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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4243232 No.4243232 [Reply] [Original]

>At grocery checkout
>cashier picks up my bag of turnips
>completely serious, asks me, "What are these?"
On the bright side, she neglected to ring up like five dollars worth of food.

>> No.4243244

That chain was shit, or she was new, but most cashiers are not that dumb. When I took register training at Fred Meyer, they had us study all the produce they had and take tests on it. We memorized all of the codes, even for odd expensive organic fruits.

>> No.4243250

She asked the other cashiers for the code and they just made fun of her. It was pretty entertaining.

>> No.4243253

Also, turnips are hardly odd or exotic.

>> No.4243265

being a cashier sucks ass

>examine onion
>no sticker
>sir/ma'am, do you know what type of onion this is?
>they stare
>yellow, white, or vidalia? sweet?
>"i didn't even know there were different types!"
>fuck you
>ring it up as an organic vidalia
happened every day

>see a bag of long green veg coming down the belt
>are these zucchini or cucumbers?
>stare, no response
>now i have to spend precious ring time examinging it

>bag of apples
>one of each of six different breeds

>tear a bunch of carrots/celery/whatever in half
>expect to be able to pay half price for this damage

>not knowing if it's organic or not

>not knowing the price and getting mad at me when it rings up

i hated that job

>> No.4243273
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>mfw they can't tell the difference between a cucumber and a zucchini

>> No.4243299

of course i can tell the difference

biggest one is that the zucchini will have the spiky stem remainders at one end

but if the customer can tell me, i can type in the plu as the belt pushes them towards me, weigh, and move on

instead of losting time by having to examine their produce

we had to average 27 rings/items per minute, which is fine with dry goods, but holy SHIT produce WRECKS that

a good customer is as attentive to the cashier as the cashier is the them, and that customer will get out a lot faster than one who is texting or whatever

>> No.4243307

I know that feel all to well friend.

>something doesn't scan
>"I guess it's free lol"
Every time.

>> No.4243311

Man, I'm sorry. I've done apple samplers before just because I was enjoying apples for the first time and I wanted to pin down a favorite breed.

I apologized to the cashier, but I don't know if that helped any.

I forgot to give one my card the other day and she gave me the money I would have saved in cash, before I could even recognize something was wrong. That made me so happy, because she could've just not pointed it out and let me leave missing 10 dollars. Smart, gracious cashiers make my day.

>> No.4243323
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>would you like this in a bag?
>nah, save a plastic tree

>> No.4243334

>Hold 50 or 100 dollar bill up to the light because it's fucking mandatory and I'm accountable if it's fake
>I just printed out that outl this morning!

>Ask customers how they are because no small talk = presumed hostility, I have to
>Eye contact, stony silence

>Customers are having a stupid shitty conversation while I'm ringing their shit up
>Say total out loud
>Swipe their card
>"How much was that again?"

>> No.4243343

I have serious OCD but everywhere I go they don't bag food with regular stuff like soap and misc shit

I can understand not bagging it with raw meat in case the package is leaking but don't get having to bag a box if kleenex separate from strawberries

>> No.4243356
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This happened to me the other day while shopping. Bought some couscous in bulk, and the bags are unlabeled. The cashiers are either supposed to know, or be able to look it up quickly at the register.

>Cashier says "That's weird looking rice."
> Me "It's not rice."
> "Oh, well. Hey, come over here"
>four people come
>"What is this?"
>MFW none of them knew was couscous was when I told them, how to spell it, or what the code was.

>> No.4243361
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>living in a 3rd world country with no self-checkout

>> No.4243365

They're getting PAID to ring up my groceries. Let them fucking earn their paycheck.

>> No.4243374

I could be wrong but the cashier bagging for you seems like a very "american" thing, at least I've never heard of it being done anywhere else. Not sure I'd trust other people to do it for me.

>> No.4243383

But you save time! and time = money. And there's always someone working at the checkout section, helping customers out if needed or checking their groceries to see if they cheated or not.

>> No.4243384

The bagging was irrelevant in this case, because it all needs to the rung up anyway.

>> No.4243387

but everybody working at my local grocery store are people that i kind of knew from high school and i don't want to have to make awkward small talk

>> No.4243398

>buying couscous
I hate couscous. I can't stand it. It's too tiny for my taste. I enjoy bulgur, but I don't go any smaller.

I did find round couscous today though, might try that.

