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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4247051 No.4247051[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

I do all my shopping at a little organic super market or farmer's markets. ~AU$200/week just to feed myself.

Everything I get is as many as possible of the following: free-range, organic (preferably biodynamic), local, seasonal, raw, unprocessed.

Makes me care for & love my food. Love the shopping, love the cooking. Growing interest in the science & practises of organic/free-range/biodynamic farming. Makes me respect the fundamental connection we have to the Earth.

Anyone else feel this way?

>> No.4247059

I prioritize local over organic and don't have as much to spend, but otherwise yeah.

>> No.4247082


Yeh it's pricey. I could have so much more 'stuff' in my life if I ate like everyone else, but this makes me happy. I make it a priority. I understand many people face lesser economic circumstances than I but I sincerely wish that more people who ARE able economically educated themselves & made responsible food choices.

It's the only way.

>> No.4247083

I shop at walmart and eat quality foods. I dated some nutjob woman for a few months who was obsessed with organic everything. She bought her meat and vegetables from some farm and refused to eat non-organic foods. I tried her cooking. It was good - but it wasn't any better than the stuff I buy at Kroger, Meijer or Walmart. Plus, I pay a hell of a lot less.

>> No.4247127

I care more more about employees (re: humans) than the organic, unprocessed, bleh bleh bloo shit. Even organic farm owners treat their Juans like shit. So no, that kind of food doesn't make me feel better.

>> No.4247129

I know people like that. I find it funny when they spend so much more on organic when it barely makes a difference compared to other factors, like local, free-range vs. cage eggs, grass fed beef, etc.

They honestly believe eating anything that isn't organic will kill them or something.

>> No.4247130


Yeh that's pretty retarded. But assuming all that other stuff has been accounted for where possible & the buyer has actually researched what 'organic' means for that particular product - you'd agree it's preferable?


Fair point. So all other factors being equal do you agree trying to eat in a way that respects the general health & sustainability of both the planet & it's human inhabitants for generations to come is a worthwhile thing to do?

>> No.4247133

Depends on how much more the organic costs versus the inorganic. Most of the time it's not (like for meat and fish and stuff), but occasionally it is, so I'll buy it.

>> No.4247136

kind of fucked up what I was trying to say there, but I'm sure you get it.

>> No.4247137

Of course, mate. That's why when I'm not on my parent's quasi-farm I only eat meat about twice a week. I'm also involved in a lot of ~activist~ shit related to this. I really do try...but I can't afford Whole Foods for all my food 365 days a year. I do go there often, but not as much as would be ideal for me.

>> No.4247142 [DELETED] 

Do you get organic condoms there too? You're gonna need them you hippie faggot!

>> No.4247145

I have two aquaintences who eat organic foods due to crohn's disease. Their lives when from shit to normal within a couple of days of making the switch. It's pretty amazing. I don't put forth an effort to restrict myself to organic foods. If some find their way into my shopping cart, that's ok. If not, that's ok too.

I don't judge people by what they eat. If someone is obese and eats 4 bags of Doritos per day, then good - that's what they obviously enjoy. If someone else picks at their food during each meal, that's quite alright. They're putting forth an effort to eat only what they enjoy. What other people eat makes no difference. I don't push my eating habits off on anyone and I pretty much ignore suggestions from others if they're critiquing my diet - which I consider rather healthy. Perhaps cut back a little on alcohol consumption but otherwise, I eat healthily.

tl;dr - eat whatever makes you happy.

>> No.4247174

that's great and all but why is sustainability not on your list?

>> No.4247208

I plan to do the same when I actually have income.

>> No.4247441

As someone studying agriculture I have to tell you "organic" farming is a load of bullshit. At least in the US. I don't know how that shit works for you, honestly.

The amount is spend on food for a week is the amount I spend on food for a month, and I still manage to eat healthy and cook creatively.