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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4248861 No.4248861 [Reply] [Original]

Ask the line cook that worked 50 hours of overtime this week anything. Also other linebros hop in on this.

>> No.4248867

how bad do you feel about that culinary school degree?

>> No.4248869

you ever get time and a half?
I don't think I've heard of any restaurant willing to do it here, in the states.

>> No.4248873

Thanks for cooking for me. Never get to thank the people who actually make the fucking food.

>> No.4248881

why would anyone feel bad about taking the time to improve their knowledge/skill set?

>> No.4248885

I don't have a culinary degree, I'm starting school soon though. And I love my job, is that something you can say?
I got time and a half for every minute after 40 hours. I'm looking at bringing home a little over 1300 this week.

>> No.4248888

unless your server is a super dick, we hear about it almost anytime you compliment the food. And it does feel good to hear about how fucking awesome you thought the food was. Thank you kind sir

>> No.4248897


>> No.4248899

Well you see some people think that education is a waste of money. Generally the sort that think things like soap, decent food, and dentists visits are also a waste of money.

>> No.4248905


>> No.4248910

well first off calm down a bit there skippy. A line cook is someone that cooks on the line. Essentially the people that cook the food you eat when you go into the restaurant. Considering you seem to have no experience at all, I would recommend applying for a dishwasher or prep job and trying to work up from there.

>> No.4248978
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>>work your way up from dishwasher
dishwasher fag here, you dicks dont even share tips with us when we do the hardest shittiest jobs for you fags, including prepping for your ass. anyone who can work their way up from dish has a 15 charisma, a friend on the line already, or all the luck in the world.

>> No.4248996

>Dishwasher for some reason wants to receive tips

American here.

This tipping shit has gotten out of control.

>> No.4249001

what country or state do you work in? I guess Las Vegas, here in the states would probably get overtime, as it's all unionized.

>> No.4249024

I dont see why you should be tipping anyone, I want the prices to be included in the food (and therefore my pay) but people in front often bitch about how people don't tip when I have to live on minimum wage with no medical benefits whatsoever, and how they cant live their faggoty lives on the absurd low wage they make. You wont see them give a PENNY to the person in back making less than them who has to do twice the work they do all the while catering to their needs by bringing in hot plates, and catering to the customers by making sure fucktarded servers dont snatch dirty shit and bring it out to give to you to eat with.

>> No.4249033

I put my time in the pit. I worked for hours on a fucking dish machine. You know how I got out of it? I worked really fucking fast and then went to the line and asked to help. I came in on days off to watch and learn. I washed dishes like no other ever had. Man up bitch boy. Remember before you wine about dishwashing. I can do your job, can you do mine? Also what fucking makes you think I get tips? In all seriousness though, work hard and ask to help on line if you want to be there.

I'm in Arizona, and as I said earlier I got over time for anything over 40.

>> No.4249041

servers are the fucking devil. If they buy BOH drinks (the decent ones tend to) they become less of devils. If they blow the cooks (the skanky ones tend to) they become less of devils, but dont you think for a second that they're anything but devils

>> No.4249045

>>he thinks I'm slow.
I prep half the fucking food for the line, I never got shit, I did ask, I came in at absurd hours and drove 3 hours both way, by fucking BIKE to get to my jobs shitty location in the hills. I prepped food in midair because of the lack of space, and in all cases sweat bled and burnt my ass off working for minimum wage. In otherwords youre a giant fucking dipshit faggot who decided you knew everything about me. You don't, because youre an arrogant prick who's got your head so far up your ass you can still SEE.

>> No.4249054

In all the years I've worked in kitchens as a cook, I only knew ONE server who tossed in a bit of cash when she had pain in the ass special requests or redo's or things of that nature. She was awesome, and she told me it was the old school server attitude. Some things shouldn't change.

>> No.4249056

No, I just expect you to work for a decent place. If you're putting in all you say you are and they won't take you seriously start looking for a prep job elsewhere

>> No.4249061

ah, ok, that might be better for now, but how much experience would i need? i was a cook at said zaxby's, but just a fast food cook really

>> No.4249063

Essentially from what I've seen the better the caliber of the place, they more that happens due to the servers being professional servers, not people who are trying to get through school.