>> No.4243401

sometimes lanes have baggers and sometmes you bag your own

the store Target has the bags in front of the cashier and they bag the things as they get scanned

>> No.4243408

pearl couscous is so nice

but hulled barley is way better

>> No.4243413

That's the fucking worst.
What on earth are you supposed to say?
Good on you sticking with a shitty job for six years?
Are you on managers wages yet?
The only possible good outcome is proving your superiority over them, and that's a pretty weak victory at best.

>> No.4243419

We do that in Ireland too, have our cashiers help us bag our stuff.

>> No.4243424

>be white
>spend childhood in home country them move to and spend formative period in Asia, eating sticky rice
>move to murrca for uni
>go to asian market
>bring bag of sticky rice to the till
>'oh, no this not same rice. you don't know how cook. is different.'
>every time

>> No.4243433

well stop being white then you fag

>> No.4243438

I live in Vancouver up in Canada, most of the cashiers at the asian stores here expect you know what you're doing regardless of skin colour.

There's a lot of asian stores here; it's impossible to not shop at them.

>> No.4243448

Cashier feels. I know them well. I fucking hated it when I had to ask what something was because of a lost sticker or not knowing if it was organic or not, and the customers looks at me like an idiot. I can't risk getting my ass in trouble because of inventory/pricing shit.

Another cashier feel.
>Have a shitton of people with full buggies in my line because other cashiers are lazy fuckers and won't flag them down.
>Be stuck bagging alone on top of that
>Managers have baggers doing everything else in the store except bagging.
>Customers are completely able bodied and just standing there acting impatient and annoyed.
>Most of the time they *need* their groceries piled in these huge, awkward paper bags which are a bitch to deal with.
Shit being a cashier sucks.

>> No.4243449

Fuck your classist bullshit. I haven't gone to college like all my friends from highschool (3 years since) because my parents happen to be way poorer than their parents.

They're basically getting a free ride through college because they're living with their folks and only taking jobs part-time, for frivolous spending money.

I'm out here working my ass off, living hand-to-mouth because my parents kicked me out at 18. It's way harder to get an education that way. Not to say that's impossible, but they certainly aren't superior either. If you've had a head-start over some of your classmates since birth, you don't get to lord it over them when you get farther.

>> No.4243450

>you don't get to lord it over them when you get farther
LOL yes you do, faggot. Go be poor somewhere else.

>> No.4243452


>Be living in central Indiana
>Cashier didn't know what avocados were.

>> No.4243457

Ex-American here.

The cashiers bag your groceries here in Canada, too, but in the US they actually bag your groceries for you and reload your cart for you. There's frequently two people working at each line -- a cashier and a bagger.

>> No.4243460

How is it that cashiers can't identify basic food items?

>> No.4243462

what people don't put my groceries in my cart
that does not surprise me in the slightest

>> No.4243463

I wouldn't be bragging if I won a race against a man with no shoes on, and I had proper sneakers. That's basically what you're doing now. Your accomplishments don't count for shit if you're privileged and have all the opportunities lined up for you, advantages practically flung at you.

>> No.4243469

>What people don't put my groceries in my cart?
The security guards, and a lot of other people. The other shoppers probably don't put groceries in your cart either.

>> No.4243470

And your accomplishments don't count for shit because you don't have any.

>> No.4243472

I'm pretty sure "not sucking at mother's teat" is a bigger accomplishment than a degree in Theater Studies.

>> No.4243477

>doesn't get to go to big boy school
>assumes everyone who does studies bullshit instead of science
Plebs gonna pleb

>> No.4243490

When I was a cashier I didn't know if people were trying to annoy me you they genuinely thought they were being clever with these lines I heard at least ten times a day.
Thank fucking god I'm not a cashier anymore.

>> No.4243492

>. Your accomplishments don't count for shit if you're privileged and have all the opportunities lined up for you

yes they do you bitter poor fuckhead. just because someone had an advantage doesn't mean that they still didn't have to work to get where they are. if you feel held back because of being poor, that sucks and i'm sorry for you, but don't discredit work that other people did just because they had some help at the beginning.

>> No.4243495

I love Vancouver, but alas, I live stateside currently.
If I go to an Indo, Lao or Khmer grocer, I don't have this problem. It's always Vietnamese and Chinese places. Always. I think that they might be the most racist of all Asians. Austronesian-speaking peoples IE Filipino, Indo, Malay, Chamorro etc seem to be the least racist Asians.

