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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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File: 16 KB, 320x275, bionicburgers2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4248708 No.4248708 [Reply] [Original]

How does a fast food chain's burger achieve the particular flavor of that fast food chain?

McDonald's, for example. We all know McDonald's when we taste it. It's a specific, recognizable taste.

But deconstruct a McDonald's hamburger. Is it the bun? Is the bun that distinctive or flavorful? The ketchup and mustard are ketchup and mustard, much the same as you'd get anywhere. Is it the tiny rehydrated onions? The oils used on the patty? Even the cheese is basically just your standard American slice. Pickles are pickles. So where does the flavor lie?

>> No.4248723

it just tastes like shit

>> No.4248726

it's the combination of those little things. fast food is not made from recipes, it's made from science. look at a bk burger- the meat has that weird "chargrilled" (as they call it) flavor, sesame seeds on the buns, pickles that suck less than mcdicks pickles, etc. still a burger, but with its own identity that people associate with bk

>> No.4248732

They likely spend millions investing in the right blends of meat with additives.

McDonalds didn't get to where it is with food that tastes like shit, you elitist faggot.

>> No.4248739

It's pretty much entirely from distinct artificial flavorings.

>> No.4248778

>deconstruct HURR

It's a fucking combination, idiot. And has mostly to do with this:


>> No.4248779

A lot of R&D goes into fast food.

>> No.4248792

Which is why it sucks, like everything else that is directed to the slack-jawed masses.

>going to watch Fox News while I eat my Big Mac and listen to the latest generic pop music and post about how great the SuperBowl commercial were

>> No.4248797

Are you threatened by words?

>> No.4250014

McD is actually reasonably easy to imitate.
The trick is to get similarly tasting condiments and proper potato buns.
The rest is just plenty of onion powder and a friendly dash of MSG.

>> No.4250021

The cheese is a brand called "old English " is manufactured by Kraft, specifically for McDonald's. So, there's that.

>> No.4250025
File: 57 KB, 450x338, mcdonalds-pink-slime.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

probably cause of pic related, nothing beats the taste of ammonia soaked beef!

>> No.4250033

Not one educated reply.
I consume McD about once a month.
Fries and a dbl chz or such. I hate the onion pickle lettuce tomato. Not gonna get into that.
My shit smells like McD when I shit it.
It's not pink slime. It's not soy. (are you young enough to remember when McD was put on blast for cutting their burgers with soy?)
Is it the fries??

>> No.4250044

need pic but McD's doesnt use pink slime
try again

>> No.4250045

oops, NEAT* pic

>> No.4250053

>Wonderbread style potato buns toasted on the inside before applying ingredients.
>Specially tempered cheddar cheese to get proper melting characteristics.
>Frozen beef patties seasoned with salt, pepper, onion powder and MSG.
>Mild american mustard
>Tangy Ketchup due to extra garlic powder.
>Rehydrated onions
>Regular dill pickles

Left to sit (used to be microwaved) for a couple of minutes before serving to allow the flavors to meld.

As for the fries:
>Precooked frozen fries fried in canola oil and seasoned with salt.

>> No.4250061

I doubt strongly that they use canola oil.
And I know that they don't use Cheddar.

Keep guessing.

>> No.4250068

They call it a blend so it's properly 99% of the cheapest motoroil they could find.

>> No.4250088

I figured it was a blend.
The same that most restaurants use.
You said "properly" but I think you meant "probably".
But having clarified that, what do you have for ammunition?
I'm not an employee, but the hate is tiresome. Find an appropriate target. This low hanging fruit is just that.
McD is bad.

>> No.4250097

I -- for the first time in my life -- went ahead and bought a cheese burger at McDonalds last year.
It didn't taste all that well and the meat was awful.
Even the chicken nuggets were fucking dried out.
The food I make at home is ten times tastier.

The average person can't cook for shit, and for them Micky D's is the solution for a tasty snack.

