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File: 17 KB, 438x350, my face is a glass.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4248117 No.4248117[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

>mfw brits clap after dropping a glass in the pub

>> No.4248123

we applaud your stupidity.

>> No.4248130

Except it's done in America too.

Fuck, we used to do it in Girl Scouts.

>> No.4248134

>girl scouts in the pub

>> No.4248138

>a pub without girl scouts

>> No.4248160

> Girlie-whirly trooper-doopers in the drinky-winky

>> No.4248168
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>> No.4248193


>> No.4248196
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i dont think you know what mfw means

>> No.4248201

Read the file name and stop picking on me, jerk.

>> No.4248429
File: 40 KB, 106x164, so retard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw american college kids clap after dropping anything in the caf
I don't think it's an exclusive thing

>> No.4248437
File: 107 KB, 1024x768, 1244299270623.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>mfw Americans clap when buses pull into bus stops
>mfw Americans clap when food's ready
>mfw Americans clap when they've finished eating
>mfw Americans clap after finishing chapters in a book
>mfw Americans clap at the end of movies
>mfw Americans clap after posting on 4chan
>mfw Americans

>> No.4248472

>mfw an American ridicules anyone for clapping about something.

>> No.4248483

Seriously Britbongs, can you explain this one to me?

This retarded "WHEEEEYYY," shit. I remember someone asked yesterday and everyone just said, "I don't know, because we do."

That's the worst explanation for being obnoxious I've ever heard.

>> No.4248490

It's called banter.

When someone does something embarrassing it's your obligation to ridicule him for it.

>> No.4248489

>getting mad over this

>> No.4248504

I get it, it's suppose to be sarcastic.

I still have no idea what 'counting bongs' is though, so could someone explain?

>> No.4248509

Ahahaha we did this the other night although normally you have to go "Wheeeey well done ya stupid wanka"

>> No.4248529
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>mfw there is a group I knew that sang the Coronation St. theme song upon glasses being dropped

>> No.4248539

The best explanation as to why people have any traditions, really.

>> No.4248543

Church bells tell the time every hour. One bong means one o'clock, two for two, right the way up to twelve. One counts the bongs to tell the time. Churches don't do that in ‘Murrika?

>> No.4248545

>dropping cups

>> No.4248554

This is actually the best idea I've heard in quite sometime I will spread this now

>> No.4248560
File: 2 KB, 250x251, 1354409540451.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mfw Americans clap after renting a movie

>> No.4248561

Mybe in the middle, I live in California and the church by my grandparents house did it.Broke my heart when I realized the bells were only for decoration and it was a recording. I'm pretty sure no one does it anymore.

It was one of my favorite things about Europe, the sound of the bells and how they bounce off the cobble stone. I remember on easter Christmas or during a wedding when it seems like they go on forever.. I'm sure it would piss me off if i lived right downtown, but i loved it.

>> No.4248579
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>not clapping after the red box dispenses your DVD

>> No.4248580

I hear a bell go off on the hour at my public university

>> No.4248678

>mfw the bell in my village's church rings out every hour during summer.
>mfw people do bell ringing in summer too

before I left for University bell ringing had long since lost its charm

>> No.4248757

Does a human being ring the bells or is it all automated now?

I live near a few churches and a university that all have hourly bells, and I've never really thought about it.

>> No.4248894

>mfw Americans clap when the coupons they use get them 25 cents off

>> No.4248902

i have never dropped nor seen a glass get dropped in a bar
who the fuck does this

>> No.4248917

I guess you haven't been to a bar many times.

People drop things, is that amazing?

>> No.4248943


The bells usually don't even move now. As in, they're fixed in place.

The sound of bells ringing is pre-recorded and played over a speaker system.

>> No.4249078

My local church has a group of volunteers.

>> No.4249147

>Mfw 2013 and people still mentioning church

>> No.4249151

Seems pretty gay to me as well anon.

>> No.4249176


>> No.4249196


>> No.4250062


Burj tower? All mosque-attending, pilgrimage seeking muslims.

Notre-Dame Cathedral? They also went to church.

Chrysler building? Maybe not all of them.

The Taj Mahal?

Pretty much all "oh wow that's amazing" building were build by believers. People who don't believe build disposable iStores.

So I expect to see you at mass this Sunday? Man, you're in Church and you need a job, people will offer you a job. Church is an awesome place made of win.

They're just depressing north of where the south becomes north because nobody goes.

>> No.4250075

Does anyone else shout "TAXI"?

>> No.4250109

How do you live with yourself?
I'm trying to help you...
I don't know why I bother.
Your opinion as a tripfag is not valuable.
Can you find a forum somewhere else where people value your opinion? There are a lot of forums and I believe that you have an opinion, I just don't think that is valuable here. Maybe there is a forum that cares about what you have to say? Maybe?

>> No.4250116


Because not enough ausfags in /ck/

>> No.4250132

>burj khalifa built by muslims

it was designed and overseen by western europeans and built by the poorest of the poor, usually imported from african countries and asia, paying them an absolute pittance that would be considered slave labour in a western nation.

all the rich muzzies did was pony up the cash cash dolla dolla.

>> No.4250144

my friend whistles for cabs
i'm not sure how the cabs understand that he wants a cab but he gets them

>> No.4250176

faggots like you that keep that going...

>> No.4250201

It's mocking. "Whey you're a dickhead"

>> No.4250238

>mfw Americans clap when the telephone rings

>> No.4250242

>mfw they both clap when one of them picks it up and answers

>> No.4250264

>mfw an entire telephone conversation between two Americans has constant clapping in the background

>> No.4250271

>mfw Americans clap when the lights turn on and off

>> No.4250278

>mfw American clap when they turn on their faucet and water comes out

>> No.4250284

I was in the American Express building when the WTC buildings came down. I remember watching people jumping and hearing irregular clapping.

I turned around and half a dozen people were bawling their eyes out, watching the jumpers, and CLAPPING. I couldn't believe it, and then more and more people started clapping and crying.

It was so fucked up. I was going to start screaming at people because it was inappropriate but I think it was just a nervous reaction, I don't know...

>> No.4250303
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