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File: 355 KB, 2272x1516, pizza.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
4244739 No.4244739 [Reply] [Original]

This pizza is from a place called Beto's in Pittsburgh.

Would you eat it?

>> No.4244742
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Another example.

>> No.4244741

>Cheese not melted
>Canned Mushrooms
>doesn't even look warm
0/10 would not eat

>> No.4244744

The fuck? Looks like it has spaghetti, a pile of salami and a handful of boiled mushrooms on top.

That looks fucking terrible and it probably tastes just as bad.

>> No.4244748

severely overcooked spaghetti, too from the looks of it

>> No.4244749

>Soggy linguine
>Soggy mushrooms
>Drenched in pepperoni
No thanks

>> No.4244750

Not on purpose

>> No.4244747

Melt the cheese and remove the mushrooms and I'd eat it

>> No.4244753

>plastic plate
So on top of the toppings not being cooked, I'd say this is clearly being served from someone's basement. Not even renovated into a restaurant, I'm saying the person serving this shit doesn't have a license.

>> No.4244756

i don't understand all the hate in this thread.

OP clearly said it was from Pittsburgh. show some sensitivity ppl.

>> No.4244764


not even once

>> No.4244765


i don't think so

>> No.4244769

You're right, this is basically the equivalent of a retard cutting out pieces of cardboard and slapping ketchup and kraft cheese on it and handing it to you saying "look i mad pizza!!!"

>> No.4244883
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>> No.4244886


>tfw in Pittsburgh for college

Feels bad man

>> No.4244889

they should stuff a bunch of undercooked fries in it so all you can taste is potato. that would make it a lot better

>> No.4244919

It looks very undercooked. Looks like Pizza Luncheables, but for adults.

>> No.4244926

Native Pittsburgher here. This is what like 80% of restaurants in tahn serve. Thank fuck there's decent ethnic food.

>> No.4245048


>3.5 stars

>> No.4245051


>> No.4245068
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Only pizza with roots in PA worth trying.

>> No.4245084
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seriously, its like americans are trying to be terrible at food

>> No.4245095


It looks like an antipasto salad on a pizza base. Sounds good to me!

>> No.4245130

>pepperoni flavored sausage
But pepperoni is a sausage... then what is that?

>> No.4245134

>old forge

I'm surprised someone else actually knows what this is. Not your typical pizza, but still unbelievably good nonetheless.

>> No.4245151

America: The only country on Earth to be proud of its poverty.

>> No.4245156

The eastern part of central PA actually has some awesome pizza

>> No.4245181


>drenched in pepperoni

It hurts me that this is actually a good description.

CAPTCHA: diarrhea llytrms

>> No.4245200


How do you form antipasta? Does that require a collider and Higgs Bosons?

>> No.4245213

thats not a pizza
i'd atleast taste it

>> No.4245216

Making antipasta is a lot harder because it requires antiwheat, which is really hard to find in markets for two reasons:
1. It annihilates any form of matter it touches and thus, is hard to store for long periods of time
2. It's not easy to grow without anti-soil and anti-ions which only occur in densely populated anti-matter areas which do not occur naturally in your local area

However, I personally think the taste is far superior, look for it in your local specialty store!

>> No.4245268

strangely enough, I would definitely eat that. It's like a whole new concept of what pizza can be, and I'm not going to be a hater. It just needs to be buffaloized with a little bleu cheese dressing, ranch sauce and some franks hot sauce all up in there.

>> No.4245350
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While I have to agree that whatever is in the OP is disgusting, there's no need to disrespect the champions.

>> No.4247148
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There are some places in NY that sell "cold cheese pizza" - just regular pizza, crust sauce melted cheese etc - but with cold shredded cheese added after baking.

I like it. So I'd give this a chance too.

>> No.4247295


I'd like to hear from more Pittburghers / New Yorkers in this thread. These two types of pizza look disgusting at first glance, but clearly there's something to them if they've developed their own little following. Any testimonies?

>> No.4247326

> cold cheese pizza

Apparently that originated in Oneonta ny. A tiny town in upstate ny. I'm a ny native and have never heard of it untill now, thankfully. Sounds like some fat lazy cunt had a large group of drunks that got loud

>> No.4247327

And didn't want to wait for the pizza to bake.

>> No.4247337


He said they baked the pizza with cheese on it and allowed the pizza to cook and the cheese to melt...AND THEN ADDED THE COLD CHEESE AFTER THE PIZZA WAS READY. So obviously its not someone being too lazy to let the pizza bake.