I'm not trying to be elitist here.
Maybe Mickey's sucks outside of the US, but I doubt it.
Also: I'm not the anon you replied to

>> No.4250244

I was on a /v/ thread the other day and many people seemed to agree the worst McDonald's were in the US

>> No.4250262

>You said "properly" but I think you meant "probably".
Man you sound upset that people don't like McDick's.

>> No.4250282
File: 50 KB, 500x500, 0002100061250_500X500.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The cheese is a brand called "old English " is manufactured by Kraft

Kraft hasn't made Old English cheese for years. Decades maybe. Except in the form of this spread.

>> No.4250292

Isn't Pink Slime perfectly safe?

>> No.4250296

The only time I ever want it is when I'm drunk. Even then, a whopper is better.

>> No.4250302
File: 169 KB, 560x315, Seitokai-Yakuindomo1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fuck, I goddamned love McDonalds.

Well, I love cheeseburgers and fries in general. I wish I lived on the west coast solely for your burgerjoints.

>> No.4250309
File: 20 KB, 453x303, c.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>The food I make at home is ten times tastier.
>not trying to be elitist

Try harder.

>> No.4250311

Since when did making better food than McDonald's equate to an elitist mentality?

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.4250316

*ten times better food

>> No.4250318

Since when did making better food than McDonald's equate to an elitist mentality?

Are you stupid or what?

>> No.4250321

are you trying to say you can cook ten times better fries than McDonalds? dude you must be a billionaire, why do you spend time on fucking 4chan? go ride your yacht you rascal

>> No.4250322 [DELETED] 

>are you trying to say you can cook ten times better fries than McDonalds? dude you must be a billionaire
Is this your concept or logic?

>> No.4250326

Interesting approach to logic.

>> No.4250332


> fast food is not made from recipes, it's made from science

either you don't know what science is, or i don't know what a recipe is.

>> No.4250336

I think he means fast food is purposefully created in a lab-like atmosphere and subjected to lots of consumer testing, market research, etc.

>> No.4250337 [DELETED] 


double dipshit read:

>food I make at home is ten times tastier
>average person can't cook for shit, and for them Mickey D's is the solution for a tasty snack
>not trying to be elitist
>implying anon is better than the average person

You're fucking thick, aren't you?

>> No.4250340


double dipshit read:

>food I make at home is ten times tastier
>average person can't cook for shit, and for them Mickey D's is the solution for a tasty snack
>not trying to be elitist
>implying anon is better than the average person

You're fucking thick, aren't you?

>> No.4250347

Not only do you not understand what the word elitist means, the fact that you say, "the average person" is rather suggestive.

Education is elitist too, amirite?

>> No.4250351

>implying anon is better than the average person
You say this as if it is a bad thing.

>> No.4250357

tried it in 3 countries (although never had a bigmac in my life)

USA: pretty shit
Canada: pretty good
Israel: fucking godtier, idonteven

>> No.4250358

I had a tamago hamburger at McDonald's in Japan... a fried egg with this awesome pepper sauce, it was amazing.

>> No.4250457
File: 122 KB, 393x274, McKroket-Belanda[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The only good McDonald's product, too bad for all you non-dutchies

>> No.4250461

I will be in the Netherlands next month and definitely won't try it.

>> No.4250468


I hope you're not some 420 blaze it faggot

>> No.4250470

Too bad I don't even like regular kroket.

>> No.4250499

Am I the only one who finds the slimy, supersoft texture of a cheeseburge/mcdouble/hamburger etc. revolting?

>> No.4250543

Why do so many people here like fast food specifically McDonald's? It's fucking disgusting and something I get if I'm in a rush or don't want to spend a lot of money

>> No.4250547

>I get if I'm in a rush or don't want to spend a lot of money

>> No.4250552

McDonald's is better out of the states. In Japan, they have teriyaki burgers, and in Greece it seemed much fresher. But being an Amerifat who has grown up with it, I still think it's delicious here.

