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/ck/ - Food & Cooking

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4239812 No.4239812 [Reply] [Original]

Ever steal food?

When I was in college I stole beef jerky, cheese, Pringles, and 20 ozs from the little market at the student union. Shoved into the deep pockets of my overcoat.

There was also a 'food court' type thing where you could get wraps, sandwiches, pizza, burgers, whatever. But you didn't pay at the counter, you paid at a single pair of cashier lines. So I could stuff my pockets full of food then just get a 20 oz and pay for that.

Did it all summer until they finally caught me. No punishment though, they just told me to never come back. That was fine since I had just graduated and was leaving anyway.

>> No.4239831
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well, technically I didn't steal my meat last week.
I went to the store for some rib-eye steaks 2 weeks ago, massive discount (being poorfag) but sold out. went to the cashier and he gave me a coupon for a week, so i could buy it with discount even when the sale was over. went to the store last week, bought 2 steaks, showed coupon, and the cashier gave me cash-back. when I tried to explain that i hadn't paid yet, he told me that the voucher says that there was €10 discount, and the value of the steaks i had was only €8,93
>mfw previous cashier fucked up hard
>mfw new cashier thinks it's okay

long live my supermarket, free meat and €1 profit

>> No.4239834

I did the Banana self checkout thing once when the person in charge of the self checkout was preoccupied.

>> No.4239835

We robbed a bunch of meat from the back of a delivery truck before. Snatch and grab, old school, done in 30 seconds.I got a bunch of steaks and some chicken thighs and legs.

>> No.4239851
File: 27 KB, 300x480, 701980,217680,highRes,maxh,480,maxw,480,Prost+Jetzt+gibt%2527s+auch+Chips+mit+Bier-Geschmack.+%25282733752686%2529[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I stole chocolate bars every now and then when I was a child.

>> No.4239854

That's not robbery, little guy. But now I see why you have to steal shit instead of getting a job and earning the money to buy it yourself - you're uneducated.

>> No.4239859

I work in a hospital. One of my coworkers tried to steal a hardboiled egg by hiding it in a cup. They caught her and fired her for it. I used to steal crackers for my chili but I don't do that anymore.

>> No.4239861

>getting fired over an egg
that's hilarious

>> No.4239864

nah i'm not a nigger, however i got a free coke which fell of a cart one time.

>> No.4239865

No it isn't. That person has shown willingness to steal from her employer.
I have had employees of mine arrested for similar things.

>> No.4239867
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>they caught her and fired her for it.
dem niggas serious?

>> No.4239869

Used to steal from the cafeteria in high school all the time till they brought in security cameras. But I never pay for gum or cheap shit like cookies in supermarkets because it's so easy to just slip into your pocket.

>> No.4239873

You misunderstood me. I wasn't trying to say she shouldn't have been fired, I just imagined someone asking her why she lost her job, and her having to look them in the eye and say she got fired for stealing a hard boiled egg from a hospital.

>> No.4239880

I've arrested two people on separate occasions for stealing a 50 cent newspaper from the machines on the corner. Both of them put 50 cents in and took two papers. Theft is theft. You are 100% correct. If someone is willling to demonstrate criminal activity involving moral turpitude then they should always be untrustworthy.

>> No.4239881

More likely she will claim racism. Just a hunch.

>> No.4239890

wow the political correctness.
furthermore: you pay 50 cent for the door to open, so you might as well take all of them.

>> No.4239894

>trying to justify stealing

>> No.4239904

>honesty and integrity is now political correctness
It really is like Bizarro world out there.

>> No.4239905

The signs, stenciled in big, hi-vis, sesame street block letters, clearly read TAKE ONE.

But thieves like you always try to justify your pathetic actions.

>> No.4239911

I never tried to justify it. I did it because I could.

There was a time when I would have applied that reasoning to just about anything - murder, rape, random sadism. I'm a better person now though.

>> No.4239920

so, concluding: a person who works for you, and generates profit to the company is a mayor thread, because if he steals a hard-boiled egg, a paper or a 2nd cookie during the coffee-break, he shows that he's not trustworthy? wow, yeah, next time he may steal, say, a paperclip for personal use, or even worse: he prints out his son's homework because the home-printer ran out of ink. you're right, lock'em up, 10 years jail, deathrow to that motherfucker.

>> No.4239924

Correct. You cannot trust thieves. Now you're catching on.

>> No.4239923

I don't know about all that but they aren't working for me anymore. Deal with it or stay jobless.

>> No.4239939

>printing out personal stuff on work computer

I do that shit all the time and I'm sure my boss does too.

>> No.4239967

I stole cookies and ice cream sandwiches from the school cafe in high school

Shit is expensive when you have negative income

>> No.4239973

Yeah because the term "rob" isn't ever used colloquially or metaphorically or anything.

>> No.4239985

By uneducated people, yes. But it's like saying, "I pick-pocketed a car from the parking lot and took it to the chop-shop." It's just plainly the wrong term.

There's theft, robbery and burglary. If you have such a simple mind to not undestand those hyper-simple terms then you merit ridicule.

>> No.4239997

you are really gay dude

>> No.4240034

I once had a bartender stop serving me after 3-4 beers because she thought I had enough. I wasn't even being out of line. So I stole a wooden monkey statue they had sitting out front.

>> No.4240049
File: 26 KB, 362x263, you talk like a fag.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When people point out how dumb you are, try to insult them, am I right?

You'd fit right in with these guys.

>> No.4240047

pics, now. thats fucking hilarious.

>> No.4240057

I stole a 50 cent packet of agar agar powder once.


>> No.4240667

one time I took some avocados someone left at the end of the belt at the grocery stores self checkout.

>> No.4240703

I stole chocolate bars all the time at one of my old job years ago. Easy because I had large pockets and where we stored them was in a blind spot to the other employees, so when I restocked the shelf near my register I would just slip a few in my pocket.
And it's true, they taste better when they're free.

>> No.4240749

last semester I got into a bad habit of stealing these extremely overpriced granola bars whenever I passed by the school cafe, since it was easy and I had no time to eat- had 12 hour class days. I also stole a couple apples from there too. It's just so easy in the winter when everyone's walking around with huge coats on.

When I lived in the dorms there was a soda machine which gave you extra sodas when you just pressed the button multiple times. Once I got like 4 sodas from it.

Haven't done it yet this semester.

>> No.4240774

I once stole a small jar of Bovril from Sainsbury's. I felt bad about it but I don't regret it. That Bovril gave my plain boiled rice flavour when I ran out of food.

>> No.4240857

Used to fold two chick-fil-a sandwiches in my newspaper at the student union and check out with an apple and a water. But, like stealing fine cheese from the grocery like I posted in the other thread, I had to give that up.

>> No.4240862

I stole a couple gumballs once from a place on Long Island NY, I still feel guilty for it this day.

My older cousin made me do it. It was like fucking two gumballs, and if the people were still in business I'd go out there and pay them back.

My stupid older cousins were always trying to get me into trouble to deflect off of their own neferious schemes because I was the poor but smart one.

>> No.4240904

I used to steal little shit back in college, when I realized that there was no way I could afford my 50k/yr education like I thought I could. I took my stress out by getting little candy bars, snacks, etc.Eventually I moved up to stealing clothes, when got caught.

I was incredibly lucky that they didn't press charges.