If I stopped being white, I'd be pretty blue; it would suck to not be white.

>> No.4243505

Bullfuckingshit they had to work hard.

If your parents are financing college, your grades are likely to be LESS good but you're MORE likely to graduate.

>> No.4243512

>Those people have stuff I can't have! That means they're bad people and I'm better than them!

>> No.4243530

Pay attention to context. Some guy regarded going to college as a victory over classmates who didn't. You can't really regard yourself as superior for having an education because it's not a fucking meritocracy, it's plutocracy (like the rest of America), and anyone who thinks differently is a complete dumbass.

>> No.4243531

>butternut squash

They ask me if this is a squash I say pumpkin.
They ask me if it's a pumpkin I say squash.

>> No.4243536

I always ring them up as bananas.

>> No.4243546

Organic bananas, right?

>> No.4243551

Depends on what kind of squash we're talking about

>> No.4243556

I work a shitty unskilled job that I'm not good at, and people should respect my feelings because I'm too worthless to get a real job or a valuable education.

>> No.4243559

>too stupid to go to a state school and have financial aid pay for entire tuition
>too stupid to get scholarships where you actually make $10k+ per year (CASH IN BANK) just to go to school
Get on my level.

>> No.4243580
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>implying putting up with stuck up assholes like you all day long for 40+ a week while being on your feet all day and ringing up $1,000's of merchandise isn't a 'real' job

I hate you and your entire fucking whining, entitled generation.

>> No.4243590

>working at check out
>customer has variety of common vegetables
>encounter wild vegetable - never seen it my whole life
>ask customer what it is
>"lolidk it looked strange so I picked it
>mfw having to ring up groceries while having 5 customers behind me

>> No.4243593

You're the only one whining.
I'm this guy:
If I were "entitled" I wouldn't be getting tons of free money for being poor and smart, I would already have money.

Face it, you fucked up. You either weren't aware of how easy it is to get a college education, or you are simply stupid. Let me break this down for you:
>Computer Science degree
>State school costs $3500 per semester in tuition
>Federal Pell Grant covers half of that
>Federal subsidized student loan covers the other half
>Scholarships can pay for housing, food, car, and then some
In case you dont know, scholarships are FREE MONEY.

I worked a shit-tier job stocking and cashiering, got promoted to full time with a $2 raise, got tired of that shit after 3 years and simply stopped showing up. Went to college, now I'm just about ready to graduate and I already make more money than I used to without even working.

Trust me, standing around and scanning things is WAY easier than Calculus 2, Set Theory, Discreet Algebra, Theory of Computation, etc. but I'll be making from 60k-120k in no time.

>> No.4243594

I meant to say I'm this guy:

>> No.4243606

who the fuck eats vegies? disgusting

>> No.4243627

This is, of course completely assuming you'll actually 'find' a job after all that schooling.

You can collect all those pretty degrees and frame them on your wall all you like and spend as many years in school as you want.
..but it doesn't guarantee jack shit.

Sadly, i'm not a woman, black, mexican, or have any other handy minority that would guarantee me 'free' anything.

Some people are born in poor families and shitty neighborhoods.
You just gotta play the hand you're dealt and hope for the best.

'Hopes' and 'dreams' are nice, but it doesn't put food on your table.

>> No.4243638

>implying putting up with stuck up assholes like you all day long
Welcome to the real world. Maybe if you pursue a professional career you will have more say in who you wish to deal with.

>for 40+ a week
Okay, so a typical work week for the average worker?

>while being on your feet all day
Yeah, standing is hard lol

You sound like a typical Gen X self-entitled whiner who thinks no one "gets" working a standard minimum wage student job.

>> No.4243639

You sound very ignorant, just saying.

>> No.4243644

>Sadly, I'm neither a minority nor intelligent
>assuming you'll actually 'find' a job
You clearly know nothing about choosing a degree. You see, the secret to finding a job after college is to get a degree in a fast growing / high paying field, like Comp Sci. What you said only really applies to idiots who major in subjects like English and Minority/Women's Gender Studies.

I'm getting one scholarship thats worth $10k a year because I transferred to a state university from community college and had over a 3.0 GPA, thats seriously not hard to get.

>> No.4243645

Spoken like a true blue-collar slob!

I am a grad student and you would not believe how much I make (a significant portion of which is tax-free).