Also lol at the anons calling you an elitest for being able to cook. I much prefer cooking now. Perhaps you are better than the average person?

>> No.4250557


sure, but that's discussing necessity, not "liking" it.

I believe it's due to the laziness of their parents. Because their parents rarely if ever cooked them proper meals and instead took their kids to McDonald's they simply don't know any better. They grew up eating it due to laziness and ineptitude in the kitchen.

>> No.4250563
File: 190 KB, 1200x800, 57056013_8ae331730b_o.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Have you ever read Fast Food Nation?

Provided you somehow got permission, you could purchase the flavor of a McDonald's hamburger in a test tube from a fragrance factory in Newark, NJ.

Picture sadly related.

>> No.4250567

>necessity, not "liking" it

Good reason and perfect response on the anons question on why they are so liked.

>I believe it's due to the laziness of their parents

Cooking is very easy? The costs involved and the time required is rather annoying especially with young adults with a small electric stove. The U.S should embrace the fast industry because even though you may not realize it but its the only country that accepts it.

>> No.4250615

They have though. Only for McDonald's

>> No.4250645

Why, do you live in Amsterdam?

>> No.4250652

Well geeze, if the FDA says soaking inedible beef parts in ammonia is safe for us then there MUST be no problem with it!

Kill yourself.

>> No.4250660

>any part of a cow
Kill yourself you spoiled picky faggot.

>> No.4250667

As long as it benefits a corporation and is sanctioned by a rather retarded federal administrative body (that I would have dismissed if it contradicted my personal opinion).

>> No.4250672

Yet the practice has been common for decades? Hmm I guess billions of people died as a result of pink slime. Its a joke when the media reports these sort of things to the mass public who knows absolutely nothing about meat throw opinions at it. What happen to the free market?

>> No.4250675

>connective tissue


>> No.4250679

>What happen to the free market?
You mean letting people know what is in their food and being able to decide if they want to purchase it based on their own opinion?

Remember Proposition 37 in California? That is what happened to free market.

>> No.4250683

You're an idiot if you think our fucked up food system isn't the cause of the majority of health problems most Americans face. I guarantee you soaking food in ammonia is not healthy no matter what the government tells you.

>> No.4250687

The practice was put on the market before actually being tested. The consumers were the guinea pigs.

This is a pretty common occurrence when it comes to the consumer - put something on the market, receive backlash, and come up with research supporting the product after the fact.

>> No.4250723

McGangbangs are tasty, but you feel bad after eating it.

>> No.4250752

>know what is in their food and being able to decide if they want to purchase it based on their own opinion?

Based on ignorant opinions that destroyed that lives of 200 people in Amarillo?


Every single food has been genetically modified to prolong its survivability. What did the label do? Nothing

>health problems most Americans face

Blaming the food? Blame the people for not controlling themselves.

>healthy no matter what the government tells you.

Have you seen the shit the nutrition facts on some foods? Shit is crazy but people do not know the process. So they are not throwing a fit for it.


Yet the practice worked well for decades and no one complained about until it went viral. then everybody with an opinion threw it out in the open.

>research supporting the product after the fact.

You mean liberal yuppie bullshit that hurts the company and the people that work for it? Take a look at box of Crackers how about candy. The public is filled with ignorance and they will ruin peoples lives because of something they didnt know that did work is very wrong for them now.

>> No.4250760

>Blaming the food? Blame the people for not controlling themselves.

It's certainly a combination of both. Corn is so heavily subsidized that HFCS is put into everything. HFCS suppresses one's ability to feel full so it naturally leads to overeating. The government is literally paying corporations to make americans fat and you want to trust their opinion that soaking beef cartilage in ammonia to stretch out the real meat product is safe.