>> No.4249064

what makes you think I haven't tried? No one gives a flying fuck how hard you work as a dish washer in washington. I've applied to lots of stores to get some kind of position that wasn't ass and even ones that are simply less ass than the ones I got. In all cases, every job i had in the food industry when i hit 18 basically used me like toilet paper. and I've worked at 7 different locations.

>> No.4249065

We've hired dish and prep people with just fast food experience before, but we watch them closely and if they don't work quickly and make steady improvements, we get rid of them.

>> No.4249066

ah, ok, that shouldn't be a problem, thank you

>> No.4249069

Look man if you want help I'm willing to help you. email me your resume and work experience and I'll take a look at it and help you with a gameplan for a places to look and interview.

>> No.4249089

dont expect anything for a few days, my harddrive's opperating system is fucked and I'm waiting for a new HDD to arrive so I can get things like my resume, porn, and other stuff off of it. Currently using Asus express.

>> No.4249093

Fair enough.

>> No.4249100

How fat are you?

>> No.4249108

I weigh in at 223 and 14% body fat according to my scale this morning

>> No.4249113

I wish I worked at the places you have then. Been through 3 fine dining places. The one server who did that was when I was at a relatively nice cafe, more like a bistro, but not fine dining.

>> No.4249115
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I admire you Line Cook guy. I've worked in restaurants and banquet places over the years and it always amazed me how you guys are able to juggle orders and keep everything running smoothly. I'd likely fall apart within an hour.

A toast to you, Line Cook, unappreciated master of whatever section.

And fuck you, faggot dishwasher. Who said you were entitled to anything?

>> No.4249121

Grill, unappreciated master of grill. And thank you

>> No.4249125

How do you feel about waiter/waitresses begging for tips when it's you guys who actually make the food?

>> No.4249136

I feel that people that carry food should not make double what I do, but they do. I'm not against tipping for a good service. If you're serving me you start at 25% if you're prefect you get it. I deduct from your tip for various things as the night goes on. A good server on their game that night can generally expect 18-20% from me, but im not above leaving a note that says get another job.

>> No.4249141
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OP, you should probably throw on a tripcode for this thread. Just sayin'

They make the food, but they also get paid much better than waitresses. And with good reason, since they have the training and the skills to keep a kitchen flowing.

The reason waitstaff earn less but get tips is because they are the face of the restaurant. They are the person the customer is dealing with, not the cooks. If they do a terrible job, they earn less of a tip, and rightly so, because they are sending a negative message about the establishment.

>> No.4249157

Fair enough.
These are all me.

>> No.4249160

Also contrary to popular beliefs after tips servers make much more than cooks.

>> No.4249181

12$/hr, ask for raise.

>> No.4250065


So how exactly are you going to enjoy that money?

That's a lot of booze.

>> No.4250199

Maybe i should dump garbage on your face you fucking twat. you think being a line cook is fucking hard? sure you have to know how to cook, but in terms of the actual complications of timing, backlogs of things you 'need' to preform your job, and the things others need from you, dishwasher is the most fucking demanding job in a restaurant. The stupid fucking prep food they want done, cleaning the floors and whiping down surfaces, moving burning hot dishes to the front, often stacked neck high without droping or hitting anyone. cleaning sorting and maximizing dishwashing, washing my hands hundreds of times a day inbetween throw and catch. if you couldnt handle a line cook position dish washing would be out of your league entirely. it may not demand knowledge in cooking, but it sure as hell is twice if not three times as demanding as a fucking line cooks priorities.

>> No.4250221

Yep. Being a porter is hard as fuck. You have to clean everything used to prep, plus everything being used to cook with at that time. The kitchen can't ever run out of equipment. Dishwasher is the lifeblood of the kitchen. It might be the lowest station but if it collapses everything goes down with it.

