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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4248364 No.4248364 [Reply] [Original]

This is a buffalo chicken sandwich from Giordano's in Chicago.

What I want to know is:

Why in holy hell would you go to a place renowned for its pizza and get.......... a sandwich? Or.. any pizza place for that matter?

>> No.4248370


Your bun to chicken ratio is all fucked up.

>> No.4248383

>chicken breast
>not even a token tomato or piece of lettuce

>> No.4248388
File: 226 KB, 560x372, 20101029_portillos_560x372.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


not going to Portillo's...are you retarded?

>> No.4248395

That's a shitty look pizza but I wouldn't expect less from Shitcago.

>> No.4248405
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You just took autistic to a whole new level.

>> No.4248439

so true

>> No.4248441

americunts discussing rancid food

>> No.4248456
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>> No.4248507

>going to Portillo's when you could go to Al's

I admit that I enjoy going to Portillo's when I want a greasebomb.

>> No.4248518


Portillo's has excellent Italian Beef. I would go to them if I wanted their specific IB and to Al's if I wanted *their* specific IB. And for dogs I would go to Portillo's.

>> No.4248530

If you are a regular it would get boring only eating one thing that resto made.

>> No.4248536

Theres plenty of great pizza places in my area that do awesome sandwiches as well. Sometimes you are not in a pizza mood.

>> No.4248544 [DELETED] 

> get bread
> roll it into a circle
> put cheese and meat on it
> melt the cheese

> get bread
> make two slices of it
> put meat and cheese between them
> melt the cheese

You fucking Americans are fucking embarrassing. Why are you so happy/proud of your shit food? Honestly, starving Africans eat better than you morons do.

>> No.4248552

>Why in holy hell would you go to a place renowned for its pizza and get.......... a sandwich?
because you went with a group of friends and you didn't want to get pizza but they did. but since you don't have any friends, op, you never run into that problem.

>> No.4248602


Where's a good place for Italian Beef that isn't Al's, Portillo's, or Superdawg? Those seem to be the only places I ever see mentioned

>> No.4248609

that's because those are chains and easy to find. you can go to just about any pizza place and get a good italian beef

also, any little shack that has a vienna beef sign in the window is a good place to get a hotdog.

>> No.4248618


literally, every place in chi-town that sells hot dogs sells beefs which are on every corner. Most of them are pretty hit or miss, the big guys are big because they produce a consistent product and you know exactly what your going to get when you go there. That being said, Sammie's, Zippie's and Lukes are like the smaller big guys with just a few locations and all have their own little specialty. After that it's pretty much all one off shops.

>> No.4248623

That only annoys me when someone does that the first time they try a place and then write it off forever.

>> No.4248675

i won't order chicken sandwiches pretty much anywhere. either the bread to meat ratio is fucked up, shit's dry, shit's too sloppy or just way too small in general.

>> No.4248743

oh, and there's not much variety. it's either red sauce and cheese or lettuce tomato and mayo.

although nancy's makes a bad ass sandwich they call a chicken club. two breasts on a sub roll smothered in some kinda garlic dressing with tomato and lettuce and then topped with cheese and bacon and put in an oven til the cheese is melted. pretty good.

>> No.4248773

I think a lot of Nancy's locations have different menus outside of the pizza. Not necessarily the most cohesive chain.

When I lived near one the only thing I tried other than pizza was the godfather sandwich which was basically an Italian beef on garlic bread with onions, peppers and mozzarella

>> No.4248790

now that you mention that, i remember the nancy's by my girlfriend's place in the city sold ribs but the one i worked at on the southside didn't

the godmother is basically a chicken parm sandwich
their sorrento sandwich is pretty good too. same as godfather but with that garlic sauce in stead of red.

>> No.4248811
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I went to the one on the northwest side. They don't have any of the chicken sandwiches outside one that's listed "chicken sandwich" on the menu. The inside also looked like they just grabbed some old booths and tables from an alley somewhere.

Damn good prices though and the food wasn't bad either.

>> No.4248843

this is the menu for the alsip location where i worked

having worked at 2 other non-chain pizza places prior to working at nancy's i think their thin pizza is kinda meh, but the deep dish, stuffed and most of the kitchen stuff is pretty good shit.

>> No.4248889

First, a side story:
there's a place near my place of residence that is well known for its roast beef sandwiches. Nonetheless, their roast pork sandwiches are even better than their already awesome roast beef. Their roast beef sells like whoa merely because the place is known for roast beef though it should really be known for their roast pork. Oh well.
Near by is another place that's actually world recognised for its roast pork sandwich. It's often considered the best roast pork sandwich in the country. Oddly, that place know for its roast beef has better roast pork than this place does and most locals agree. Also odd is that the place known for its roast pork has better roast beef!
Long story short: just because you're known for one thing, doesn't mean you can't do something else better.
Ike is king of the woman beaters, but he's an even better guitarist.

>> No.4249021

I'd go to Chicago for an Italian Beef.

A couple are opening in AZ soon. Super excited.

