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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4265050 No.4265050 [Reply] [Original]

I am feeling miserable. What are your favourite foods to make yourself feel better?

>> No.4265060

Good (I mean GOOD) chocolate ice cream - plain with no chunks or toppings

Warm apple crisp

Roasted chicken drumsticks

Peanut butter cookies

>> No.4265070
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some beers and a pizza with anchovies

>> No.4265073

>frozen pizza

Like ketchup and white bread

>> No.4265078


pizza flavored pringles. prepare two dips: french onion flavored sour cream, which you will top off with a mixture of chili powder, cayenne pepper, italian seasoning, and garlic powder. top it off liberally after every few dips.

the other dip is the vinegar solution from a jar of hot peppers. my god you have to try this combination.

once you have polished off a large can of said pringles, a tub of the sour cream dip, and the pepper juice, you will love life once again.

>> No.4265087

Getting some great ideas here. Please, keep them coming.

>> No.4265089

Scrambled eggs!

>> No.4265090

Dont emotionally eat OP you'll end up obese like me, I learned that food is not the answer to my feels.

>> No.4265094

>eating to feel better

>> No.4265097

When I'm feelin down I drown my sorrows on Gortons Beer Battered "Fish" and Beer.

Somehow I am only chubby, but not fat.

>> No.4265103

I bet if you were to post your height and weight a lot of us would disagree.

>> No.4265109

Yep. Again, emotional eating is a no no.

OP become an_hero, or cope and lose some weight.

>> No.4265108

I'm a guy. 6'1" and 165lbs

>> No.4265106

>chubby, but not fat.

Still bad.

>> No.4265113

Bullshit. If you are 6'1, 165 lbs and chubby you have a fucked up body type man. You must have zero muscle mass.

>> No.4265116

That's describes me p much.

I'd go into a long story why I have 0 mass but not my blog.

>> No.4265129

Because this is getting way off track, let's just get one thing straight. I am a fit guy (178cm, 70kg, 12% bf) who just wanted to feel better for one day. I don't care whether you think this is good or bad, I just wanted foods that pump up the dopamine in my brain so I can feel good. Being a psychologist over the Internet is pointless, This is /ck, this is just about food.

>> No.4265138

I forgot to mention OP.

Grilled Meat.

>> No.4265144

Obviously if you do it in moderation and not every day, emotional eating can be comforting and help you feel better. You just have to be careful.
When I need some food to cheer me up I usually make something with a whole lot of cheese. Plus, preparing a nice meal also makes me feel better so the longer it takes and the more complicated it is, the better. I really like having a nice Raclette when I feel down, or a cheese fondue. Otherwise when I'm feeling like something sweet, I usually go for peanut butter-y things, these cupcakes for example are heavenly:

>> No.4265171


>just wanted to feel better for one day

there's nothing wrong with that, and it's quite easy to do if you don't feel guilty about it.

what is better in the long run for me, was when i finally got my diet under control so that i could eat yummy meals several times per week while maintaining a healthy diet overall.

the point being, if you know that tomorrow you get to have a mini-binge on something you love, the anticipation makes today better.

hmm, it looks like >>4265144 said something similar...

>> No.4265188

sour cream and onion dip + big bag of ruffles.

>> No.4265213

You know what I felt terrible yesterday and I got a kebab, fries, and a coke to make me feel better but it made me feel worse because it was too heavy. It was the saddest day of my life: the day food can no longer bring me joy. I was way stoned though.

>> No.4265217

I don't know about you, but I can easily get full of my favorite food, and still love it after I'm done being sick.

>> No.4265520

Ben & Jerry's Half Baked

>> No.4265533

I go to this ghetto chink place and order fried chicken wings and pork fried rice with a coke.
Devour that shit.
Doesn't make me feel better but I feel good eating it.

If you want to actually feel better then eat something healthy, although it probably won't be as enjoyable.

>> No.4265536

Cereal keeps me from feeling down.