from the pan, off the heat and set aside.
Place noodles into a container.
Top with boiling water 2-3cm (about an inch) above the noodles.
Allow to sit until just pliable, but not cooked through.
Drain, reserving about 100ml (a half cup or so) of the water.
Using a pair of scissors, cut the noodles into somewhat manageable pieces; set aside.
Heat up more oil in the pan; meanwhile, beat the egg to uniform yellow.
Add the egg to the hot pan, swirl it about to spread it as thin as possible, lid it and off the heat, allowing the egg cook by residual heat for a minute or so.
Remove the egg from the pan and cut into shreds or squares; set aside.
Place garlic, ginger and scallion whites into the now-cold pan.
Add oil to barely coat the pan bottom and set to high heat.
When fragrant, add the par-cooked meat, being careful to leave out the juices it cast off during its rest.
Stir-fry a minute.
Add kecap manis and the reserved liquid from soaking the noodles and mix well to combine.
>if desired, add one of the two flavour packets; this may make your finished dish extra salty depending on the brand of kecap manis you use
Add the par-cooked noodles and toss to coat and cook through.
When liquids are absorbed by the noodles, off the heat, add the egg and scallion greens, toss to well-distribute and serve.
Enjoy simple fried noodle.

>> No.4268221
File: 35 KB, 300x300, shin_ramyun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Buy this as your instant, OP. By itself it's 1000x better than shit maruchan. Add some bok choy, thin sliced beef, jalapenos, and egg.

>> No.4268223
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green onion, egg, sesame oil, red pepper flakes, ham

add or remove as needed

>> No.4268226


i fucking love shin, but its so goddamn hot my mouth can't take it, i desire the taste but by the time im done i wanna chop my tounge off

>> No.4268229

That sounds pretty complicated to me! But ok

Yeah, I've heard those are good. Gonna have to try them soon.

What's the proper way to add the egg though?

I've seen a couple of videos and they all do it differently. Some dude takes out the yolk and pops it ontop of the noodles.

>> No.4268232

honestly, korean noodles are shit tier. You only taste spicy. Japanese ones are way better. I think Sapporo Ichiban are common in some stores, if you don't have access to an asian grocer.

>> No.4268239


>> No.4268237

Add butter and Kraft Registered American Cheese Singles

>> No.4268241

I always crack egg into a little bowl first, then just pour it on top of the noodles for the last minute of boiling. Then be gentle when transferring from pot to your bowl/dish, and pop yolk at your leisure.

>> No.4268245

Mkay, I may try that. I tried transferring the noodles to a bowl while the egg boiled and then tried transferring the egg but it kept popping

>> No.4268294

>fried noodles
Stick to adding things to your ramen broth for now. You can try your hand at things that seem this complicated when you age into the double digits.

>> No.4268303

thats not fair. im 11

>> No.4268310


Cooking isn't my thing. I know you all have something you aren't good at either so shush.

>> No.4268324
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true, you have to start somewhere

>> No.4269264 [DELETED] 

Front page needs more ramen.

>> No.4269284

extra chili sauce, thick soy sauce, mixed vegetables, tin of tuna or (if the noodles are chicken flavour) shredded chicken

also you can cook it in the pan after boiling them 3/4 of the way. lightly fried is a good change from broth

>> No.4269292

1) Start with better ramen, disregard Top and Maruchan unless you plan to make your own soup.

2) Add delicious things that you like. Ramen is Japan's pizza, anything goes.

3) Promise never to make a ramen thread on /ck/ again.

>> No.4269305

First of all, don't bother trying to make it like real ramen. Instead, try what I do and drain the water once the noodles are done and then mix in the seasoning.

Also, chop up a green onion and throw it in there. Makes a ton of difference.

>> No.4269307

I've been living off of ramen stirfry for months. I add onions, parsnips, sweet peppers, and celery, stir fry them in sunflower oil and microwave the ramen traditionally (without the packet seasoning) add garlic and salt. put the wet noodles in the frying vegetables and add stir fry sauce and saracha sauce. I can't cook for shit, but it turns out pretty good for my standards

>> No.4269312

That actually sounds fantastic. I wish I still had this jar of sesame oil now..

>> No.4269533



>> No.4269589

Add quartered shitake mushrooms, golden mushrooms, lots of sliced green onion, bamboo shoots, garlic, bean sprouts and a bit of mirin and you're good to go. Maybe a soft boiled egg as well. I sometimes add kimchi.

>> No.4269668

fry it sunny side up, cover with lid, steam will cook the top keeping yolk intact

>> No.4271638
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dark soy sause, brown sugar, green beens, chicken stock cube. simmer on hob for 10-20 mins and add a hard boiled egg with sweet chilli sauce

>> No.4271643

almost forgot the sliced chicken

>> No.4271776
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also as its not in this thread yet