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File: 29 KB, 500x500, hemp.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4247699 No.4247699 [Reply] [Original]

Non-dairy milk general!

Anyone here like hemp milk? I just recently started drinking pic related and really like it. I've had some stomach issues and have found that switching to non-dairy milks helps a lot. I only wish it had more protein.

>> No.4247709

Whay does it taste like?
is it better for you than regular milk?

>> No.4247714 [DELETED] 


>> No.4247715

It tastes slightly nutty and not really anything like cow's milk. I like the vanilla flavor and haven't tried the original flavor. Its creamy though, on account of hemp having lots of healthy fats.

I think its up to the individual on what's better for them. Regular milk just upsets my stomach so that's why I've been exploring other options

>> No.4247721

Thanks! Maybe ill look.into.it

>> No.4247727

Hemp milk is one of the most foul things I have ever tasted. I have no idea how others can drink it.

>> No.4247729

what brand did you try?

>> No.4247737

what for..?

>> No.4247741

I honestly don't know. I was taking a class on food products and we had a lab where we tasted a dozen different kinds of milk and milk substitutes. I found the hemp milk to be intolerable. Rice milk was pretty good though.

>> No.4247763

Yeah rice milk is pretty good too. It just didn't have enough fat/protein to justify it as a dairy substitute for me

>> No.4247775

I like Almond Milk myself, hemp taste seems to lend itself better to snacks.

>> No.4247794

So which type of non dairy milk do you guys think is the best? In terms of both health and flavour? Personally I like soy but only unsweetened, the regular tastes really weird to me. I'm curious to try almond milk, but I can never find it anywhere.

>> No.4247821

Milk substitutes shouldn't even be called such. Hemp and almond milk taste pig disgusted unless they're loaded with artificial flavoring...then what's the point?

Rice milk is okay though.

>> No.4247970

Hot soy milk and youtiao is a fantastic breakfast.

>> No.4247973

>Its creamy though,
interesting. i've always stuck to soy milk because almond, coconut, and rice milk are all watery.

>> No.4247977

i prefer soy. you can find hemp in any health food store

>> No.4248421
File: 72 KB, 390x241, FlaxMilkLG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everyone get off your fucking asses and go buy yourselves some flax milk. Shut the fuck up and don't come back until you've tried that shit.

>> No.4248443

my local grocery store only got rice, almond, oat and soymilk.

>> No.4248470

>oat milk
... is that any good?

>> No.4250082


>> No.4250094

What does it taste like? Don't say "like oats"

>> No.4250135
File: 52 KB, 625x419, minerals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Soy milk isnt really all that great for you. Anything with soy should be avoided. At least mostly for men.

When Soys broken down in the body it produces something that acts similar to estrogen once it goes through your system. Estrogen makes men weaker all around, both personality wise and body wise. It really fucks you up over the long term.

I had to lay off milk 2 years ago after my guts started going NOPE and giving me the shits every time I had a glass of milk or a bowl of cereal. I tried a bunch of things, and found all those different thinks like almond milk and rice milk to be disgusting.

I ended up going with Dairy Lands lactose free milk. They basiclaly just adding Lactase enzymes to the milk. It breaks down the lasctose and gives the milk a sweeter taste than normal, because Lactose is basically a sugar. I found its the best way to get the taste/protien/fat of milk, and not get sick.


But some people are so sensitive to dairy they cant even have this stuff. IMO if I got so sensitive to dairy that anything made me shit my pants, Id just start drinking protein shakes and not eat any dairy at all.

>> No.4250138 [DELETED] 

Anyone try goat milk?

>> No.4250844


>not mixing

cow/coconut/almond/rice/soy/hemp milk ALL together in a big jug.

>pour some into glass

>drink supermilk

>> No.4250848


the problem with soy is that i heard most is genetically modified and really fucked up.

if you drink organic non-gmo soymilk i find it to be extremely healthy for me.

>> No.4250917
File: 112 KB, 627x449, 1361074913231.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>still believing this shit

I got news for you big guy: You, yes you, as a man, produce estrogen. Crazy, right?! It's a naturally occurring hormone in your body, just like testosterone. The phytoestrogens that your body produces when you ingest soy is negligible.


In fact, it has been shown to have positive effects in deterring prostate cancer

These are just a few of numerous studies done on the subject. As long as you don't have gallons and gallons of the stuff every week, you wont notice any difference. Contrary to popular belief, you will not grow a vagina after finishing that cup of soy milk with your cereal. Keep your diet balanced and varied, and you can enjoy whatever food you want.

>> No.4250936

>implying those studies weren't funded by feminists trying to weaken men.

>> No.4250994


I don't know why, but I laughed really hard at this. Not because I doubt the statement, I just found it funny as fuck. Then I saw the picture in >>4250917 and here I am, still snorting after a long session of laughing like a retard.

Thank you guys.

>> No.4251404

>makes men weaker all around, both personality wise and body wise
>dat bro science

>> No.4252453

I've never even seen hemp milk but id love to try it. heard it was outrageously expensive but whatever, i'll try it once. i usually get almond milk so as to limit my soy intake [i eat a lot of tofu / boca burgers as it is]. rice milk is legit too.

>> No.4252484
File: 68 KB, 480x320, lolol.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


"As of August 2011, current scientific research indicates that
phytoestrogens do not have a negative impact on male hormone balance."

getting fucked up on soy is like getting fucked up by antibiotics or vaccines. it's possible, sure, and there are some horror stories out there, but chances are you're gonna be in the 99.99% of people who experience zero problems. and when compared to the definite irreparable harm being done to you and everyone else on this planet by the dairy/cattle industry, soymilk + tofu are pretty good options.

>> No.4252520

Not going to say anything one way or another on the issue of soy itself, but implicitly trusting nutrition "studies" is not the way to go. Within 10 seconds of checking one of your links I found this:

>M.M. regularly consults for companies that manufacture and/or sell soyfoods and/or isoflavone supplements, and he is the executive director of the Soy Nutrition Institute, a science-based organization that is funded in part by the soy industry and the United Soybean Board.

Nutrition "science" is inseparable from the food/agriculture industry.

This goes for the entire nutrition field. If you look at practically any cited study, it without fail list its funders from food processing and agricultural corporations. It's sad but true, and it means that you have to employ a critical mind when reading what supposed "authorities" tell you.

>> No.4252536

100% agree, I had breakfast in china every day for around 50 cents when I went there just eating that. Delicious as FUCK.

As for the actual topic, I've only ever drank regular milk. I've been meaning to try other kinds though.

>> No.4252548

Meant to say only cow's and soy, but you get the point.

I hope