>> No.4250762

>You mean liberal yuppie bullshit that hurts the company and the people that work for it?
>Every single food has been genetically modified to prolong its survivability. What did the label do? Nothing

I lol'd.

>> No.4250764
File: 49 KB, 400x450, 1333065616644.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw no one has posted BicMac sauce yet

>> No.4250766

no, not all of Netherlands is Amsterdam, and pot is kinda available in the whole country, not only in Ams

>> No.4250769

It's funny how right wing people can so easily turn a blind eye to massive taxpayer-funded subsidies to large private corporations.

They'll say, "well yeah I think it's bullshit, b-b-b-b-but corporate self-regulation is really important to me!"

They don't realize why they feel strongly about "corporate freedoms"... even after Prop 37 was a great example of how corporate-funded astroturf campaigns can sway people and make them think they actually don't want more access to information.

>> No.4250771

I really wish I could move to another country, but alas, I'd have to give up all of my fucking guns ;_;

>> No.4250773

A simple yes or no would do, but I see you are very sensitive about this issue.

>> No.4250778

>It's funny how right wing
Stop this. It's both the right AND left doing this shit. I don't like the fascism either, anon.

>> No.4250785

>Corn is so heavily subsidized that HFCS is put into everything

Because its a cheaper substitute then growing a variety of crops for a single purpose.

>one's ability to feel full so it naturally leads to overeating

No? I have the ability to control my appetite even though my diet consists of food with corn by products. Stress, boredom, and cheap food is what causes obesity.

> government is literally paying corporations to make americans fat

They are trying to expand different solutions for food productions at a lower costs which is passed down to the consumer.

> soaking beef cartilage in ammonia

why do people who have no knowledge of the industry have negative opinions. What they see is what they should base everything on?

>> No.4250788

Yeah, but right wing people are apparently proponents of "small government", "fiscal responsibility", and "free market".

Those are the hallmarks of right wing populism, not that of the left.

>> No.4250793

>corn is subsidized because it is cheaper
Wow, you are quite the smart one.

>> No.4250797

.ever equating the modern right with the old right

The old right wasn't authoritarian as could be. These guys are authoritarian as FUCK

>> No.4250803


Just because the GOP was traditionally "conservative" or "right wing" doesn't mean that it still is. Every president since Lincoln has engaged in ever-increasing deficit spending.

polite sage for off topic.

>> No.4250807

>Because its a cheaper substitute then growing a variety of crops for a single purpose.
So the government subsidizes the corn industry because... corn is cheaper?

what kind of logic is this

>> No.4250802

Do you ever listen to what any of the conservative governments in America (and the world) say?

>> No.4250811

If anything FDR fucked it up even more, along with nixon

>> No.4250812

>No? I have the ability to control my appetite even though my diet consists of food with corn by products

Wow, you must be super human.

>They are trying to expand different solutions for food productions at a lower costs which is passed down to the consumer.

Yes, cheaper to buy, and 100000x more expensive in health care costs to fund big medicine.

>why do people who have no knowledge of the industry have negative opinions. What they see is what they should base everything on?

What do you mean? Are you trying to imply that pink slime doesn't contain cartilage? Because it does.

>> No.4250815

Yet you ignore the fact that corn has a lot of benefits and Monsanto sees it as a cash crop. Does everything without the need of multiple crops.

>> No.4250816

>>Because its a cheaper substitute then growing a variety of crops for a single purpose.

No, it's not. A subsidy COSTS you money. If it really was cheaper to grow corn than other crops then nobody would have to pay corn farmers to do it. They would do it on their own without requiring the subsidy.

A subsidy exists when an entity--usually the government--decides it wants people to do the MORE EXPENSIVE option than they normally would, and has to pay money to help offset those higher costs.

>> No.4250819

Because corn does everything and government helps this miracle crop by making it less expensive than it already is. Do you even understand the complexity of corn? Corn is everywhere.

>huffington post

Like I said obesity is the combination of abundance and depression.