>> No.4243649

First of all, Computer Science sounds like a generic, vague as hell degree that won't necessarily land you a job.

Secondly, I don't qualify for scholarships and my pell grant is low because my parent earn a decent amount of money - they just can't afford to help me with anything, including college, because they are STILL trying to pay off their own student/credit card debt from before I was even born.

Understandably, I am wary of getting student loans.

So with zero scholarships and federal aid, and parents who are too debt-ridden to help, I feel confident in saying that I have major disadvantages to going to college.

People who graduated college have no basis in saying they worked harder than me, or are smarter than me. It's all about your advantages.

>> No.4243652

>What you said only really applies to idiots who major in subjects like English and Minority/Women's Gender Studies.
People who pursue a passion aren't stupid. They may have low job prospects, but who cares? Judging people based on their undergraduate majors is pretty retarded.

>> No.4243654

>because they are STILL trying to pay off their own student/credit card debt from before I was even born.

You are 20+ and your parents are still paying of student loans? Wow, no wonder where you got your fatalistic narrow-minded mentality from.

Seriously though, how is that even fucking possible? Have they paid the principal 10 times over and are too stupid to realize?

>> No.4243657

They probably went to a really expensive school and majored in Women's Studies.
>hurrr they're not stupid

>First of all, Computer Science sounds like a generic, vague as hell degree that won't necessarily land you a job.

>> No.4243659

You're a high school student who delivers sunday newspapers. Stop playing pretend on the internet, sport.

>> No.4243666

>People who graduated college have no basis in saying they worked harder than me, or are smarter than me. It's all about your advantages.
To a degree.

My parents have money and paid for my first year. After that, I worked as a tree planter every summer and part-time at a coffee shop on campus and was able to easily pay my way.

I did well academically and then scored a scholarship and several bursaries.

You can't just throw up your hands and say "it's impossible!" and start going on about minorities.

>> No.4243669

Nope! But if you need to think that to feel better then go for it.

>> No.4243675

I'm 20. They had a sloppy divorce when I was 7. They made poor career choices (like getting a degree in Philosophy, then going to law school, or moving to rural bumfuck towns) and took turns being single parents. It was hard for them to chip away at the debt that way. During my last years of highschool, my dad's wages were being garnished for debt and I was reading about college graduates who would be paying off their student loans for 20-30 years. Somehow, it didn't seem important to me to get good grades and go to college if that was going to be the result. Half of all graduates end up in an irrelevant, low-paying field anyway, with no means to pay off their loans.

It's only now that I'm regularly treated like human trash by my customers that I want to get a degree.

>> No.4243678

Ever since my supermarket installed self checkouts I've used nothing but.

>> No.4243682

I used to love these when I lived in CA, but now nobody has them where I live.
>lines are full
>one old guy at self checkout
>doesn't know how to work it
>he probably should have gotten a computer science degree

>> No.4243690

Where do you live?

>> No.4243708

The state of Washington, why?

>> No.4243710

I would like to pay for your tuition.

>> No.4243715
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>> No.4243718

You should look at high-paying seasonal jobs. They will be intense but you'll end up in great shape with lots of money.

I'm Canadian, so our tuition is significantly lower than that in America. But I am sure you could save for a year, bust your ass for a summer tree planting/fruit picking/surveying/whatever and go to university.

Obviously you are not dumber than people with degrees, but unless you have a great idea, connections, or great luck you will have a better chance at rewarding employment if you have that piece of paper.

I've met quite a few MSc. and some PhD. students that were doing some pretty stupid theses, so it is a shame they will be ranked higher than others because of those letters after their name and not their merit. But that's the way it goes.

>> No.4243721

pay for mine, that guy doesn't even value his own education.

>> No.4243723

I was joking.

>> No.4243725

>not liking couscous
but its the food so nice they named it twice..

>> No.4243733

>be cashier
>bag of either fresh parsley or cilantro
>the bags aren't completely see-through, I can't tell which one it is
>charge her for organic cilantro because it's the most expensive

how the fuck? you obviously bought it for a reason, how do you forget?

>> No.4243742

If I had like $100+ million I would totally do stuff like that just to blow minds of unsuspecting people. I'd send a box of awesome steaks and cheese to poor ramenfags and pay that guys tuition for a year.

>> No.4243817

>itt elitism

>> No.4243827

I understand your pain, probably one of the worst jobs I've had besides washing dishes (Only washer ever). I've had everything in that list happen to me besides the tearing things in half.