>> No.4247338 [DELETED] 
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yum yum

>> No.4247340


It looks like it was made by some lazy clod of a fuck. I would eat it if I were drunk, high, desperate, or poor.

Too post-structuralist for my tastes.

Who knows? Maybe a restaurant will have a fun interactive system whereby you can have your pizza baked at your table with a cute little table top oven.

Just kidding. That's a terrible fucking idea. I think this fall under the category of Do it right or Not at all. Cold pizza lel. What next? Pre-chewed steaks? Fermented poo drinks, jk, Korea beat us. Regurgitated ice cream? What a fucking lack of innovation and nonsense.

Pretty much all of the disgust and outrage at such a lazy fucking preposterous idea.

>> No.4247344


Of course I would eat it. This board is pretentious as fuck.

>> No.4247350

No, you see, what you gotta do with pizza is shake on some of that nice parmesan cheese that comes in a can.

>> No.4247357

man that pizza could have fed some homeless people

>> No.4247373

Piksburgher here. Pizza sucks in this city. Ive yet to find a decent slice. Come to think.of it, most food sucks around here.
Previously lived in Philly, NY and DC.

>> No.4247546


I think of that stuff like Tabasco sauce. Not really good as a surface topping, but very serviceable *IN* stuff. Tabasco works wonders in stuff like chili or tomato soup, where it adds heat and the vinegar flavor gets buried. The crappy kraft grated cheese is good when mixed into marinara or alfredo sauce. Adds a salty cheesy kick but keeps you from tasting that it isn't really parmesan at all

>> No.4247596

It's shameful, but I could eat those all day every day given the chance so I just refuse to even acknowledge them when I go shopping.

Back in college I used to buy like 6 at some convenience store and eat them in the parking lot (no mess for me to clean up) drunk off my ass after a night of binge drinking.

>> No.4248262


I think this could actually work. Nice hot-cold contrast. And it's all the same cheese so its not like there would be conflicting flavors.

>> No.4250111


I would.

>> No.4250113

good one faggot!

>> No.4250148


It looks pretty good.

>> No.4250181

Would you pay for it? Pay money for a pizza with cold kraft bagged shredded cheese bathing in canned sauce and covered in canned mushrooms?

You're beter than that, anon.

>> No.4250229
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>> No.4252673


If you don't know what a word means, don't use it.

>> No.4252688

With %100 honesty and good idea: That is ready to go into a 700 degree oven and it would be grand. But it seems that it was served to you raw.

>> No.4252709

>Spend all fucking day miles of home.
>Stop in for a quick but hearty meal before finishing the days errands.
>Some ignorant he-bitch housewife starts griefing us about the lack of freshness.
No seriously, go fuck yourself. I'm sure it tastes delicious as was well worth the price.

>> No.4252963

I was looking on Beto's menu, and what exactly is a Plain Tray, 28 Cuts? Does that mean a plain pizza for 29 bucks, and it's 45 cents for toppings?

Then they have Pizza listed at 1.10/cut? So 1.10 per slice? Then 45 cents for toppings?

I've just never heard Pizza slices called "cuts"

I would eat the shit out of an Onion, Anchovies, and Mushroom slice with extra cheese.

>> No.4253000

After further research I would eat it but i sure as fuck wouldn't order cold canned mushrooms on it.

it's one of those once in a life time experiences that most people don't need to experience in their lifetime.

>> No.4253855

Pittsburgh fag here. Just found a good place yesterday. Milano's on 5th street in Oakland. Right across from the Falk building.

>> No.4253862

canned mushrooms

would not bang

>> No.4253866
File: 83 KB, 640x480, 12 - 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I would, and have. Despite how it may look, it tastes delicious.

Hold the mushrooms though. Not a fan of shrooms on pizza, let alone cold ones.

The pizza isn't cold, they just place the majority of the cheese on after it's been baked.

Pittsburgher here.

Beto's Pizza is it's own, unique thing.
Thick crust, very chunky sauce. The cold cheese thing is weird at first, but it really grows on you. And say you take it to go, and warm it up later; Completely different taste to it.

Also extremely filling. 1 1/2 to 2 slices and you're good for the night.

>> No.4253902

I'm a Pittsburgher too. You try milanos?

>> No.4254032

Not that I can think of. Usually if I'm getting/ordering pizza, which is semi-rare, it's from a local place up the street; or if my father happens to be over, Beto's.