>health care costs to fund big medicine.

Do you know how healthcare works? The government gives the money to JP Morgan and they are the ones that write them checks. The more people who have problems JP morgan benefits.

>What do you mean?

People saw a video and had silly opinions and how it should banned even though its been used for long time.

>> No.4250822

I guess it just has potential to be cheaper? Look at all the shit it can be used for: vitamins, sugars, there's an enormous market for this shit

It isn't even the edible kind

>> No.4250836

So you're just going to write off the study because I chose a huffington post article about it? Should I have gone with Faux news's report, maybe you would've believed that?

You can stick your fingers in your ears and go "la la la i can't hear you" all you want but that doesn't make you right or the problem go away.

>Do you know how healthcare works? The government gives the money to JP Morgan and they are the ones that write them checks. The more people who have problems JP morgan benefits.

Yes, and the more people eat HFCS (subsidized by the government) the more people have huge health problems and instead of addressing their diet they go to doctors and pharmaceuticals to try to cure them of their problem, which is eating too much shitty food that the government pays companies to make poisonous to you.

>People saw a video and had silly opinions and how it should banned even though its been used for long time.

Lots of things are shadily done by corporations without the public's knowledge and when they find out about it they get outraged and then those things stop. Just because there weren't any direct studies showing pink slime caused health problems doesn't mean pink slime doesn't cause health problems.

>> No.4250838

>No, it's not. A subsidy COSTS you money

They are still going to tax the people

>nobody would have to pay corn farmers to do it
>Monsanto has the corn rights
>Monsanto is a military contractor for the U.S government

These farmers are working for the government

>MORE EXPENSIVE option than they normally would

Produce higher yields of a product with a push from the government because the costs involved in mass farming is expensive but Corn is the cheapest available.

Let me ask you this...

Name me one crop that offers more diversity than Corn?

>> No.4250841

>Name me one crop that offers more diversity than Corn?


Too bad it's banned due to the cotton industry.

>> No.4250856

You understand that corn offers a lot of benefits and not just food for a lower cost.

> all you want but that doesn't make you right or the problem go away.

Corn makes food cheaper
Depression leads to overeating
Cheaper food+overeating=Fat people

How hard is that to understand?

> more people eat HFCS

They have a choice on what they eat and blaming the government for everything doesn't help.

>hadily done by corporations without the public's knowledge

Because people are stupid? They are all deaf mutes until they actually see it.

>> No.4250861

Corn completely dominates hemp when it comes to diversity in a variety of applications.

>> No.4250863

How hard is to understand that, in ADDITION to that, the government pays our farmers to overgrow corn so that HFCS is put into everything and that HFCS suppresses the body's ability to feel full so that people overeat?

>They have a choice on what they eat and blaming the government for everything doesn't help

The government subsidizes corn so that the cheaper, easily available options for consumers are filled with HFCS. If you want to eat healthily you have to pay significantly more. There's nobody to blame here but the government, sorry.

>Because people are stupid? They are all deaf mutes until they actually see it.

>something happens behind closed doors
>public at large doesn't know about it
>call them stupid deaf mutes because they weren't privileged enough to know what was happening.

jesus christ how autistic are you?

>> No.4250864

>tiny rehydrated onions
i love them so much

>> No.4250867

No it doesn't.

>> No.4250876

>HFCS is put into everything and that HFCS suppresses the body's ability to feel full so that people overeat?

Corn is used in variety of ways and not just food. Did you not listen? the government help with a bit of money so the entire industry can benefit from this.

> easily available

So blame the government for making easily available? The hell is your problem

>eat healthily you have to pay significantly more

fucking bullshit because you have the choice in picking the right foods or smaller portions. Not only that but the ability to exercise is also a benefit to ones health. All these factors come together when it comes to prosperity and weight.