>> No.4249031

yeah, get jumbo dogs, jumbo chili dogs and a double bacon cheese.

their double bacon cheese is about as good as it gets without having to go to some faggy hipster place and wait 2 hrs for a $20 burger

>> No.4249330
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had to get me some jumbo chilidogs after typing that

>> No.4249430

Philly is pretty similar, most people that eat cheesesteaks in Philly are tourists. The Roast Pork is much better here, along with amazing Thai food.

>> No.4249479

I'm actually speaking of places in Philly.

>> No.4249482

>Thai food
No, the Thai food here is awful. The Indonesian and Vietnamese are quite good, though, and a lot of white people get dishes from those two cultures confused with Thai dishes.

>> No.4249736


You eat snails, Europe. SNAILS. Seriously. You have nothing to say here.

>> No.4249768

I think a handful of countries in Europe eat snails frequently. You know there are like 50 countries there and they are all different, right? Also, people in the US eat snails too. Your little fit is cute though. Well, not really.

>> No.4250562

>50 countries

i think someone needs to look at a globe

>> No.4250587


dammit progun, why in the hell would you go to Portillo's without getting a beef?

>> No.4250604

... there's at least 40, over half of them are in the UE. So the other poster was off by a few: whoopdie shit.

>> No.4250606

because pop's on 103rd and kedzie has better beefs

>> No.4250641

>103rd and kedzie

now I know why you have so many guns

>> No.4250643

Which one?

I live half a block from Giordano's...

>> No.4250648

nah, that's mt. greenwood. you need to go about 4 miles east before it starts getting wild

>> No.4250661
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fuk that, I don't go below 25th too many wild monkeys with ak's

>> No.4250689
File: 838 KB, 1730x3008, Chicago-2006-Violent-Crime-Map.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

seriously, the south east side is where the animals are.

red dot is where i grew up. orange dot is where i live now.

>> No.4250701


DUDE...that's from like 06, anything south of the loop is a war zone now.

>> No.4250707


that map is racism pure and simple.


racism is not allowed outside of /b/ and /pol/

>> No.4250710

the point i'm making is that i don't live in the ghetto.

>> No.4250725

>Place renowned for its pizza
finds it strange that you can eat italian sandwiches


>> No.4250742


At first I thought you were just a bad cook with insecurity issues, hence the arsenal. Now I know you need them for protection, because you live right in the middle of the killing fields. Just curious, are you folks or people?

>> No.4250744

>buffalo chicken sandwich
>italian sandwiches

Please pick one.

>> No.4250808

watch your mouth or i'll send my posse after you

>> No.4250831


Ok, I understand that individuals raised or living for significant periods of time in lower socioeconomic developed areas have a tendency to act out with violence when confronted with the truth of their atrocious living conditions. Srs'ly, there has to be a 50-60% of getting raped just walking out your door.

>> No.4250964

This reminds me of the stupid chicago pizza/casserole debate.

Just because a restaurant serves pizza doesn't mean they are a "pizza place" and therefore must only make pizza.

The "pizza place" I frequent has one style of pizza, thin crust. Yet, they have at least 15 different sandwiches, 10 or so different appetizers, 7 salads, and a slew of seafood and pasta entrees.

Seems odd the restaurant is listed amongst pizza places in the phone book, yet less than 5% of their menu is pizza.

>> No.4250976

Philly area here, most places are like that. About the only places that make sandwiches for some reason feel obliged to carry pizza and most of the time it tastes like some half-assed menu item that was tacked on just because. Sometimes the same scenario when a place specialized in pizza but carry a few sandwiches too. I can't think of many places that do both well.

>> No.4251275

Lol, the pizza place i worked as was of course KNOWN for its pizza...but they also sold salad and subs. and i gotta be honest....the subs were GOOD, the deli meats tasted better than say what you get at subway tbh and you can choose any toppings you can order on pizza so thats just about what you can get at sub places anyway. subs like meatball, grilled chicken, steak, etc obviously were frozen stuff but the quality wasnt too bad. i often got a sub over some pizza.

>> No.4251281

its not different than calling a hotdog stand a hotdog stand even though most of the menu is other shit. if i tell someone i'm going to a "pizza place" they have a general idea of what's on the menu.

if i said hey, i'm ordering from baracco's and you had no idea what baracco's was i'd tell you it was a pizza place, get it?

>> No.4251448
File: 60 KB, 300x225, jtm-steak.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> if i tell someone i'm going to a "pizza place" they have a general idea of what's on the menu.

I suspect it is also regional but I wonder how it was elsewhere back in the day. Where I grew up pizza places only had pizza and no place that I can remember carried burgers/dogs/sandwiches as a mainstay with one or two pizzas buried in the menu.

Now I couldn't find a place that only sells pizza if my life depended on it. Last one I saw was the dominos in the late 80's. They had hand tossed crust pizza and coca cola. That's it. They slowly introduced breadsticks, then "steak sammich" (JTM patty style), then wings.

>> No.4251464

But what is the problem? Burger King does not only sell burgers. Kebab shops also sell other Turkish food. Fish and Chip standsoften have more than fish and chips on the menu.

>> No.4251762

>tfw the orange dot is directly on the roof of my old house in EP

>> No.4251796

are you progun?