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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4259768 No.4259768[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Hey /ck/. Catholicfag here. Struggling through this Lenten season yet again. Getting tired of going to Macdo on Fridays. My Dad's bringing me some Coho Salmon next week.

Any good recipes for Coho?

>> No.4259794

No fish fry where you live?

>> No.4259799


would you please keep your outdated, oppressive and culinary restrictive religious beliefs off of /ck/ and go ask someone in Jesus chat.

>> No.4259803

Do you really believe there is an invisible man in the sky who hears your prayers?

>> No.4259808

Sure is /r/atheism in here

>> No.4259810

Back home in the rural area fish frys are all over.

Go to college in Cincy. Going to a German bar in a little bit that has pretty good fish.

>> No.4259839


we do not acknowledged the relevance and/or existence of other websites on this board, especially that one.

also, the same goes for your imaginary friend.

>> No.4259852

Here's an idea. Try going to your actual fucking Church.

Nearly all of them have fish dinners on Fridays in Lent, and you get to be sociable with people who have the same beliefs that you supposedly hold.

>> No.4259856


hey, do you think I could just show up for the food and bounce or would I have to stay for all the Jesus brainwashing bullshit?

>> No.4259861

actually don't really go to church because i haven't taken the time to find one down here.

Not that religious.

>> No.4259872

then eat whatever you want?
or you could just stop being religious
you know
like a normal person

>> No.4259873


Usually at the events, there isn't that much Jesus talk. Just a bunch of semi-religious people hanging out together, talking about work, school, what have you.

The priest will probably lead a prayer before everyone eats, but that'll be the extent of it.

As long as you're friendly and sociable, no one will care. Usually though they're charity dinners, with the money either go to the church of a local charity. Small upfront cost.

>> No.4259879


Why the hell do you care then?

>> No.4259877

Why did you give up meat?

don't tread on me statist shill

>> No.4259881


If you're a practicing Catholic, you're not supposed to eat meat on Fridays during Lent. Fish is not considered meat for this purpose.

>> No.4259895

this board would suck less if it were this hostile to invaders from /fit/

>> No.4259897

budget bytes has a really excellent recipe for salmon with sriracha sauce. I can't link you because 4chan assumes it is spam but the website does have a search feature.

all that animosity toward religion, you guys really care too much.

>> No.4259901

you guys should do lutefisk dinners

>> No.4259902


Seriously, what would happen if you ate meat today...would your vengeful god come down and smite you? I mean why would an Omnipotent being need YOU to stop eating some shit to prove your loyalty or as a prerequisite to save your little soul?

>> No.4259912

maybe the concept is alien to you yurofilth peasants, but in america we have this thing called freeodm of religion, which reaffirms my right to worship as I see fit.

If that includes dietary restrictions, so what?

You should kill yourself for hating freedom.

>> No.4259913


I got a whiff of that shit once and threw up.

>> No.4259915

Sorry, I just find blind, willful adherence to the principles of ignorance, self-righteousness and bigotry to be offensive.

>> No.4259921

I find you offensive. Stop existing

>> No.4259929


I love how ignorant merican's think that anyone that doesn't share their backward, confused and myopic views must be from so strange far off land, raised under the tierney of mother Russia.

I'm also merican, except I'm not a blind bible baning sheep.

>> No.4259931
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>mfw atheists ruin another thread

>> No.4259932



>> No.4259933

Then why are you in America, if the taste of freedom is so unpalatable to you?

>> No.4259939

Being an asshole as a person without a religion is as annoying as being an asshole as a person with religion

>> No.4259941

ITT Americans fight each other

>> No.4259946

I am offended, that he's >>4259915 offended, which offended you >>4259921; now this whole thread is really offensive.

>> No.4259949

the worst part is that no one forces their believes onto me, except for athiests. They can't shut up about muh godlessness and muh intellectualism

>> No.4259954


Actually, that is a matter of opinion.

Personally, I religious people more annoying for spouting bullshit. At least the non religious people can back their shit up.

>> No.4259955

they do not believe in an afterlife so the thought of death is very frightening to them, they must take it upon themselves to make everyone else feels as anxious about their mortality as they do the same way an insecure fat kids picks on people.

>> No.4259963

Never once in my life has someone spouted bullshit about muh religion to me.



I was called a babyrapist one time after picking up some groceries after church one time though.

>> No.4259972

>the same way an insecure fat kids picks on people.

wait...why would the insecure fat kids be picking on the other thin secure kids? This is exactly what I'm talking about, your analogies are as fucked up as your beliefs.

>> No.4259978

>I was called a babyrapist

how did they know?

>> No.4259985

>why would the insecure fat kids be picking on the other thin secure kids?
because they are jealous of how happy they are and deep down they like the sense of control it gives them to make other people upset, they have no control over their own lives and so they seek to control the lives of people that want nothing to do with them.

>> No.4259989
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>> No.4260000


That could very well be the stupidest think I've heard all week. In the unlikely event that an insecure fat kid was picking on *name anything* they would actually be in CONTROL, not out of it or lacking it.

Is this the kind of crap they tell you in church, to get in alter boys pants?

>> No.4260002



also, quits of truth

>> No.4260007

welp, this thread got ruined

thanks obama


>> No.4260010

those are quads, public school athiest masterrace

>> No.4260013

>they would actually be in CONTROL
you don't seem to understand.

they have no control over their own lives so they look to control the lives of others. The same way an atheist who is hunted by the idea of their mortality seeks to make religious people who never asked for their opinion on the matter as uncomfortable as possible.

you fear death, religious people do not, you want that same security but you cant have it.

>> No.4260022

The only person screaming about the fear of death is you, mr "I believe in shit that makes no sense because if I didn't then I'd have to actually face reality"

>> No.4260024

>so they look to control the lives of others

which by definition means they are controlling not lacking control; hence they are IN control.

also, if you have no fear of death why don't you prove it and kill yourself.