>something happens behind closed doors

Smoking hemp? People work at these jobs and the information of pink slime was readily available on the internet before this fiasco. You can research any food right now and the internet will have all the answers. Have questions about the product? Well nobody is stopping you from conducting your own laboratory tests. People want convenience and these companies have to cater to that so they are not going to say in the mass media on what they do. It hurts the companies image and closes down the manufacturing.

>> No.4250889

well, I'm not the same as the guy you asked it to, but yeah, you wouldn't believe how often I hear "so you're from Amsterdam" if i tell someone i'm able to buy shit

>> No.4250891

I've always thought mcdonalds burgers tasted.. too 'sweet' or something.
Like the buns or meat has corn syrup or sugar added to it
...or like the buns are a really shitty King Hawaiian knockoff or something

The meat by itself is oddly bland and tasteless.
Its gotta be the buns or condiments.
Do they use thier own brand of ketchup or something?

>> No.4250901

>So blame the government for making easily available? The hell is your problem

My problem is that the government, instead of subsidizing healthy foods that are good for you, subsidizes corn, which is a food of dubious healthiness and the excess product is used to make HFCS, which is undeniably bad for you and causes overeating.

If the government subsidized healthy organic food, then that would be what's cheap and readily available for consumers, which would solve a huge majority of our country's health issues.

>fucking bullshit because you have the choice in picking the right foods or smaller portions. Not only that but the ability to exercise is also a benefit to ones health. All these factors come together when it comes to prosperity and weight.

Yes, I personally am privileged enough to be able to afford healthy food and limit my HFCS intake to almost none. Not everybody can afford to do so though.

>It hurts the companies image and closes down the manufacturing.
Good, the world would be a much better place if corporations like McDonalds didn't exist.

>> No.4250921
File: 9 KB, 252x252, red what.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

People shouldn't be eating corn or corn-based products in the first place
You're eating the exact same stuff that feeds livestock to plump them up for the slaughterhouse.
Chemicals, additives and all.

>> No.4250927

>subsidizing healthy foods

Which are what exactly? Monsanto has a monopoly for cash crops in the U.S.

>which is a food

Not just a food but a magic product that serves different purposes. People have freedom to make the choice on what they eat and how much. I'm fit and eat smaller portions of food because I made the choice.

> afford healthy food

Good job? Even though I find it hard to believe anyone in the U.S can eat "organic" when everything is owned by Monsanto.

> world would be a much better place if corporations like McDonalds didn't exist.

It has to be done for the future survival of the human species through the manipulation of crops. Tomatoes are a perfect example on the benefit of mass production. Tomatoes are so fragile that plagues or small change in weather can ruin an entire crop.

>> No.4250949

>complains about Monsanto, the company that benefits the most from the US subsidizing corn
>doesn't comprehend that the US subsidizing corn is a problem

>> No.4250955


Actually it's the beef. They've engineered a beef recipe, probably pretty secret, of beef parts. Normally people get ground chuck at the grocery store, some even get ground sirloin, but theirs is a blend of parts.

McDonald's has its own farms, too, and probably feeds the cows a special diet. Maybe, like KFC chickens probably look like quails with T-rex legs when they're alive, maybe McDonald's cows don't even look like cows anymore.

Who knows? But that's how they do it. A proprietary blend of 11 cow parts.

>> No.4251149


Science is being able to replicate the same experiment with the same conditions anywhere in the world. If anyone can observe a particular particle under a particular test, then it makes it scientifically accurate.

McDonald's constructs it's recipes under lab conditions so every patty tastes the exact same.

>> No.4251176

>complains about Monsanto

I love Monsanto

>US subsidizing corn is a problem

Not when the entire food industry is effected by corn

This is why I love Mcdonalds they understand the future of food

>> No.4251201

gonna link you something
right to the important part.

>> No.4251214
File: 78 KB, 465x468, 1303079383323.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>This is why I love Mcdonalds they understand the future of food

>> No.4251219


It is not effected, it is affected.