>> No.4250226

This. I feel terrible for the dishwashers. My boyfriend did that job for a year while finishing up school and the poor guy busted his ass for 10 hours a day, non stop. You rely on other people in the restaurant to do their shit too, and most of the time, they don't. So you end up picking up their slack for the sake of the well-oiled machine. I waitressed for a few years and the whole restaurant culture is just cancer. Breeds unreasonable levels of resentment among coworkers. Never again. Truthfully, though, it spans all industries. Most people have no idea what work ethic is or how to be a decent human being. Just because I'm in an office now doesn't mean I'm not exposed to the same levels of dumbfuckery and incompetence.

Anyway, I always tidy up my mess and dishes before leaving the restaurant. Just to make the busser's life a little less hellish. My sympathies to those still trudging through that job.

>> No.4250228

>dishwasher thinking his job is more demanding than the people actually cooking the food

are you serious right now or trolling? i do dishes in between orders while i run the entire line by myself, dont make me laugh. if you honestly think washing dishes is hard that's why you are stuck as a dishwasher.

>> No.4250266
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>work nights
>be sick
>come in on my day off because they need more people
>half way through the night dishwasher throws up and has to go home
>be at work until 3:40 am

>> No.4250341

>mfw tommorow i start my 8th day of work without a break
>mfw my boss dosent pay overtime
>mfw my chef is fucking sick so i gotta take his next few shifts
I have to cook white outs do my own dishes my fucking cowerker never does any work no freezer pulls and he makes more money than me and ive been woring there months longer than him
and heres the kicker
11 dollars an hour
just four more days then three days off

>> No.4250380

Middle of service, every cook/ chef is busting their ass non-stop. Dishwasher has to keep up, and while skill is far less it's still manually demanding. You can't deny that they underpin the whole kitchen.

>> No.4250417

>manually demanding
I've worked ever position in the last 3 restaurants I worked at, dishes where by far the easiest. why are you trying to make it seem like washing dishes is such a hard job? do you realize how silly that sounds?

this is a line cook thread not a dish bitch thread

>> No.4250494


>> No.4250550


>> No.4250920


Do it dude they`ll hire you. My red lobster hires people shit dick all experience. Though don`t apply for dish, you`ll never get out of there.

>mfw I busted my ass for 6 months in the pit
>get baking position
>still bug me to do dish every two weeks

>> No.4250934

Dish washing would be easy if we lived in magic fairy land like you and you only ever had to WASH dishes. in the real world, dish-washing is just synonymous with all the worst jobs at a restaurant thrown into one position. If youre lucky the line will clean their own floors but in most locations i've been in they sat around while I did.

>> No.4250938

how many covers are you doing where you have the time to do dishes in between orders? Your service must be extremely basic as well.
I had a similar gig to yours in a casino... just short order junk, basically serving off one plate only. There, yes, one person can cook and do dishes and dishwashing isn't demanding.
But... let's say in a pricier, more sophisticated, busier kitchen, with at least 5-7 people on all stations, then you need a dedicated dishwasher and the job becomes quite complex, and certainly the kitchen grinds to a halt if the dishwasher isn't working at top capacity

>> No.4250943

damned right its a lot of booze. I'm looking into a new pistol though.

>> No.4250958

I would never go out of my way to be mean to a dishwasher, but you need to realize that you are where you are for a reason.

>> No.4250969
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Ooh what kind? My last pistol was an FNP.

We'll sweep if it's not terribly busy, but if we're close to closing we just go home and leave it to the night cleaner.

>> No.4251053

that reminds me of a funny story involving the dunning cruger effect, I used to be real hard on myself when I was busing for a mall, thinking I didnt do much yknow. this guy i didn't even see eye to eye with was like, "wut? your work ethic is amazing! shut up no you think you have no work ethic? I want you to sit here for 15 minutes and just do nothing." we all laughed but in the end I couldnt do it for even one minute, there was just too much shit to do.
are you really saying I deserve to work 7 days a week and not have any medical for minimum? please clarify if thats what you mean by reason, cause I'd be astonished if anyone who claimed they wherent mean to dishwashers told someone that.