>> No.4243864

I love couscous. It's my favorite grain; I don't eat it that much but anytime I make middle eastern or some kinds of Indian I'll make some. So good.

>> No.4243877

>>Federal subsidized student loan covers the other half

>a good option
>getting scholarships that are supposedly enough to pay for 100% of living expenses and still taking out a loan

You could have gotten a shitty job to supplement tuition instead of getting a loan and graduated with no debt.

Enjoy India I guess

>> No.4243894

I work at a grocery store, sometimes have to jump on the register

Don't know the difference between Parsley and Cilantro by appearance, nor Jalapenos and Serrano peppers. I WILL fuck that up, but they cost about the same anyway so fuck you

>> No.4243899


In Australia cashiers bag your items, the default bags are shitty plastic things that tear on a pointy box corner. I have my own bags (yes, I bought them from that store, I always re-use them), which I put on the line ahead of my stuff and the cashier will use my bags.

That said, it'd be interesting to see how some of the impatient fucks I've met in lines at the grocery store deal with having to bag their own food.

>shopping with housemate
>buying house items (essential foods)
>can we split that payment?
>sure, no problem
>loud sigh from behind us

>> No.4243919


Oh, just like to add, I've been using the self-checkouts a lot at Wollies and the produce options have little pictures, so even if I forget what I bought (never happened), I can use that.

Also bagging stuff is annoying.

>> No.4243997

Pick one.

>> No.4244040

Had that happen to me with nappa/Chinese cabbage. She looked at it like it was disgusting, even though when you glance at it, it looks like thick-stalked, light-colored romaine lettuce.

All apples are different prices...everyone knows that. Read the damn prices...I had that issue when working retail, people refusing to read things right in front of their damn face.

If you were just getting green/red/yellow delicious, most stores have all three combined into a prepackaged, prepared bag.

>> No.4244046

why in god would you get a degree in computer science? thats like getting a degree in permanent virginity

>> No.4244067

My fiancee has a Biomedical Science degree, cannot afford pharmacy or graduate school right now, so he's working as a night floor lead at a grocery store. His advisors told him there would be "plentiful jobs, even research jobs" if he didn't go to grad school right away or couldn't afford it. Liars. Your advisors are doing this too. He looked into research jobs, but most were less than he made at the supermarket, no raises, and many wanted FREE LABOR.

You REALLY should have gone into software or computer engineering...No business I know is hiring "comp sci" majors, they all want engineers.

I made it through 3 years of school before my mother got cancer, died, and I had to take care of my nonverbal autistic sister while my father was working 14 hours a day to make up for taking off weeks to help my mother. We had medical debt of $150,000+ [we had insurance, btw, major medical. $150k was only 20% of her actual bills]. I fought that fall for a Pell Grant. By the time my FASFA appeal went through, the semester was over and I owed thousands [still have $3000]. Fed up and exhausted, I'm in the middle of a year hiatus. While on this hiatus, I browsed jobs for veterinarians [my original goal]. After $200k debt and 10 years of school, most vets were only making $50k for 5-10 years right out of school. Nope, not for me. I want to eat, not use all my money to pay for loans. I've settled with going on to be a nurse practitioner or a USDA health inspector...neither of which seem to be jobs I'd be very happy in.

So no, I don't believe your entitled self.

>> No.4244077

More like save for 5 years. My in-state tution at a public university is just under $4000 a semester. Over 5 years that's a lot...Not to mention that many people [like me] support themselves entirely. I pay for my own rent, food, electricity, clothes, taxes, car, etc...so it's taking me a while to save up.

God, I wish we had tution like students in the UK or Canada...

>> No.4244406

>My in-state tution at a public university is just under $4000 a semester. Over 5 years that's a lot...

No it really isn't

>> No.4244694

Because that's where the jobs and the money are at.

>> No.4244697

>studying anything in college other than computer related fields, engineering, or chemistry.
You're own retardation brought this on yourself.

>> No.4244712

>You REALLY should have gone into software or computer engineering...
>No business I know is hiring "comp sci" majors, they all want engineers.

I don't think you know what you're talking about.
software engineering IS computer science.
Computer engineering is focus on the hardware of computers, computer science is focus on the software of computers.

>> No.4244726

It's wheat. It's a grain.

>> No.4244727

Who cares about virginity when I will be programming my own waifu while you're stuck with your shitty real girlfriend.

>> No.4244745

I live in Japan and we not only pay for bags we have to bag our own stuff

>> No.4244757

> I could be wrong but the cashier bagging for you seems like a very "american" thing, at least I've never heard of it being done anywhere else. Not sure I'd trust other people to do it for me.

Yes, and while they are bagging, we clap to to cheer them on.

Seriously, the cashier can't start sending the next customer's groceries through until the person bagging gets all their shit out of the way. They just cashed you out, so they have nothing to do but stand there with everyone else in line, so they may as well help out.

It goes much quicker that way too. Unlike the customer, they don't waste time carefully packing waffles and deli meats as if they were to be shot out of a cannon and land in the customer's front yard intact. They cut the time down 3X as least.

Every once in a while I've seen snooty cocksucker customers stand there with their finger up their ass and not bag anything. Even though the store expects you to bag your own shhit, the cashier has no choice but to bag it up for them. What else to do?

>> No.4244773

A lot of times, the cashier will have an idea what it is and say "this is an avocado, right?" The only time I completely stumped a cashier was with a mango, which is apparently still an exotic fruit in America.

>> No.4244849

lol that was pretty good man

>> No.4244850

>Yes, and while they are bagging, we clap to to cheer them on.
lol'd what an awesome mental image

>> No.4244876

>act friendly, make small talk

Y'all might be working the wrong industry.
I've done a lot of different service jobs, and even if their joke was something I heard all the time I appreciated friendly customers. Save your fucking vitriol for the cuntlords.

>> No.4244902

ah, America!

>> No.4244952

Holy fucking shit, this.

10x per day, the same fucking joke every time.

I don't even get mad even more, just disappointing.

>> No.4245032

lol That's pretty clever. I'm going to start using that.

>> No.4245047

So, you complain because you're not good at your job? If your job is ringing up produce, you should be able to identify it quite easily, and then you push a number.

If you think that's hard, then boy, you've got a surprise when you get a real job.

>> No.4245052
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>> No.4245104

You sound like an impatient cunt, dude.

>> No.4245108
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Well this thread sure devolved.

>> No.4245109


Never said it was hard, said it sucked

>> No.4245114

>What is a trade school?
Even my alcoholic druggie friend applied at a company who actually paid him to go to school. Now he's a CNC Machinist on his way to full pension by retirement age.

Shit, there are companies right now that will pay you to go to school to learn welding.

And nigga, I paid my way through college. I worked every summer since I was 14 and invested it into a school fund.

You don't have any excuse.

>> No.4245128
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>not knowing how to tell YELLOW or WHITE onions apart
>not being able to tell cucumbers and zucchini's apart

>> No.4245129

poor people are awful

>> No.4245140

yeah youre pretty stupid
i was a cashier for about 3 years and if you cant tell the difference between a zucchini and a cucumber then you are fucking retarded.

>> No.4245145


>> No.4245150

Story my professor told me:

She's Chinese/Mexican. She goes to the grocery and and the lady has finished scanning everything. My professor goes to swipe her card. The cashier goes, "The EBT side is the left side of the card scanner." My professor got mad and laid it on the cashier. "Excuse me, I have a phD, how dare you, etc etc"

tl;dr some cashiers are full retard

>> No.4245157

i worked there for six weeks give me a break

it's not like i couldn't tell once i touched them, i just preferred to know ahead of time because
>ring time requirement

>> No.4245166

>at grocery checkout
>cashier picks up my jar of korean yujacha
>"Huh! Didn't know we had this, looks kinda weird!"
>"Yeah, grabbed it from a display over there; figured I'd try it."
>transaction continues as usual


>> No.4245202

and it begins

>> No.4245205

they do that because every other asshole yells at them for putting kleenex with strawberries

>> No.4245206


>> No.4245208

your prof sounds like a total cunt

>> No.4245209


You'll start at 30K per annum, if you're lucky.

Good luck!

>> No.4245222

I tend to get charged for jalapenos for any kind of green chile I get. They're all cheap as hell, so it generally only saves me like 50 cents, but it's still pretty funny to me.

Stupidest thing that's ever happened to me:
>Buy broccoli
>"You know if you had squeezed the air out of that bag, it would weigh less. Would save you some money"
>Me, being nice: "oh, thank. yeah. next time."

>> No.4245233

what about life insurance money and disability money for your sister?

>> No.4245237

>All apples are different prices.
i loved this chinese grocery store i used to go to. i'd stick everything in the same bag and as long as it was the same price by weight they didn't care if it was a different item

>> No.4245241

>tree planting/fruit picking/surveying/whatever and go to university.
last time i checked, fruit picking was not a "high paying" job

>> No.4245256

Man I love self checkouts
>ring walnuts through as peanuts
>ring key limes through as lemons
>ring organic cherry tomatoes through as regular tomatoes
you get the idea
of course it's probably best to pick semi-reasonable things so in case they ever notice you can just play it out as being an idiot. I mean, if you start ringing through things like walnuts as potatoes, then they'd get a lot more suspicious.

>> No.4245270

I think he mean 'high-paying' for the time you spend. Where I live, north suburbs in Illinois, you can sign up for seasonal corn detassling, which pays about $1k for two weeks of work

>> No.4245293

>if you start ringing through things like walnuts as potatoes

>> No.4245317

>implying you read the first sentence, which stated the fiancee being a BioCHEMISTRY major.
>implying nurses, primary school teachers, journalists, business management, accounting, and foreign language majors aren't viable.

There's more to life than computers.

I live in a state that's poor. My sister is on a 2-5 year "waiting list" to be evaluated for federal aid, and a 5+ year waiting list for consideration for state aid. Because it's a mental disability and not a physical one, she's shoved back in line. Mental care in the USA is deplorable. My mother's social security The life insurance went to pay for funeral [basic funerals cost around $10,000], medical bills, and my sister's current education and boarding at an assisted living jobs center. Due to financial fucking by my mother before the cancer, she fucked up any savings we had. Medicaid started coming in for my sister, thankfully, who is also epileptic and on 4 expensive medications.

Fuck yearh, 'murica!

I attend one of the only schools that offers wireless software engineering. They have Computer Engineering, Software Engineering, and Computer Science as separate majors.

I have various fellow students in these majors.

>> No.4245321

>My mother's social security death compensation check was only $300

>> No.4245322


I made a post about this and got ripped on. Fuck yeah anon keep ringing up yellow peppers as green! I love that shit.

>> No.4245342



>> No.4245348

it is one way to get things dirt cheap. Ring through everything as cheap produce.

>> No.4245374


>it is one way to get things dirt cheap. Ring through everything as cheap produce.

yes. i do this all the time. and whenever i visit anyone, friends or family, i make an excuse to go to the bathroom, and slip into their bedroom or office areas and take any cash that i see.

everyone does this, so it's ok.

>> No.4245393

You dick.

>> No.4245401

I'm glad you won't go study CS. We already have too many CS students who just do it for the money and get promoted to all the wrong places.

But what about any other desk job? Accountant? We'll never run out of need for accountants. Or you could get an MBA and shoot for manager or something. Nobody is talking about hopes and dreams, you can be as crabby as you want and still hold a comfortable position somewhere.

>> No.4245426

Might as well just

>> No.4245459
File: 979 KB, 283x151, 1347001160708.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>be cashier
>ringing stuff up
>parsley bunch comes through in a produce bag
>... or is it cilantro?
>not plu tag

>> No.4245463

parsley has pointer leaves where as cilantro is kind of like rounded off
used to drive me nuts when i was a cashier

>"Anon that apple is 69c a pound not 79, why are you charging me wrong!?!"

>> No.4245536
File: 30 KB, 1029x246, Annual Income According To Wikipedia.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That would be $26,000 annually, assuming you took no vacations and never get sick.

>> No.4245550

Be working on till
my lane is closed with a barrier over it so you cannot walk down
taking money from last customer
new cust walks up looks directly at the barrier and starts to unload his shopping onto the belt
I finish up with current customer tidy my till wait a sec and as the cust is almost finished tell him sorry im closed.

This happens all the time I normally tell them sooner but if they look right at the barrier and carry on then they get the long wait.

>> No.4245559

Or you could like.. smell it?

>> No.4245567

>working closing
>ringing up last customer
>lane closed, sign up, light off, barrier closed.
>another register is open with no waiting
>old ass hole walks up
>'Sorry, I'm closed. He can ring you up on the next register."
>"Yeah, I sure am."
>walk away

best part was I was closing manager and was just helping out with the last rush of customers at closing. I gave them the best troll face as he demanded to see the manager and my cashier pointed at me.